This software package supports 2802x devices. This includes the following: TMS320F28027,
TMS320F28026, TMS320F28023, TMS320F28022, TMS320F28021, TMS320F28020, and
Throughout this document, TMS320F28027, TMS320F28026, TMS320F28023,
TMS320F28022, TMS320F28021, TMS320F28020, and TMS320F280200 are abbreviated as
F28027, F28026, F28023, F28022, F28021, F28020, and F280200 respectively.
2 Introduction:
The 2802x C/C++ peripheral header files and example projects facilitate writing in C/C++
Code for the Texas Instruments TMS320x2802x DSPs. The code can be used as a learning
tool or as the basis for a development platform depending on the current needs of the user.
•Learning Tool:
This download includes several example Code Composer Studio™† v4.0+ projects for a
‘2802x development platform.
These examples demonstrate the steps required to initialize the device and utilize the onchip peripherals. The provided examples can be copied and modified giving the user a
platform to quickly experiment with different peripheral configurations.
These projects can also be migrated to other devices by simply changing the memory
allocation in the linker command file.
•Development Platform:
The peripheral header files can easily be incorporated into a new or existing project to
provide a platform for accessing the on-chip peripherals using C or C++ code. In
addition, the user can pick and choose functions from the provided code samples as
needed and discard the rest.
To get started this document provides the following information:
•Overview of the bit-field structure approach used in the 2802x C/C++ peripheral header
• Overview of the included peripheral example projects.
• Steps for integrating the peripheral header files into a new or existing project.
• Troubleshooting tips and frequently asked questions.
• Migration tips for users moving from the DSP280x header files to the DSP2802x header
Code Composer Studio is a trademark of Texas Instruments (
Finally, this document does not provide a tutorial on writing C code, using Code Composer
Studio, or the C28x Compiler and Assembler. It is assumed that the reader already has a
2802x hardware platform setup and connected to a host with Code Composer Studio
installed. The user should have a basic understanding of how to use Code Composer Studio
to download code through JTAG and perform basic debug operations.
2.1 Revision History
Version 1.25
This version includes minor corrections to the header files and examples. The most
notable change is that gel files and cmd linker files for the 280200 devices now
include 1K additional L0 RAM. A detailed revision history can be found in Section 9.
Version 1.21b
This version update only updates the V1.21 Quick Start Readme to adjust wording for
the controlSUITE software package. No changes to the header file and peripheral
example code were made.
Version 1.21
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
This version includes minor corrections and comment fixes to the header files and
examples. A detailed revision history can be found in Section 9.
Version 1.20
This version includes corrections and comment fixes to the header files and examples.
It adds examples pertaining to the ADC temperature sensor and compensation of the
oscillator frequency over temperature, and it also fixes an error in the
SFO_TI_Build_V6.lib library in the new SFO_TI_Build_V6b.lib library . A detailed
revision history can be found in Section 9.
Version 1.10
This version includes corrections and comment fixes to the header files and examples,
adds 3 new 2802x devices – 28021, 28020, and 280200 - , deletes 2 2802x devices –
28024 and 28025 - and also adds a separate example folder,
DSP2802x_examples_ccsv4, with examples supported by the Eclipse-based Code
Composer Studio v4. A detailed revision history can be found in Section 9.
Version 1.00
This version is the first release of the 2802x header files and examples.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
2.2 Where Files are Located (Directory Structure)
As installed, the 2802x C/C++ Header Files and Peripheral
Examples is partitioned into a well-defined directory
Table 1 describes the contents of the main directories used
by DSP2802x header files and peripheral examples:
Table 1. DSP2802x Main Directory Structure
Directory Description
<base> Base install directory. For the rest of this document <base> will be omitted
from the directory names.
<base>\doc Documentation including the revision history from the previous release.
<base>\DSP2802x_headers Files required to incorporate the peripheral header files into a project .
The header files use the bit-field structure approach described in Section
Integrating the header files into a new or existing project is described in
Section 5.
