TERMOSTROJ TERMO-Blok, TERMO-Blok PTV, TERMO-Extra Instruction Manual

TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
‘Ulaganje u budućnost’ ‘Investing for the future’
Projekt sufinancira Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Project is co-founded by the European Union’s Regional Development Fond.
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1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Applicable documents ................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Retention of documents .............................................................................................. 1
1.3. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.4. Heating curves ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4.1. Availability of heating curves................................................................................. 1
1.4.2. About heating curves ............................................................................................ 2
1.4.3. Why does the characteristic heating curve have to be set? .................................. 2
1.4.4. Corrections of the room temperature .................................................................... 2
1.4.5. Limiting the minimum and maximum temperature of the water in the boiler .......... 4
1.5. Functionality of hot domestic water ............................................................................. 4
1.5.1. Availability ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2. Description ........................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Frost protection ........................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1. Availability ............................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2. Domestic water ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6.3. Central heating ..................................................................................................... 5
2. Using control panels .......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Working with standard control panel ........................................................................... 6
2.2. Working with electronic control panels (option E) ........................................................ 7
2.3. Working with electronic control panels (option C and W and Termo Blok PTV) ........... 8
2.3.1. General ................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.2. Central heating functions .....................................................................................11
2.3.3. Domestic water functions (control panel type 2)...................................................13
2.3.4. Central heating functions with heating curves disabled ........................................15
3. Maintenance .....................................................................................................................16
3.1. Periodic checking .......................................................................................................16
3.2. Cleaning.....................................................................................................................16
3.3. Central heating system ..............................................................................................16
3.4. Starting the pump manually .......................................................................................16
4. Survey of possible malfunctions and irregularities in operation .........................................18
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1. Introduction
Thank you for your confidence you have shown to us by purchasing our central heating boiler. In order to use the boiler to the utmost correctly and safely, and above all economically, read thoroughly these instructions before continuing with installation.
The appliances must be installed by a competent person, who is responsible for adhering to the existing regulations, rules and g u idelines.
1.1. Applicable documents
The following additional documents are provided with the appliance:
For the owner of the system:
Instructions for use
Warranty card
For the qualified technician:
Instructions for installation
Electrical drawing for the appliance
1.2. Retention of documents
Please pass on this installation manual to the owner of the system. The owner should retain the manuals so that they are available when required.
1.3. Introduction
TERMO-Extra and TERMO-Blok are economical central heating boilers that may be used as an independent or additional source of heat. TERMO-Extra and TERM O-Blok boilers offer you the possibility, to reduce the po wer of a heater if necessary. The power may be switched on when necessary automatically with the built-in step regulator or manually with switches on the c ontrol board. In this way it is possible to ad apt t he boiler to the utmost to circumstances on the spot. The boiler operates on the principle of rapid heating smaller water quantities, so that exploiting of energy is already 100%.
They are particularly suitable for heating smaller business premise, where you are short of space (small apartm ents, efficiency apartments, represent ation offices, smaller coffee-shop s paces etc.) or for heating larger spaces in early season when the main boiler is over dimensioned. TERMO-Extra boilers are manufactured only with upper connecti ons. Temperature operation area is from 20
C to 90 oC. TERMO-Extra and TERMO-Blok are designed in such a way that in apartment-contained central heating they can fit well with your furniture.
1.4. Heating curves
1.4.1. Availability of heating curves
Use of heating curves, temperature compensation, is limited to Termo Extra boilers with options C and W, Termo Blok boilers with option C and Termo PTV boilers.
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1.4.2. About Heating curves
The modern wa y of heating is based on energ y savings and automatic adjustment s to worm up the space.
To achieve the required tem perature electric bo iler with electronic contro l panel heats the water in the boiler automaticall y depend ing on the ex tern al tem perat ure. T here is no need to look af ter the minimal working temperature because electric boilers do not dew and that m eans that the temper ature of the water in the boiler is at the same time the temperature in the heating elements (for example in radiators, convectors etc.). To achieve the desired room temperature, the characteristic heating curve has to be chosen depending on the characteristics of the object and the heating system.
Factory defined curves
If the heating curve is set optimally for heating your apartment or a house, corrections will not be necessary.
1.4.3. Why does the characteristic heating curve have to be set?
After the first settings of the heating curve an authorized person can adjust, correct that curve if necessary. Every heating room is bui lt up d if f er entl y. Dif f erent hea t ing el ements and heating syst ems can be used (radiators, under floor heating or combined heating) and every building has a different thermal insulation. For the maximum exploitation of the heating and maximum energy savings, characteristic heating curve has to be set using the parameter on the control panel, in a way that the chosen heating curve is suitable for the heating system and for quality of the building.
