TESTO Saveris T2 radio probe, Saveris T2D radio probe, Saveris T3 radio probe, Saveris T1 radio probe, Saveris T1D radio probe Instruction Manual

Measurement data monitoring with testo Saveris Small Business Edition
Instruction manual
1 Contents
Pos: 1 /TD/Überschriften/1. Inhalt @ 0\mod_1 177587817070_79.d ocx @ 1243 @ 1 @ 1
1 Contents
1 Contents ................................................................................................... 3
2 Safety and the environment .................................................................... 7
2.1. About this document ........................................................................ 7
2.2. Ensure safety ................................................................................... 8
2.3. Protecting the environment .............................................................. 8
3 Specifications .......................................................................................... 9
3.1. Use .................................................................................................. 9
3.2. System requirements ..................................................................... 10
4 Product description ............................................................................... 12
4.1. Saveris base .................................................................................. 12
4.2. Saveris base GSM module (optional) ............................................ 14
4.2.1. Control keys ................................................................................................... 14
4.2.2. Displays ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3. Save radio probe ........................................................................... 21
4.3.1. Radio probe without display ........................................................................... 21
4.3.2. Radio probe with display ................................................................................ 22
4.3.3. Meaning of the LED displays at the probes .................................................... 23
4.4. Saveris Ethernet probes ................................................................ 24
4.5. Saveris router ................................................................................ 26
4.6. Saveris converter ........................................................................... 27
4.7. Saveris analog coupler .................................................................. 28
5 First steps .............................................................................................. 29
5.1. Flowchart ....................................................................................... 29
5.2. Inserting SIM card (optional) .......................................................... 31
5.3. Connecting USB cable to the Saveris base (optional) ................... 32
5.4. Connecting GSM antenna (optional) ............................................. 33
5.5. Connecting Saveris base with power supply ................................. 34
5.5.1. Power supply via mains unit ........................................................................... 34
5.5.2. Power supply via plug-in/screw connection (optional) .................................... 35
5.6. Inserting batteries in the probes .................................................... 36
5.7. Connecting radio probe ................................................................. 37
5.8. Installing Saveris software ............................................................. 39
5.9. Starting up hardware ..................................................................... 40
5.10. Starting Saveris software ............................................................... 42
1 Contents
Expand measuring system ............................................................ 44
5.11.1. Integrating a Saveris router (optional) ............................................................ 44 Connecting router with power supply (mains unit) ........................... 45 Connecting router with power supply (AC/DC) ................................ 46 Connecting router ............................................................................ 48 Assigning probes ............................................................................. 51 Connecting routers in series ............................................................ 53
5.11.2. Assigning an IP address to the Saveris base (optional) ................................. 57
5.11.3. Integrating Saveris Ethernet probe (optional) ................................................. 58 Connecting the network cable. ........................................................ 59 Connecting Ethernet probe with power supply (mains unit) ............. 60 Connecting USB cable and installing driver (optional) ..................... 61 Assigning connection data ............................................................... 62 Connecting the network cable to the Saveris base .......................... 64 Starting up Ethernet probes ............................................................. 65
5.11.4. Integrating Saveris converter (optional) ......................................................... 69
5.11.5. Integrating Saveris analog coupler (optional) ................................................. 70
5.12. Performing the test run ................................................................. 77
5.12.1. Checking system availability .......................................................................... 77
5.12.2. Testing the system ......................................................................................... 78
5.12.3. Checking alarm chain .................................................................................... 79
5.13. Mounting the hardware ................................................................. 79
5.13.1. Mounting the Saveris base on the wall .......................................................... 80
5.13.2. Setting up Saveris base with stand ................................................................ 82
5.13.3. Mounting the probe on the wall ...................................................................... 83
5.13.4. Checking the measuring system again .......................................................... 84
6 Using the product ................................................................................. 85
6.1. User interface ................................................................................ 85
6.2. Menus and commands .................................................................. 87
6.2.1. Start ............................................................................................................... 87
6.2.2. Edit ................................................................................................................ 88
6.2.3. Options .......................................................................................................... 90
6.2.4. Axes .............................................................................................................. 93
6.2.5. Template ....................................................................................................... 93
6.2.6. Selecting projects .......................................................................................... 93
6.2.7. Style template ................................................................................................ 93
6.3. Creating, editing and deleting zones ............................................. 94
6.3.1. Creating zones .............................................................................................. 94
6.3.2. Change zones ............................................................................................... 95
6.3.3. Deleting zones ............................................................................................... 95
