TLV62595, 2.5-V to 5.5-V Input, 4-A Step-Down Converter with 1% Output Accuracy in
1.5-mm × 1.5-mm QFN Package
1 Features
•Up to 97% efficiency
•Low R
power switches 26 mΩ / 25 mΩ
•2.5-V to 5.5-V input voltage range
•Adjustable output voltage from 0.6 V to 4 V
•1% feedback voltage accuracy (full temperature
•DCS-control topology
•Power save mode for light load efficiency
•100% duty cycle for lowest dropout
•10-μA operating quiescent current
•2.2-MHz typical switching frequency
•Short circuit protection (HICCUP)
•Active output discharge
•Power good output
•Thermal shutdown protection
•Create a custom design using the TLV62595 with
the WEBENCH® Power Designer
2 Applications
•Solid state drive
•Portable electronics
•IP network camera
•Industrial PC
•Multifunction printers
3 Description
The TLV62595 is a high-frequency synchronous stepdown converter optimized for compact solution size
and high efficiency. The device integrates switches
capable of delivering an output current up to 4 A. At
medium to heavy loads, the converter operates in
pulse width modulation (PWM) mode with typical 2.2MHz switching frequency. At light load, the device
automatically enters Power Save Mode (PSM) to
maintain high efficiency over the entire load current
range with a quiescent current as low as 10-µA.
Based on the DCS Control topology, it provides a fast
transient response. The internal reference regulates
the output voltage down to 0.6 V with a high feedback
voltage accuracy of 1% over the junction temperature
range of –40°C to 125°C. The entire solution requires
a small 470-nH inductor, a single 4.7-μF input
capacitor and three 10-μF or single 47-μF output
The device is available in a 6-pin 1.5-mm x 1.5-mm
QFN package, offering a high power density solution.
Device Information
TLV625956-Pin VSON-HR1.5 mm x 1.5 mm
(1)For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
over operating temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Pin voltage
Pin voltage
Pin voltage
Pin voltage
TemperatureOperating Junction, T
TemperatureStorage, T
(1)Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Rating may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
(2)All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal
(3)While switching
VIN, FB, EN, PG– 0.36V
SW (DC)– 0.3VIN + 0.3V
SW (DC, in current limit)– 1VIN + 0.3
SW (AC, less than 10ns)
only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under
Recommended Operating Condition. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device
6.2 ESD Ratings
Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC
Electrostatic discharge
Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC
– 2.510V
(1)JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2)JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
Over operating temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Input voltage range2.55.5V
Output voltage range0.64.0V
Output curent range04A
Pull-up resistor voltage5.5V
Sink current at PG pin1mA
Operating junction temperature–40125°C
The TLV62595 are synchronous step-down converters based on the DCS-Control topology with an adaptive
constant on-time control and a stabilized switching frequency. It operates in PWM (pulse width modulation) mode
for medium to heavy loads and in PSM (power save mode) at light load conditions, keeping the output voltage
ripple small. The nominal switching frequency is about 2.2 MHz with a small and controlled variation over the
input voltage range. As the load current decreases, the converter enters PSM, reducing the switching frequency
to keep efficiency high over the entire load current range. Since combining both PWM and PSM within a single
building block, the transition between modes is seamless and without effect on the output voltage. The devices
offer both excellent dc voltage and fast load transient regulation, combined with a very low output voltage ripple.
At load currents larger than half the inductor ripple current, the device operates in pulse width modulation in
continuous conduction mode (CCM). The PWM operation is based on an adaptive constant on-time control with
stabilized switching frequency. To achieve a stable switching frequency in a steady state condition, the on-time is
calculated as:
7.3.2 Power Save Mode (PSM) Operation
To maintain high efficiency at light loads, the device enters power save mode (PSM) at the boundary to
discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). This happens when the output current becomes smaller than half of the
ripple current of the inductor. The device operates now with a fixed on-time and the switching frequency further
decreases proportionally to the load current. It can be calculated as:
In PSM, the output voltage rises slightly above the nominal target, which can be minimized using larger output
capacitance. At duty cycles larger than 90%, the device may not enter PSM. The device maintains output
regulation in PWM mode.
