Texas Instruments CC2480A1RTCR, CC2480 Datasheet

Z-Accel 2.4 GHz ZigBee® Processor
Accelerate your ZigBee Development
ZigBee systems
Home/Building automation
is a cost-effective, low power, Z-Accel ZigBee Processor that provides full ZigBee functionality with a minimal development effort.
Z-Accel is a solution where TI’s ZigBee stack, Z-Stack, runs on a ZigBee Processor and the application runs on an external microcontroller.
The processing intensive ZigBee protocol tasks, and leaves the resources of the application microcontroller free to handle the application.
Z-Accel makes it easy to add ZigBee to new or existing products at the same time as it provides great flexibility in choice of microcontroller.
an SPI or UART interface. There is no need to learn a new microcontroller or new tools.
(formerly known as CCZACC06)
handles all the timing critical and
interfaces any microcontroller through
can for example be combined with an
Low power wireless sensor networks
Set-top boxes and remote controls
Automated Meter Reading
has only 10 API calls to learn, which drastically simplifies the development of ZigBee applications.
supports TI’s SimpleAPI. SimpleAPI
Key Features
Simple integration of ZigBee into any design
Running the mature and stable ZigBee 2006 compliant TI Z-Stack
SPI or UART interface to any microcontroller running the application
Simple API and full ZigBee API supported
Can implement any type of ZigBee device:
Coordinator, Router or End Device
Automatically enters low power mode (<0.5 uA) in idle periods when configured as End Device
o Fully integrated and robust IEEE
802.15.4-compliant 2.4 GHz DSSS RF transceiver
o Excellent receiver sensitivity and
best in class robustness to interferers
Power Supply
o Wide supply voltage range (2.0V –
o Low current consumption (RX: 27
mA, TX: 27 mA) and fast transition times.
External System
o Very few external components o RoHS compliant 7x7mm QLP48
Peripherals and Supporting Functions
o Port expander with 4 general I/O
pins, two with increased sink/source capability
o Battery monitor and temperature
o 7-12 bits ADC with two channels o Robust power-on-reset and brown-
out-reset circuitry
Tools and Development
o Packet sniffer PC software o Reference designs
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Table Of Contents
DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................1
KEY FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................2
1 ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................4
2 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................... 5
3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS..................................................................................................6
4 OPERATING CONDITIONS...............................................................................................................6
5 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................................7
5.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................8
5.2 RF RECEIVE SECTION ...........................................................................................................................9
5.3 RF TRANSMIT SECTION......................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 32 MHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR..........................................................................................................10
5.5 32.768 KHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR....................................................................................................10
5.6 32 KHZ RC OSCILLATOR.....................................................................................................................11
5.7 16 MHZ RC OSCILLATOR ...................................................................................................................11
5.8 FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................12
5.9 ANALOG TEMPERATURE SENSOR........................................................................................................12
5.10 ADC ...................................................................................................................................................12
5.11 CONTROL AC CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................................14
5.12 SPI AC CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................15
5.13 PORT OUTPUTS AC CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................................................15
5.14 DC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................15
6 PIN AND I/O PORT CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................17
7 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 19
8 APPLICATION CIRCUIT.................................................................................................................20
8.1 INPUT / OUTPUT MATCHING................................................................................................................. 20
