Tescom TC-3000C Operating Manual

TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester
Operating Manual
The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Copyright 2004 Tescom Co., Ltd., Suite 927, Unitechvil, 142, Ilsan-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyunggi-do, Korea
Table of Contents
General Information ........................................................................................................... 9
1.1 WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Safety Consideration .......................................................................................................................... 13
1.2.1 Injury Precautions .................................................................................................................. 13
1.2.2 Product Damage Precautions ................................................................................................ 13
1.3 Safety Symbols and Terms ................................................................................................................. 14
1.4 TESCOM Sales and Service Office .................................................................................................... 14
1.5 Manual Convention ............................................................................................................................ 14
1.6 Instruction and Key Features ............................................................................................................. 15
1.6.1 Key Features .......................................................................................................................... 15
1.7 Specification ....................................................................................................................................... 16
1.8 Connectors ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Installation ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.1 Initial Inspection .................................................................................................................................. 18
2.2 Power Requirement ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.3 Operating Environment ...................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Carrying Handle and Caution for Moving ........................................................................................... 19
2.5 Firmware Upgrade .............................................................................................................................. 20
2.6 Cleaning, Storage and Shipment........................................................................................................ 21
2.6.1 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................. 21
2.6.2 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 21
2.6.3 Shipment ................................................................................................................................ 21
Operation .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 TC-3000C System Architecture .............................................................................................. 25
3.1.2 Start-up Screen ...................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Shutdown Screen ................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.4 Display Color Scheme ............................................................................................................ 26
3.1.5 System Information ................................................................................................................ 27
3.1.6 Front Panel View .................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.7 Rear Panel View..................................................................................................................... 29
Table of Contents
3.1.8 Display Screen ....................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.9 Menu Structure ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.10 Access Main Functions ........................................................................................................ 32
3.1.11 Data Input and Change ........................................................................................................ 33
3.1.12 Enter and Change the Unit-of-Measure ............................................................................... 33
3.1.13 Interaction Between Screens ............................................................................................... 33
3.1.14 Tool Tips ............................................................................................................................... 33
3.1.15 Typical Test Configurations .................................................................................................. 34
3.2 Basic Operation Procedure ................................................................................................................ 35
3.2.1 Step 1. Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 35
3.3 Operation Procedure (Link Analyzer) ................................................................................................. 39
3.3.1 Step 2. Creating Connection to DUT ...................................................................................... 39
3.3.2 Step 3. Viewing the Recorded Data ....................................................................................... 41
3.4 Operation Procedure (Host Analyzer) ................................................................................................ 44
3.4.1 Step 2. Creating Connection to DUT ...................................................................................... 44
3.4.2 Step 3. Viewing the Recorded Data ....................................................................................... 47
3.5 Operation Procedure (Measurement/Measurement2) ....................................................................... 49
3.5.1 Step 3. Selecting the Measurement Screen........................................................................... 49
3.5.2 Step 4. Measuring RF Characteristics of DUT ....................................................................... 50
3.5.3 Step 5. Setting Up Test Mode and Parameters ...................................................................... 56
3.6 Operation Procedure (EDR Measurement) ........................................................................................ 57
3.6.1 Step 3. Selecting the EDR Measurement Screen .................................................................. 57
3.6.2 Step 4. Measuring EDR Characteristics of DUT .................................................................... 58
3.7 Operation Procedure (Audio Analyzer) .............................................................................................. 61
3.7.1 Step 2. Creating Connection to DUT ...................................................................................... 61
3.7.2 Step 3. Verification of Speech Loopback for Mono Headset .................................................. 63