6.4. Configuring the alarms .................................................................. 95
6.4.1. Basic settings for the SMS messages ............................................................ 96
6.4.2. Setting up base alarms .................................................................................. 98
6.4.3. Setting up alarm groups ................................................................................. 99 Components .................................................................................... 99 Channels ....................................................................................... 101
1 Contents
Analyzing series of measurements .............................................. 104
6.5.1. Diagram view ............................................................................................... 104 Enlarging the view ......................................................................... 104 Information on a reading (crosshairs) ............................................ 104 Showing regression curve ............................................................. 105 Text field ........................................................................................ 105 Characteristics of a curve .............................................................. 106 Settings for the axes in the diagram .............................................. 110
6.5.2. Table view ................................................................................................... 113 Marking readings ........................................................................... 113 Dropping the marking .................................................................... 114 Inserting extreme values or mean in the table ............................... 114 Compressing readings ................................................................... 114 Dropping compression ................................................................... 115 Determining largest reading ........................................................... 115 Determining the smallest reading .................................................. 115 Add rows ....................................................................................... 115 Compress ...................................................................................... 116 Drop compression ......................................................................... 116
6.6. Analyzing alarms ......................................................................... 116
6.6.1. Checking alarms .......................................................................................... 116
6.6.2. Acknowledge the alarm ................................................................................ 117
6.7. Creating evaluations .................................................................... 118
6.7.1. Printing measurement data .......................................................................... 118
6.7.2. Archiving with automatic reports .................................................................. 119
6.8. Checking the database capacity .................................................. 119
6.9. System settings ........................................................................... 121
6.9.1. General settings for the Saveris base .......................................................... 121
6.9.2. Show operating data of the probes. ............................................................. 122
6.9.3. Settings for the radio probe .......................................................................... 123
6.9.4. Ethernet probes ........................................................................................... 125
6.9.5. Analog coupler ............................................................................................. 127
6.10. Report settings ............................................................................ 128
7 Maintaining the product ...................................................................... 131
7.1. Maintenance ................................................................................ 131
7.2. Replacement of components ....................................................... 131
7.2.1. Deleting components ................................................................................... 131
7.2.2. Adding new components .............................................................................. 134
7.2.3. Logging components back in ....................................................................... 138
7.3. Calibration and adjustment .......................................................... 140
7.3.1. On-site calibration and adjustment ............................................................... 141
7.3.2. External calibration and adjustment ............................................................. 141
7.4. Saving data in the Saveris base .................................................. 142
7.5. Restarting the Saveris base ......................................................... 143
7.6. Removing probe from wall bracket .............................................. 144
7.7. Changing batteries at probe ........................................................ 144
7.8. Changing a battery ...................................................................... 146
1 Contents
Carrying out a software and firmware system update ................. 148
7.9.1. Carrying out a software update .................................................................... 149 Uninstalling software ..................................................................... 149 Software installation ...................................................................... 149
7.9.2. Carrying out a firmware system update ....................................................... 150
7.10. Technical data ............................................................................. 153
7.10.1. Saveris base ................................................................................................ 153
7.10.2. Saveris radio probe ...................................................................................... 154
7.10.3. Saveris router .............................................................................................. 161
7.10.4. Saveris Ethernet probes .............................................................................. 162
7.10.5. Saveris converter ......................................................................................... 168
7.10.6. Saveris analog coupler ................................................................................ 169
8 Tips and assistance ............................................................................ 172
8.1. Questions and answers .............................................................. 172
8.2. Saveris base alarm messages .................................................... 172
8.3. Accessories and spare parts ....................................................... 173
Pos: 2 /TD/--- Seitenwechsel --- @ 0\mod_1173774430601_0.docx @ 283 @ @ 1
2 Safety and the environment
Pos: 3 /TD/Überschriften/2. Sic herheit und Umwelt @ 0\mod_11737747 19351_79.docx @ 292 @ 1 @ 1
2 Safety and the environment
Pos: 4 /TD/Überschriften/2.1 Zu diese m Dokument @ 0\mod_117377525 2351_79.docx @ 346 @ 2 @ 1
2.1. About this document
Pos: 5 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diese m Dokument/Symbole und Sc hreibkonventionen/Sy mbole und Schreibkon v. [Saveris] @ 0\mod_1193 735939953_79.docx @ 562 3 @ 5 @ 1
Symbols and writing standards
Representat ion
Warning advice, risk level according to the signal word:
Warning! Serious physical injury may occur. Caution! Slight physical injury or damage to the
equipment may occur. > Implement the specified precautionary
Note: Basic or further information.