8.2 BIAS RESISTORS ..................................................................................................................................20
8.3 CRYSTAL.............................................................................................................................................20
8.4 VOLTAGE REGULATORS ......................................................................................................................20
8.5 POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING AND FILTERING......................................................................................21
9 PERIPHERALS...................................................................................................................................23
9.1 RESET .................................................................................................................................................23
9.2 I/O PORTS............................................................................................................................................ 23
9.3 ADC...................................................................................................................................................25
9.4 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR .........................................................................................................27
9.5 USART...............................................................................................................................................28
10 RADIO..................................................................................................................................................29
10.1 IEEE 802.15.4 MODULATION FORMAT...............................................................................................30
10.2 DEMODULATOR, SYMBOL SYNCHRONIZER AND DATA DECISION .......................................................31
10.3 FRAME FORMAT..................................................................................................................................31
10.4 SYNCHRONIZATION HEADER ...............................................................................................................32
10.5 MAC PROTOCOL DATA UNIT ...............................................................................................................32
10.6 FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE ................................................................................................................... 32
10.7 LINEAR IF AND AGC SETTINGS .......................................................................................................... 33
10.8 CLEAR CHANNEL ASSESSMENT...........................................................................................................33
10.9 VCO AND PLL SELF-CALIBRATION.................................................................................................... 33
10.10 INPUT / OUTPUT MATCHING................................................................................................................33
10.11 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS AND GUIDELINES...................................................................................... 34
10.12 PCB LAYOUT RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................... 35
10.13 ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................................................................35
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11 VOLTAGE REGULATORS...............................................................................................................36
11.1 VOLTAGE REGULATORS POWER-ON....................................................................................................36
12 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION (QLP 48)..............................................................................................37
12.1 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT FOR PACKAGE (QLP 48)...................................................................... 38
12.2 PACKAGE THERMAL PROPERTIES......................................................................................................... 38
12.3 SOLDERING INFORMAT ION ..................................................................................................................38
12.4 TRAY SPECIFICATION ..........................................................................................................................38
12.5 CARRIER TAPE AND REEL SPECIFICA TION............................................................................................ 38
13 ORDERING INFORMATION...........................................................................................................40
14 GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................................41
14.1 DOCUMENT HISTORY ..........................................................................................................................41
15 ADDRESS INFORMATION.............................................................................................................. 41