3.7.3 Step 4. Measuring Audio Characteristics of DUT ................................................................... 64
3.8 Operation Procedure (Bluetooth Conformance Test) ......................................................................... 69
3.8.1 Step 3. Selecting the Test Cases Screen ............................................................................... 71
3.8.2 Step 4. Selecting the Test Cases and Setting Up Test Parameters ....................................... 71
3.8.3 Step 5. Running the Test Cases and Viewing the Test Results ............................................. 72
3.9 Setting up for Bluetooth LE(Low Energy) Testing .............................................................................. 73
3.10 Configuration of the TC-3000C ........................................................................................................ 74
3.10.1 Tester .................................................................................................................................... 74
3.10.2 DUT ...................................................................................................................................... 77
3.10.3 RF Settings........................................................................................................................... 79
3.10.4 Peripherals ........................................................................................................................... 79
3.10.5 Network ................................................................................................................................ 80
3.11 General Purpose Communication Analyzer ..................................................................................... 81
3.11.1 Signal Generator .................................................................................................................. 81
3.11.2 Signal Analyzer ..................................................................................................................... 82
Table of Contents
3.12 Store/Recall/Preset Instrument Settings .......................................................................................... 83
3.13 Checking List for Common Problems ............................................................................................... 83
3.13.1 Unit is inoperative ................................................................................................................. 84
3.13.2 Failure of testing ................................................................................................................... 84
Performance Test ............................................................................................................. 85
4.1 General Information ............................................................................................................................ 85
4.1.1 Recommended test equipment .............................................................................................. 86
4.1.2 Calibration Cycle .................................................................................................................... 86
4.1.3 TC-3000C Initial Set Up ......................................................................................................... 87
4.2 Signal Generator ................................................................................................................................ 87
4.2.1 Frequency Accuracy ............................................................................................................... 87
4.2.2 I/Q modulation calibration ...................................................................................................... 88
4.2.3 PLL phase noise ..................................................................................................................... 89
4.2.4 FM accuracy ........................................................................................................................... 90
4.2.5 Output level accuracy test ...................................................................................................... 91
4.3 Testing Receiver ................................................................................................................................. 92
4.3.1 Power measurement accuracy ............................................................................................... 92
4.3.2 Maximum sensitivity ............................................................................................................... 94
4.3.3 Gain Roll-off ........................................................................................................................... 95
Programming Guide ........................................................................................................ 96
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 97
5.2 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................... 97
5.2.1 Settings for Ethernet(Host) remote control using DLL ........................................................... 99
5.2.2 Settings for USB(Host Controller) remote control using DLL ................................................. 99
5.2.3 Settings for RS-232C(Host Controller) remote control using DLL ....................................... 100
5.2.4 Settings for the RS-232C(Host) remote control without using DLL ..................................... 100
5.2.5 Preparing for your application using DLL ............................................................................. 101
5.3 Reference Guide using RS-232C commands .................................................................................. 101
5.3.1 Configuration Command ...................................................................................................... 101
5.3.2 Access Command ................................................................................................................ 109
5.3.3 RF Test Cases Command ..................................................................................................... 110
5.3.4 Output Power(OP) ................................................................................................................. 110
5.3.5 Power Density(PD) ................................................................................................................ 111
5.3.6 Power Control(PC) ................................................................................................................ 112
5.3.7 Enhances Power Control(EPC)............................................................................................. 113
5.3.8 Frequency Range(FR) .......................................................................................................... 115
5.3.9 20dB Bandwidth(20BW) ........................................................................................................ 116
5.3.10 Adjacent Channel Power(ACP) ........................................................................................... 117
5.3.11 Modulation Characteristics(MOD) ....................................................................................... 118