1. ...
2. ...
Action: more steps, the sequence must be followed.
> ... Action: a step or an optional step.
- ... Result of an action.
... ...
Position numbers for the clarification of the relationship between text and picture.
Menu Elements of the instrument, the instrument
display or the program interface.
[OK] Control keys of the instrument or buttons of the
program interface. ... | ... Functions/paths within a menu. “...” Example entries
Pos: 6 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diese m Dokument/Verwendung/Ver wendung (Saveri s) @ 0\mod_1191328770562_ 79.docx @ 5412 @ 5 @ 4
> Familiarity with a PC as well as the Microsoft® products, is
assumed in this documentation.
> Please read this documentation through carefully and
familiarize yourself with the product before putting it to use. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions and warning advice in order to prevent injuries and damage to the products.
2 Safety and the environment
> Keep this document to hand so that you can refer to it when
> Hand this documentation on to any subsequent users of the
Pos: 7 /TD/Überschriften/2.2 Sic herheit gewährleisten @ 0\mod_ 1173780783960_79. docx @ 366 @ 2 @ 1
2.2. Ensure safety
Pos: 8 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicher heit gewährleisten/Sa veris Wartungsar beiten @ 1\mod_11969586275 09_79.docx @ 6094 @ @ 1
> Carry out only the maintenance and repair work on the
components of the testo Saveris system that is described in the documentation. Follow the prescribed steps exactly. Use only original spare parts from Testo.
Pos: 9 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicher heit gewährleisten/Sa veris spannungsf ührende Teile @ 1\mod_12049 07008625_79.doc x @ 12630 @ @ 1
> Never use the Saveris probes to measure on or near live parts.
Pos: 10 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicher heit gewährleisten/ Produkt bestimmungs gemäß verwenden @ 0\mod_1173 781261848_79.doc x @ 386 @ @ 1
> Only operate the product properly, for its intended purpose and
within the parameters specified in the technical data. Do not use any force.
Pos: 11 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicher heit gewährleisten/ Saveris Funk @ 1\mod_1198 149459718_79.doc x @ 6845 @ @ 1
> The output of the power supply for the Saveris probes, routers,
converters and the Saveris base is restricted in accordance with EN 60950-1:2001. A manipulation of the power supply is not allowed in terms of the radio authorization.
> The radio module is installed in the Saveris components such
that the limit values for air and creepage distance is adhered to with regard to the standards. Changing the internal design of the components is not allowed.
> When selecting the mounting location, ensure that the
permissible ambient and storage temperatures are adhered to (see technical data).
At temperatures below 5 °C the rechargeable batteries will not charge, within this temperature range secure system operation is only possible to a limited extent.
Pos: 12 /TD/Überschriften/2.3 Umwelt sc hützen @ 0\mod_117378084 3645_79.docx @ 375 @ 2 @ 1
2.3. Protecting the environment
Pos: 13.1 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Um welt schützen/Akkus/ Batterien entsorgen @ 0\ mod_1175693637007_79. docx @ 619 @ @ 1
> Dispose of faulty rechargeable batteries/spent batteries in
accordance with the valid legal specifications.