16 TI WORLDWIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT...................................................................................41
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1 Abbreviations
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AGC Automatic Gain Control
API Application Programming Interface
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and
BOD Brown Out Detector
BOM Bill of Materials
CCA Clear Channel Assessment
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSMA-CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Avoidance
CW Continuous Wave
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DC Direct Current
DNL Differential Nonlinearity
DSM Delta Sigma Modulator
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
EM Evaluation Module
ENOB Effective Number of bits
ESD Electro Static Discharge
ESR Equivalent Series Resistance
ETSI European Telecommunications
Standards Institute
EVM Error Vector Magnitude
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCF Frame Control Field
FCS Frame Check Sequence
I/O Input / Output
I/Q In-phase / Quadrature-phase
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
IF Intermediate Frequency
INL Integral Nonlinearity
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering
KB 1024 bytes
kbps kilo bits per second
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register
LNA Low-Noise Amplifier
LO Local Oscillator
LQI Link Quality Indication
LSB Least Significant Bit / Byte
LSB Least Significant Byte
MAC Medium Access Control
MISO Master In Slave Out
MOSI Master Out Slave In
MPDU MAC Protocol Data Unit
MSB Most Significant Byte
MUX Multiplexer
NA Not Available
NC Not Connected
O-QPSK Offset - Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
PA Power Amplifier
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PER Packet Error Rate
PHY Physical Layer
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PM{0-3} Power Mode 0-3
POR Power On Reset
PWM Pulse Width Modulator
QLP Quad Leadless Package
RAM Random Access Memory
RC Resistor-Capacitor
RCOSC RC Oscillator
RF Radio Frequency
RoHS Restriction on Hazardous Substances
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indicator
RX Receive
SCK Serial Clock
SFD Start of Frame Delimiter
SHR Synchronization Header
SINAD Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
ST Sleep Timer
T/R Tape and reel
T/R Transmit / Receive
TBD To Be Decided / To Be Defined
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TI Texas Instruments
TX Transmit
UART Universal Asynchronous
USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous
VGA Variable Gain Amplifier
XOSC Crystal Oscillator
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2 References
IEEE std. 802.15.4 - 2006: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs).
CC2480 Interface Specification
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3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Under no circumstances must the absolute maximum ratings given in Table 1 be violated. Stress exceeding one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device.
Table 1: Absolute Maximum Rati ngs
Parameter Min Max Units Condition
Supply voltage, VDD –0.3 3.9 V All supply pins must have the same voltage
Voltage on any digital pin –0.3 VDD+0.3,
Voltage on the 1.8V pins (pin no. 22, 25-40 and 42)
Input RF level 10 dBm
Storage temperature range –50 150
Reflow soldering temperature 260
–0.3 2.0 V
max 3.9
<500 V
700 V
200 V
Device not programmed
According to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C
On RF pads (RF_P, RF_N, AVDD_RF1, and AVDD_RF2), according to Human Body Model, JEDEC STD 22, method A114
All other pads, according to Human Body Model, JEDEC STD 22, method A114
According to Charged Device Model, JEDEC STD 22, method C101
Caution! ESD sensitive device. Precaution should be used
when handling the device in order to prevent permanent damage.
4 Operating Conditions
The operating conditions for
Parameter Min Max Unit Condition
Operating ambient temperature range, T
Operating supply voltage 2.0 3.6 V The supply pins to the radio part must be driven
are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Operating Conditi ons
-40 85
by the 1.8 V on-chip regulator
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5 Electrical Specifications
Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 3: Electrical Specifications
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition Current Consumption
CPU Active Mode, 16 MHz, low CPU activity
CPU Active Mode, 16 MHz, medium CPU activity
CPU Active Mode, 16 MHz, high CPU activity
CPU Active Mode, 32 MHz, low CPU activity
CPU Active Mode, 32 MHz, medium CPU activity
CPU Active Mode, 32 MHz, high CPU activity
CPU Active and RX Mode 26.7 mA
CPU Active and TX Mode, 0dBm 26.9 mA
Power mode 1 190
Power mode 2 0.5
Power mode 3 0.3
Peripheral Current Consumption
Sleep Timer 0.2
ADC 1.2 mA
Flash write 3 mA
Flash erase 3 mA
4.3 mA
5.1 mA
5.7 mA
9.5 mA
10.5 mA
12.3 mA
Digital regulator on. 16 MHz RCOSC running. No radio, crystals, or peripherals active.