5.3.12 Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance(ICFT) ........................................................................... 119
Table of Contents
5.3.13 Carrier Frequency Drift(CFD) ............................................................................................. 121
5.3.14 Single Slot Sensitivity(SS) .................................................................................................. 122
5.3.15 Multi Slot Sensitivity(SM) ................................................................................................... 123
5.3.16 Maximum Input Level(ML) .................................................................................................. 125
5.3.17 Quick Test(OPMOD) .......................................................................................................... 126
5.3.18 BER & FER ........................................................................................................................ 128
5.3.19 EDR Relative Transmitter Power(ETP) .............................................................................. 130
5.3.20 EDR Carrier Frequency Stability & Modulation Accuracy(EFSMA) ................................... 132
5.3.21 EDR Differential Phase Encoding(EDPE) .......................................................................... 135
5.3.22 EDR In-band Spurious Emission(ETP) .............................................................................. 136
5.3.23 EDR Sensitivity(ES) ........................................................................................................... 137
5.3.24 EDR BER Floor Performance(EBP) ................................................................................... 139
5.3.25 EDR Maximum Input Level(EML)....................................................................................... 140
5.3.26 Audio Test Command ......................................................................................................... 142
5.4 Example using command ................................................................................................................. 147
5.5 Flow Chart for RS-232C Commands................................................................................................ 148
5.6 Sample Code(VC++) for RS-232C remote control ........................................................................... 152
5.7 Reference Guide for using DLL ........................................................................................................ 157
5.7.1 General Function .................................................................................................................. 157
5.7.2 Tester Configuration ............................................................................................................. 157
5.7.3 DUT Configuration................................................................................................................ 174
5.7.4 Access Fucntions ................................................................................................................. 186
5.7.5 Security Fucntions ................................................................................................................ 188
5.7.6 Profile Fucntions .................................................................................................................. 188
5.7.7 Audio Fucntions .................................................................................................................... 190
5.7.8 Signal Generator .................................................................................................................. 191
5.7.9 RF Test Cases ...................................................................................................................... 192
5.7.10 Measurement Functions ..................................................................................................... 198
5.8 Flow Chart for DLL functions ............................................................................................................ 202
5.9 Example using DLL .......................................................................................................................... 205
5.9.1 Measuring Output Power ..................................................................................................... 205
Appendices .................................................................................................................... 209
Appendix A. Specification ....................................................................................................................... 210
5.1.1 RF SOURCE ........................................................................................................................ 210
5.1.2 RF ANALYZER ..................................................................................................................... 210
5.1.3 SPECTRUM ANALYZER ...................................................................................................... 211
5.1.4 FM MODULATION ANALYZER ............................................................................................. 211
5.1.5 POWER-TIME ....................................................................................................................... 211
5.1.6 POWER-CHANNEL (BT Mode) ............................................................................................ 211
5.1.7 RX BER TEST (BT Mode) ..................................................................................................... 211
5.1.8 I-Q CONSTELLATION (EDR BT Mode) ................................................................................ 211
Table of Contents
5.1.9 TX BER TEST (BT Mode) ..................................................................................................... 211
5.1.10 DEVM (Differential Error Vector Magnitude) ....................................................................... 211
5.1.11 FREQUENCY REFERENCE .............................................................................................. 212
5.1.12 FRONT PANEL .................................................................................................................. 212
5.1.13 REAR PANEL ..................................................................................................................... 212
5.1.14 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................. 212
Appendix B. RF Test Cases of the TC-3000C ........................................................................................ 213
5.2.1 Output Power (TRM/CA/01/C) ............................................................................................. 213
5.2.2 Power Density (TRM/CA/02/C) ............................................................................................ 214
5.2.3 Power Control (TRM/CA/03/C)............................................................................................. 216
5.2.4 TX Output Spectrum – Frequency range (TRM/CA/04/C) ................................................... 218
5.2.5 TX Output Spectrum – 20 dB Bandwidth (TRM/CA/05/C) ................................................... 220