Pos: 13.2 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Um welt schützen/Produk t entsorgen @ 0\mod_1173780 307072_79.doc x @ 357 @ @ 1
> At the end of its useful life, send the product to the separate
collection for electric and electronic devices (observe local regulations) or return the product to Testo for disposal.
Pos: 14 /TD/--- Seitenwechsel --- @ 0\mod_1173774430601_0.docx @ 283 @ @ 1
3 Specifications
Pos: 15 /TD/Überschriften/3. Leistungs beschreibung @ 0\mod_1 173774791554_79.d ocx @ 301 @ 1 @ 1
3 Specifications
Pos: 16 /TD/Überschriften/3.1 Verwendun g @ 0\mod_1176211016437_ 79.docx @ 695 @ 2 @ 1
3.1. Use
Pos: 17 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Ver wendung/testo Sa veris/01 Einsatzgebie te @ 1\mod_119737644054 6_79.docx @ 6184 @ 5 @ 1
Areas of application
The testo Saveris measurement system can be used everywhere where temperature and humidity-sensitive products are produced and stored, for example in the food industry (cold rooms, deep freeze rooms and refrigeration chambers), in smaller companies in food production, as well as bakeries and butchers, or in the pharmaceuticals industry (temperature-controlled cabinets, storage of drugs).
But the measurement system can also be used in other industries for monitoring the building air conditioning as well as for quality assurance in store rooms for products in every phase of production.
The testo Saveris measurement system is only used to monitor readings, not to control and regulate them.
The base with the SMS module may not be operated in environments where, for example, the use of a mobile phone is prohibited.
Pos: 18 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Ver wendung/testo Sa veris/02 Funktionswei se @ 1\mod_1197376538421_ 79.docx @ 6194 @ 5 @ 1
How it works
Pos: 19 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Ver wendung/testo Saveri s/02b Funktionsweise SBE @ 1\ mod_1197980459890_79. docx @ 6553 @ @ 1
Pos: 20 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Ver wendung/testo Sa veris/02c Funktions weise @ 1\mod_1197980516265 _79.docx @ 6573 @ @ 1
The ambient or process data for the temperature and air humidity in closed rooms are measured and recorded using probes with the measuring system. These readings are transmitted to the Saveris base via radio, which then saves them. A router can be used to optimize the radio in the event of difficult structural conditions. The data are called up from the Saveris base by a computer and saved in a database.
3 Specifications
Very long distances can be bridged by using a converter that converts the radio signals of the probe or router and then transmits these measurement data to the base via Ethernet cable. In addition the so-called Ethernet probes can be connected to the base using an Ethernet cable.
With the testo Saveris software you thereby always have an overview of the development of the readings in the individual areas.
Pos: 21 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Ver wendung/testo Sa veris/04 Haftungsau sschluss @ 1\mod_119737661 6906_79.docx @ 6214 @ 5 @ 1
Exclusion of liability
The testo Saveris system was developed to consolidate a large amount of measurement data from spatially separated probes in the Saveris software, document it without interruption and issue alarms in the event of irregularities.
The testo Saveris system is not designed to undertake control and regulation tasks according to the regulations. Particularly the alarms are not to be perceived as so-called critical alarms with which the endangerment of life or limb or damage to equipment can be averted.
Liability on the part of Testo AG for damages from this type of application is excluded.
Pos: 22 /TD/Überschriften/3.2 Syste mvoraussetzungen @ 0\ mod_1187269645125_79. docx @ 2385 @ 2 @ 1
3.2. System requirements
Pos: 23 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Sy stemvoraussetzun gen/Betriebssys tem (Saveris) @ 2\mod_120704 9498903_79.doc x @ 13979 @ 5 @ 4
Operating system
The software will run on the following operating systems:
Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit/ 32-bit or later
Windows® 8 64-bit/ 32-bit
Windows® 8.1 64-bit/ 32-bit
Windows® 10 64-bit/ 32-bit
Windows® Server 2008 SP2 64-bit
Windows® Server 2008 R2 64-bit
Windows® Server 2012 64-bit
Windows® Server 2012 R2 64-bit
Pos: 24 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Sy stemvoraussetzun gen/Rechner (Saveri s) @ 0\mod_1191918060734 _79.docx @ 5433 @ 55 @ 4
The computer must meet the requirements of the corresponding operating system. The following requirements must additionally be fulfilled:
4.5 GB unused hard drive capacity with maximum size of the database
USB 2.0 interface
3 Specifications
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
Microsoft® Windows® Installer 4.5 or later
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.0 SP1 or later
MDAC 2.8 SP1 or later
Microsoft® Outlook® (only for MAPI installation) The computer's processor, hard disk and interfaces
must be configured for continuous operation in order to ensure smooth automatic operation. If necessary, check your computer's energy-saving options.