7.3.3 Minimum Duty Cycle and 100% Mode Operation
There is no limitation for small duty cycles, since even at very low duty cycles, the switching frequency is
reduced as needed to always ensure a proper regulation.
If the output voltage level comes close to the input voltage, the device enters 100% mode. While the high-side
switch is constantly turned on, the low-side switch is switched off. The difference between VIN and VOUT is
determined by the voltage drop across the high-side FET and the dc resistance of the inductor. The minimum
VIN that is needed to maintain a specific VOUT value is estimated as:
= Minimum input voltage to maintain an output voltage
= Maximum output current
= High-side FET ON-resistance
•RL = Inductor ohmic resistance (DCR)
7.3.4 Soft Start
About 250 μs after EN goes high, the internal soft-start circuitry controls the output voltage during start-up. This
avoids excessive inrush current and ensures a controlled output voltage ramp. It also prevents unwanted voltage
drops from high-impedance power sources or batteries. The TLV62595 can start into a pre-biased output.
7.3.5 Switch Current Limit and HICCUP Short-Circuit Protection
The switch current limit prevents the device from drawing excessive current in case of externally-caused
overcurrent or short circuit condition. Due to an internal propagation delay (typically 60 ns), the actual ac peak
current can exceed the static current limit during that time.
If the current limit threshold is reached, the device delivers its maximum output current. Detecting this condition
for 32 switching cycles (about 13 μs), the device turns off the high-side MOSFET for about 100 μs which allows
the inductor current to decrease through the low-side MOSFET's body diode and then restart again with a soft
start cycle. As long as the overload condition is present, the device hiccups that way, limiting the output power.
7.3.6 Undervoltage Lockout
The undervoltage lockout (UVLO) function prevents misoperation of the device, if the input voltage drops below
the UVLO threshold. It is set to about 2.2 V with a hysteresis of typically 160 mV.
7.3.7 Thermal Shutdown
The junction temperature (TJ) of the device is monitored by an internal temperature sensor. If TJ exceeds 150°C
(typ.), the device goes in thermal shutdown with a hysteresis of typically 20°C. Once the TJ has decreased
enough, the device resumes normal operation.
7.4 Device Functional Modes
7.4.1 Enable, Disable and Output Discharge
The device starts operation, when Enable (EN) is set High. The input threshold levels are typically 0.9 V for
rising and 0.7 V for falling signals. Do not leave EN floating. Shutdown is forced if EN is pulled low with a
shutdown current of typically 50 nA. During shutdown, the internal power MOSFETs as well as the entire control
circuitry, are turned off and the output voltage is actively discharged through the SW pin by a current sink.
Therefore VIN must remain present for the discharge to function.
7.4.2 Power Good
The TLV62595 has a built-in power good (PG) function. The PG pin goes high impedance, when the output
voltage has reached its nominal value. Otherwise, including when disabled, in UVLO or in thermal shutdown, PG
is low (see Table 7-1). The PG function is formed with a window comparator, which has an upper and lower
voltage threshold. The PG pin is an open-drain output and is specified to sink up to 1 mA. The power good
output requires a pullup resistor connecting to any voltage rail less than 5.5 V.
The PG signal can be used for sequencing of multiple rails by connecting it to the EN pin of other converters.
Leave the PG pin unconnected when not used. The PG rising edge has a 100-µs blanking time and the PG
falling edge has a deglitch delay of 20 µs.
Table 7-1. PG Pin Logic
EN = High, VFB ≥ 0.576 V√
ShutdownEN = Low√
Thermal ShutdownTJ > T
UVLO0.7 V < VIN < V
Power Supply RemovalVIN < 0.7 V√
EN = High, VFB ≤ 0.552 V√
EN = High, VFB ≤ 0.63 V√
EN = High, VFB ≥ 0.66 V√