5.2.6 TX Output Spectrum – Adjacent channel power (TRM/CA/06/C) ........................................ 222
5.2.7 Modulation Characteristics (TRM/CA/07/C) ......................................................................... 224
5.2.8 Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance (TRM/CA/08/C) ............................................................ 226
5.2.9 Carrier Frequency Drift (TRM/CA/09/C) ............................................................................... 227
5.2.10 EDR Relative Transmit Power (TRM/CA/10/C).................................................................. 229
5.2.11 EDR Carrier Frequency Stability and Modulation Accuracy (TRM/CA/11/C) ..................... 231
5.2.12 EDR Differential Phase Encoding (TRM/CA/12/C) ............................................................ 233
5.2.13 EDR In-band Spurious Emissions (TRM/CA/13/C) ............................................................ 234
5.2.14 Sensitivity – single slot packets (RCV/CA/01/C) ................................................................ 236
5.2.15 Sensitivity - multi-slot packets (RCV/CA/02/C) .................................................................. 238
5.2.16 Maximum Input Level (RCV/CA/06/C) ............................................................................... 240
5.2.17 EDR Sensitivity (RCV/CA/07/C) ......................................................................................... 241
5.2.18 EDR BER Floor Performance (RCV/CA/08/C) ................................................................... 243
5.2.19 EDR Maximum Input Level (RCV/CA/10/C) ....................................................................... 244
5.2.20 List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 246
5.2.21 References ......................................................................................................................... 246
Appendix C. The list of Save/Recall parameters .................................................................................... 247
Table of Contents
List of Figures
[Figure 1] Carrying Handle .............................................................................................................. 19
[Figure 2] Front Panel View ............................................................................................................. 27
[Figure 3] Rear Panel View ............................................................................................................. 29
[Figure 4] Typical Test Configurations ............................................................................................. 34
[Figure 5] Carrier frequency accuracy test ...................................................................................... 87
[Figure 6] I/Q modulation calibration test ........................................................................................ 88
[Figure 7] PLL phase noise test....................................................................................................... 89
[Figure 8] FM accuracy test ............................................................................................................. 90
[Figure 9] Output level accuracy test............................................................................................... 91
[Figure 10] Power measurement accuracy test .............................................................................. 92
[Figure 11] Maximum sensitivity test ............................................................................................... 94
[Figure 12] Gain Roll-off test ........................................................................................................... 95
List of Tables
[Table 1] Accessory List ................................................................................................................... 18
[Table 2] Power Requirement .......................................................................................................... 18
[Table 3] Access Main Functions ..................................................................................................... 32
[Table 4] Test Parameters Refer to DUT in Configuration. .............................................................. 40
[Table 5] Pattern Example ............................................................................................................... 81
This chapter covers the instrument warranty, specifications, key features, and safety consideration.
General Information
TESCOM warrants that this product is free from defects in terms of materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, TESCOM will -- at its discretion -- either repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For the warranty service or repair, the Customer must notify TESCOM of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. The Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by TESCOM. The Customer shall prepay the shipping charge to a TESCOM designated service center, and TESCOM shall pay the shipping charge to return the product to the Customer. In case the Customer is located outside of Korea, the Customer is responsible for all shipping charges including freight, taxes, and any other charge if the product is returned for service to TESCOM.
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate malignance by the Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, accident, or abnormal conditions of operation.
TESCOM`s responsibility to repair or replace defective products is the sole and exclusive remedy provided to the Customer in case of breach of this warranty. TESCOM will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages regardless of whether TESCOM served advance notice of the possibility of such damages.
1.2 Safety Consideration
1.2 Safety Consideration
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any product connected to it:
1.2.1 Injury Precautions
Use the Appropriate Power Cord
To avoid fire hazard, use only the power cord specified for this product.
Avoid Electric Overload
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not apply voltage beyond the specified range to a terminal.
Ground the Product
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. In case no ground is available at the power outlet, providing a separate grounding path to the instrument is recommended by connecting wire between the instrument ground terminal and earth ground to avoid electric shock or instrument damage. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, make sure that the product is properly grounded.
Do Not Operate Without Covers
To avoid electric shock or product damage, do not operate this product with the protective covers removed.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in wet or damp conditions.
Do Not Use in a Manner Other than That Specified by the Manufacturer
1.2.2 Product Damage Precautions
Use Appropriate Power Source
Do not operate this product using a power source that applies more than the specified voltage. Main supply voltage fluctuations should not exceed 10% of the nominal voltage.
