User's Guide
SLOU219 – February 2008
TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator
This manual describes the operation of the TAS5601EVM evaluation module from Texas Instruments.
1 Purpose of This Document ................................................................................................. 3
2 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 TAS5601EVM and MC5601 Features ........................................................................... 4
3 Installation .................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Software Installation ................................................................................................ 5
3.2 EVM Installation ..................................................................................................... 5
4 Using the EVM Software .................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Getting Started ...................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Setup Tab ............................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Volume Tab ........................................................................................................ 12
5 EQ/DRC Tool Installation.................................................................................................. 13
5.1 TI ALE Guide for TAS570x ....................................................................................... 13
5.2 Edit EQ Filter ....................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Edit and Generate DRC Data .................................................................................... 17
5.4 Save EQ/DRC/Alpha Data to File .............................................................................. 19
6 Jumpers and Control Utilities ............................................................................................. 20
6.1 Switches ............................................................................................................ 20
7 Board Layouts, Bill of Materials, and Schematics ..................................................................... 21
7.1 TAS5601EVM Board Layouts ................................................................................... 21
7.2 Bill of Materials .................................................................................................... 22
7.3 Schematics ......................................................................................................... 22
8 Related Documentation From Texas Instruments ..................................................................... 23
List of Figures
1 TAS5601EVM4 Printed-Circuit Board ..................................................................................... 3
2 EVM Controller Board (MC5601) .......................................................................................... 4
3 Complete System and EVM Signal Path Overview ..................................................................... 4
4 Setup Tab ..................................................................................................................... 7
5 Volume Tab ................................................................................................................... 8
6 EQ Viewer Tab ............................................................................................................... 9
7 DRC Viewer Tab ............................................................................................................. 9
8 EQ/DRC Demo Tab ........................................................................................................ 10
9 I
10 I
11 Volume Control Tab ........................................................................................................ 12
12 Top Silk Screen View ...................................................................................................... 21
13 Bottom Silk Screen View .................................................................................................. 21
1 Recommended Power Supplies ........................................................................................... 5
2 Bill of Materials for TAS5601EVM ....................................................................................... 22
SLOU219 – February 2008 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit 1
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C Single Byte .............................................................................................................. 11
C Multiple Byte ............................................................................................................ 11
List of Tables

3 Related Documentation from Texas Instruments ...................................................................... 23
2 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit SLOU219 – February 2008
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1 Purpose of This Document
This user's guide describes how to use the TAS5601 evaluation module (EVM) to evaluate performance of
the TAS5601 device. The document contains the following.
• Details of how to properly set up an MC5601 modulator kit.
• Details of how to install and use the GUI to program the TAS5601
2 Overview
The TAS5601EVM evaluation module (EVM) demonstrates the TAS5601 device from Texas Instruments.
The TAS5601 contains a class-D audio power amplifier. For detailed information about the TAS5601
device, review the device data sheet (SLAS585) . The TAS5601 is designed to drive two 8- Ω loudspeakers
at up to 20 W per channel (10% THD+N) in BTL configuration from an 18-V supply. Figure 2 shows a
picture of the MC5601 modulator kit. The MC5601 provides power, data, and I2C control to the
TAS5601EVM board.
The EVM software with its graphic user interface facilitates evaluation by providing access to the TAS5601
registers through a USB port. Refer to the Using the EVM Software section for further details.
Figure 1 shows a picture of the TAS5601EVM evaluation module.
Purpose of This Document
Figure 1. TAS5601EVM4 Printed-Circuit Board
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2CH AnalogInput
2.1 TAS5601EVM and MC5601 Features
Figure 2. EVM Controller Board (MC5601)
The TAS5601EVM is a complete 2-channel digital audio amplifier system. Also included in the kit is a
MC5601 board that includes a USB interface, a digital input (SPDIF), analog inputs via the ADC, and other
features like a mute function and power down. The TAS5601EVM can be used as a stand-alone board by
wiring it into a system or it can be connected to the MC5601 board for a complete evaluation platform.
