When pressing the clutch handle, the gear will be activated, and the tiller will move backward or
forward, depending on your choice of gear. Take care not to operate the tiller in reverse when
standing with your back to an object, for example, a tree or wall.
The black handle is used to move the tiller forwards. The red handle is used to move the tiller
backwards. Take care not to back the tiller up when standing with your back against an object, for
example, a tree or wall.
The tiller blades pull the machine forwards. In other words, the speed of the machine depends on
how much gas you give it. If you hold the tiller back, the blades dig into the ground.
If the tiller has a tendency to dig down, there are several things you can do. The right and left
blade set can be changed. This means that the tiller will use the back of the blade to till, and thus it
will not dig down so easily. In addition, side guards can be fitted. This also helps prevent the tiller
from digging down.
Lowering the supportwheels will also prevent the tiller in digging down.
The depth skid must always be placed in the top notch if this is the case. See also the section on
adjusting the depth skid.
The tiller's speed is regulated not only by the speed of the engine, but also by the depth skid,
which is situated behind the machine.
Do not till very wet soil, as clods of earth will be formed, and these are difficult to break up. Dry and
hard soil may need to be tilled twice.
The outer blades can be removed if the tiller is to be used between narrow rows of plants and
crops. This reduces the tilling width.
The ground can be tilled in two directions, thus achieving optimum tilling.
Figure M.
It is important that you do not try to hold back the tiller. Using the machine must be a comfortable
and relaxing experience.
The tiller has two forward gears and one reverse gear.
The gear lever has 5 positions: R - N - 2 - N - 1
First gear is engaged when the gear lever is pushed as far as
possible to the right, towards the handlebar.
This is the slowest gear and is recommended for ploughing,
for instance.
Figure L, 2.
Second gear is engaged when the gear lever is pushed to the left, away from the handlebar.
This is the quickest gear and also the recommended tiller speed.
Figure L, 2.
Reverse is engaged when the gear lever is pushed as far as possible to the left, away from the