Getting Started with the CBR 2
Sonic Motion Detector
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Activity 1 (Graphing Your Motion) and Activity 3 (A Speedy Slide) are used with permission from Vernier Software and Technology. These
activities were adapted from Middle School Science with Calculators by Don Volz and Sandy Sapatka.
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Table of Contents
What is the CBR 2™ Sonic Motion Detector? 2
Getting started with the CBR 2™ Sonic Motion Detector 4
Hints for effective data collection 6
Activities with teacher notes and student activity sheets
³ Activity 1 — Graphing your motion linear 10
³ Activity 2 — Match the graph linear 14
³ Activity 3 — A Speedy slide parabolic 18
³ Activity 4 — Bouncing ball parabolic 24
³ Activity 5 — Rolling ball parabolic 28
Teacher information 32
Technical information
Sonic motion detector data is stored in lists 36
EasyData settings 37
Using a CBR 2™ Sonic Motion Detector with a CBL 2™ System
or with CBL 2™ System programs 38
use with TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition,TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
TI-92 Plus, TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, and Voyage™ 200
bring real-world data collection and analysis into the classroom
What does the CBR 2™ sonic motion detector do?
With the CBR 2™ motion detector and a TI graphing calculator, students can collect, view,
and analyze motion data without tedious measurements and manual plotting.
CBR 2™ motion detector lets students explore the mathematical and scientific
relationships between distance, velocity, acceleration, and time using data collected from
activities they perform. Students can explore math and science concepts such as:
0 motion: distance, velocity, acceleration
0 graphing: coordinate axes, slope, intercepts
0 functions: linear, quadratic, exponential, sinusoidal
0 calculus: derivatives, integrals
0 statistics and data analysis: data collection methods, statistical analysis
0 Physics: motion, use with dynamics tracks, pendulum analysis, position, velocity,
0 Physical Science: motion experiments
What’s in this guide?
Getting Started with the CBR 2™ Sonic Motion Detector is designed to be a guide for
teachers who do not have extensive calculator experience. It includes quick-start instructions
for using the
activities to explore basic functions and properties of motion. The activities (see pages 10–
31) include many of the following:
0 teacher notes for each activity, plus general teacher information
0 step-by-step instructions
0 a basic data collection activity appropriate for all levels
0 explorations that examine the data more closely, including what-if scenarios
0 suggestions for advanced topics appropriate for precalculus and calculus students
0 a reproducible student activity sheet with open-ended questions appropriate for a wide
range of grade levels
CBR 2™ motion detector, hints on effective data collection, and five classroom
Getting started with the CBR 2™ Sonic Motion Detector
With the CBR 2™ motion detector, you’re just two or three simple steps from the first data
For TI-83 and TI-84 family calculator users:
Your graphing calculator may have been preloaded with a number of Apps
(software applications), including the EasyData App. Press Œ to see the
Apps installed on your calculator. If EasyData is not installed, you may find
the latest version of this App at If necessary, download the
EasyData App now.
For TI-89, TI-92 Plus, TI-89 Titanium and Voyage™ 200 users:
Obtain the latest RANGER program and install it on your calculator. RANGER
cannot be installed from the
from or
CBR 2™ motion detector. RANGER is available
For TI-83 and TI-84 family calculator users:
Connect the
the Standard-B to Mini-A USB cable (unit-tocable, and push in firmly at both ends to make a secure connection.
CBR 2™ motion detector to your TI graphing calculator using
CBR 2™) or I/O unit-to-unit
Set the Sensitivity switch to
etc., or to Track mode for use with dynamics tracks and carts.
About the unit-to-
0 Can only be used with the EasyData App.
0 Provides for an auto-launch capability of the EasyData App when
connecting a
0 Provides for an improved physical and more reliable connection than the
I/O unit-to-unit cable.
0 Cannot be used with RANGER, DataMate, or other similar applications.
For TI-89, TI-92 Plus, TI-89 Titanium and Voyage™ 200 users:
Connect the
the I/O unit-to-unit cable and push in firmly at both ends to make a secure
Set the Sensitivity switch to
etc., or to Track mode for use with dynamics tracks and carts.
CBR 2™ cable:
CBR 2™ motion detector to a TI-84 Plus-family calculator.
CBR 2™ motion detector to your TI graphing calculator using
Quit. This ensures that the CBR 2™ motion detector is properly
CBR 2™ motion detector.
CBR 2™ motion detector when you
Hints for effective data collection
Getting better samples
How does the CBR 2™ sonic motion detector work?
Understanding how a sonic motion detector works can help you get better data plots. The
motion detector sends out an ultrasonic pulse and then measures how long it takes for that
pulse to return after bouncing off the closest object.