Figure 3. Complete System and EVM Signal Path Overview
• Self-contained protection systems and control pins
• USB interface
• Standard I2S data input using an optical input
• Analog input through analog to digital converter
• Double-sided plated-through PCB, 2-oz copper
4 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit SLOU219 – February 2008
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3 Installation
3.1 Software Installation
3.2 EVM Installation
• Access to control signal gain and data format through EVM-software graphic user interface (GUI)
This section describes the software and EVM installation.
Execute the GUI install program setup.exe, found in the TAS570x GUI directory in the provided compact
disc. Once the program is installed, the program group and shortcut icon is created in Start → Program
→ Texas Instruments Inc → TAS570x Interface.
The following are the basic tools for the initial EVM power up.
• 5 V, 1 A power supply (VIN)
• 10–26 V, 4 A power supply (PVDD)
• Banana-style test leads for power supplies and speakers
• Optical cable for SPDIF interface based on signal source
• Coaxial cables with phono plugs for analog audio if digital audio is unavailable
• USB cable
• EVM software
• Two 8- Ω speakers or loads
The following sections describe the TAS5601EVM board in regards to power supply (PSU) and system
3.2.1 PSU Interface
The TAS5601EVM module is powered by two power supplies connected to the MC5601 controller board:
a 5-V power supply (VIN) and a 10-V to 26-V (PVCC) power supply. The 3.3-V level is generated on the
board by a voltage regulator from the 5-V supply.
3.2.2 Loudspeaker Connectors
Note: The power-supply cable length must be minimized. Increasing the length of the PSU cable
increases the distortion of the amplifier at high output levels and low frequencies.
Table 1. Recommended Power Supplies
Description Voltage Limitations Current
System power supply 5 V 1 A
Output power stage supply 10–26 V 4 A
The rated current correspond to 2 channels full scale.
(8 Ω load) Recommendations
In BTL connection, both positive and negative speaker outputs are floating and
may not be connected to ground (e.g., through an oscilloscope).
For BTL:
SLOU219 – February 2008 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit 5
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• Connect the left speaker wires to the corresponding metal binding posts marked J2 and J4 on the
TAS5601EVM board.
• Connect the right speaker wires to the corresponding metal binding posts marked J6 and J8 on
TAS5601EVM board.
For SE:
• Connect the four sets of speaker wires to the pairs J2-J3, J4-J5, J6-J7, and J8-J9.
3.2.3 USB Interface
The TAS5601 registers are accessed through I2C bus lines SDA and SCL. The USB circuit and USB
connector on the MC5601 board facilitates the connection between a host computer and the device. The
EVM USB circuit is powered by the 5-V USB line of the host PC, and is independent of the power supplies
available on the board. The USB device used is a TAS1020B from Texas Instruments.
3.2.4 Digital Audio Interface SPDIF (J1/OPTO)
The Digital Audio Interface accepts digital audio data using the I2S protocol. See the TAS5706 data sheet
for more information.
The OPTO connector is the SPDIF interface on the MC5601 board. When the optical cable is connected
and the signal source is powered up, verify that the SPDIF lock indicator (blue LED3) illuminates,
confirming that there is a viable signal available to the device. Install the four clock/data jumpers across
the middle pin and the pin marked SPDIF.
For detailed information on how the data and clocks are provided to the TAS5601, see the schematic
appearing at the end of this document and the DIR9001 device data sheet .
3.2.5 ADC Interface
In the absence of a digital signal source, the PCM1808 ADC may be used to convert an analog audio
signal to a digital signal to the TAS5601. The DIR9001 still provides clock signals to the ADC in this
process. The DIR9001 oscillator frequency (Y2) determines the sampling frequency in the absence of a
digital signal. If the OSC frequency is 24 MHz, the sampling frequency is set at 96 kHz; if OSC is set at 12
MHz, the sampling frequency defaults to 48 kHz when there is no signal on the SPDIF input terminals. A
12-MHz crystal is installed on the MC5601 board. The ADC is an additional feature of this board to
provide flexibility in sourcing an audio signal to the TAS5601. Review the PCM1808 data sheet for a
detailed description of the ADC on this EVM. Install the jumper on SDW2 across the middle pin and the
pin marked ADC.