Provide Proper Ventilation
To prevent product overheating, provide proper ventilation.
Do Not Operate in case of Suspected Failures
If you think there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Environmental Conditions
Refrain from using this equipment in a place subject to considerable vibration, direct sunlight, outdoors, and where the ground is not level. Likewise, do not use it where the ambient temperature is beyond the range of 5 C - 40 C and altitude is more than 2000 m. The maximum relative humidity is 80 % for temperatures up to 31 C, decreasing linearity of up to 50%, and relative humidity at 40 C, and Over voltage Installation Category II for the main supply (Pollution Degree 2).
Shut down System
Do not power switch off by compulsion, to avoid injury or damage the internal host PC.
1.3 Safety Symbols and Terms
Indicates earth
(ground) terminal
Power ON
Power OFF
In order to power off safely, press Menu select “Quit” press “Yes” and then do power switch off.
1.3 Safety Symbols and Terms
These terms may appear in this manual.
WARNING: Warning statements describe the conditions or practices that could result in
injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements describe the conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
Symbols on the Product: The following symbols may appear on the product:
1.4 TESCOM Sales and Service Office
If you have difficulty with the product, call or write to our Technical Support specialists at:
TESCOM Company Limited # 927 Unitechvil., 142, Ilsan-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyunggi-do, Korea [ZIP 410-722]
TEL.: 82-31-920-6601 FAX: 82-31-920-6607 Email: tescom-sales@tescom.org
1.5 Manual Convention
[ ] This indicates menus following notational conventions. Keypad buttons are indicated with the symbol. ex) FCN key on the front is indicated as ENT.
1.6 Instruction and Key Features
1.6 Instruction and Key Features
TESCOM TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester eliminates the need for several costly testers by combining key RF and Protocol test & measurement functions in one convenient box. Designed for a wide range of applications in R&D, manufacturing, QA and service, this feature-packed powerful instrument is simple to use, lightweight and portable, and may be operated with all standard AC voltages. In addition to Bluetooth testing applications, TC­3000C may be used for non-Bluetooth RF testing along the 2.4 GHz ISM band.
1.6.1 Key Features
Bluetooth V1.1/V1.2/V2.0/V3.0/V4.0 Specification Compliant RF, Audio, and Protocol Combination Tester Bluetooth Conformance Test Supports Audio (SCO Link) Functional Testing (3000-10) Bluetooth RF and Baseband Measurement Functions (3000-20) Basic Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer Functions
- Supports Master and Slave modes
- Link test in Pico-net
- Packet information in Baseband, LMP, HCI, SDP, RFCOMM, and Profile
- Direct HCI command execution from the screen
Bluetooth EDR testing (3000-40) Bluetooth LE testing (3000-50) Utility digital signal generator User definable Baseband IN/OUT ports for real time signal monitoring, external
modulation, audio source and audio analyzer
Device HCI Interface Options: USB and RS-232C (UART, BCSP) Remote Operation: TCP/IP (LAN) and RS-232C Easy S/W Upgrades through USB Listed on the Bluetooth Qualified Products List (QPL) as a Development Tool CE Compliant: EN61010-2001, EN61326,A2:2001, EN61000-3-2, 2000, EN61000-
1.7 Specification
Working Voltage: 100V Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 300V
N Type Connector
Impedance: 50 ohm Voltage Rating: 250 Vpeak Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 750 Vrms
BNC Connector
Impedance: 50 ohm Voltage: 1Vpk
1.7 Specification
Specifications are listed in Appendix A.
1.8 Connectors
This section contains reference information for TC-3000C’s connectors.
This section provides the information needed to install the TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester, including information pertinent to initial inspection, power requirements, environment, upgrade, storage, and shipment.