Low CPU activity: no flash access (i.e. only cache hit), no RAM access.
Digital regulator on. 16 MHz RCOSC running. No radio, crystals, or peripherals active.
Medium CPU activity: normal flash access access.
Digital regulator on. 16 MHz RCOSC running. No radio, crystals, or peripherals active.
High CPU activity: normal flash access, extensive RAM access and heavy CPU load.
32 MHz XOSC running. No radio or peripherals active. Low CPU activity : no flash access (i.e. only cache hit),
no RAM access
32 MHz XOSC running. No radio or peripherals active. Medium CPU activity: normal flash access
32 MHz XOSC running. No radio or peripherals active. High CPU activity: normal flash access
access and heavy CPU load.
CPU running at full speed (32MHz), 32MHz XOSC running, radio in RX mode, -50 dBm input power. No peripherals active. Low CPU activity.
CPU running at full speed (32MHz), 32MHz XOSC running, radio in TX mode, 0dBm output power. No peripherals active. Low CPU activity.
Digital regulator on, 16 MHz RCOSC and 32 MHz crystal
oscillator off. 32.768 kHz XOSC, POR and ST active. RAM retention.
Digital regulator off, 16 MHz RCOSC and 32 MHz crystal
oscillator off. 32.768 kHz XOSC, POR and ST active. RAM retention.
No clocks. RAM retention. POR active.
Adds to the figures above if the peripheral unit is activated
Including 32.753 kHz RCOSC.
When converting.
Estimated value
Estimated value
, minor RAM
, minor RAM
, extensive RAM
Normal Flash access means that the code used exceeds the cache storage so cache misses will
happen frequently.
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5.1 General Characteristics
Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 4: General Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Wake-Up and Timing
Power mode 1 Æ power mode 0
Power mode 2 or 3 Æ power mode 0
Active Æ TX or RX 32MHz XOSC initially OFF. Voltage regulator initially OFF
Active Æ TX or RX Voltage regulator initially OFF
Active Æ RX or TX 192
RX/TX turnaround 192
Radio part
RF Frequency Range 2400 2483.5 MHz Programmable in 1 MHz steps, 5 MHz
Radio bit rate 250 kbps As defined by [1]
Digital regulator on, 16 MHz RCOSC and 32 MHz crystal oscillator off. Start-up of 16 MHz RCOSC.
Digital regulator off, 16 MHz RCOSC and 32 MHz crystal oscillator off. Start-up of regulator and 16 MHz RCOSC.
Time from enabling radio part in power mode 0, until TX or RX starts. Includes start-up of voltage regulator and crystal oscillator in parallel. Crystal ESR=16Ω.
Time from enabling radio part in power mode 0, until TX or RX starts. Includes start-up of voltage regulator.
Radio part already enabled. Time until RX or TX starts.
between channels for compliance with [1]
Radio chip rate
2.0 MChip/s As defined by [1]
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5.2 RF Receive Section
Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 5: RF Receive Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Receiver sensitivity
Saturation (maximum input level)
Adjacent channel rejection
+ 5 MHz channel spacing
Adjacent channel rejection
- 5 MHz channel spacing
Alternate channel rejection
+ 10 MHz channel spacing
Alternate channel rejection
- 10 MHz channel spacing
Channel rejection
+ 15 MHz
- 15 MHz
Co-channel rejection
Blocking / Desensitization
+ 5 MHz from band edge + 10 MHz from band edge + 20 MHz from band edge + 50 MHz from band edge
- 5 MHz from band edge
- 10 MHz from band edge
- 20 MHz from band edge
- 50 MHz from band edge
Spurious emission
30 – 1000 MHz 1 – 12.75 GHz
Frequency error tolerance ±140 ppm Difference between centre frequency of the received
Symbol rate error tolerance ±900 ppm Difference between incoming symbol rate and the
-92 dBm PER = 1%, as specified by [1]
Measured in 50 single endedly through a balun.
[1] requires –85 dBm
10 dBm PER = 1%, as specified by [1]
Measured in 50 single endedly through a balun.
[1] requires –20 dBm
-6 dB
Wanted signal -88dBm, adjacent modulated channel at +5 MHz, PER = 1 %, as specified by [1].
[1] requires 0 dB
Wanted signal -88dBm, adjacent modulated channel at -5 MHz, PER = 1 %, as specified by [1].
[1] requires 0 dB
Wanted signal -88dBm, adjacent modulated channel at +10 MHz, PER = 1 %, as specified by [1]
[1] requires 30 dB
Wanted signal -88dBm, adjacent modulated channel at -10 MHz, PER = 1 %, as specified by [1]
[1] requires 30 dB
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm. Undesired signal is an
802.15.4 modulated channel, stepped through all
channels from 2405 to 2480 MHz. Signal level for
PER = 1%. Values are estimated.
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm. Undesired signal is
802.15.4 modulated at the same frequency as the desired signal. Signal level for PER = 1%.
Wanted signal 3 dB above the sensitivity level, CW
jammer, PER = 1%. Measured according to EN 300
440 class 2.
dBm dBm dBm dBm
Conducted measurement in a 50 single ended
load. Complies with EN 300 328, EN 300 440 class 2, FCC CFR47, Part 15 and ARIB STD-T-66.
RF signal and local oscillator frequency.
[1] requires minimum 80 ppm
internally generated symbol rate
[1] requires minimum 80 ppm