If Windows® Installer, MDAC and .NET Framework are not present on the computer, they will be installed with the Saveris software. Restart after installation.
Date and time settings will be automatically accepted by the PC. The administrator must make sure that the system time is regularly compared with a reliable time source and adjusted if necessary, to ensure authenticity of the measurement data.
SQL Server® 2012 R2 Express is supplied.
The Microsoft® versions SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014 and
Terminal Server are supported.
Pos: 25 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Sy stemvoraussetzun gen/Akku-Info ( Saveris) @ 14\mod_13732688245 88_79.docx @ 171823 @ 5 @ 4
Rechargeable battery
The battery in the Saveris base, the Ethernet probes and the analog coupler is a wearing part, which has to be replaced after approx. 2 years. If a battery is faulty, it is not possible to guarantee full operability of the GSM module. In the event of a power failure, data loss cannot be ruled out for all components. When a component's battery is no longer fully functional, it triggers a
Defective battery system alarm.
The battery (article no. 0515 5021) should then be replaced immediately to ensure full functionality and data security.
Pos: 26 /TD/--- Seitenwechsel --- @ 0\mod_1173774430601_0.docx @ 283 @ @ 1
4 Product description
Pos: 27 /TD/Überschriften/4. Produkt beschreibung @ 0\mod_1173 774846679_79.doc x @ 310 @ 1 @ 1
4 Product description
Pos: 28 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/ Übersicht/testo Saver is/Hinweis CE @ 1\mod_120 4905902234_79.doc x @ 12612 @ @ 4
As declared in the declaration of conformity, this product complies with Directive 2014/30/EC.
Pos: 29 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/00 Base/01 Base @ 0\mod_118 9504245140_79.doc x @ 4274 @ 255 @ 1
4.1. Saveris base
Display for the visualization of the alarms and user guidance. Antenna.
Warning LED Keypad for operation of the Saveris base. LED for status display.
4 Product description
USB cable connection. Network cable connection. Connection of power supply via mains plug. Connection of power supply via 24 V AC/DC and alarm relay.
Connection for external GSM antenna (only in combination with
GSM module). Eyelets for strain relief. Guide for stand or wall bracket.
4 Product description
Pos: 30 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/ Übersicht/testo Saver is/00 Base/02 Base GSM @ 1\mod_1 196957066669_79.d ocx @ 6084 @ 3 @ 1
4.2. Saveris base GSM module (optional)
Insertion slot for the SIM card.
Pos: 31 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/ Übersicht/testo Saver is/00 Base/Bedienta sten @ 0\mod_1190205422 265_79.docx @ 4893 @ 3 @ 1
4.2.1. Control keys
Key Explanation
Switches from the Login menu to the
Info System menu.
In the Info Base menu, press [Esc] briefly 2x: shuts down the Saveris base
Press and hold [Esc]: starts up the Saveris base
In the Info System menu starts up the login status for the probe.
[ ], [ ] Navigation buttons for changing the
Pos: 32 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/ Übersicht/testo Saver is/00 Base/Display anzeigen @ 0\mod_1190205 462296_79.docx @ 4902 @ 2 @ 1
4 Product description
4.2.2. Displays
Info Base menu
IP address of the Saveris base.
The IP address is the unique identification number of the
Saveris base within the network. Netmask that is saved in the Saveris base.
The netmask is the basic address of the network in which the
Saveris base is integrated. Address of the gateway that is saved in the Saveris base.
