Check for Samples: TAS5707 TAS5707A
•Audio Input/Output
– 20-W Into an 8-Ω Load From an 18-V Supply– Autobank Switching: Preload Coefficients
– Wide PVDD Range, From 8 V to 26 V
– Efficient Class-D Operation Eliminates
Need for Heatsinks
– Requires Only 3.3 V and PVDD
– One Serial Audio Input (Two Audio
– Supports 8-kHz to 48-kHz Sample Rate
•Audio/PWM Processing
– Independent Channel Volume Controls With
24 dB to Mute
– Soft Mute (50% Duty Cycle)
– Programmable Dynamic Range Control
– 14 Programmable Biquads for Speaker EQ
and Other Audio Processing Features
– Programmable Coefficients for DRC Filters
– DC Blocking Filters
•General Features
– Serial Control Interface Operational Without
MCLKThe TAS5707 is a slave-only device receiving all
Be Used As Power Limiter. Enables
Speaker Protection, Easy Listening,
Night-Mode Listening
for Different Sample Rates. No Need to
Write New Coefficients to the Part When
Sample Rate Changes.
– Autodetect: Automatically Detects
Sample-Rate Changes. No Need for
External Microprocessor Intervention
•iPod™ Dock
•Sound Bar
The TAS5707 is a 20-W, efficient, digital-audio power
amplifier for driving stereo bridge-tied speakers. One
serial data input allows processing of up to two
discrete audio channels and seamless integration to
most digital audio processors and MPEG decoders.
The device accepts a wide range of input data and
data rates. A fully programmable data path routes
these channels to the internal speaker drivers.
clocks from external sources. The TAS5707 operates
with a PWM carrier between a 384-kHz switching rate
and 352-KHz switching rate, depending on the input
fourth-order noise shaper provides a flat noise floor
and excellent dynamic range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz..
The TAS5707A is identical in function to the HTQFP
packaged TAS5707, but has a unique I2C device
address. The address of the TAS5707 is 0x36. The
address of the TAS5707A is 0x3A.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
2iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc.
3All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with
appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more
susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
AGND30PAnalog ground for power stage
AVDD13P3.3-V analog power supply
AVSS9PAnalog 3.3-V supply ground
BST_A4PHigh-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge A
BST_B43PHigh-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge B
BST_C42PHigh-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge C
BST_D33PHigh-side bootstrap supply for half-bridge D
DVDD27P3.3-V digital power supply
DVSSO17POscillator ground
DVSS28PDigital ground
FAULT14DOBackend error indicator. Asserted LOW for over temperature, over
GND29PAnalog ground for power stage
GVDD_OUT5, 32PGate drive internal regulator output
LRCLK20DI5-VPulldownInput serial audio data left/right clock (sample rate clock)
MCLK15DI5-VPulldownMaster clock input
NC8–No connection
OC_ADJ7AOAnalog overcurrent programming. Requires resistor to ground.
OSC_RES16AOOscillator trim resistor. Connect an 18.2-kΩ 1% resistor to DVSSO.
OUT_A1OOutput, half-bridge A
OUT_B46OOutput, half-bridge B
OUT_C39OOutput, half-bridge C
OUT_D36OOutput, half-bridge D
PDN19DI5-VPullupPower down, active-low. PDN prepares the device for loss of power
PGND_AB47, 48PPower ground for half-bridges A and B
PGND_CD37, 38PPower ground for half-bridges C and D
PLL_FLTM10AOPLL negative loop filter terminal
PLL_FLTP11AOPLL positive loop filter terminal
PVDD_A2, 3PPower supply input for half-bridge output A
PVDD_B44, 45PPower supply input for half-bridge output B
PVDD_C40, 41PPower supply input for half-bridge output C
PVDD_D34, 35PPower supply input for half-bridge output D
RESET25DI5-VPullupReset, active-low. A system reset is generated by applying a logic low
SCL24DI5-VI2C serial control clock input
SCLK21DI5-VPulldownSerial audio data clock (shift clock). SCLK is the serial audio port input
SDA23DIO5-VI2C serial control data interface input/output
SDIN22DI5-VPulldownSerial audio data input. SDIN supports three discrete (stereo) data
current, over voltage, and under voltage error conditions. De-asserted
upon recovery from error condition.
supplies by shutting down the noise shaper and initiating PWM stop
to this pin. RESET is an asynchronous control signal that restores the
DAP to its default conditions, and places the PWM in the hard mute
state (tristated).
data bit clock.
(1) TYPE: A = analog; D = 3.3-V digital; P = power/ground/decoupling; I = input; O = output
(2) All pullups are weak pullups and all pulldowns are weak pulldowns. The pullups and pulldowns are included to assure proper input logic
levels if the pins are left unconnected (pullups → logic 1 input; pulldowns → logic 0 input).