5.3 RF Transmit Section

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C, VDD=3.0V, and
nominal output power unless stated otherwise.
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Table 6: RF Transmit Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Nominal output power
Spurious emission
30 - 1000 MHz
1– 12.75 GHz
1.8 – 1.9 GHz
5.15 – 5.3 GHz
EVM 11 % Measured as defined by [1]
Optimum load impedance
0 dBm
+ j164
Delivered to a single ended 50 Ω load through a balun.
[1] requires minimum –3 dBm
Measurement conducted with 100 kHz resolution bandwidth on
spectrum analyzer. Output Delivered to a single ended 50 load
through a balun.
Maximum output power. Texas Instruments
EN 300 328, EN 300 440, FCC CFR47 Part 15 and ARIB STD-
T-66. Transmit on 2480MHz under FCC is supported by duty-cycling
The peak conducted spurious emission is -47 dBm @ 192 MHz
which is in an EN 300 440 restricted band limited to -54 dBm. All radiated spurious emissions are within the limits of ETSI/FCC/ARIB. Conducted spurious emission (CSE) can be reduced with a simple band pass filter connected between matching network and RF connector (1.8 pF in parallel with 1.6 nH reduces the CSE by 20 dB), this filter must be connected to good RF ground.
[1] requires max. 35 %
Differential impedance as seen from the RF-port (
RF_N) towards the antenna
EM reference design complies with
RF_P and

5.4 32 MHz Crystal Oscillator

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 7: 32 MHz Crystal Oscillator Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Crystal frequency 32 MHz
Crystal frequency accuracy requirement
ESR 6 16 60
C0 1 1.9 7 pF Simulated over operating conditions
CL 10 13 16 pF Simulated over operating conditions
Start-up time 212 µs
- 40 40 ppm Including aging and temperature dependency, as specified by [1]
Simulated over operating conditions

5.5 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
This is for 2440MHz
CC2480 Data Sheet SWRS074A Page 10 of 43
Table 8: 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Crystal frequency 32.768 kHz
Crystal frequency accuracy requirement
ESR 40 130
C0 0.9 2.0 pF Simulated over operating conditions
CL 12 16 pF Simulated over operating conditions
Start-up time 400 ms Value is simulated.

5.6 32 kHz RC Oscillator

–40 40 ppm Including aging and temperature dependency, as specified by [1]
Simulated over operating conditions
Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 9: 32 kHz RC Oscillator parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Calibrated frequency 32.753 kHz The calibrated 32 kHz RC Oscillator frequency
Frequency accuracy after calibration
Temperature coefficient +0.4
Supply voltage coefficient +3 % / V Frequency drift when supply voltage changes
Initial calibration time 1.7 ms
±0.2 % Value is estimated.
% / °C
is the 32 MHz XTAL frequency divided by 977
Frequency drift when temperature changes after calibration. Value is estimated.
after calibration. Value is estimated.
When the 32 kHz RC Oscillator is enabled, calibration is continuously done in the background as long as the 32 MHz crystal oscillator is running.

5.7 16 MHz RC Oscillator

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 10: 16 MHz RC Oscillator parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Frequency 16 MHz The calibrated 16 MHz RC Oscillator
Uncalibrated frequency accuracy
Calibrated frequency accuracy
Start-up time 10 µs
Temperature coefficient -325
Supply voltage coefficient 28
Initial calibration time 50 µs When the 16 MHz RC Oscillator is enabled it
±0.6 ±1
ppm / °C
ppm / mV
frequency is the 32 MHz XTAL frequency divided by 2
Frequency drift when temperature changes after calibration
Frequency drift when supply voltage changes after calibration
will be calibrated continuously when the 32MHz crystal oscillator is running.
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5.8 Frequency Synthesizer Characteristics

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 11: Frequency Synthesizer Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Phase noise
PLL lock time
dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz
Unmodulated carrier
At ±1.5 MHz offset from carrier At ±3 MHz offset from carrier At ±5 MHz offset from carrier
The startup time until RX/TX turnaround. The crystal oscillator is running.

