CE declaration
Hereby is declared that the product:
to which this declaration refers is in compliance with the following standards or standardizing documents:
1. EN 55022
2. EN 50082-1
The following are the stipulated operating conditions and environmental conditions for said compliance:
Residential, business and commercial environments and small-company environments.
Alle genannten Firmennamen oder Warenzeichen sind in der Regel eingetragene Waren- und Markenzeichen der jeweiligen Eigentümer und unterliegen als solche den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Technische Änderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung
vorbehalten. Druckfehler vorbehalten.
Alle Texte der vorliegenden Dokumentation sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil diesesr Dokumentation darf ohne schriftliche Genehmigung der Autoren in irgendeiner Form durch Fotokopie, Mikrofilm oder andere Verfahren reproduziert oder in eine für Computer verwendbare Sprache/Form übertragen werden. Auch die Rechte der Wiedergabe
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As a rule, all names of companies or trademarks are registered trademarks and brand names of the respective holder. Subject
to technical changes without prior notice. Printing errors excepted.
All text passages in this documentation are copyrighted. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced
in any form whatsoever, by photography, microfilming or other process or rendered into a language/form usable by computers
without the prior, written consent of the authors. All rights for use and propagation by presentation, radio and television are
also reserved.
2 Integra128-T

Quick Reference English
Dear Customer,
In the following Quick Reference Guide, replace the <CD> symbol with the drive letter assigned
to your CD-ROM.
d Line Out
e Line In
f Mic In, Mono
g MIDI / Joystick Interface
h Internal CD audio connector IDE (White: right - ground - left - ground)
i Internal CD audio connector (SONY) (right - ground - ground - left)
j Internal Aux In (right - ground - ground - left)
k Internal TAD connector (mono out - ground - ground - mono in)
Integra128-T 3