<base>\DSP2802x_examples_ccsv4 Example Code Composer Studio v4.0+ projects. These example projects
illustrate how to configure many of the on-chip peripherals. An overview of
the examples is given in Section 4.
<base>DSP2802x_common Common source files shared across example projects to illustrate how to
perform tasks using header file approach. Use of these files is optional,
but may be useful in new projects. A list of these files is in Section 8.
Under the DSP2802x_headers and DSP2802x_common directories the source files are
further broken down into sub-directories each indicating the type of file. Table 2 lists the sub-
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
directories and describes the types of files found within each:
Table 2. DSP2802x Sub-Directory Structure
Sub-Directory Description
DSP2802x_headers\cmd Linker command files that allocate the bit-field structures described in Section 3.
DSP2802x_headers\source Source files required to incorporate the header files into a new or existing
DSP2802x_headers\include Header files for each of the on-chip peripherals.
DSP2802x_common\cmd Example memory command files that allocate memory on the devices.
DSP2802x_common\include Common .h files that are used by the peripheral examples.
DSP2802x_common\source Common .c files that are used by the peripheral examples.
DSP2802x_common\lib Common library (.lib) files that are used by the peripheral examples.
DSP2802x_common\gel\ccsv4 Code Composer Studio v4.x GEL files for each device. These are optional.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
3 Understanding The Peripheral Bit-Field Structure Approach
The following application note includes useful information regarding the bit-field peripheral
structure approach used by the header files and examples.
This method is compared to traditional #define macros and topics of code efficiency and
special case registers are also addressed. The information in this application note is
important to understand the impact using bit fields can have on your application code.
Programming TMS320x28xx and 28xxx Peripherals in C/C++ (SPRAA85)
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
4 Peripheral Example Projects
This section describes how to get started with and configure the peripheral examples
included in the 2802x Header Files and Peripheral Examples software package.
4.1 Getting Started
4.1.1 Getting Started in Code Composer Studio v4.0+
To get started, follow these steps to load the 32-bit CPU-Timer example. Other examples are
set-up in a similar manner.
1. Have a hardware platform connected to a host with Code Composer Studio
NOTE: As supplied, the ‘2802x example projects are built for the ‘28027 device. If you
are using another 2802x device, the memory definition in the linker command file
(.cmd) will need to be changed and the project rebuilt.
2. Open the example project.
Each example has its own project directory which is “imported”/opened in Code
Composer Studio v4.
To open the ‘2802x CPU-Timer example project directory, follow the following steps:
a. In Code Composer Studio v 4.x: Project->Import Existing CCS/CCE Eclipse Project.
b. Next to “Select Root Directory”, browse to the CPU Timer example directory:
DSP2802x_examples_ccsv4\cpu_timer. Select the Finish button.
This will import/open the project in the CCStudio v4 C/C++ Perspective project
3. Edit DSP28_Device.h
Edit the DSP2802x_Device.h file and make sure the appropriate device/package
combination is selected. By default the 28027 PT package is selected.
Edit DSP2802x_Examples.h and specify the clock rate, the PLL control register value
(PLLCR and DIVSEL). These values will be used by the examples to initialize the
PLLCR register and DIVSEL bits.
The default values will result in a 60Mhz SYSCLKOUT frequency.
* DSP2802x_common\include\DSP2802x_Examples.h
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify the PLL control register (PLLCR) and divide select (DIVSEL) value.
