TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the
TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power
Output Stages
User's Guide
Literature Number: SLLU106
August 2008

2 SLLU106 – August 2008
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1 Related Documentation from Texas Instruments ...................................................................... 5
1.1 Additional Documentation ................................................................................................ 5
2 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM Features ........................................................................... 6
2.2 PCB Key Map.............................................................................................................. 6
3 Quick-Setup Guide ............................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Electrostatic Discharge Warning ........................................................................................ 7
3.2 Unpacking the EVM ....................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Power Supply Setup ...................................................................................................... 7
3.4 GUI Software Installation ................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Operational Sequence and Indicators .................................................................................. 9
4 System Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Power Supply (PSU) Interface (PVDD and GND) .................................................................... 9
4.2 J1 Amplifier Connection to MC012 Controller Module .............................................................. 10
4.3 Loudspeaker Connectors (J3 - J6) .................................................................................... 10
4.4 SPDIF Optical Input Connector ........................................................................................ 11
4.5 SPDIF Co-Axial Input Connector ...................................................................................... 11
4.6 USB Connector .......................................................................................................... 11
5 Protection .......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Short-Circuit Protection and Fault-Reporting Circuitry .............................................................. 11
5.2 Fault Reporting ........................................................................................................... 11
Appendix A Design Documents ................................................................................................... 12
A.1 HPL-MC012 Schematic ................................................................................................. 12
A.2 HPL-MC012 Composite Drawings .................................................................................... 14
A.3 TAS5102/3EVM Schematic ............................................................................................ 15
A.4 TAS5102/3EVM Composite Drawings ................................................................................ 16
A.5 Heat Sink Drawing ....................................................................................................... 19
A.6 Parts List .................................................................................................................. 19
Important Notices ............................................................................................................... 24
SLLU106 – August 2008 Table of Contents 3
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List of Figures
1 Physical Structure for TAS5102/3EVM ................................................................................... 6
2 Modulator and Power Stage Board Connection Example .............................................................. 7
3 TAS5086 GUI Window ...................................................................................................... 8
4 Recommended Power-Up Sequence .................................................................................... 10
List of Tables
1 Related Documentation From Texas Instruments ....................................................................... 5
2 Recommended Supply Voltage ............................................................................................ 8
3 Recommended Supply Voltages ........................................................................................... 9
4 J9/J10 Pin Description Amplifier/Controller Connector ................................................................ 10
5 Output Pin Description ..................................................................................................... 10
6 TAS5102 Warning/Error Signal Decoding .............................................................................. 11
A-1 Bill of Materials for HPL-MC012 .......................................................................................... 19
A-2 Bill of Materials for TAS5103EVM ....................................................................................... 21
A-3 Bill of Materials for TAS5102EVM ....................................................................................... 22
4 List of Figures SLLU106 – August 2008
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TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and
TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages
This user's guide describes the operation of the TAS5102 and TAS5103 evaluation modules (EVM) from
Texas Instruments.
1 Related Documentation from Texas Instruments
Table 1 contains a list of data sheets that have detailed descriptions of the integrated circuits used in the
design of the HPL-MC012 Modulator/Controller Module which accompanies the TAS5102EVM and
TAS5103EVM as well as the link to the TAS5102/3 data sheet. These documents can be obtained from
the Texas Instruments Web site at http://www.ti.com .
User's Guide
SLLU106 – August 2008
Table 1. Related Documentation From Texas
Part Number Literature Number
TAS5086 SLES131
TAS5102/3 SLLS801
TUSB3210 SLLS466
TPS40200D SLUS659
TPS3825-33DBVT SLVS165
1.1 Additional Documentation
• Personal Computer (PC) Configuration Tool for TAS5086 (TAS5086 GUI version 4.0 or later). This
software comes on the compact disk in the EVM package.
2 Overview
The TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM packages are composed of two separate modules, the HPL-MC012
Modulator/Controller Module and the TAS5102EVM or TAS5103EVM Amplifier Module. They are
designed so that the user can separate the two modules and connect the TAS5102EVM or TAS5103EVM
Amplifier Module into a target system via a ribbon cable. Keep this ribbon cable as short as possible to
avoid degradation in the PWM signals.
The TAS5102 and TAS5103 customer evaluation amplifier modules each demonstrate two audio
integrated circuits — the TAS5086 and the TAS5102 or TAS5103 from Texas Instruments (TI).
The TAS5086DBT is a high-performance, 32-bit (24-bit input), multichannel PurePath Digital™ pulse width
modulator (PWM) based on Equibit™ technology with fully symmetrical AD modulation scheme. It accepts
an input sample rate from 32 kHz to 192 kHz. The device also has digital audio processing (DAP) that
provides bass management, advanced performance, and a high level of system integration.