SSTIMER6AIControls ramp time of OUT_X to minimize pop. Leave this pin floating
STEST26DIFactory test pin. Connect directly to DVSS.
VR_ANA12PInternally regulated 1.8-V analog supply voltage. This pin must not be
VR_DIG18PInternally regulated 1.8-V digital supply voltage. This pin must not be
VREG31PDigital regulator output. Not to be used for powering external circuitry.
for BD mode. Requires capacitor of 2.2 nF to GND in AD mode. The
capacitor determines the ramp time.
used to power external devices.
used to power external devices.
over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Supply voltage
Input voltage
OUT_x to PGND_X32
BST_x to PGND_X43
Input clamp current, I
Output clamp current, I
Operating free-air temperature0 to 85°C
Operating junction temperature range0 to 150°C
Storage temperature range, T
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operation conditions are
not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) 5-V tolerant inputs are PDN, RESET, SCLK, LRCLK, MCLK, SDIN, SDA, and SCL.
(3) Maximum pin voltage should not exceed 6.0Vele
(4) DC voltage + peak ac waveform measured at the pin should be below the allowed limit for all conditions.
DVDD, AVDD–0.3 to 3.6V
PVDD_X–0.3 to 30V
OC_ADJ–0.3 to 4.2V
3.3-V digital input–0.5 to DVDD + 0.5V
5-V tolerant
over recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted)
Frequency, SCLK 32 × fS, 48 × fS, 64 × f
Setup time, LRCLK to SCLK rising edge10ns
Hold time, LRCLK from SCLK rising edge10ns
Setup time, SDIN to SCLK rising edge10ns
Hold time, SDIN from SCLK rising edge10ns
LRCLK frequency84848kHz
SCLK duty cycle40%50%60%
LRCLK duty cycle40%50%60%
SCLK rising edges between LRCLK rising edges3264
tr /ns
LRCLK clock edge with respect to the falling edge of SCLK–1/41/4
Timing characteristics for I2C Interface signals over recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted)
Frequency, SCLNo wait states400kHz
Pulse duration, SCL high0.6μs
Pulse duration, SCL low1.3μs
Rise time, SCL and SDA300ns
Fall time, SCL and SDA300ns
Setup time, SDA to SCL100ns
Hold time, SCL to SDA0ns
Bus free time between stop and start condition1.3μs
Setup time, SCL to start condition0.6μs
Hold time, start condition to SCL0.6μs
Setup time, SCL to stop condition0.6μs
Load capacitance for each bus line400pF
Control signal parameters over recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted). Please refer to Recommended
Use Model section on usage of all terminals.
NOTE: On power up, it is recommended that the TAS5707 RESET be held LOW for at least 100 μs after DVDD has reached
3.0 V
NOTE: If the RESET is asserted LOW while PDN is LOW, then the RESET must continue to be held LOW for at least 100 μs
after PDN is deasserted (HIGH).
Pulse duration, RESET active100us
Time to enable I2C13.5ms
Figure 5. Reset Timing
To facilitate system design, the TAS5707 needs only a 3.3-V supply in addition to the (typical) 18-V power-stage
supply. An internal voltage regulator provides suitable voltage levels for the gate drive circuitry. Additionally, all
circuitry requiring a floating voltage supply, e.g., the high-side gate drive, is accommodated by built-in bootstrap
circuitry requiring only a few external capacitors.
In order to provide good electrical and acoustical characteristics, the PWM signal path for the output stage is
designed as identical, independent half-bridges. For this reason, each half-bridge has separate bootstrap pins
(BST_X), and power-stage supply pins (PVDD_X). The gate drive voltages (GVDD_AB and GVDD_CD) are
derived from the PVDD voltage. Special attention should be paid to placing all decoupling capacitors as close to
their associated pins as possible. In general, inductance between the power-supply pins and decoupling
capacitors must be avoided.
For a properly functioning bootstrap circuit, a small ceramic capacitor must be connected from each bootstrap pin
(BST_X) to the power-stage output pin (OUT_X). When the power-stage output is low, the bootstrap capacitor is
charged through an internal diode connected between the gate-drive regulator output pin (GVDD_X) and the
bootstrap pin. When the power-stage output is high, the bootstrap capacitor potential is shifted above the output
potential and thus provides a suitable voltage supply for the high-side gate driver. In an application with PWM
switching frequencies in the range from 352 kHz to 384 kHz, it is recommended to use 33-nF ceramic capacitors,
size 0603 or 0805, for the bootstrap supply. These 33-nF capacitors ensure sufficient energy storage, even
during minimal PWM duty cycles, to keep the high-side power stage FET (LDMOS) fully turned on during the
remaining part of the PWM cycle.
Special attention should be paid to the power-stage power supply; this includes component selection, PCB
placement, and routing. As indicated, each half-bridge has independent power-stage supply pins (PVDD_X). For
optimal electrical performance, EMI compliance, and system reliability, it is important that each PVDD_X pin is
decoupled with a 100-nF ceramic capacitor placed as close as possible to each supply pin.