//#define DSP28_DIVSEL 0 // Enable /4 for SYSCLKOUT(default at reset)
//#define DSP28_DIVSEL 1 // Disable /4 for SYSCKOUT
#define DSP28_DIVSEL 2 // Enable /2 for SYSCLKOUT
//#define DSP28_DIVSEL 3 // Enable /1 for SYSCLKOUT
In DSP2802x_Examples.h, also specify the SYSCLKOUT rate. This value is used to
scale a delay loop used by the examples. The default value is for a 60 Mhz
SYSCLKOUT. If you have a 50 Mhz device or a 40 MHz device you will need to adjust
these settings accordingly.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
* DSP2802x_common\include\DSP2802x_Examples.h
#define CPU_RATE 16.667L // for a 60MHz CPU clock speed (SYSCLKOUT)
//#define CPU_RATE 20.000L // for a 50MHz CPU clock speed (SYSCLKOUT)
//#define CPU_RATE 25.000L // for a 40MHz CPU clock speed (SYSCLKOUT)
//#define CPU_RATE 33.333L // for a 30MHz CPU clock speed (SYSCLKOUT)
In DSP2802x_Examples.h the target device chosen in DSP2802x_Device.h also
specifies the maximum SYSCLKOUT frequency (60 MHz, 50 Mhz, or 40 MHz) by
setting it to 1 and the other to 0 via compiler directives. This value is used by those
examples with timing dependent code (i.e. baud rates or other timing parameters) to
determine whether 60MHz code, 50 Mhz code, or 40MHz code should be run.
The default value is for 60Mhz SYSCLKOUT for the ‘28027 device. If you have
selected a 50 Mhz device or a 40 MHz device in DSP2802x_Device.h, the frequency
settings are adjusted accordingly. If you intend to run examples which use these
definitions at a different frequency, then the timing parameters in those examples must
be directly modified accordingly regardless of the setting here.
5. Review the comments at the top of the main source file:
A brief description of the example and any assumptions that are made and any external
hardware requirements are listed in the comments at the top of the main source file of
each example. In some cases you may be required to make external connections for the
example to work properly.
6. Perform any hardware setup required by the example.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
Perform any hardware setup indicated by the comments in the main source. The CPUTimer example only requires that the hardware be setup for “Boot to SARAM” mode.
Other examples may require additional hardware configuration such as connecting pins
together or pulling a pin high or low.
Table 3 shows a listing of the boot mode pin settings for your reference. Table 4 and
Table 5 list the EMU boot modes (when emulator is connected) and the Get Mode boot
mode options (mode is programmed into OTP) respectively. Refer to the documentation
for your hardware platform for information on configuring the boot mode pins. For more
information on the ‘2802x boot modes refer to the device specific Boot ROM Reference Guide.
0x0008 Wait
0x000A Boot to RAM
0x000B Boot to FLASH
Other Wait
Boot Mode Selected
Table 5. 2802x GET Boot Modes (Emulator Disconnected)
OTP_KEY OTP_BMODE Boot Mode Selected
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
0x3D7BFE 0x3D7BFF
!= 0x55AA x Get Mode - Flash
When the emulator is connected for debugging:
TRSTn = 1, and therefore the device is in EMU boot mode. In this situation, the user must
write the key value of 0x55AA to EMU_KEY at address 0x0D00 and the desired EMU boot
mode value to EMU_BMODE at 0x0D01 via the debugger window according to Table 4. The
2802x gel files in the DSP2802x_common/gel/ directory have a GEL function – EMU Boot
Mode Select -> EMU_BOOT_SARAM() which performs the debugger write to boot to
“SARAM” mode when called.
When the emulator is not connected for debugging:
0x0001 Get Mode - SCI
0x0003 Get Mode – Flash
0x0004 Get Mode - SPI
0x0005 Get Mode - I2C
0x0006 Get Mode - OTP
Other Get Mode - Flash
SCI or Parallel I/O boot mode can be selected directly via the GPIO pins, or OTP_KEY at
address 0x3D7BFE and OTP_BMODE at address 0x3D7BFF can be programmed for the
desired boot mode per Table 5.
7. Build and Load the code
Once any hardware configuration has been completed, in Code Composer Studio v4, go
to Target->Debug Active Project.
This will open the “Debug Perspective” in CCSv4, build the project, load the .out file into
the 28x device, reset the part, and execute code to the start of the main function. By
default, in Code Composer Studio v4, every time Debug Active Project is selected, the
code is automatically built and the .out file loaded into the 28x device.