2.1 Initial Inspection
Part Number
N(m) to BNC(m)
RS-232C Cable
DB9(s) to DB9(s) cable, 2 m
RF Cable
N(m) to N(m) cable, 1 m
RF Cable
BNC(m) to BNC(m) cable, 1 m
2 5 4008-0012
LAN Cable
STP, Cross, RJ45 cable, 2 m
USB Cable
USB A (p) to USB A (s) cable, 1.8 m
Sleeve 2.4 GHz
10 dB, 0.5W, N Type
9 Power Cord
2 m
Operating Manual
Input voltage
100 VAC - 240 VAC
50/60 Hz
Power Consumption
Less than 40 watt
To avoid hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical tests when there are signs of shipping damage to the equipment.
2.1 Initial Inspection
This section provides information for verifying proper shipment of the TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester.
Product Condition and Accessory Check
1. Upon receipt of the TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester, check for damage that could have occurred during shipment.
2. Check whether you have received all the standard accessories supplied with
TC-3000C as listed in table below.
[Table 1] Accessory List
2.2 Power Requirement
This Tester is a portable instrument, requiring no physical installation other than connection to a power source.
[Table 2] Power Requirement
2.3 Operating Environment
If AC power is beyond the range of operation, the equipment may malfunction or sustain permanent damage. Main supply voltage fluctuations should not exceed 10% of the nominal voltage.
Bench-top viewing position
Carrying position
2.3 Operating Environment
Refrain from using this equipment in a place subject to considerable vibration, direct sunlight, outdoor, and where the ground is not level. Likewise, do not use it in areas where the ambient temperature is beyond the range of 5 C ~ 40 C, and altitude is more than 2000 m. The maximum relative humidity is 80 % for temperatures up to 31 C, decreasing linearity to 50% relative humidity at 40 C. (Over voltage Installation Category II for main supply; Pollution Degree 2)
The storage temperature range for this equipment is –20 C ~ 70 C, when this equipment is not used for a long period of time, store in a dry place away from direct sunlight by covering with vinyl or placing in a cardboard box.
2.4 Carrying Handle and Caution for Moving
Carrying Handle Adjustment
To adjust the handle position, push both caps covering the rotary joints on each side. . Then, rotate the handle to the desired position.
[Figure 1] Carrying Handle
Caution for moving
When you are moving the TC-3000C, please use USB cable protector on rear panel. If not, USB cable between host and host controller could be damaged.
2.5 Firmware Upgrade
Get SBC s/w from: Please never downgrade to v2.30 or earlier unless you have BT option
Remote FTP
USB Memory
Connect an USB Memory to USB Port; And Please wait 5 seconds before pressing OK
Upgrading DONE. Reboot to activate
2.5 Firmware Upgrade
TC-3000C Firmware can be upgraded easily using USB memory. You can download the upgrade data file from Tescom website.
Upgrade from the USB Memory
1. Download Firmware files from Tescom website.
2. Unzip the firmware files.
3. When you unzip file is created.
4. Save the “upgrade3000c.tgz” files to the USB Memory
5. Plug in the USB Memory at front panel USB port.
6. Press Menu select “Configuration” from the pop-up menu on the screen
M5 (Network” )
7. Move “more 3/3” using the F8 key and press F3 ( “Upgrade S/W” )
8. Select “USB Memory” from the pop-up menu and select “ok” button.
9. When Upgrade is completed successfully, select “ok” button
10. When the TC TC-3000C is turned off, turn off and on the rear panel power switch.
11. Turn on the front panel SW switch.
2.6 Cleaning, Storage and Shipment
If download is failed, please check following cases. [Case 1]: The connection cable between Host and Host Controller on rear panel must be a USB cable. [Case 2]: USB recognition time is different depends on USB Memory, so upgrade should be started after recognition is finished. Usually, you can check it using the LED lamp of USB memory. [Case 3]: Even if you cannot upgrade using above cases, perform following steps for Emergency Upgrade.
