Texas instruments CABRI GEOMETRY II Getting Started

Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II for Macintosh®, Windows® and MS-DOS


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1997, 1999 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II for Macintoshë,
Windowsë, and MS-DOSë
Dive into Geometry

About Cabri Geometry II

Cabri Geometry II lets you construct and explore geometric objects interactively. Jean-Marie Laborde and Franck Bellemain developed Cabri Geometry II at the Institut d'Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (IMAG), a research lab at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France, in cooperation with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Texas Instruments.
Texas Instruments, the publisher for Cabri Geometry II in the United States and Canada, is pleased to bring computer-based geometry to classrooms. The geometric foundation of this easy-to-use software encourages exploring and conjecturing—from simple shapes to advanced projective and hyperbolic geometry.

About the Developers

Jean-Marie Laborde is founder and Research Director of Laboratoire de Structures Discrètes et de Didactique (LSD2), a research laboratory within IMAG. He graduated in mathematics at Ècole Normale Supérieure in Paris in 1969. He earned a Ph.D. (Thèse d'État) in computer science at the University of Grenoble in 1977. Jean-Marie began work on the Cabri II project in 1981 as an environment for graph theory. He has devoted his research efforts to the use of geometric methods for the study of different classes of graphs, especially hypercubes.
Franck Bellemain earned a Ph.D. in mathematics at the Université Joseph Fourier in 1992. He began work on the Cabri II project in 1986 and is responsible for writing several versions of the software for Macintosh, PC-compatible, and Japanese computers. His research and thesis have been devoted to the use of technology in the classroom.

Cabri Geometry II Features

¦ Includes interactive analytic, transformational, and Euclidean geometry.
¦ Allows intuitive construction of points, lines, triangles, polygons, circles, and other basic
¦ Translates, dilates, and rotates geometric objects around geometric centers or specified points
plus reflection, symmetry, and inverse of the objects.
¦ Constructs conics easily, including ellipses and hyperbolas. ¦ Explores advanced concepts in projective and hyperbolic geometry. ¦ Annotates and measures figures (with automatic updating). ¦ Uses both Cartesian and polar coordinates. ¦ Provides for user display of the equations of geometric objects, including lines, circles,
ellipses, and coordinates of points.
¦ Allows the user to create macros for frequently repeated constructions. ¦ Lets the teacher configure tool menus to focus student activities. ¦ Checks geometric properties to test hypotheses based on Euclid’s five postulates. ¦ Hides objects used in constructions to reduce screen clutter. ¦ Differentiates objects through the use of paint-like color and line palettes. ¦ Computes a locus continuously. ¦ Illustrates the dynamic characteristics of figures through animation. ¦ Allows the user to save drawings and macros to disk. ¦ Opens geometry constructions created on the TI-92. ¦ Provides one square meter of full-size work space, and prints the 8.5 by 11.0 inches (21.59 by
27.94 cm) drawing area.
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© 1997, 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated

About Cabri Geometry II

Cabri Geometry II lets you construct and explore geometric objects interactively. Jean-Marie Laborde and Franck Bellemain developed Cabri Geometry II at the Institut d'Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (IMAG), a research lab at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France, in cooperation with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Texas Instruments.
Texas Instruments, the publisher for Cabri Geometry II in the United States and Canada, is pleased to bring computer-based geometry to classrooms. The geometric foundation of this easy-to-use software encourages exploring and conjecturing—from simple shapes to advanced projective and hyperbolic geometry.

About the Developers

Jean-Marie Laborde is founder and Research Director of Laboratoire de Structures Discrètes et de Didactique (LSD2), a research laboratory within IMAG. He graduated in mathematics at Ècole Normale Supérieure in Paris in 1969. He earned a Ph.D. (Thèse d'État) in computer science at the University of Grenoble in 1977. Jean-Marie began work on the Cabri II project in 1981 as an environment for graph theory. He has devoted his research efforts to the use of geometric methods for the study of different classes of graphs, especially hypercubes.
Franck Bellemain earned a Ph.D. in mathematics at the Université Joseph Fourier in 1992. He began work on the Cabri II project in 1986 and is responsible for writing several versions of the software for Macintosh, PC-compatible, and Japanese computers. His research and thesis have been devoted to the use of technology in the classroom.

