Texas Instruments CDCE421EVM User Manual

10.9MHz–1175MHz Low Phase Noise Clock Evaluation Board
User's Guide
March 2007 Serial Link Products
2 SCAU020 – March 2007
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1 General Description ..................................................................................................... 5
2 Signal Path and Control Circuitry .................................................................................. 6
3 Block Description ........................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Block A ............................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Block B ............................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Block C ............................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Block D ............................................................................................................ 7
4 Software-Selectable Options ........................................................................................ 7
5 Installing the Software GUI and USB Driver .................................................................... 8
6 ChronosGUI ............................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Using Software-Enabled Automatic PLL Selection .......................................................... 9
6.2 Manual PLL Block Selection (Advanced Control) .......................................................... 11
7 Configuring the Board ............................................................................................... 13
7.1 Programming and Testing Configuration (USB Cable Attached)—Default Configuration............. 13
7.2 Programming Configuration (USB Cable Attached) ........................................................ 13
7.3 Testing Configuration from a Saved Configuration (with USB Cable Removed After
Programming) ................................................................................................... 13
8 Schematics and Layout .............................................................................................. 14
Important Notices ............................................................................................................... 20
SCAU020 – March 2007 Table of Contents 3
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List of Figures
1 CDCE421EVM Evaluation Board .......................................................................................... 5
2 CDCE421EVM Programming Blocks...................................................................................... 6
3 Software Installation Screen ................................................................................................ 8
4 Installation Prompt ........................................................................................................... 8
5 TI Chronos Software GUI ................................................................................................... 9
6 Chronos GUI—Loop Filter Configuration Pop-Up ...................................................................... 10
7 Chronos GUI—Manual PLL Block Selection Pop-Up .................................................................. 11
8 JP1 Setting for USB Programming Configuration ...................................................................... 13
9 CDCE421EVM Block Switch Off ......................................................................................... 14
10 CDCE421EVM Board Schematic ........................................................................................ 15
11 CDCE421EVM Board—Block A Schematic ............................................................................ 16
12 CDCE421EVM Board—Block B Schematic ............................................................................ 17
13 CDCE421EVM Board—Block C Schematic ............................................................................ 18
14 CDCE421EVM Board—Block D Schematic ............................................................................ 19
4 List of Figures SCAU020 – March 2007
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10.9MHz–1175MHz Low Phase Noise Clock Evaluation
Figure 1. CDCE421EVM Evaluation Board
Easy-to-use evaluation module generates low phase noise clocks between
Simple device programming via host-powered USB port
Fast configuration through provided software GUI
Total board power provided either through USB port or separate 3.3V and ground
LVCMOS input interface or crystal input
Standard 6-pin XO package connection available (for CDCE421-enabled XO
User's Guide
SCAU020 March 2007
1 General Description
The CDCE421 is a high-performance, low phase noise clock generator. It has two fully integrated, low-noise, liquid crystal (LC)-based voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) that operate in the
1.75GHz–2.35GHz range. The CDCE421 has an integrated crystal oscillator circuitry that operates in conjunction with an external
AT-cut crystal to produce a stable frequency reference for the PLL-based frequency synthesizer. A 3.3V LVCMOS level input can also be used instead of a crystal to provide a PLL frequency reference.
The evaluation module (EVM) is designed to quickly demonstrate the electrical performance of the device. This fully assembled and factory-tested EVM allows complete validation of all device functions for a variety of applications. Throughout this document, the acronym EVM and the phrases evaluation module and evaluation board are synonymous with the CDCE421EVM. Figure 1 illustrates the CDCE421EVM.
For optimum performance, the board is equipped with 50 SMA connectors and well-controlled 50 impedance microstrip transmission lines.
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SCAU020 – March 2007 10.9MHz–1175MHz Low Phase Noise Clock Evaluation Board 5
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Signal Path and Control Circuitry
2 Signal Path and Control Circuitry
The CDCE421 can accept a 27MHz—38.33MHz frequency input from either an LVCMOS source (up to
3.3V) or a crystal in the same frequency range. The CDCE421EVM is divided into four blocks. The programming section and device power for each sector
can be enabled or disabled through individual switches provided for each block. For example, in order to enable power and programming for Block A, the switch must be in the setting shown in Figure 2 . The other blocks are enabled and disabled with the respective switches in the same manner.
The CDCE421 output frequency is always an integer multiple or integer divide of the input frequency, and is determined through selection of VCO1 or VCO2 and the appropriate prescalar and output divider, based on the CDCE421 data sheet.
The loop filter selection affects the output frequency phase noise and should be considered in conjunction with the type of input used.
In LVDS mode, the device can achieve up to 500MHz output. In LVPECL mode, the device can achieve 1175MHz output. The output signaling level and LVPECL termination are selectable through the software interface.
Figure 2. CDCE421EVM Programming Blocks
10.9MHz–1175MHz Low Phase Noise Clock Evaluation Board6 SCAU020 – March 2007
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3 Block Description
This section discusses the four EVM blocks.
3.1 Block A
Block A includes a CDCE421 QFN device that accepts an LVCMOS reference input through the vertical SMA input connector (Ref Input) which is ac-coupled onto the board.
3.2 Block B
This block includes a CDCE421 QFN device that uses an AT-cut crystal. This block can be used as either an XO or a VCXO. For use as an XO or VCXO, the crystal should be mounted on either of the two crystal footprints on the board. A vertical SMA input connector must also be installed on the provided footprint to be used as the control voltage input for use as a VCXO.
3.3 Block C
Block C includes a CDCE41 device in its bare die form, packaged within a 5x7 oscillator. The oscillator package also includes a fixed frequency crystal with a specified load and range. Oscillators with different frequency crystals that contain a CDCE421 device can be obtained through Pletronics.
3.4 Block D
The fourth block, D, includes a socket fitting the oscillator part used in Block C.
Block Description
4 Software-Selectable Options
The provided EVM software is controlled through a graphical user interface (GUI). The software allows users to easily send commands to the CDCE421 through the host-powered USB interface. The EVM includes a slave USB controller that transmits the commands to the single-pin programming interface included on the CDCE421. DC power for the USB controller can be provided either from the 5V power pin in the USB cable or by using an external 5V ac adapter (plugged into the slot available on the EVM).
In addition to writing commands to the CDCE421 SRAM while the board is powered, software commands can also be stored in either the nonvolatile USB microcontroller memory or the EEPROM included within the CDCE421. This architecture allows users to start the EVM in the desired state without requiring additional programming at power-up.
Note that the CDCE421 does have a permanent EEPROM lock mode. When this mode is selected, the embedded EEPROM in the CDCE421 cannot be changed. This mode is useful when setting final configurations.
SCAU020 – March 2007 10.9MHz–1175MHz Low Phase Noise Clock Evaluation Board 7
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