Testo 6321 Operating Manual

testo 6321 · differential pressure transmitter
P2A software · Parameterizing, adjusting and analyzing software
Instruction manual
1 Safety and the environment
Pos: 1 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/Sicherheit und Umwel t @ 3\mod_1234793958627_7 9.doc @ 26223 @ 1
1 Safety and the environment
Pos: 2 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/MUF 63xx/Elek trische Gefahren ver meiden @ 3\mod_12347946092 99_79.doc @ 26280 @ 5
Avoiding electrical hazards
> Never use the instrument and connected probes to measure on
or near live parts!
> Damaged mains cables must only be replaced by authorized
> Only have the transmitter wired and connected by authorized
personnel with the voltage disconnected.
> You must always comply with the regulations applicable in your
Pos: 3 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/MUF 63xx/Per sonen- und Sachschäden ver meiden @ 3\mod_1234794744 768_79.doc @ 26299 @ 5
country for opening and repairing electrical equipment.
Avoiding personal injury and damage to equipment
> Installation, setting and calibration work must only be carried
out by qualified and authorized personnel!
> Only open the instrument when this is expressly described in
the instruction manual for installation, maintenance or repair purposes.
> Observe the permissible storage, transport and operating
Pos: 4 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Nicht mit Lös ungsmitteln lagern @ 0\ mod_1175692375179_79.d oc @ 583 @
> Do not store the product together with solvents. Do not use any
Pos: 5 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/MUF 63xx/Bei W artung MUF nicht zur Regelun g verwenden @ 3\mod_123479 4852377_79.doc @ 26318 @
> Do not use the instrument for control purposes at the same time
Pos: 6 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Produkt besti mmungsgemäß verwenden @ 0\mod_1173781261848 _79.doc @ 386 @
as operating or servicing the transmitter.
> Only operate the product properly, for its intended purpose and
within the parameters specified in the technical data. Do not
Pos: 7 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Nur beschri ebene Wartungsarbeite n durchführen @ 0\mod_11756 92705195_79.doc @ 601 @
use any force.
> Carry out only the maintenance and repair work on this
instrument that is described in the documentation. Follow the prescribed steps exactly. Use only original spare parts from
Pos: 8 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/MUF 63xx/Fac hpersonal @ 3\mod_12347949 40409_79.doc @ 26337 @
Any additional work must only be carried out by authorized personnel. Otherwise testo will not accept any responsibility for the proper functioning of the instrument after repair and for the validity of certifications.
2 About this document
Pos: 9 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/Umwelt schützen @ 3\mod_ 1234858757571_79. doc @ 26363 @ 5
Pos: 10 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Umwelt schützen/Pr odukt entsorgen @ 0\mod_ 1173780307072_79.doc @ 357 @
Protecting the environment
> At the end of its useful life, send the product to the separate
collection for electric and electronic devices (observe local
Pos: 11 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/Zu diesem Dokument @ 3\mod_ 1234793991331_79. doc @ 26242 @ 1
2 About this document
Pos: 12 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Ver wendung (Standard) @ 0\mod_1173775068554_79. doc @ 337 @ 5
regulations) or return the product to Testo for disposal.
> Please read this documentation through carefully and
familiarize yourself with the product before putting it to use. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions and warning advice in order to prevent injuries and damage to the products.
> Keep this document to hand so that you can refer to it when
> Hand this documentation on to any subsequent users of the
Pos: 13 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Sy mbole und Schreibkonven tionen/War nhinweis WARNUNG @ 2\mod_12076469662 34_79.doc @ 14398 @
Pos: 14 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Sy mbole und Schreibkonven tionen/War nhinweis VORSICHT @ 2\mod_1207651 416515_79.doc @ 14416 @
Pos: 15 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Sy mbole und Schreibkonv. Sof tware [Standard] @ 0\mod_1190203332543_79. doc @ 4883 @ 5
Indicates potential serious injuries
indicates potential minor injuries
Symbols and writing standards
Note: Basic or further information.
1. ...
2. ...
Action: more steps, the sequence must be followed.
> ... Action: a step or an optional step.
- ... Result of an action.
Elements of the program interface.