Cabri Geometry II Features

¦ Includes interactive analytic, transformational, and Euclidean geometry.
¦ Allows intuitive construction of points, lines, triangles, polygons, circles, and other basic
¦ Translates, dilates, and rotates geometric objects around geometric centers or specified points
plus reflection, symmetry, and inverse of the objects.
¦ Constructs conics easily, including ellipses and hyperbolas. ¦ Explores advanced concepts in projective and hyperbolic geometry. ¦ Annotates and measures figures (with automatic updating). ¦ Uses both Cartesian and polar coordinates. ¦ Provides for user display of the equations of geometric objects, including lines, circles,
ellipses, and coordinates of points.
¦ Allows the user to create macros for frequently repeated constructions. ¦ Lets the teacher configure tool menus to focus student activities. ¦ Checks geometric properties to test hypotheses based on Euclid’s five postulates. ¦ Hides objects used in constructions to reduce screen clutter. ¦ Differentiates objects through the use of paint-like color and line palettes. ¦ Computes a locus continuously. ¦ Illustrates the dynamic characteristics of figures through animation. ¦ Allows the user to save drawings and macros to disk. ¦ Opens geometry constructions created on the TI-92. ¦ Provides one square meter of full-size work space, and prints the 8.5 by 11.0 inches (21.59 by
27.94 cm) drawing area.
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Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II 3
4 Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II
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© 1997, 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated

Getting the Most from Getting Started

About the Getting Started Guide

The Getting Started guide introduces you to Cabri Geometry II with hands-on exercises. However, it does not cover all features of Cabri II, nor does it demonstrate all the ways to construct any particular object. Getting Started includes the following sections:

First Steps

This section provides system requirements and installation instructions for Cabri Geometry II and briefly discusses the Cabri Geometry II tools.
Checking System Requirements.
Macintosh systems
Installing Cabri Geometry II. Starting Cabri Geometry II. Cabri Geometry II Desktop. Quick Reference Sheet.
Geometry II toolbar

Basic Operations

This section provides step-by-step exercises that give you hands-on experience with several features basic to the construction of geometric objects using Cabri Geometry II. To quickly learn Cabri Geometry II, complete these four exercises.
Modeling: Handshakes.
problem for pattern recognition
Exploring: Transformations in the Coordinate Plane.
reflection, rotation, and dilation around the x and y axes
Exploring: Power (Steiner) of a Point Problem.
Euclid, and then move the point to calculate various powers and record them in a table
Describes requirements for Windows, DOS, and
Explains how to install Cabri Geometry II
Explains how to start Cabri Geometry II
Briefly describes the Cabri Geometry II screen and toolbar
Gives a list of the tools under each toolbox in the Cabri
Use a circle, points, and line segments to model a real-world
Construct a triangle, and explore
Construct a point as described by
6 6 7 8
Constructing a Macro: Pentagram.
Create a pentagram by inscribing pentagons to
illustrate some important features of macros.

Menu Options and Toolbar Commands

Menu Options. Toolbar Commands.
and a brief description about the operation of each tool
Note: Most of the illustrations in this guidebook are from the Macintosh version of Cabri Geometry II; several are from the Windows and DOS versions. Due to space limitations, we could not show every illustration for each version. Therefore, some illustrations in this guidebook may be slightly different on your computer.
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Provides a quick reference and brief description of the menu options
Provides a quick reference to the tools available on each toolbar
Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II 5
First Steps

Checking system requirements

Macintosh DOS
¦ Macintosh Classic or better. ¦ System 6.0 or later. ¦ 1 Mb available RAM for a Macintosh
Classic. (Memory requirements will be greater for color or larger monitors than on the Classic.)
¦ Hard disk with 1.2 Mb available for
program and demonstration files.
Windows 3.1 Windows 95
¦ 386 PC or better required; 486DX
¦ PC must be in 386-Enhanced mode with
Virtual Memory enabled.
¦ VGA, SVGA video adapter and a color
¦ 6 Mb RAM (minimum) memory installed. ¦ 7 Mb available hard disk space for program,
demonstration files, and system extensions.
¦ Mouse, or an equivalent pointing device.