5.9 Analog Temperature Sensor

Measured on Texas Instruments
EM reference design with TA=25°C and VDD=3.0V
unless stated otherwise.
Table 12: Analog Temperature Sensor Parameters
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Output voltage at –40°C
Output voltage at 0°C
Output voltage at +40°C
Output voltage at +80°C
Temperature coefficient 2.45
Absolute error in calculated temperature
Error in calculated temperature, calibrated
Current consumption increase when enabled
0.648 V Value is estimated
0.743 V Value is estimated
0.840 V Value is estimated
0.939 V Value is estimated
mV/°C Fitted from –20°C to +80°C on estimated values.
-2 0 2
280 µA
°C From –20°C to +80°C when assuming best fit for
absolute accuracy on estimated values: 0.743V at 0°C and 2.45mV / °C.
°C From –20°C to +80°C when using 2.45mV / °C,
after 1-point calibration at room temperature. Values are estimated. Indicated min/max with 1­point calibration is based on simulated values for typical process parameters
5.10 ADC
Measured with T Instruments’
=25°C and VDD=3.0V. Note that other data may result when using Texas
EM reference design.
Table 13: ADC Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Input voltage 0 VDD V VDD is voltage on AVDD_SOC pin
Input resistance, signal 197 k Simulated using 4 MHz clock speed.
Full-Scale Signal3 2.97 V Peak-to-peak, defines 0dBFS
Measured with 300 Hz Sine input and VDD as reference.
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Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
ENOB3 5.7 bits 7-bits setting.
Single ended input 7.5 9-bits setting.
9.3 10-bits setting.
10.8 12-bits setting.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Differential input 8.3 9-bits setting.
10.0 10-bits setting.
11.5 12-bits setting.
Useful Power Bandwidth 0-20 kHz 7-bits setting
-Single ended input -75.2 dB 12-bits setting, -6dBFS
-Differential input -86.6 dB 12-bits setting, -6dBFS
Signal To Non-Harmonic Ratio3
-Single ended input 70.2 dB 12-bits setting
-Differential input 79.3 dB 12-bits setting
Spurious Free Dynamic Range3
-Single ended input 78.8 dB 12-bits setting, -6dBFS
-Differential input 88.9 dB 12-bits setting, -6dBFS
CMRR, differential input <-84 dB 12- bit setting, 1 kHz Sine (0dBFS), limited by ADC
Crosstalk, single ended input <-84 dB 12- bit setting, 1 kHz Sine (0dBFS), limited by ADC
Offset -3 mV Mid. Scale
Gain error 0.68 %
DNL3 0.05 LSB 12-bits setting, mean
0.9 LSB 12-bits setting, max
INL3 4.6 LSB 12-bits setting, mean
13.3 LSB 12-bits setting, max
SINAD3 35.4 dB 7-bits setting.
Single ended input 46.8 dB 9-bits setting.
(-THD+N) 57.5 dB 10-bits setting.
66.6 dB 12-bits setting.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Differential input 51.6 dB 9-bits setting.
(-THD+N) 61.8 dB 10-bits setting.
70.8 dB 12-bits setting.
Conversion time 20
Power Consumption 1.2 mA
6.5 bits 7-bits setting.
40.7 dB 7-bits setting.
7-bits setting.
9-bits setting.
10-bits setting.
12-bits setting.
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5.11 Control AC Characteristics
= -40°C to 85°C, VDD=2.0V to 3.6V if nothing else stated.
Table 14: Control Inputs AC Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
System clock, f
= 1/ f
RESET_N low width
Interrupt pulse width
16 32 MHz System clock is 32 MHz when crystal oscillator is used.
250 ns See item 1, Figure 1. This is the shortest pulse that is
ns See item 2, Figure 1.This is the shortest pulse that is
System clock is 16 MHz when calibrated 16 MHz RC oscillator is used.
guaranteed to be recognized as a complete reset pin request. Note that shorter pulses may be recognized but will not lead to complete reset of all modules within the chip.
guaranteed to be recognized as an interrupt request. In PM2/3 the internal synchronizers are bypassed so this requirement does not apply in PM2/3.
Figure 1: Control Inputs AC Characteristics
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