CBR 2™ motion detector, like any sonic motion detector, measures the time interval
between transmitting the ultrasonic pulse and the first returned echo, but the
motion detector has a built-in microprocessor that does much more. When the data is
collected, the
motion detector using a speed-of-sound calculation. Then it computes the first and second
derivatives of the distance data with respect to time to obtain velocity and acceleration data.
It stores these measurements in lists.
Object size
Using a small object at a far distance from the CBR 2™ motion detector decreases the
chances of an accurate reading. For example, at 5 meters, you are much more likely to
detect a soccer ball than a ping-pong ball.
CBR 2™ motion detector calculates the distance of the object from the CBR 2™
CBR 2™
Minimum range
When the CBR 2™ motion detector sends out a pulse, the pulse hits the object, bounces
back, and is received by the
CBR 2™ motion detector. If an object is closer than 15
centimeters (about six inches), consecutive pulses may overlap and be misidentified by the
CBR 2™ motion detector. The plot would be inaccurate, so position the CBR 2™ motion
detector at least 15 centimeters away from the object.
Maximum range
As the pulse travels through the air, it loses its strength. After about 12 meters (6 meters on
the trip to the object and 6 meters on the trip back to the
return echo may be too weak to be reliably detected by the
limits the typical reliably effective distance from the
CBR 2™ motion detectorto the object to
CBR 2™ motion detector), the
CBR 2™ motion detector. This
less than 6 meters (about 20 feet).
Sensitivity switch
The sensitivity switch has two modes—Track and Normal.
The Track mode is intended for activities using dynamics
tracks and carts; the Normal mode is intended for all other
Track Normal
activities, such as, walking, ball toss, bouncing ball,
pendulum, etc.
If you are getting lots of extra noise in your data, the sensitivity switch may be in the Normal
mode. Moving the sensitivity switch to the Track position, will reduce the sensitivity of the
sensor and may produce better data.
The path of the CBR 2™ motion detector beam is not a narrow, pencil-like beam, but fans
out in all directions up to 15° from center in a 30° cone-shaped beam.
To avoid interference from other objects in the vicinity, try to establish a clear zone in the
path of the
target do not get recorded by the
records the closest object in the clear zone.
Reflective surfaces
CBR 2™ motion detector beam. This helps ensure that objects other than the
CBR 2™ motion detector. The CBR 2™ motion detector
15 centimeter
Some surfaces reflect pulses better than others. For example, you might see better results
with a relatively hard, smooth surfaced ball than with a tennis ball. Conversely, samples
taken in a room filled with hard, reflective surfaces are more likely to show stray data points.
Measurements of irregular surfaces (such as a toy car or a student holding a calculator while
walking) may appear uneven.
A Distance-Time plot of a nonmoving object may have small differences in the calculated
distance values. If any of these values map to a different pixel, the expected flat line may
show occasional blips. The Velocity-Time plot may appear even more jagged, because the
change in distance between any two points over time is, by definition, velocity.
EasyData settings (for TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, and TI-84 Plus users only)
Setup data collection for Time Graph
Experiment length is the total time in seconds to complete all sampling. It’s determined by
the number of samples multiplied by the sample interval.
Enter a number between 0.05 (for very fast moving objects) and 0.5 seconds (for very slow
moving objects).
Note: See “To set up the calculator for data collection” on page 12 for detailed information
about how to change settings.
Menu name Description Default setting
Sample Interval Measures time between samples in seconds. 0.05
Number of Samples Total number of samples to collect. 100
Experiment Length Length of the experiment in seconds.5
Starting and stopping
To start sampling, select Start (press q). Sampling will automatically stop when the
number of samples set in the
detector will then display a graph of the sampled data on the graphing calculator.
Time Graph Settings menu is reached. The CBR 2™ motion
To stop sampling before it automatically stops, select
Stop (press and hold q) at any time
during the sampling process. When sampling stops, a graph of the sampled data is
Noise—what is it and how do you get rid of it?
When the CBR 2™ motion detector receives signals reflected from objects other than the
primary target, the plot shows erratic data points (noise spikes) that do not conform to the
general pattern of the plot. To minimize noise:
0 Make sure the CBR 2™ motion detector is pointed directly at the target. Try adjusting the
sensor head while viewing live data on the home-screen meter. Make sure the reading
you receive is appropriate before starting an activity or experiment.
0 Try to sample in a clutter-free space (see the clear zone drawing on page 7).
0 Choose a larger, more reflective object or move the object closer to the CBR 2™ (but
farther than 15 centimeters).
