This document is a user’s guide for the ADC3xxxEVM and ADC3xJxxEVM. The EVMs provide a platform
for evaluating the ADC3xxx and ADC3xJxx. The ADC3xxx is a dual-channel or quad-channel, 12-bit or 14bit, serial LVDS interface analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC3xxx comes with sampling speed
grades of 25 MSPS, 50 MSPS, 80 MSPS, and 125 MSPS. The ADC3xJxx is a dual-channel or quadchannel, 12-bit or 14-bit, JESD204B-compliant interface ADC. The ADC3xJxx comes with sampling speed
grades of 50 MSPS, 80 MSPS, 125 MSPS, and 160 MSPS. This family of converters requires only a
single 1.8-V supply, provides flexible input clock dividers, and provides internal features for improved 1/f
(ADC32xx, ADC34xx) and SFDR performance. Throughout this document, the abbreviations EVM and
ADC3xxxx, and the term evaluation module are synonymous with the ADC3xxx EVM and ADC3xJxx EVM,
unless otherwise noted.
There are three package sizes and pinouts for all of these parts. The sLVDS dual devices use a 7-mm ×
7-mm, 48-pin QFN package. The sLVDS quad devices use an 8-mm × 8-mm, 56-pin QFN package. The
dual and quad JESD204B device share the same package using a 7-mm × 7-mm, 48-pin QFN package
The dual ADCs comprise two buffered inputs, two ADC cores, and a common input clock circuit. The quad
ADCs comprise four buffered inputs, four ADC cores, and a common input clock circuit. The sLVDS
versions have a 2-wire interface per ADC (two pairs of p/n signals)—for the dual, this means two sets of 2wire interfaces (four p/n pairs), the quad has four sets of 2-wire interfaces (eight p/n pairs). Each of these
2-wire interfaces can be operated in 1-wire mode (14x serialization), or 2-wire mode (7x serialization). For
the 12-bit devices, this equates to 12x and 6x serialization. The JESD204B versions have one lane per
ADC core. For the dual, this means there are two lanes per device, and four lanes per device for the
quad. See the respective device data sheet for more information on sLVDS serialization and JESD204B
lane configurations.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show simplified block diagrams of the default configuration of the EVM. The two or
four analog inputs are supplied to the EVM through a single-ended SMA connection, then transformer
coupled to turn the single-ended signal into a balanced differential signal, and then input to the ADC32xxx
or ADC34xxx. A dual transformer input circuit is used for better phase and amplitude balance of the input
signal than is typically produced by a single transformer input circuit.
The clock input is supplied by way of a single-ended signal to an SMA connector, and transformer coupled
to produce a differential clock signal for the ADC32/34xx EVM. For the ADC32J/34Jxx EVM, the clock
input can be generated onboard using the LMK04828.
Power to the ADC3xxx EVM is typically supplied from a 5-V bench supply using the onboard barrel
connector and the provided cable, or from an appropriate 5-V, 3-A minimum power brick. All necessary
voltages for the ADC EVM are derived from the 5-V input connection.
Figure 3 illustrates the power supply options available on the ADC3xxx EVM. Jumpers are used to choose
the power-supply options, with the default jumper positions indicated by the darker portion of the jumper
that represents the presence of the jumper. See Table 2 for jumper and feedback resistor configuration.
The default power path has an efficient, dual-output, DC/DC switching power supply to first step down the
input supplies from 5 V to 4 V, and 2.8 V for the subsequent low-noise LDOs. The 4 V is used by an LDO
to derive 3.3 V for the LMK04828 clock circuits on the ADC3xJxx EVMs. The 2.8 V is used by an LDO to
derive a 1.8-V supply for the ADC and USB circuits.
The low-noise LDOs can be bypassed to allow the DC/DC power supply to directly provide the ADC
power. Note that the feedback resistors of the DC/DC converter must be adjusted accordingly. See the
respective ADC EVM user's guide schematic for details.
Table 2. Power Supply Options
JP6: 1-2, JP7: 1-2Default connection for LDO 1.8-V supply, switch both to 2-3 to use the switcher U4, install R79 for 1.8-V
switcher output
JP6: 1-2, JP7: 1-2Default connection for LDO 1.8-V supply, switch both to 2-3 to use the switcher U4, install R79 for 1.8-V
switcher output
JP9: 1-2, JP10: 1-2Default connection for LDO 1.8-V supply, switch both to 2-3 to use the switcher U8, install R152 for 1.8-V
switcher output
JP12: 1-2, JP13: 1-2Default connection for LDO 3.3 V for LMK04828 power and onboard SPI/CPLD, switch both to 2-3 to use
U11 switcher output, install R163 for 3.3-V switcher output
Figure 5. ADC34xx EVM Connector and Jumper Locations
The EVM has a barrel connector for 5-V power. The SMA connectors connect the ADC input and ADC
clock input to the ADC. Typically, the ADC inputs are transformer-coupled to accept single-ended
connections. The input circuit can be configured to connect to two SMA connectors for differential
signaling, if desired. Table 3 lists the connector information for the ADC3xxxx.