A gateway is a transfer point between networks that work with
different protocols or data formats. A "translation" into the
respective other protocol or data format is then performed by
the gateway. Fill level of the internal rechargeable battery in the event of
power failure. The display is only shown with an interrupted
power supply. Fill level of the memory of the Saveris base. Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
4 Product description
Info Alarm menu
Number of the newly triggered alarms. Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
New alarms have to be checked and acknowledged at regular intervals. A large number (>100) of unacknowledged alarms will impair the system performance. The system automatically acknowledges unacknowledged alarms once these number 200 or more.
Alarm detail menu
Date on which the alarm was triggered. Time at which the alarm was triggered. Probe for which the alarm was triggered. Number of the alarm and total amount of alarms.
4 Product description
Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
Reading detail menu
Probe and duct, if present, for which the reading was
transferred. Reading with corresponding unit. Time at which the reading was transferred. Date on which the reading was transferred. Number of the reading and total number of readings. Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
Info GSM menu
Name of the network operator. Display of the reception quality.
4 Product description
Telephone number that is saved on the SIM card. Keys that are assigned functions in this menu. Version number of the internal GSM module.
Instrument detail menu
Serial number of the connected instrument. Firmware version of the connected instrument. Type designation of the connected instrument. Radio quality of the connected instrument (omitted for Ethernet
probes). Battery status of the instrument (omitted for Ethernet probes). Startup indicates whether the device has been configured by
the startup wizard. Number of successful devices. Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
4 Product description
Info System menu
Number of connected radio probes. Number of connected Ethernet probes. Number of connected routers. Number of connected converters.
Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
Login 1/2 menu
Status display when probes are connected.
4 Product description
Login 2/2 menu
Keys that are assigned functions in this menu.
This display is shown if no login signal was received from a probe within approx. 30 seconds.
4 Product description
Pos: 33 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/01 Funkfühler/00 Fun kfühler @ 0\mod_11902 81497265_79.docx @ 5041 @ 3 @ 1
4.3. Save radio probe
Pos: 34 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/01 Funkfühler/01 Fun kfühler ohne Display @ 0\mod_1189496319546_79. docx @ 4255 @ 3 @ 1
4.3.1. Radio probe without display
LED for status display. Antenna for radio transmission of measurement data to the
Saveris base. Guide rails for the wall bracket. Catch for the wall bracket. Ports, depending on type. Connect button for connecting the probe to the Saveris base
and for a status request during operation.
4 Product description
Pos: 35 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/01 Funkfühler/02 Fun kfühler mit Display @ 0\mod_1189496687343_79. docx @ 4264 @ 35 @ 1
4.3.2. Radio probe with display
Display for showing reading, battery and connection status as
well as the field strength of the radio link.
LED for status display. Antenna for radio transmission of measurement data to the
Saveris base. Guide rails for the wall bracket. Catch for the wall bracket. Ports, depending on type. Connect button for connecting the probe to the Saveris base
and for a status request during operation.
4 Product description
Quality of the radio link. Indicator as to whether a communication with the Saveris base
or a router or converter is performed. Battery status. Unit of the reading:
% for humidity measurement
mA for current measurement
°Ctd or °Ftd for dewpoint measurement. Reading. Indicator as to whether the reading has exceeded the upper ( )
limit value or undershot the lower ( ) limit value. Number of the channel. Display for a second sensor in the probe.
Pos: 36 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/01 Funkfühler/03 Bede utung der LED @ 0\mod_1190807 440000_79.doc x @ 5133 @ 255 @ 1
4.3.3. Meaning of the LED displays at the probes
Connecting to the Saveris base
Hold the connect button on the rear of the probe until the LED begins to flash orange.
Representation Explanation
Flashing orange
An attempt to establish the connection to the Saveris base.
Lit up green
The connection to the Saveris base was performed successfully.
Lit up red
The connection to the Saveris base failed.
4 Product description
Status displays during operation
Briefly press the connect button on the rear of the probe once and
the LED shows the status of the connection to the Saveris base.
Representation Explanation
Flashing 3 x green
A very good connection to the Saveris base exists.
