1. Kit Contents
1 x CC1111 USB Dongle
This Quick Start Guide
The hardware in this kit is FCC and
IC certified and complies with
ETSI/R&TTE requirements over
temperature from 0 to +35°C.
2. Getting Started
The CC1111 USB Dongle can be
used as a development platform for
USB and RF applications.
An external development board or
debugger, like the CC Debugger,
SmartRF04EB or SmartRF05EB, is
required to program and debug
software running on the CC1111.
Note that the CC1111 USB Dongle
is pre-programmed with the packet
sniffer firmware.
This Quick Start Guide will
describe how to use the dongle
with the packet sniffer and what
would be the next steps for
developing your own software.
3. Preparations
Before proceeding, please
download and install the following
SmartRF Flash Programmer
You will need this tool to program
the packet capture firmware on the
CC1111 USB dongle
SmartRF Packet Sniffer
This is the PC tool that displays
and parses the packets received by
the capture device.
4. Programming the Dongle
For the USB dongle to operate as a
packet capture device, it must be
programmed with the packet sniffer
firmware. By default, the dongle
comes pre-programmed with this
Connect the USB dongle to the
debugger or the development
board with an appropriate 10 pin
flat cable. The dongle must also be
powered via the USB bus. Refer to
picture below for an example.
Caution! Avoid using other power
sources for the dongle than a
regular USB voltage source at max
5.5V, 500 mA.
5. Programming the Dongle
Launch the SmartRF Flash
Programmer and make sure you
select the “System-on-Chip” tab.
The tool should show a line with
CC1111 connected to a
Next, locate the flash image
sniffer_fw_ccxx11.hex in
“C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\SmartRF
Tools\Packet Sniffer\bin\general\firmware”
Select “Erase, program and verify”
and press the “Perform Actions”
6. Install USB Driver
After programming the device,
disconnect the dongle from the
programming board and plug it into
the PC. Windows’ new hardware
wizard will appear.
Select the options for automatic
installation and wait for the driver
installation to complete. If the
Wizard asks for a specific driver,
point it to the cebal2.inf file located
in “C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\SmartRF
After installation of the driver, the
Packet Sniffer capture device is
ready for use.
December 2012
CC1111 USB Evaluation Kit 868/915 MHz Quick Start Guide

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documentation, new product releases, and more.
Sign up on the TI web pages.
7. Packet Sniffer (1)
Launch the Packet Sniffer. A dialog
will request the user to select a
protocol. The CC1111 capture
device can be used with the
SimpliciTI or the Generic (no
parsing) protocols. A new window
will appear.
The USB dongle should be listed
with chip type CC1111 and EB type
CC1111 USB dongle in the
“Capturing Device” tab.
Highlight the device to make it your
capture device.
8. Packet Sniffer (2)
Next, select the Radio
Configuration tab and make sure
the radio registers on the device
are set according to the format of
the radio signals you are sniffing.
If this is the first time you use the
tool, press the browse button to
locate a .prs file with packet sniffer
register settings for CC1111.
You can generate your own .prs
files with the “Register Export”
function in SmartRF Studio
9. Packet Sniffer (3)
Finally, press the small “play” icon
on the tool bar to start sniffing
If there are radio packets on the
air, and the CC1111 has the
appropriate radio settings, the
captured packets will be displayed
in the packet sniffer display
10. Developing USB Software
A good start for developing your
own USB application for the
CC1111 USB dongle would be the
“CC USB Firmware Library and
Examples” software package.
The Library contains a complete
USB framework that allows the
user to develop any USB device
type. Examples showing
implementations of a HID device
and a CDC device are included.
The software can be downloaded
from the CC1111EMK web page or
directly from
11. Development Tools
The preferred tool for developing
software for CC1111 and for single
stepping and debugging is IAR
Embedded Workbench for 8051.
A free, code size limited version
can be downloaded from the web.
See www.iar.com/ew8051
12. Thank You!
We hope you will enjoy working
with the CC1111 device and
related Low-Power RF products
from Texas Instruments.
The Low Power RF Online
Community has forums, blogs and
videos. Use the forums to find
information, discuss and get help
with your design. Join us at
Caution! The kit contains ESD
sensitive components. Handle with
care to prevent permanent damage.