1. Turn off the TC3000C.
2. Locate the “DOWNLOAD/NORMAL switch” at rear panel and set it to DOWNLOAD.
3. Turn on the TC-3000C and repeat the upgrade procedure above.
4. When the upgrade is completed, turn off TC-3000C and return the download switch to NORMAL position.
5. Turn on TC-3000C
2.6 Cleaning, Storage and Shipment
2.6.1 Cleaning
Periodically wipe the case with a damp cloth mild detergent; do not use abrasives or solvents. Keep the power supply free of dust. Clean the power inlet regularly. If dust accumulates around the power pins, there is a risk of fire.
Clean the input terminal as follows:
1) Turn the TC-3000C off and remove all test leads.
2) Shake out any dirt that be in the terminals.
3) Soak a new swab with alcohol and work around in each terminal.
2.6.2 Storage
The storage temperature range for this equipment is –20 C to 70 C. When this equipment is not used for a long period of time, covered with vinyl or placed in a cardboard box, store it in a dry place away from direct sunlight.
2.6.3 Shipment
When shipping this equipment, use the original packing materials. If they are not available, pack the equipment as follows:
1) Wrap this equipment, in appropriate shock absorbing materials and put it in a corrugated cardboard box at least 5 mm thick. (If shipping to a TESCOM Service Office, attach a tag indicating the type of service required, return address, model number and full serial number.)
2) Wrap its accessories separately in the same shock absorbing material and put
2.6 Cleaning, Storage and Shipment
Never use any chemical cleaner other than alcohol for the maintenance of this equipment. Organic solvent such as benzene, toluene or acetone may spoil the plastic parts of this equipment
them in the same corrugated cardboard box together with this equipment.
3) Fasten the corrugated cardboard box with packing strings.
4) Mark the shipping container FRAGILE to assume careful handing.
2.6 Cleaning, Storage and Shipment
This section describes the basic concepts and details of operating TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester. Understanding the basic concepts of TC-3000C helps you use it effectively. Operation Overview quickly shows you how TC-3000C is organized and gives some very general operating instructions. After you read Operating Overview you can use Operation Procedure for detail information.
3.1 Overview
HOST and HOST controller must be connected to each other by USB except for a case when TC-3000C uses an external HOST or HOST controller.
3.1 Overview
The Overview section contains illustrations of the display, the front and rear panels, and the menu system. These illustrations will help you understand and operate the TC-3000C.
3.1.1 TC-3000C System Architecture
TC-3000C is made up of two main blocks, a RF/DSP module and host CPU module, and is connected by a host controller interface (HCI) that is identical to Bluetooth system architecture. The RF/DSP module provides an RF interface to DUT, performs physical measurements and manages the Bluetooth link. The internal host CPU (PC), which runs on Linux platform, takes care of user interface (UI) functions including display, key input and I/O controls for RS-232C, USB, LAN and other standard peripheral devices. The adoption of open OS minimizes unnecessary constraints on system optimization. This simple, elegant system architecture takes advantage of both power of DSP and convenience of PC.
3.1 Overview
When TC-3000C is turned on, the instrument does not return to the power-off condition –except for the Test Cases parameters which were saved - but recalls the settings from the most recently saved memory location (STORE Number).
TC-3000C Bluetooth Tester S/N: S/W Options:
3.1.2 Start-up Screen
When power on, the start-up screen will be displayed after booting process and will change to initial screen 10 seconds later. Pressing any key will change the display immediately.
3.1.3 Shutdown Screen
In order to power off, press Menu select “Quit” from the pop-up menu on the screen press “Yes” . Or you can turn off the TC-3000C using the front panel soft switch
3.1.4 Display Color Scheme
The display color option allows you to change the display color scheme for the front panel display. To change the color scheme, press Menu select “Configuration” from the pop­up menu on the screen M4 ( “Peripherals” ) F5 ( “color scheme” ) select the
color scheme which you want to use.
