Testo 610 Data sheet

Committing to the future
Pocket-Sized Professional Measurement Technology
Measuring instruments for heating, air conditioning and ventilation
- Precise measurement of wood moisture thanks to stored cha­racteristics curves for e.g. beech, spruce, larch, oak, pine, maple
- Air temperature and humidity for monitoring drying processes
- Characteristics curves for cement screed, concrete, plaster, anhydrite screed, cement mortar, lime mortar, brick
- Hold function
- Auto-test function
SSuurrffaaccee tteemmppeerraattuurree
Measuring range: -30 to 300 °C Resolution: 0.1 °C Accuracy: ±2.0 °C (-30 to +100 °C)
±2% of m.v. (remaining
range) Optics: 6:1 AAiirr tteemmppeerraattuurree
Measuring range: -10 to 50 °C Resolution: 0.1 °C Accuracy : ±0.5 °C Units: °C/°F Oper. temp.: -10 to 50 °C Battery type: Alkaline (2 x AAA) Battery life: 50 h. (average, without
display illumination) Dimensions
(incl. protective cap): 119 x 46 x 25 mm
Air temperature and infrared surface temperature in one instrument
Order no. 0560 0810
- IR measurement with 1-point laser measurement spot marking and 6:1 optics
- Air temperature measurement
- Display of differential temperature e.g. between window and air
- Hold function and max./min. values
testo 810
- Long-term drift-free Testo humidity sen­sor
- 2.5 %RH accuracy with calibration pro­tocol
- Incl. dewpoint calcu­lation and wet bulb
- Hold function and max./min. values
testo 610 testo 606-1/2
Measuring range: -10 to 50 °C Resolution: 0.1 °C Accuracy: ±0.5 °C Units: °C/°F HHuummiiddiittyy
Measuring range: 0 to100 %RH Resolution: 0.1 %RH Accuracy: ± 2.5 %RH
(5 to 95 %RH)
Units: %RH, wet bulb,
dewpoint Oper. temp.: 10 to 50 °C Battery type: Alkaline (2 x AAA) Battery life: 200 h. (average, without
display illumination) Dimensions
(incl. protective cap)
: 119 x 46 x 25 mm
Air humidity and temperature
Order no. 0560 0610
MMaatteerriiaall mmooiissttuurree
Measuring range: 0 to 90% Resolution: 0.1 Accuracy: ± 1% (conductivity) AAiirr hhuummiiddiittyy
(606-2 only) Measuring range: 0 to 100%RH Resolution: 01%RH Accuracy: ±2.5%RH (5 to 95%RH) Units: %RH, wet bulb, dewpoint AAiirr tteemmppeerraattuurree
(606-2 only) Measuring range: -10 to 50°C Resolution: 0.1°C Accuracy: ±0.5 °C Units: °C/°F Oper. temp.: -10 to 50 °C Battery type: Alkaline (2 x AAA) Battery life: 606-1: 200 h.
606-2: 130 h. (average, without display illumination)
(incl. protective cap): 119 x 46 x 25 mm
Material moisture, air humidity and tempera­ture
606-1: Order no. 0560 6060
606-2: Order no. 0560 6062
IInncclluuddeedd iinn ddeelliivveerryy:: Calibration protocol · Wrist strap Belt holder · Protective cap · Batteries
IInncclluuddeedd iinn ddeelliivveerryy:: Calibration protocol · Wrist strap Belt holder · Protective cap · Batteries
IInncclluuddeedd iinn ddeelliivveerryy:: Calibration protocol · Wrist strap Belt holder · Protective cap · Batteries
IInncclluuddeedd iinn ddeelliivveerryy:: Calibration protocol · Wrist strap Belt holder · Protective cap · Batteries
- Integrated measure­ment with 40 mm vane
- Timed mean value calculation
- Hold function and min./max. values
- Windchill calculation for outdoor areas
testo 410-1/-2
FFllooww vveelloocciittyy
Measuring range: 0.4 to 20 m/s Resolution: 0.1 m/s Accuracy: ±(0.2 m/s + 2% of m.v.) Units: m/s, km/h, fpm, mph,
knots, perceived temperature °C/°F
(windchill), Beaufort TTeemmppeerraattuurree
Measuring range: -10 to 50 °C Resolution: 0.1 °C Accuracy: ±0.5 °C Units: °C/°F HHuummiiddiittyy
(testo 410-2 only) Measuring range: 0 to100 %RH Resolution: 0.1 %RH Accuracy: ±2.5 %RH (5 to 95 %RH) Units: %RH, wet bulb, dewpoint Oper. temp.: -10 to 50 °C Battery type: Alkaline (2 x AAA) Battery life: testo 410-1: 100 h.
testo 410-2: 60 h.
(average, without display illumination)
(incl. protective cap): 133 x 46 x 25 mm
Air flow velocity, temperature and humidity
410-1: Order no. 0560 4101
410-2: Order no. 0560 4102
Testo, the leading manufacturer of portable measurement technology, provides pocket-sized measuring instruments for fast and tough everyday use:
· Surface and penetration temperature
· Air temperature and infrared surface temperature
· Air humidity and temperature
· Duct humidity and temperature
· Material moisture, air humidity and temperature
· Differential pressure
· Absolute pressure
· rpm
· Light intensity
· Air flow velocity, temperature, humidity at outlets
Sensors which fulfil the highest demands, such as Testo’s own patented humidity sensor, guarantee reliable and stable measurement results.
All instruments are very handy, small and easy to use. The backlit display and the Auto-Off function complete the instrument.
Great technology can be this small!
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