Installing Cabri Geometry II

¦ DOS-compatible computers (PCs), 386 or
better, and running MS-DOS 3.3 or later.
¦ EGA, VGA, SVGA video adapter and a color
¦ 3 Mb RAM (minimum) memory installed. ¦ Hard disk with 2.5 Mb available for
program and demonstration files.
¦ Mouse, or an equivalent pointing device.
¦ 386 PC or better required; 486DX
¦ VGA, SVGA video adapter and a color
¦ 6 Mb RAM (minimum) memory installed. ¦ 2 Mb available hard disk space for program
and demonstration files.
¦ Mouse, or an equivalent pointing device.
Macintosh DOS
1. Create a folder named
Cabri II
on your hard
2. Insert the Cabri Geometry II Macintosh diskette in your floppy disk drive.
3. Double-click on the
on the diskette
and follow the directions on the screen.
Windows 3.1 Windows 95
1. Insert the Cabri Geometry II Windows diskette #1 in your floppy disk drive.
2. From Program Manager, click on enter
, and then follow the screen

Installing Cabri Geometry II on a network

If you have purchased the network license for Cabri Geometry II, you may run the software on your network. Use network procedures that are compatible with your network to install Cabri Geometry II. See your Macintosh, Windows, or DOS User’s manual or your network documentation for more information, if necessary.
Cabri Geometry II is supplied on high-density diskettes. If your computer will not accept these
diskettes, call, 1-800-TI-CARES and a service representative will supply you with low density diskettes.
1. Insert the Cabri Geometry II DOS diskette in your floppy disk drive.
2. At the DOS prompt, enter:
, and then
follow the screen prompts.
1. Insert the Cabri Geometry II Windows diskette #1 in your floppy disk drive.
2. Click on
and enter
and then follow the screen prompts.
6 Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II
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© 1997, 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Installing Cabri Geometry II on a network
Macintosh and DOS
1. Install Cabri Geometry II on the network server using the instructions given on the previous page.
2. Run the program from the server the first time, and enter the requested information.
3. To run Cabri Geometry II on each network client, go to the directory on the network server where the Cabri Geometry II application is installed. Macintosh users may double-click on the Cabri II icon; DOS users may run Cabri2.exe to start the program.
The procedure described below, for Windows users, allows multiple client computers to run Cabri Geometry II using the application software installed on the network server. Each client computer is provided with the necessary system files to run Cabri Geometry II and a shortcut icon that is linked to the application file on the network server.
Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
1. Install Cabri Geometry II on the network server using the instructions given on the previous page. In the
Select Destination
screen, you must select a directory that will be accessible from each
client computer on the network.
2. Temporarily copy
from the installation diskettes to the same directory in
which you installed Cabri Geometry II in step 1.
3. On each network client, go to the directory on the network server that contains double-click to on this file to run the setup program.
4. In the
Select Destination Directory
screen, click on the that you used in step 1. Make sure the correct directory is displayed at the top of the window. You may edit the path, if necessary, and then click on already exists.
5. In the
Select Components
screen, deselect the first three components. The installation program
will determine if the fourth component is necessary for Windows 3.1x users.
6. When Cabri Geometry II has been installed on all client computers, delete the two files that were temporarily copied to the network server in step 2.
button and select the same directory
. Ignore the message that the directory

Starting Cabri Geometry II

Macintosh DOS
You can use one of four methods to start the software on a Macintosh:
¦ Use
¦ Double-click on the ¦ Double-click on any Cabri Geometry II
construction file, tool configuration file, or macro file.
¦ Drag and drop any construction file onto
Cabri II
Double-click on the
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in the
Cabri II
icon (System 7 users only).
Cabri II
and press
from the DOS prompt directory where the Cabri Geometry II files are located.
(Optional) Add the Cabri directory to your DOS path to open Cabri Geometry II from any directory.
Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II 7
First Steps

About Cabri Geometry II Tools

In Cabri Geometry II, you use one construction tool at a time. The tools are displayed as groups of buttons on the toolbar across the top of the screen. The buttons, often called “toolboxes,” are referenced from left to right in the text.