3.2.6 Board Power-Up General Guidelines
Connect the MC5601 and the TAS5601EVM boards by locating pin 1 on each board, indicated by a small
white triangle. The TAS5601EVM plugs into the MC5601 board. Pin 1 on each board should be connected
to each other.
Install the EVM software on the PC before powering up the board. After connecting the loudspeakers or
other loads, power supplies, and the data line, power up the 5-V power supply first; then power up the
PVDD power supply. It is recommended initially to set the PVDD level to 10 V, then ramp it up to 20 V to
verify cable connections.
TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit6 SLOU219 – February 2008
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4 Using the EVM Software
The EVM software provides access to the TAS5706 configuration and status registers through a GUI
window with 7 tabs for the various EVM parameters.
4.1 Getting Started
Open the zip file (.zzp) on the installation CD shipped with the EVM. Extract the files and run the
setup.exe file to install the EVM software. After the GUI is installed, power up the board, and connect the
USB cable. A new-hardware alert should appear at the bottom right hand corner of the display. If the USB
driver is not installed, follow the instructions on the USB Wizard to install the USB driver.
4.2 Setup Tab
After the EVM software is installed and the EVM powered up, the status bar should be green. Clicking on
the setup tab displays the window shown in Figure 4 .
Then perform the following steps.
1. Select the device TAS5706.
2. Select 2-Channel BTL (BD mode).
3. Click the Initialize button, and uncheck All Channel Shutdown box.
4. Select Volume tab. Unmute master volume and slide the volume bar to preferred volume setting (see
Figure 5 ).
Using the EVM Software
Figure 4. Setup Tab
SLOU219 – February 2008 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit 7
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Using the EVM Software
4.2.1 All Channel Shutdown
System comes up with all channel shut down asserted.
To exit All Channel Shutdown, select Setup Tab, unselect All Channel Shutdown.
4.2.2 Advanced Features : EQ and DRC
EQ and DRC can be designed in ALE (Automatic Loudspeaker Equalization tool).See the EQ/DRC Tool
Installation section that appears later in this document. The filters designed in ALE can be saved into a
file. Load the ALE output using File -> Load the ALE File and select the ALE output file . Select Autobank
switch ON in the EQ tab. The EQ and DRC parameters can be viewed by selecting the EQ viewer or DRC
tabs. Coefficients are loaded into DAP in the autobank switch only when a legitimate sample rate is
applied. EQ and DRC are loaded before the step described in Section 4.2.1 . EQ Loading and Viewing
EQ coefficients can be generated using ALE. (See ALE User's Guide.) Once EQ coefficients are
generated, they can be loaded into the part using File → Load ALE using the TAS570x GUI. DRC Coefficient Loading
DRC coefficients can be generated using ALE and can be loaded using File → Load ALE. Normally, both
EQ and DRC coefficients are created and saved as a single file from ALE. DRC1 (satellite channels) and
DRC2 (subchannel) can be enabled and disabled using the toggle button in this tab.
Figure 5. Volume Tab
8 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit SLOU219 – February 2008
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Using the EVM Software
Figure 6. EQ Viewer Tab
Figure 7. DRC Viewer Tab
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Using the EVM Software
4.2.3 EQC/DRC Demo
This tab is used to compare different settings. Multiple EQ files can be loaded and switched back and forth
for listening purposes to select the golden filters.
4.2.4 I2C Tab
Clicking on the I2C Interface tab displays the window shown in Figure 9 . This window can be used to
perform single or multiple-byte I2C accesses.
To INITIALIZE, use File -> Load Script and select the init file (see the attached
TAS5601_ADmode_Initialize.ini; also attached is the BDMode initialize file).
Also, by writing the device address and selecting NumBytes and also selecting Single Byte/Multiple Byte,
data can be written or read from the device.
Figure 8. EQ/DRC Demo Tab
10 TAS5601 Digital Power Amplifier With MC5601 Modulator Kit SLOU219 – February 2008
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