0 When using more than one CBR 2™ motion detector in a room, one group should
complete a sample before the next group begins their sample.
0 Try moving the sensitivity switch to the Track position to reduce the sensitivity of the
The approximate distance to the object is calculated by assuming a nominal speed of sound.
However, actual speed of sound varies with several factors, most notably the air
CBR 2™ motion detector has a built-in temperature sensor to automatically compensate
for changes in the speed of sound due to the temperature of the surrounding air. The
temperature conversion from 0° to 40° Celsius, at standard pressure, is fairly linear at about
+0.6 meters/second per degree Celsius. The speed of sound increases from about 331
meters/second at 0° Celsius to about 355 meters/second at 40° Celsius. These speeds
assume a relative humidity of 35% (dry air).
When using the EasyData App with the
compensation will take place when collecting motion data. The sensor is located underneath
the holes on the back of the
not cover these holes with something that is of a different temperature from the
surrounding ambient temperature.
CBR 2™ motion detector; therefore, when collecting data, do
CBR 2™ motion detector, this temperature
Using the CBR 2™ sonic motion detector without the EasyData application
You can use the CBR 2™ unit as a sonic motion detector with a CBL 2™ system or with
programs other than EasyData.
Using the I/O unit-to-unit cable, the
calculators that do not have the EasyData App installed but do have the
the RANGER program. The
CBR™ motion detector when sample data is collected using the CBL/CBR App and/or the
RANGER program.
CBL/CBR App can be used on most older TI-83 Plus calculators. The CBL/CBR App is
available for downloading at and allows you to collect motion data using
the I/O unit-to-unit cable on the
The RANGER program, which is part of the
allows you to collect motion data using the I/O unit-to-unit cable. Many TI Explorations
workbooks use the RANGER program. (The RANGER program is the only program available
for use with the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, TI-89 Titanium, and Voyage™ 200 to perform activities
like Ball Bounce and Graph Match.)
CBR 2™ motion detector will provide the same functionality as a
CBR 2™ motion detector can be used with graphing
CBL/CBR App and/or
CBR 2™ motion detector.
CBL/CBR App and available for other calculators,
You can also use
Use the DataMate App that comes with the
For more information about this cable visit the TI webstore at
through a CBL 2™ system. A special CBL-to-CBR cable is required to use this system.
CBR 2™ unitas a motion sensor with your CBL 2™ data collection device.
CBL 2™ system to operate the CBR 2™ motion
Activity 1—Graphing Your Motion Notes for Teachers
Function explored: linear
Ÿ calculator (see page 2 for available models)
Ÿ CBR 2™ motion detector
Ÿ unit-to-CBR 2™ or I/O unit-to-unit cable
Ÿ EasyData application or RANGER program
Ÿ Masking tape
Ÿ Meter stick
This experiment may be the first time your students
use the CBR 2™ motion detector. A little coaching on
its use now will save time later in the year as the
CBR 2™ motion detector is used in many experiments.
The following are hints for effective use of the
CBR 2™ motion detector:
0 In using the CBR 2™ motion detector, it is
important to realize that the ultra sound is emitted
in a cone about 30° wide. Anything within the
cone of ultrasound can cause a reflection and
possibly an accidental measurement. A common
problem in using motion detectors is getting
unintentional reflections from a desk or chair in
the room.
0 Often unintended reflections can be minimized by
tilting the CBR 2™ motion detector slightly.
0 If you begin with a velocity or acceleration graph
and obtain a confusing display, switch back to a
distance graph to see if it makes sense. If not, the
CBR 2™ motion detector may not be properly
targeting the target.
0 The CBR 2™ motion detector does not properly
detect objects closer than 15 cm. The maximum
range is about 6 m, but stray objects in the wide
detection cone can be problematic at this distance.
0 Sometimes a target may not supply a strong
reflection of the ultrasound. For example, if the
target is a person wearing a bulky sweater, the
resulting graph may be inconsistent.
0 If the velocity and acceleration graphs are noisy, try
to increase the strength of the ultrasonic reflection
from the target by increasing the target’s area.
You may want to have your students hold a large
book in front of them as they walk in front of the
CBR 2™ motion detector. This will produce better
graphs because it smoothes out the motion.
Typical plots
Distance vs. Time
Matching Distance vs. Time
Answers to questions
9. The slope of the portion of the graph
corresponding to movement is greater for the
faster trial.
Results will probably vary between groups as they
may walk at different rates.
Walking towards the motion detector will produce
a negative slope. While walking away from the
motion detector will produce a positive slope.
12. Note that the slope is close to zero (if not zero)
when standing still. The slope should be zero, but
expect small variation due to the variation in
collected data.