3.1 Overview
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
3.1.5 System Information
In order to check system information of TC-3000C,
press Menu select “Configuration” from the pop-up menu on the screen M4 ( “Peripherals” ) F8 ( “System Info” ) Verify: Serial Number, Version, Core Version,
DSP Version, FPGA Version, Software Options
3.1.6 Front Panel View
The front panel controls and connector are illustrated below; and the detailed descriptions are as follows:
[Figure 2] Front Panel View
Color Graphic LCD
The LCD display color is configured in the Peripherals of the Configuration screen.
F1 ~ F8 : Soft keys. Soft keys select submenus. USB port : It is used for testing the BT USB Dongle, storing the test result,
capturing screen or system upgrade.
Data Input keypad. Provides the means for entering data. INCR SET : Defining data increasing step. The default value is 1. Recall : Recall stored data. Marker : Enable a line-shaped marker on the Measurement screen to activate. ENT : It is used to enter your chosen function or accept input. : Cursor movement.
3.1 Overview
Purpose of the front panel USB port
for Bluetooth USB Dongle testing for copying test case report file, screen capture or firmware upgrade When the USB memory stick is used, it should be used after the device is
recognized (2 ~ 3 sec). Some USB memories could not be recognized. (For normal operation, the USB device should support LINUX OS and composed only one drive.)
If the USB memory were removed during Reading/Writing operation, the TC3000C could be shut down. Previous operation should be finished before doing next operation.
RF IN/OUT Port: N type RF connector BS : Back space key
ESC : Return to the previous state. FCN : Access second functions
Rotary knob: Move cursor. Push to accept data or function such as ENT . MENU : Main menu key. When this key is pressed the pop-up menu is
displayed on the center of screen. This menu presents seven options including main functions.
Baseband Input Ports: I-Rx, Q-Rx, I-Tx, Q-Tx, Rx-bit, Tx-bit. For using
external baseband signals. It is used for stereo headset test using A2DP
Baseband OUT ports: Rx (I, Q), Tx (I, Q), Demodulation, Modulation, RX and
TX bit streams, RX and TX Clocks. It is used for stereo headset test using A2DP.
Soft switch.
M1 thru M8 : Soft keys. Soft keys select test screen.
Second Functions (Blue Label Functions)
Additional functions available by FCN key.
FCN INCR SET (= PRESET): Preset the instrument to a predefined state. FCN Recall (= SAVE): Store the current instrument settings into memory (1 to 7) FCN Marker (= STEP): Defining moving step of the line markers in the measurement
FCN 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 (= A,B,C,D,E,F) : It is used when you enter
hexadecimal data.
FCN ESC (=Screenshot): Capturing current displayed screen.
3.1 Overview
1 3 2
3.1.7 Rear Panel View
The Rear panel connectors are illustrated below; detailed descriptions are as follows:
[Figure 3] Rear Panel View
RS-232C: This port is a serial port to Host Controller. RS2/UART2/BCSP2: This port is a RS2/UART2/BCSP2/ port to Host. EXT 10 MHz: This port is an external 10 MHz reference signal. Power switch AC Power Input: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Emergency Firmware download switch: For upgrading firmware when Host
Controller doesn’t boot. This switch is not used after normal firmware
Monitor connector: For using an external monitor. RS-232C/UART 1/BCSP1 connector: This port is the first serial port to Host.
It can be used for the remote control.
LAN connector USB : This port is a USB port to Host. USB : This port is a USB port to Host. USB : This port is a USB port to Host controller. It is for the remote control
with DLL.
3.1 Overview
Submenus related to soft keys, F1 ~ F8
Status window: Some messages are displayed to help you to understand current status easily.
FCN Key Indicator: When FCN key is pressed the indicator is brightened.
Test progress Indicator:
This progressive bar indicates the status of test proceeding.
Screen menus related to soft keys, M1 ~ M5
Main function menu related to hard key, MENU . This menu always displays the selected function.
Start/Stop: When this menu is pressed the tests will run once. When pressed again while the tests are running, the testing will stop.
Link Status Indicator: It presents link status, a HCI type that is connected to Host and the number of current configuration.
3.1.8 Display Screen
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