The TAS5707 is fully protected against erroneous power-stage turnon due to parasitic gate charging.
Any fault resulting in device shutdown is signaled by the FAULT pin going low (see Table 1). A sticky version of
this pin is available on D1 of register 0X02.
Table 1. FAULT Output States
0Overcurrent (OC) or undervoltage (UVP) error or overtemperature error (OTE) or over
1No faults (normal operation)
voltage ERROR
Overcurrent (OC) Protection With Current Limiting
The device has independent, fast-reacting current detectors on all high-side and low-side power-stage FETs. The
detector outputs are closely monitored by two protection systems. The first protection system controls the power
stage in order to prevent the output current further increasing, i.e., it performs a cycle-by-cycle current-limiting
function, rather than prematurely shutting down during combinations of high-level music transients and extreme
speaker load impedance drops. If the high-current condition situation persists, i.e., the power stage is being
overloaded, a second protection system triggers a latching shutdown, resulting in the power stage being set in
the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state. The device returns to normal operation once the fault condition (i.e., a short
circuit on the output) is removed. Current limiting and overcurrent protection are not independent for half-bridges.
That is, if the bridge-tied load between half-bridges A and B causes an overcurrent fault, half-bridges A, B, C,
and D are shut down.
The TAS5707 has a two-level temperature-protection system that asserts an active-high warning signal (OTW)
when the device junction temperature exceeds 125°C (nominal) and, if the device junction temperature exceeds
150°C (nominal), the device is put into thermal shutdown, resulting in all half-bridge outputs being set in the
high-impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT being asserted low. The TAS5707 recovers from shutdown
automatically once the temperature drops approximately 30°C. The overtemperature warning (OTW) is disabled
once the temperature drops approximately 25°C.
Undervoltage Protection (UVP) and Power-On
Reset (POR)
The UVP and POR circuits of the TAS5707 fully protect the device in any power-up/down and brownout situation.
While powering up, the POR circuit resets the overload circuit (OLP) and ensures that all circuits are fully
operational when the PVDD and AVDD supply voltages reach 7.6 V and 2.7 V, respectively. Although PVDD and
AVDD are independently monitored, a supply voltage drop below the UVP threshold on AVDD or either PVDD
pin results in all half-bridge outputs immediately being set in the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT being
asserted low.
The SSTIMER pin uses a capacitor connected between this pin and ground to control the output duty cycle when
exiting all-channel shutdown. The capacitor on the SSTIMER pin is slowly charged through an internal current
source, and the charge time determines the rate at which the output transitions from a near zero duty cycle to the
desired duty cycle. This allows for a smooth transition that minimizes audible pops and clicks. When the part is
shutdown the drivers are tristated and transition slowly down through a 3K resistor, similarly minimizing pops and
clicks. The shutdown transition time is independent of SSTIMER pin capacitance. Larger capacitors will increase
the start-up time, while capacitors smaller than 2.2 nF will decrease the start-up time. The SSTIMER pin should
be left floating for BD modulation.
The TAS5707 is a slave device. It accepts MCLK, SCLK, and LRCLK. The digital audio processor (DAP)
supports all the sample rates and MCLK rates that are defined in the clock control register .
The TAS5707 checks to verify that SCLK is a specific value of 32 fS, 48 fS, or 64 fS. The DAP only supports a 1 ×
fSLRCLK. The timing relationship of these clocks to SDIN is shown in subsequent sections. The clock section
uses MCLK or the internal oscillator clock (when MCLK is unstable, out of range, or absent) to produce the
internal clock (DCLK) running at 512 time the PWM switching frequency.
The DAP can autodetect and set the internal clock control logic to the appropriate settings for all supported clock
rates as defined in the clock control register.
TAS5707 has robust clock error handling that uses the bulit-in trimmed oscillator clock to quickly detect
changes/errors. Once the system detects a clock change/error, it will mute the audio (through a single step mute)
and then force PLL to limp using the internal oscillator as a reference clock. Once the clocks are stable, the
system will auto detect the new rate and revert to normal operation. During this process, the default volume will
be restored in a single step (also called hard unmute). The ramp process can be programmed to ramp back
slowly (also called soft unmute) as defined in volume register (0X0E).
Serial data is input on SDIN. The PWM outputs are derived from SDIN. The TAS5707 DAP accepts serial data in
16-, 20-, or 24-bit left-justified, right-justified, and I2S serial data formats.
PWM Section
The TAS5707 DAP device uses noise-shaping and sophisticated non-linear correction algorithms to achieve high
power efficiency and high-performance digital audio reproduction. The DAP uses a fourth-order noise shaper to
increase dynamic range and SNR in the audio band. The PWM section accepts 24-bit PCM data from the DAP
and outputs two BTL PWM audio output channels.