Texas Instruments CC1111, CC2511 User Manual

CC1111/CC2511 USB HW
User’s Guide
Table of Contents
2 About this Manual............................................................................................................................3
4 Definitions........................................................................................................................................4
5 Getting Started.................................................................................................................................5
6 Using SmartRF04EB as an In-Circuit Emulator (ICE).....................................................................7
6.1 The Debug Interface ...................................................................................................................7
7 USB Dongle Hardware Description.................................................................................................8
7.1 User Interface .............................................................................................................................9
7.2 USB Interface .............................................................................................................................9
7.3 Debug Connector........................................................................................................................9
7.4 General Purpose I/O Connectors ................................................................................................9
7.5 Cutaway Section.......................................................................................................................10
7.6 RF Performance of Antenna......................................................................................................10
8 USB Dongle Reference Design and Schematics..........................................................................10
9 SOC_DEM schematics...................................................................................................................10
10 References..................................................................................................................................11
11 General Information ...................................................................................................................12
11.1 Document History..................................................................................................................12
1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing a development kit for Low Power RF System-on-Chips from Texas Instruments.
2 About this Manual
This manual covers the CC1111 USB Dongle or the CC2511 USB Dongle found in the CC1110­CC1111DK/CC2510-CC2511DK development kits. Both these USB dongles are also available separately as the CC1111EMK868-915 and CC2511EMK evaluation module kits.
The manual covers the CC1111/CC2511 USB Dongle hardware component of a USB development framework. Please refer to [5] and [6] for a description of the accompanying software library and application examples.
3 Acronyms
CDC Communications Device Class DK Development Kit EB Evaluation Board EM Evaluation Module HID Human Interface Device IC Integrated Circuit ICE In Circuit Emulator KB Kilo Byte (1024 byte) LED Light Emitting Diode LPRF Low Power RF MCU Micro Controller NC Not connected RF Radio Frequency RX Receive SoC System on Chip TI Texas Instruments TX Transmit UART Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit USB Universal Serial Bus
4 Definitions
SmartRF04EB CC1110EM/CC2510EM
Evaluation Board. Main board in the development kits, USB interface, LCD, LEDs, pot-meter etc. Development platform for the Evaluation Modules (EM).
CC1110 and CC2510 Evaluation Module are small modules for the CC1110 and CC2510 devices. These can be plugged into the SmartRF04EB and they should be used as the reference design for antenna and RF layout.
CC1111/CC2511 USB Dongle System-on-Chip Debug Plug-in Board
A reference design for a CC1111/CC2511 based full-speed USB dongle with RF interface. Should be used as reference design for antenna and RF layout.
The System-on-Chip Debug Plug-In Board. It provides an additional physical debug/programming interface for the SmartRF04EB. Referred to as SOC_DEM in this document.
Figure 1. Kit Hardware Component Overview
SoC System on Chip. A collective term used to refer to Texas
Instruments ICs with on-chip MCU and RF transceiver. Used in this document to reference the CC1111/CC2511 and the CC1110/CC2510.
ICE In Circuit Emulator. ICE functionality is built into the
USB Software Application Examples Application examples using the CC1111/CC2511 USB
Dongle together with a CC1110/CC2510EM.
USB Firmware Library A library of low level USB firmware which is used by all the
USB software examples.
Table 1. Key Definitions
See Figure 1 for an overview of the hardware components contained in the CC1110-CC1111DK/CC2510­CC2511DK development kits. Table 1 explains some of the key definitions/abbreviations used in this document.
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