The TAS5102 is a compact, high-power, digital amplifier power stage designed to drive an 8- Ω
loudspeaker up to 20 W/channel at 10% THD+N. It contains integrated gate-drive, four matched and
electrically isolated enhancement-mode N-channel power DMOS transistors, and protection/fault-reporting
circuitry. The DAD package has a PowerPAD™ package on the top side for heat transfer through a heat
sink. The heat sink in this design is for evaluation purposes only.
PurePath Digital, Equibit, PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
Windows is a trademark of Mircrosoft Corporation.
SLLU106 – August 2008 TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages 5
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SPDIFReceiver 3.3VSMPS
USBController TAS5086
The TAS5103 is a compact, high-power, digital amplifier power stage designed to drive an 8- Ω
loudspeaker up to 15 W/channel at 10% THD+N. It contains integrated gate-drive, four matched and
electrically isolated enhancement-mode N-channel power DMOS transistors, and protection/fault-reporting
circuitry. The DAP package has a PowerPAD™ package on the bottom side for heat transfer through the
printed-circuit board.
Either of these EVMs plus the HPLMC-012 form a complete two-channel, digital audio amplifier system
which includes digital input (S/PDIF), control interface (via USB) to PC and DAP (digital audio processor)
features like digital volume control, bass management, and input and output multiplexers.
This EVM is designed to illustrate a low-cost approach to an amplifier design using this device. Improved
performance, at increased cost, can be achieved with a high-performance configuration.
2.1 TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM Features
• Modular approach comprised of TAS5102EVM or TAS5103EVM amplifier modules and HPL-MC012
modulator/controller module
• Two-channel evaluation module.
• Self-contained protection system (short-circuit and thermal).
• Standard I2S and I2C control via SPDIF and USB
• Double-sided, plated-through printed-circuit board (PCB) layout
• Single power supply operation
2.2 PCB Key Map
Physical structure for the TAS5102/3EVM is illustrated in Figure 1 .
Figure 1. Physical Structure for TAS5102/3EVM
TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages6 SLLU106 – August 2008
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3 Quick-Setup Guide
This section describes the TAS5102/3EVM board in regards to power supplies and system interfaces. It
provides information regarding handling and unpacking, absolute operating conditions, and a description
of the factory default switch and jumper configuration.
The section also provides a step-by-step guide to configuring the TAS5102/3EVM for device evaluation.
3.1 Electrostatic Discharge Warning
Many components on the TAS5102/3EVM are susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Customers are advised to observe proper ESD handling precautions when unpacking and handling the
EVM, including the use of a grounded wrist strap at an approved ESD workstation.
Failure to observe ESD handling procedures can result in damage to EVM
3.2 Unpacking the EVM
On opening the TAS5086-TAS5102EVM or TAS51033EVM package, ensure that the following items are
• 1 pc. TAS5102/3 EVM Power Stage Board
• 1 pc. HPL-MC012 Modulator/Input Board
• Because this system has standard connectors, no cables are supplied
• 1 pc. TAS5102/3EVM CD-ROM.
If any of these items are missing, contact the Texas Instruments Product Information Center nearest you
to inquire about a replacement.
Connect the Modulator/Input board to the Power Stage board with the docking connectors on each board.
Use care because this connector is not keyed.
Quick-Setup Guide
Figure 2. Modulator and Power Stage Board Connection Example
3.3 Power Supply Setup
To power up the EVM, one power supply is needed for system power, logic and gate-drive, and for output
stage supply. The power supply is connected to the EVM with banana cables or stripped insulated wire.
SLLU106 – August 2008 TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages 7
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Quick-Setup Guide
3.4 GUI Software Installation
The TAS5086 GUI provides easy control of all registers in TAS5086. To install the GUI, run the setup file
from the TAS5102/3 CD-ROM.
After installation, turn on the power supply, and connect the USB cable to the Modulator/Controller board.
Start the GUI program from The Windows™ menu. (Program Files/Texas Instruments Inc) The start-up of
the GUI takes few seconds.
Table 2. Recommended Supply Voltage
Description Voltage Limitations Current Requirement Connector
Output stage power supply 8 V – 23 V 5 A Red/black
Applying voltages above the limitations given in Table 2 can cause permanent
damage to your hardware.
Figure 3. TAS5086 GUI Window
From the files menu, load the configuration file:
TAS5102 EVM Configuration.cfg
The file is located on the TAS5102/3EVM CD-ROM. This file contains all settings for a default setup of the
For easy access of the file, it is recommended to copy the files into directory where the GUI is installed.
Default is C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments Inc\TAS5086\.
For more advanced use of the GUI and the features of the TAS5086 modulator, see the GUI User’s Guide
and the TAS5086 data sheet (SLES131 ). The GUI User's Guide can be accessed by clicking on Help in
the toolbar and then selecting User's Guide in the drop-down menu.
TAS5102EVM and TAS5103EVM for the TAS5102 and TAS5103 Digital Amplifier Power Output Stages8 SLLU106 – August 2008
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