All TET instruments are not cleared for dispatching until having successfully concluded
exhaustive function testing (as documented by a detailed test report). 8 hours continous
operation under worst-case conditions followed by final inspection.
It is however, good practice, to check the instruments immediately on delivery and any
mechanical damage to the instruments must be reported immediately to the corresponding
carrier for his confirmation.
TET provides a 2 year guarantee on 19"-rack power supplies, valid as of the date of delivery.
This guarantee does not cover mechanical damage or defects in the instrument, caused by
failure to observe the operating instructions. This guarantee also expires, should the
instrument be opened by the user.
Guarantee is generally subject to the firm terms and conditions in the confirmation of order.
Should the instrument be in need of repair, you are kindly requested to contact your local TET
representative. All TET after-sales facilities are dedicated to meet requirements with
minimum delay.
Users can also turn instruments directly to:
IndustrieAlpine GmbH & Co. KG
IndustrieAlpine Allee 1
D - 94513 Schönberg
Always state type of model and serial number.
Spare parts:
Spare parts should be ordered in accordance with the following arrangement:
Qty. Designation Type Item Instrument Serial-No.
Atlas 40-30
Atlas 2000
Page 2 von 26 ISSUE 07/05
CHAPTER 1: Description
1.1 General
1.2 Features
1.3 Options
CHAPTER 2: Specifications
2.1 Electrical Specifications
2.2 hysical Specifications
2.3 General Specifications
2.4 Frontpanel description
2.5 Rearpanel description
CHAPTER 3: Operating Manual
3.1 Putting into operation
3.2 Constant voltage operation with current limiting
3.3 Constant current operation with voltage limiting
3.4 Remote sensing
3.5 Remote voltage programming
3.5.1 Programming by resistance (RVP)
3.5.2 Programming by voltage (VVP=5V od. 10V)
3.6 Remote current programming
3.6.1 Programming by resistance (RCP)
3.6.2 Programming by voltage (VCP=5V od. 10V)
3.7 Series operation
3.7.1 Simple connection of load terminals
3.7.2 Master-Slave-Tracking
3.8 Parallel operation
3.8.1 Simple connection of load terminals
3.8.2 Auto-Load-Share-Paralleling
3.9 Overvoltage protection
3.9.1 OV with adjustable threshold
3.9.2 Remote threshold programming
3.9.3 Delayed current limitation (C-DYN)
3.10 Output signals
3.10.1 Monitor output
3.10.2 Status signals
3.11 Remote programming by means of the IEEE-488/RS-232 interface-card
CHAPTER 4: Options (connection and operation)
4.1 Option 07: Line change to 115VAC
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1.1 General
ATLAS-power supplies are precision constant voltage or constant current sources. TET new
ATLAS-series represents the latest generation of power supplies in accordance with state-oftheart requirements. This series features excellent flexibility of application and controls
designed in function to meet particular applications. The high quality standard permits a 2
year guarantee on these instruments.
Due to the broad range of output voltages available, instruments of this series are ideally
suited for applications as laboratory power supplies, the programming capabilities of which
ensure application in almost any system. The exceptionally high regulated and stabilized
outputs make ATLAS series instruments useful as DC standards in a great many applications.
The electrical conception of these instruments i. e. initial thyristor preregulation followed by
linear main regulation - permits more or less optimum relationship of output power to
volume. All instruments are physically concepted for compatibility with 19"-rack and panel
requirements. ATLAS series instruments meet German VDE-Class-Protection-I requirements.
1.2 Features
ATLAS series power supplies are designed for constant voltage operation with adjustable
current limiting, and constant current operation with adjustable voltage limiting with
automatic crossover. Constant current operation is indicated on the front panel by the light
emitting diode. The electronic current limiting circuit ensures permanent short-circuit
protection of all instruments.
The floating output permits output voltages to be used in conjunction with other voltages as
required. High voltages however, have to be taken in consideration to eliminate possible
electrocution hazards (as governed by German VDE regulation).
Series and parallel operation of a multiple arrangement of power supplies is provided for. The
standard versions employing remote sensing , remote current and voltage programming, series
configuration for master-slave-tracking and parallel configuration for auto-load-share
paralleling, emphasizes the universal communication capabilities on these series.
