Correctly Installing PCI Soundcards
(c) 2003 Terratec Electronic GmbH, M.Dreese
This document is designed for users who want to check their knowledge of PCI card installation routines and possibly even learn something new along the way :-) This document will follow a step-by-step installation for a soundcard. This is of course applicable for TV cards or other PCI hardware as well.
Please be aware, TerraTec cannot be held responsible for possible damage that may result from using this information.
Before the Installation
Even if you already have itchy fingers to get cracking on your new audio composition, it pays to remain calm and keep your wits about you. The few minutes before installing the new card will determine the success of the installation and quite possibly affect the quality of the newly installed product. Because soundcards are particularly sensitive to improper configurations, we recommend you take the following steps:
Open the package and check the contents
In particular, the PCI card itself should be checked for mechanical integrity. It is also recommended to check the contents list from the manual to make sure all the components are present.
Driver CD version/age verification – driver update
Unlike the common handbook allergy many suffer from, an allergy against old driver CDs can generally be viewed as positive :-) This „condition“ leads one to always demand the newest driver/software versions and update CDs. This is not strictly necessary, but it is generally recommend to use the newest drivers and software available for your devices. These are best downloaded directly from our website under www.terratec.com and installed according to the following instructions.
Uninstalling old soundcards
This is particularly important for onboard soundcards, which are commonly integrated directly on newer mainboards. It is likely because the quality and functionality of these chips is often less than desirable that you are holding a new PCI soundcard in your hand at this very moment :-).
Best is to uninstall the old soundcard drivers and then remove the old card before you even open the anti-static bag on the new card. Should you have questions about the proper method of achieving this goal please co ntact your mainboard or soundcard manufacturer, who should be very familiar with every last detail of their components. Due to the fact that modern mainboards come in many flavors and revisions, it is impossible for TerraTec to provide you with adequate information regarding proper deactivation of integrated devices. Consult your mainboard manual or contact the manufacturer for specific information.
RTFM (read the f… manual :-)
Commonly decreed in a somewhat louder tone, this desperate pleading to pay attention to the documentation should not be ignored. Sometimes a brief glance at the handbook can provide insight into unresolved issues.
Step One: Preparing the Driver
Many manufacturers, us included, tend to view their hardware as lovable new additions to the PC family - and like a newborn they require an adequately prepared nest to develop properly. The simplest manner of fulfilling these obligations is to install or prepare the driver before actually installing the soundcard.
Start message from update.exe with version info.
Main window with target menu for decompressing files. Action confirmed with „Unzip“
Unzip confirmation with the number of successfully unpacked files.
We are assuming here that you have downloaded the newest driver from our website. This is generally „update.exe“ or two *.exe files with two essential components :
(Short DRV)
The driver is the most important part of the installation process. Without the driver nothing is possible. The card cannot be integrated into the system, will not function, and cannot be used in conjunction with any software.
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