8. Run the example, add variables to the watch window or examine the memory
At the top of the code in the comments section, there should be a list of “Watch
variables”. To add these to the watch window, highlight them and right-click. Then
select Add Watch expression. Now variables of interest are added to the watch
9. Experiment, modify, re-build the example.
If you wish to modify the examples it is suggested that you make a copy of the entire
header file packet to modify or at least create a backup of the original files first. New
examples provided by TI will assume that the base files are as supplied.
Sections 4.2 and 4.3 describe the structure and flow of the examples in more detail.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
10. When done, delete the project from the Code Composer Studio v4 workspace.
Go to View->C/C++ Projects to open up your project view. To remove/delete the project
from the workspace, right click on the project’s name and select delete. Make sure the Do not delete contents button is selected, then select Yes. This does not delete the project
itself. It merely removes the project from the workspace until you wish to open/import it
The examples use the header files in the DSP2802x_headers directory and shared
source in the DSP2802x_common directory. Only example files specific to a particular
example are located within in the example directory.
Note: Most of the example code included uses the .bit field structures to access
registers. This is done to help the user learn how to use the peripheral and device.
Using the bit fields has the advantage of yielding code that is easier to read and
modify. This method will result in a slight code overhead when compared to using
the .all method. In addition, the example projects have the compiler optimizer
turned off. The user can change the compiler settings to turn on the optimizer if
4.2 Example Program Structure
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
Each of the example programs has a very similar structure. This structure includes unique
source code, shared source code, header files and linker command files.
#include "DSP28x_Project.h" // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File
This header file includes DSP2802x_Device.h and DSP2802x_Examples.h. Because the
name is device-generic, example/custom projects can be easily ported between different
device header files. This file is found in the <base>\DSP2802x_common\include
This header file is required to use the header files. This file includes all of the required
peripheral specific header files and includes device specific macros and typedef
statements. This file is found in the <base>\DSP2802x_headers\include directory.
V1.25 Quick Start Readme
This header file defines parameters that are used by the example code. This file is not
required to use just the DSP2802x peripheral header files but is required by some of the
common source files. This file is found in the <base>\DSP2802x_common\include
4.2.1 Source Code
Each of the example projects consists of source code that is unique to the example as well as
source code that is common or shared across examples.
Any project that uses the DSP2802x peripheral header files must include this source file.
In this file are the declarations for the peripheral register structure variables and data
section assignments. This file is found in the <base>\DSP2802x_headers\source
•Example specific source code:
Files that are specific to a particular example have the prefix Example_2802x in their
filename. For example Example_2802xCpuTimer.c is specific to the CPU Timer
example and not used for any other example. Example specific files are located in the
<base>\DSP2802x_examples_ccsv4\<example> directory.
•Common source code:
The remaining source files are shared across the examples. These files contain
common functions for peripherals or useful utility functions that may be re-used. Shared
source files are located in the DSP2802x_common\source directory. Users may choose
to incorporate none, some, or the entire shared source into their own new or existing
4.2.2 Linker Command Files
Each example uses two linker command files. These files specify the memory where the
linker will place code and data sections. One linker file is used for assigning compiler
generated sections to the memory blocks on the device while the other is used to assign the
data sections of the peripheral register structures used by the DSP2802x peripheral header
•Memory block linker allocation:
The linker files shown in 0 are used to assign sections to memory blocks on the device.
These linker files are located in the <base>\DSP2802x_common\cmd directory. Each
example will use one of the following files depending on the memory used by the example.
Includes all of the internal SARAM blocks
on 28027 device. “RAM” linker files do
not include flash or OTP blocks.
Includes all Flash, OTP and CSM
password protected memory locations.
•Header file structure data section allocation:
Any project that uses the header file peripheral structures must include a linker command
file that assigns the peripheral register structure data sections to the proper memory
location. These files are described in Table 7.