The integral overvoltage protection circuit (OV) protects the instrument from error voltages
occurring both within and external. This circuit is provided as a fixed OV as standard. These
power supplies are designed for compatibility in a 19" cabinet as long as due consideration is
given to adequate forced air cooling. A fan is provided in the power supply for removing the
heat emitted by the cooling stages, the fan drawing in fresh air at the front and blowing out
the warm air through the rear panel.
A built-in transient absorber gives added protection against voltage-spikes from the load.
1.3 Options
The high flexibility of this instrument series can be further improved by including reasonably
priced optional moduls:
Option 07: 115VAC line-voltage
Option 34: Listener-talker interface card for IEEE-488 bus and RS-232 serial port. This
card can be mounted in a slot on the rear side of the ATLAS instrument by the
Option 50: Digital display for voltage and current, 7-segment LED´s, 4 digits, as
replacement for the analog meters.
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2.1 Electrical Specifications
Output voltage0-40V0-60V0-160V
Output current0-50A0-30A0-15A
Input 230VAC +10%, 47....65Hz (Option 07 for 115 VAC ±10%)
Output floating, isolated form ground, up to 300 VDC max.
Constant voltage mode with adjustable current limiting
Line 0,001% or 0,5mV*) for ± 10% line change.
Load 0,001% or 0,5mV*
Recovery time:
50µs for a change of load from 50 to 100%, and regulation within 15mV.
30µs for a load change form 50 to 100%, and regulation within 50mV.
Ripple ≤ 1 mV
0,005% or 1mV*
ambient temperature.
Storage temperature range -20....+70°C
Operating temperature range 0....+40°C (+60°C for 20% reduction of rated current).
Temperature coefficient 0,005%V rated /°C over temperature range 0....+40°C.
Short circuit protection:
Automatic current limiting adjustable from < 100mA to rated current.
Voltage adjustment range from V
Remote sensing:
Maximum drop 0,5V per leg.
Constant current mode with adjustable voltage limiting
Line 0,01% for ± 10% line change.
Load 0,1% + 5mA from full load to short-circuit.
Ripple 0,1% or 50 mA
0,05% I rated for 8 hour after warm-up. Measured at constant line voltage, load and ambient
Temperature coefficient 0,03% I rated / °C in temperature range 0...+40°C.
Voltage compliance 0V to rated output voltage.
Constant current range adjustable from < 100mA to I rated by means of current control.
) whichever is greater
ATLAS 40-50 ATLAS 60-30ATLAS 160-15
) no load to full load as measured at sensing terminals.
) for 8 hours after warm-up. Measured at constant line voltage, load and
0 = 0 to V rated by means of 10-turn control.
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2.2 Physical specifications
Dimensions: Width x depth: 443 x 470 mm + (handle 43 mm)
Height: 178 mm
Module width x depth: 443 x 510 mm
Weight: approx. 50 Kg
2.3 General Specification
Metering: Voltmeter and amperemeter, each class accuracy 2.5
Ventilation: Two-speed fan ventilation. Cold air inlet on the front side, warm air output on
the rear side.
Front panel controls: See Fig.1
Rear panel controls: See Fig.2 and Fig.3
Line current:
Approx. 20A at 230V and full load, 2,5A at 230V and no load.
Inrush-current limiting with 5,6 Ohm.
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2.4 Frontpanel layout description
17 2 3 109
4 5 151
1...... Power switch
2....... Voltage output display
3....... Current output display
4....... Voltage adjustment control (10-turn pot)
5....... Current adjustment control (10-turn pot)
6....... External / internal switch and external LED-indicator
7....... Remote enable indicator
8....... LED-indicator for constant voltage mode
9....... LED-indicator for constant current mode
10..... Adjustment control for the OV-protection
11..... Overvoltage reset button and overvoltage LED-indicator
12..... Current balance
13..... Delayed current limitation ON - OFF
14..... Time-adjust for delayed current limitation
15..... Test sockets for output voltage
16..... Power-ON-indicator
17..... Ventilation
The test sockets (15) are not appropriate to source current !
14 16
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2.5 Rear panel layout description
1....... Rear panel
2,3... Load terminals (TB2)
4...... AC input (TB1)
5....... Mechanical stress-relevement for the input cord
6....... Grounding screw
7....... Ventilation
8....... Terminal block for +/- sense and output voltage +V, -V
9....... Regulation board with TB3, TB4, S1, S2 (see Fig.3)
10..... Opt.34 Interface-card
11..... Handle
12..... Output-cover
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