Flashing 2 x green
A good connection to the Saveris base exists.
Flashing 1 x green
A borderline connection to the Saveris base exists.
Flashing 3 x red No connection to the Saveris base exists.
Pos: 37 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/02 Ethernet-Fühler /00 Ethernet-Fühl er @ 1\mod_119755572882 8_79.docx @ 6366 @ 5 @ 1
4.4. Saveris Ethernet probes
Pos: 38 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/02 Ethernet-Fühler /02 Ethernet-Fühl er @ 1\mod_119755573006 2_79.docx @ 6386 @ 2 @ 1
Display for showing the reading and transmission information. LED for status display. Connect button. Catch for the wall bracket.
Guide rails for the wall bracket. Input for external probes. Input for external 24 V AC/DC power supply.
M1.6 x 1.5 cable coupling Input for Ethernet interface. Input for service interface.
4 Product description
Input for power supply via mains unit.
Quality of the connection. Battery status. Indicator as to whether a communication with the Saveris base
is performed.
Unit of the reading:
% for humidity measurement
mA for current measurement
°Ctd or °Ftd for dewpoint measurement. Reading. Indicator as to whether the reading has exceeded the upper ( )
limit value or undershot the lower ( ) limit value. Number of the channel. Display for a second sensor in the probe.
4 Product description
Pos: 39 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/03 Router/01 Router @ 1\mod_1197555862937_ 79.docx @ 6406 @ 2 @ 1
4.5. Saveris router
Antenna for the radio transmission of the measurement data LED for status display Connect button for connecting the router to the Saveris base
and for a status request during operation Catch for the wall bracket Guide rails for the wall bracket Input for external 24 V AC/DC power supply.
M1.6 x 1.5 cable coupling Input for service interface Input for power supply via mains unit
4 Product description
Pos: 40 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/04 Converter/ 01 Converter @ 1\mod_119755708 6312_79.docx @ 6416 @ 2 @ 1
4.6. Saveris converter
Antenna for receiving the measurement data. LED for status display. Connect button for connecting the converter to the Saveris base
and for a status request during operation. Catch for the wall bracket. Guide rails for the wall bracket. Input for external 24 V AC/DC power supply.
M1.6 x 1.5 cable coupling Input for connecting the network cable (optional power supply
via PoE). Input for service interface. Input for power supply via mains unit.
4 Product description
Pos: 41 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersi cht/testo Saver is/05 Analogkoppler /01 Analogkoppler @ 4\mod _1245762445743_79. docx @ 45338 @ 2 @ 1
4.7. Saveris analog coupler
Only with radio analog coupler U1: Antenna for sending the
measurement data.
LED for status display. Connect button for connecting the analog coupler to the Saveris
base and for a status request during operation. Catch for the wall bracket. Guide rails for the wall bracket. Cable coupling M16 x 1.5 for connecting to the transmitter. Only with Ethernet analog coupler U1E: Input for connecting the
network cable. Input for service interface. Input for power supply via mains unit.
Pos: 42 /TD/--- Seitenwechsel --- @ 0\mod_1173774430601_0.docx @ 283 @ @ 1
5 First steps
Pos: 43 /TD/Überschriften/5. Erste Sc hritte @ 0\mod_1173774895 039_79.docx @ 319 @ 2 @ 1
5 First steps
Pos: 44 /TD/Erste Schritte/testo Saveri s/00 Ablaufdiagra mm Inbetriebnahme @ 0\mod_1 189581707421_79.doc x @ 4454 @ 2 @ 1
5.1. Flowchart
Connecting USB cable
power supply to base
Connecting probe to
Saveris base
Integrating router
Base with
GSM module?
Inserting batteries
in probe
Inserting SIM card
Connecting USB cable
power supply to base
Connecting probe to
Saveris base
Inserting batteries
in probe
Connecting GSM
5 First steps
Start up hardware
with the help of the
startup wizard.
Integrating Ethernet
Use Ethernet
Integrating converter
Performing the test run
Mounting the
Creating zones
Configuring the
+ 148 hidden pages