ADC32xxJ1AINP – positive input for A, Ch1 single ended input
ADC34xxJ1AINP – positive input for A, Ch1 single ended input
Table 3. ADC3xxxx EVM Connectors
J2AINM – negative input for A, DNI
J3BINM – negative input for B, DNI
J4BINP – positive input for B, Ch2 single ended input
J9CLK_INP – positive CLK input, single ended clock input
J10CLK_INM – negative CLK input, DNI
J11SYSREF_INP – positive input for SYSREF frame clock, single ended input
J12SYSREF_INM – negative SYSREF input, DNI
J13A, BHSMC data connector to TSW1400 evaluation platform
J14Mini USB connector for SPI control
J15Power connector for 5-V adapter
J2AINM – negative input for A, DNI
J3BINM – negative input for B, DNI
J4BINP – positive input for B, Ch2 single ended input
J5CINP – positive input for C, Ch3 single ended input
J6CINM – negative input for C, DNI
J7DINM – negative input for D, DNI
J8DINP – positive input for D, Ch4 single ended input
J9CLK_INP – positive CLK input, single ended clock input
J10CLK_INM – negative CLK input, DNI
J11SYSREF_INP – positive input for SYSREF frame clock, single ended input
J12SYSREF_INM – negative SYSREF input, DNI
J13A, BHSMC data connector to TSW1400 evaluation platform
J14Mini USB connector for SPI control
J15Power connector for 5-V adapter
ADC32J/34JxxJ1AIN_CH-AP – positive input for CHA, single ended input (DNI for ADC32Jxx)
J2AIN_CH-AM – negative input, (DNI for ADC32Jxx and ADC34Jxx)
J3BIN_CH-BP – positive input for CHB (CHA input for ADC32Jxx), single ended input
J4BIN_CH-BM – negative input for CHB (CHA input for ADC32Jxx and ADC34Jxx)
J5CIN_CH-CP – positive input for CHC (CHB input for ADC32Jxx), single ended input
J6CIN_CH-CM – negative input for CHC (CHB input for ADC32Jxx and ADC34Jxx)
J7DIN_CH-DP – positive input for CHD, single ended input (DNI for ADC32Jxx)
J8DIN_CH-DM – negative input, (DNI for ADC32Jxx and ADC34Jxx)
J9EXT_ADC_CLK – external ADC clock connection for ADC, if needed
J23EXT SYSREF+ - external SYSREF connection for ADC, if needed (positive input)
J24EXT SYSREF– - external SYSREF connection for ADC, if needed (negative input)
J10LMK_CLKIN – external input clock for LMK use, if needed (for clock distribution mode)
J13DCLKOUT6P – LMK output test point, positive
J14DCLKOUT6N – LMK output test point, negative
J15DCLKOUT7P – LMK output test point, positive
J16DCLKOUT7N – LMK output test point, positive
J205-V input power jack
J18Mini USB connector for SPI GUI control
The onboard jumper options allow configuration of onboard power supplies and ADC options. Many of the
jumper selections that involve dc inputs or static control signals are by way of push-on square post
jumpers. The jumper options listed in Table 4 show the default settings of the jumpers for the EVM as
normally shipped.
There is a pushbutton on the ADC3xxxx EVM – SW1. At power up, the ADC can either accept a hardware
reset by pressing SW1 or toggling the software reset switch on the ADC3xxxx EVM GUI. The default reset
configuration of the ADC is given in its respective data sheet.
LED D1 on the ADC32/34xxx is lit to show the presence of the 5-V supply voltage to the EVM. On the
ADC32J/34Jxx EVMs, LED D8 is used to show the presence of the 5-V supply voltage to the EVM.
Table 5 lists the description of each LED indicator.
Table 4. ADC3xxxx EVM Jumper Options
ADC32xx/ADC34xxJP13 pin Jumper – 2-3 Default connection, 1-2 to enable PwDn function
JP2, J3, JP4,JP52 pin Jumper - SPI access points, if needed – default should be installed
JP6, JP73 pin , default 1-2 to use 1.8V LDO. Use pins 2-3 to bypass 1.8-V LDO
ADC32J/34JxxJP13 pin Jumper – 2-3 Default connection, 1-2 to enable PwDn function
JP2, J3, JP4,JP52 pin Jumper - SPI access points, if needed – default should be installed
JP62 pin, default is connected for powering onboard VCXO
SJP13 pin, DNI, optional for VCXO that require enable on pin 2
JP83 pin, default 2-3 for USB SPI selection through CPLD, 1-2 used for FMC
connector based SPI port
JP9, JP103 pin, default 1-2 to use 1.8V LDO. Use pins 2-3 to bypass LDO
JP12, JP133 pin, default 1-2 to use 3.3V LDO. Use pins 2-3 to bypass LDO
Table 5. ADC3xxxx EVM LED Indicators
ADC32xx/ADC34xxD15-V power indicator
ADC32J/34JxxD1, D2Status LED from CLKin SEL0/1 on LMK
D3, D4Status LED used to indicate LMK Lock or PLL Lock
D5Status LED for JESD SYNC
D6, D7Spare LED indicators for FMC connector
D85-V power indicator