Technical data of the thermal imager
Technical data of the thermal imager
testo 882
Product data
Image output
Detector type
Thermal sensitivity (NETD)
Field of view / min. focusing distance
Geometric resolution (IFOV)
Image refresh rateFocus
Spectral range
Image size / min. focusing distance
Image presentation
Image display
Display options
Video output
Colour palettes
Temperature range
High temperature measurement (optional)
Emissivity / reflected
temperature compensation
Imager equipment
Digital camera
Power LEDs
Motor focus
Standard lens(32°x23°)
Laser measuring spot marking
Voice recording
Display of
surface moisture distribution
Measuring functions
Hot/Cold Spot Recognition
Min-/Max on Area
Image storage
File format
Storage device
Power supply
Battery type
Operating time
Charging options
Mains operation
Ambient conditions
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range
Air humidity
Housing protection class
Vibration (IEC 68-2-6)
Physical features
Dimensions (L x W x H) in mm
Tripod mounting
PC software
System requirements
testo 882
FPA 320 x 240 pixels, a.Si
< 60 mK at 30 °C
32° x 23° / 0.2 m
1.7 mrad
33 Hz for EU, otherwise 9 Hz
manual and motor focus
8 to 14 µm
640 x 480 pixels / 0.4 m
3.5” LCD with 320 x 240 pixels
IR image only /
real image only/
IR and real image
USB 2.0
9 options: iron, rainbow, cold-hot, blue-red, grey, inverted grey,
sepia, Testo, iron HT
-20 °C to 100 °C / 0 °to +350 °C (switchable)
+350 °C to +550 °C
±2 °C, ±2% of m.v. (-20 °C to +350 °C) / ±3% of m.v. (+350 °C to +550 °C)
0.01 to 1 / manual
(laser classifikation 635 nm, Class 2 )
yes using manual input
standard measurement (1-point) / two-point measurement
.bmt; export options in .bmp, .jpg, .png, .csv, .xls
SD card 2 GB (approx. 1,000 images)
fast-charging, Li-ion battery can be changed on-site
approx. 4 hours
in instrument or optionally in charger, with car charging adapter
-15 °C to 40 °C
-30 °C to 60 °C
20% to 80% non-condensing
IP 54
approx. 900 g
152 x 108 x 262
yes, with adapter
Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista, Windows 7,
interface USB 2.0
Standards, tests, warrantyEU Directive
2004 / 108 / EC
2 years