Cabri Geometry II Screen

The screen shown below illustrates the Macintosh version. Screens on Windows and DOS systems are similar but slightly different.
Menu Bar
Close Box
Attribute Icons
Drawing Window
Help Icon
Zoom Box
Attribute Palette
This circle
Size Box
Pointer Message
Help Window
Selection Pointer

Cabri Geometry II Toolbar

Check Propert
8 Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II
Scroll Bars
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Pointer Perpendicular Line Equation and Coordinates Rotate Parallel Line Calculate Dilate Midpoint Tabulate
Rotate and Dilate Perpendicular Bisector
Collinear Parallel Perpendicular Equidistant Member
Distance and Length Area Slope
Point Vector Sum Comments Point on Object Compass Numerical Edit Intersection Point Measurement Transfer Mark Angle
Line Redefine Object Trace On/Off Segment Animation Ray Translation Multiple Animation Vector Rotation Triangle Dilation Polygon Reflection Color Regular Polygon Symmetry Fill
Circle Dotted
Angle Bisector Label
Locus Fix/Free
Inverse Thick
Arc Initial Object Modify Appearance Conic Final Object
Define Macro New Axes
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Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II 9
Show/Hide Axes
Define Grid
10 Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II
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© 1997, 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated

Modeling: Handshakes

Problem: Four friends meet at a party. Each wants to shake hands with the others. How many handshakes take place? A fifth friend enters the room—then a sixth and seventh. How many handshakes are there?
You can use Cabri Geometry II to model this situation by constructing points on a circle to represent the friends and line segments to
People New handshakes Total handshakes
4 5 6 7
represent the handshakes.
Step-by-step instructions are given below. Follow the steps and fill in the chart at the right. Do you see a pattern?

Get ready

1. Start Cabri Geometry Geometry II. Click anywhere in the drawing window to remove the initial screen. The drawing window appears.

Construct a circle to represent the party

2. The fourth button on the toolbar represents the currently
selected tool in the been assigned names for convenience—the names do not appear on the screen.) Click and hold on that tool to pull down the menu of tools used to construct curved lines.
3. Point to and click on the the toolbox. Notice that this button is lighter than the others and has the appearance of a button that is pushed in. This
tells you that
is the currently selected tool.
4. Move the " (pointer) toward the center of the drawing window. As you move the " onto the drawing window, it changes to a # (pencil) so that you can “draw” a circle. Click and release the mouse button. A dot appears.
5. Move the # away from the point. (Do not hold the mouse button down.) As you move the #, a circle appears. Continue to move the # to change the size of the circle. When the radius of the circle is about two or three inches, click again.
Notice that the
you can make another circle immediately, without having to select from the toolbar again.
toolbox. (The toolboxes have
. The circle tool is displayed in
tool is still highlighted, indicating that
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Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II 11
Modeling: Handshakes

Move and resize the circle

6. Instead of making another circle, practice moving and resizing the circle. The tools for moving and resizing are in
the Begin by pulling down the select the
7. Move the " into the drawing window. Notice that the " changes to a ! (cross hair). Move the ! to the point at the center of the circle. It changes to a $ (pointing hand) and the message
Cabri Geometry II recognizes all the objects you create and informs you when the cursor is close enough to an object for you to select it or perform some other activity.
Click once on the mouse button. The point flashes, indicating that the point is selected.
8. Click and hold the mouse button. The $ changes to a % (grasping hand) to show that you can move the object. While holding the mouse button down, drag the point toward the right to move the circle. Release the mouse button. (Note: You don’t have to select a point to move it.)
toolbox, which is the first toolbox on the toolbar.
toolbox; then point to and
tool (").
This point
This point
9. Now move the $ away from the center point. It changes back into a !. Move the ! toward the circumference until it changes to the $ with the message
This circle
Click once on the mouse button. (Do not hold the mouse button down.) The circumference appears to be moving or flashing. This marquee outline indicates that the circumference is selected.
To deselect the circle, move the $ until it changes to a ! and then click. The circumference no longer appears to be moving.
10. Move the ! near the circumference until the $ appears. Click and hold the mouse button. The $ changes into a %. Enlarge the circle to fill the screen by dragging the circumference. Release the button.
This circle
12 Getting Started with Cabri Geometry II
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