Buttons of the program interface. ... | ... Functions/paths within a menu. “...” Example entries
Pos: 16 /TD/--- Seitenwechsel --- @ 0\mod_1173774430601_0.doc @ 283 @
3 Contents
Pos: 17 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/Inhalt @ 3\mod_123479 4019831_79.doc @ 26261 @ 1
3 Contents
1 Safety and the environment....................................................................3
2 About this document...............................................................................4
3 Contents ...................................................................................................5
4 Transmitter...............................................................................................7
4.1. Specifications ..................................................................................7
4.1.1. Functions and use ...........................................................................................7
4.1.2. Scope of delivery .............................................................................................7
4.1.3. Dimensions ......................................................................................................7
4.1.4. Technical data .................................................................................................8
4.2. Product description........................................................................11
4.2.1. At a glance..................................................................................................... 11
4.2.2. Scaling ......................................................................................................... 12
4.3. Commissioning ..............................................................................13
4.3.1. Assembling the instrument............................................................................. 13 Wall mounting...................................................................................13
4.3.2. Wiring the instrument .....................................................................................14 4-wire system....................................................................................16 3-wire system....................................................................................16
4.4. Maintenance and cleaning.............................................................17
4.4.1. Cleaning housing ...........................................................................................17
4.4.2. Namur fault conditions ...................................................................................17
5 Parameterizing, adjusting and analyzing software (P2A software) ...18
5.1. Specifications ................................................................................18
5.1.1. Functions and use .........................................................................................18
5.1.2. System requirements.....................................................................................19
5.1.3. Scope of delivery ...........................................................................................19
5.2. First steps......................................................................................20
5.2.1. Installing the software/driver ..........................................................................20 Installing P2A software......................................................................20 Installing USB driver .........................................................................20 P2A software upgrade ......................................................................20
5.2.2. Starting the software......................................................................................20 Starting the program.........................................................................20 Establishing a connection with the instrument...................................20 Activating the connection with the instrument....................................21
3 Contents
Using the software ........................................................................ 21
5.3.1. User interface ................................................................................................21
5.3.2. Editing instrument/parameter file ...................................................................24 Changing instrument/parameter file.................................................. 24 Creating a new instrument file...........................................................26 Saving parameters............................................................................26 Opening the parameter file ...............................................................26 Copying and pasting parameters......................................................27 Deleting instrument/parameter file....................................................27
5.3.3. Analyzing/testing the transmitter....................................................................27 Analyzing/testing the instrument.......................................................28 Carrying out factory reset.................................................................. 28 Testing analog output .......................................................................28 Displaying min./max. values..............................................................30
5.3.4. Adjusting the transmitter ................................................................................31 n-point adjustment ............................................................................31 Adjusting the analog output ..............................................................32
5.3.5. Transmitter history.........................................................................................33
6 Tips and assistance .............................................................................. 36
6.1. Questions and answers ................................................................ 36
6.2. Accessories and spare parts......................................................... 36
6.2.1. Ordering options for testo 6321 transmitter (0555 6321)................................37
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4 Transmitter
Pos: 20 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/1.1/2.1/3.1 Leis tungsbeschreibung @ 3\ mod_1234258595211_79. doc @ 23951 @ 2
4.1. Specifications
Pos: 21 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Verwendung/ MUF63xx/MUF 6321 @ 3\mod_1241 608910962_79.doc @ 32625 @ 3
4.1.1. Functions and use
The testo 6321 transmitter is suitable for the following applications, amongst others:
• Air conditioning and ventilation technology
Monitoring ventilation and filtration systems Monitoring fans
Pos: 22 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Lieferu mfang/MUF 63xx/MUF 6781 @ 3\mod_12 38162497483_79.doc @ 30275 @ 3
Monitoring exhaust air volumetric flow rates
4.1.2. Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery of the testo 6321 transmitter includes the following:
Assembly accessories
• Operating instructions
• Calibration report
• CD-ROM with operating instructions (PDF) and P2A update (this can only be used in conjunction with the P2A software,
Pos: 23 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Dat en/MUF 63xx/MUF 6781 Ab messungen @ 3\mod_123980633 0094_79.doc @ 31183 @ 3
which has to be ordered separately).
4 Transmitter
4.1.3. Dimensions
4 Transmitter
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4.1.4. Technical data
• Differential pressure
The specifications are only valid if the positive pressure is applied at the positive pressure connection.
• 1.2 % of measuring range, additional ±0.3 Pa intrinsic error 2
• T
K slope drift
= 0.05 % of measuring range per degree Kelvin of
deviation from nominal temperature 22 °C
• T
K zeroing drift
= 0 % (by means of automatic zeroing)
Measuring range, resolution and overload
Measuring range depending on version ordered
0 to 100 Pa 0.1 Pa 20,000 Pa 0 to 10 hPa 0.01 hPa 200 hPa 0 to 20 hPa 0.01 hPa 200 hPa 0 to 50 hPa 0.01 hPa 750 hPa 0 to 100 hPa 0.1 hPa 750 hPa 0 to 500 hPa 0.1 hPa 2500 hPa
Resolution Overload
At 25 °C. A stabilization period of approx. 30 min must be taken into account
upon commissioning the instrument.
Measuring uncertainty in accordance with GUM: ±1.2 % of measuring range
final value ±0.3 Pa.
GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement): ISO guideline for determining the measuring uncertainty in order to render global measurement results comparable.
The following uncertainties are used during the inquiry:
• Hysteresis
• Linearity
• Reproducibility
• Long-term stability
• Adjustment area/factory calibration
• Test location
4 Transmitter
Measuring range
Resolution Overload depending on version ordered
0 to 1000 hPa 1 hPa 2500 hPa 0 to 2000 hPa 1 hPa 2500 hPa
-100 to 100 Pa 0.1 Pa 20,000 Pa
-10 to 10 hPa 0.01 hPa 200 hPa
-20 to 20 hPa 0.01 hPa 200 hPa
-50 to 50 hPa 0.01 hPa 750 hPa
-100 to 100 hPa 0.1 hPa 750 hPa
-500 to 500 hPa 0.1 hPa 2500 hPa
-1000 to 1000 hPa 1 hPa 2500 hPa
-2000 to 2000 hPa 1 hPa 2500 hPa
Upon delivery and following a factory reset the readings are shown in the display in the unit that was ordered via the KMAT option Fxx, see Ordering options for testo 6321 transmitter (0555 6321) page 37.
Meas. cycle
• 1/sec
Zeroing cycle
• Set to 1 min at the factory
• Mini-DIN for P2A software (adjustment and parameterization software)
Voltage supply
3 or 4-wire (separate signal and supply lines): 20 to 30 V AC/DC, 300 mA power consumption
Maximum load
• 4-wire: 500 Ω (power output)
4 Transmitter
Maximal load
• 10 k (voltage output)
Analog output
0 to 1 V ± 2.5 mV (4-wire) or
• 0 to 5 V ± 12.5 mV (4-wire) or
• 0 to 10 V ± 25 mV (4-wire) or
• 4 to 20 mA ± 0.05 mA (4-wire)
• T
= 0.05 %K of measuring range per degree Kelvin of
deviation from nominal temperature 22 °C
Resolution of analog output
• 12 bit
• 2-line LCD (optional)
Operating temperature
• -5 to 50 °C
Storage temperature
• -20 to 60 °C
Application humidity
• 0 to 90 % RH
Housing, weight
• Plastic, approx. 160 g
Protection class
• IP 65 only if the transmitter is wired and/or sealing plugs are inserted
Directives, standards and tests
• EC Directive: 2004/108/EC
• Duration: 2 years
Pos: 25 /TD/Überschriften/MUF/1.2/2.2 Produktb eschreibung @ 3\mod_12342 58723551_79.doc @ 24008 @ 2
4.2. Product description
Pos: 26 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersicht/ MUF 63xx/Auf einen Blick MUF 6321 @ 3\mod_1241599865646 _79.doc @ 32583 @ 3
4.2.1. At a glance
• Warranty conditions: see website www.testo.com/warranty
1 Display for showing reading
(optional, cannot be retrofitted) 2 Service interface (mini-DIN port) 3 Wall bracket (on rear) 4 Negative pressure connection 5 Positive pressure connection 6 M 16 x 1.5 screw connection, e.g.
analog output
4 Transmitter
Pos: 27 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersicht/ MUF 63xx/Skalierung 6321 @ 4\ mod_1252938938948_ 79.doc @ 50283 @ 3
4 Transmitter
4.2.2. Scaling
There are three types of min./max. values: 1 The measuring range: The maximum sensor performance is in
this range. Measuring range, see table (below).
2 Standard scaling: The output signals are assigned to this
measuring range as standard:
during delivery if no entries are made in the order code after exchanging the unit, the measuring range recorded in
Pos: 28 /TD/Produktbeschreibung/Übersicht/ MUF 63xx/Tabelle Skalier ung MUF 6321 @ 3\mod_1241617696 391_79.doc @ 32646 @
the instrument is applied as standard.
The transmitter even retains its scaling with the voltage disconnected.
Measuring range, see table (below). 3 The maximum settings for the manual scaling
The maximum limits can be calculated as follows: X = difference between MIN. and MAX. value of the
standard scaling (Max. value of standard) + (50 % of X) (Min. value of standard) - (50 % of X) It is thus possible to scale beyond the measuring range, e.g.
for the adjustment of the scaling limits to standard values of
a PLC. With the alarm definition, however, the physical measuring
range limits are decisive.
Measuring range/ standard scaling
0 to 100 Pa -50 to 150 0 to 10 hPa -5 to 15 0 to 20 hPa -10 to 30 0 to 50 hPa -25 to 75 0 to 100 hPa -50 to 150 0 to 500 hPa -250 to 750 0 to 1000 hPa -500 to 1500 0 to 2000 hPa -1000 to 3000
-100 to 100 Pa -200 to 200
-10 to 10 hPa -20 to 20
Maximum scaling
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