The CDCE6214-Q1EVM is an evaluation platform for the CDCE6214-Q1 automotive Q1-grade, ultra-low
power clock generator. This evaluation module uses a USB interface to supply power and program the
device. The quick start guide describes the basic configurations the designer can use to start the EVM,
and all the different modes of operations are described in subsequent sections.
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CDCE6214-Q1 Features
•Single high-performance phase-locked-loop
•Ultra-low power operation
•Supports mixed power supply operation from 1.8 V to 3.3 V
•Four differential outputs with multi-mode output buffers
•One LVCMOS bypass output
•Crystal oscillator with integrated load capacitance and configurable gain
•LVCMOS or AC-coupled differential reference input
•Output divider synchronization and zero delay function
•General-purpose inputs and outputs for individual output enable and status signals
•I2C programming interface
•Integrated EEPROM with two pages
•AEC-Q100 temperature grade 2: –40ºC to +105ºC
SNAU244–July 2019
CDCE6214-Q1EVM User's Guide
Evaluation Module Features
•Easy power supply from USB +5 V
•Options for selecting on-board LDO 1.8 V or 3.3 V
•Level-shifters to adapt programming interface to automatically match selected supply voltage
•Onboard input and output termination options
•Flexible footprint for four pin SMD crystals
What's Included
•Micro-USB cable
•EVM disclaimer sheet
What's Required
•Windows PC with TICS Pro installed
•Measurement equipment
– Oscilloscope
– Spectrum analyzer or phase noise analyzer
– Digital Multi-meter
Request and download the latest TICS Pro software at Follow the
instructions and install the TICS Pro software on PC in a default directory. To launch TICS Pro, go to
"Select Device" in the toolbar and select "Clock Generator/Jitter Cleaner (Single Loop)" → "CDCE6214Q1"
1.2Connect the EVM to PC
Use a micro-B USB cable to connect the CDCE6214-Q1 EVM to the PC. Watch the "Connection mode"
field turn green on the screen. If the connection mode stays red, follow the instructions listed in
Section 3.1
Chapter 1
SNAU244–July 2019
Quick Start
Figure 1-1. TICS Pro Snapshot With USB2ANY Connected
1. Unplug the USB from the EVM to disconnect the power.
2. Short J23 to power the on-board LDOs with a 5-V source from the USB. Short pins 2 and 3 of J26 to
enable 1.8-V LDOs.
3. Short pin 2 of J6 and pin 1 of J9. Short pin 2 of J10 and pin 1 of J13. The purpose of this step is to
connect SCL and SDA pins of DUT to the on-board microcontroller in order to enable I2C
4. Short pin 1 and 2 of J12 to pull the REFSEL pin low. When the REFSEL pin is low, select the
secondary reference and use an on-board 25-MHz crystal as the reference source.
5. Remove all other jumpers or leave them floating by connecting them to only one pin. The position of
J25 is not important because the resistors required to enable a 3.3-V rail are not populated by default.
NOTE: Hover over a register to read the register description in the bottom-left pane of the TICS Pro
In the toolbar, go to "Default configurations" → "Default Startup". From there, go to "PLL" tab and select
the "Recalibrate" button, then "Check Lock Status". Watch for the green "locked" text to confirm that the
PLL is locked.
The output frequency is saved as 1 MHz by default. To change the output frequency, go to the "Output"
page and update the text in Channel Muxes or Output Drivers columns shown in Figure 1-5. Change the
format of output 1 to "CMOSPN" to select the CMOS format output for both OUT1_P and OUT1_N, then
connect the SMA_OUT1P (J15) or SMA_OUT1N (J17) to an oscilloscope. With 50-Ω DC termination, see
the 100 MHz and close to 900 mV—half of the supply voltage with cable/connector loss—swing on the
NOTE: Only the SDA/GPIO2 and SCL/GPIO3 pins are connected to the on-board microcontroller.
The other pins can only be configured by the on-board jumpers or connected to an external
controller. They cannot be controlled by TICS Pro.
Two inputs—the "PRIREF" (primary reference) and "SECREF" (secondary reference)—are selected by a
combination of the register "REF_SEL" (R2[1:0]) and pin 4 "REFSEL". Register R2[1:0] overrides pin 4.
To enable pin control for input selection, go to TICS Pro "Input" page and set register "REF_SEL" to "Pin".
Pull pin "REFSEL" low (SECREF) or high (PRIREF) using jumper J12.
To use register control for input selection, set the register "REF_SEL" directly, For the primary reference,
feed reference source from SMA connectors J1 and/or J2. For the secondary reference, if crystal input is
preferred, refer to Section 2.1.2. Otherwise, populate C5. R7, C6, R11, J3, J4 and feed reference source
from SMA connectors J3 and/or J4.