1.4.4. Corrections of the room temperature
Based on experience, factory settings of the device are for the average insulated object and room temperature of 22
C. If factory settings are not adeq uate for achieving the desired room temperat ure,
supplemental adjustments of the standard heating curves can be made.
Changing the inclination
When changing the heat ing curve, inclination is changing too, an d that way temperature of the water in the boiler is changing when the external temperature is low (below + 5
Level changes - offset
By offsetting the heating curve for the chosen value, the temperature of the water in the boiler is changing without changing the shape of the curve.
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Values in the table below are used for the orientation and the user can change them any time as he/she wishes.
The experience has shown the following (for the average building quality): when the temperature of the water for the heating changes from 5 to 7
C that will change the
room temperature by approximately 2
Thermal (heating) processes are slow, all corrections function after some period of time. It would be better if further corrections were made a day or two later.
To gain experience, we su ggest th at you should write all corr ections ( in th e perio d of s earching f or th e right parameters) in the protocol of the corrections.
In the table belo w you can find instr uctions how to correct the heating curve for the r adiator heating depending on the achieved room temperature.
Inclination of the
Factory settings
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature i s above + 5oC
Change with the first lower curve
Add with offset + 6oC
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature i s between + 5oC and - 5oC
Leave the curve 1,5
Add with offset + 3oC
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature i s below - 5oC
Change with the first higher curve
Leave offset 0oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is above + 5oC
Change with the first higher curve
Lower with offset
- 6oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is between + 5oC - 5oC
Leave the curve 1,5
Lower with offset
- 3oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is below- 5oC
Change with the first lower curve
Leave offset 0oC
Sample of modified curve
In combined heating s ystem, radiator and under floor he ating or other heating elem ents, temperature of the water in the boiler has to be chosen in a way to achieve the highest desired temperature. On the parts of heating where temperature of the pr imar y flow has to be lower, on e elem ent has to be bui lt in such as motorized three-way valve that is controlled by room thermos tat, thermostat valve for lim iting the temperature of the return flow or something similar.
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
1.4.5. Limiting the minimum and maximum temperature of the water in the boiler
If the heating curves and offset are selected correctly and the room temperature is falling, in transitional period in heating seasons (fall, spring) minimal temperature of the water in the boiler has to
be changed. If the building cannot accumulate heat (sudden and short worming during the day) the necessary temperature of water in the boiler will be too low and will not keep up the desired room temperature.
Limitation of the maximum temperature of water in the boiler serves more as a protection. Factory setting is 90
C, and we suggest lowering it to approximately 80oC. Limitation of the maximum temperature of water in the boiler is also used in central heating and domestic water preparation system, and because of that it is not advisable to lower that temperature too much because the domestic water will warm up slowly on higher tem per atures .
1.5. Functionality of hot domestic water
1.5.1. Availability
Termo Extra boilers with options W, and Termo PTV boilers enable the preparation of hot water in separate water storage with heat exchanger.
1.5.2. Description
Domestic water conditi on in g has t he preference order over central heating. At t he moment of signaling the need for warming up the dom estic water container by the domestic water tem perature sensor, th e circulation pump of central heating is switched off, and the circulation pump for domestic water conditioning is switched on.
Heaters regulate the d esired water tem perature in th e boiler th at is 25°C higher t han set va lues of th e desired domestic water temperature (independent of central heating curve).
Circulation pum p for domestic water conditionin g supplies the container until the desired temperature of domestic water is re ached, upon which it is switc hed of f with previousl y des crib ed and pro gram m ed time delay.
If the central heating is off, either floor or radiators’ heating , at the moment of reaching the desired domestic water tem perature, the desired water temperature in the boiler is set to minimum value of water temperature in the boiler (stand by).
At repeated requests for heating the domestic water c ontainer, the desired water tem perature in the boiler is set to 25°C higher than set values of the desired domestic water temperature.
Circulation pump for domestic water cond itioning is s witched on as late as the water tem perature in a boiler reaches the same or higher temperature than desired value of domestic water temperature. The 5°C difference for warm water conditioning is programmed. It means that if the desired temperature of dom estic water tank is 60°C , then the central heat ing wil l be sw itched off and domes tic water conditioning switc hed on as la te as domestic water temperature is lo wer tha n 55°C, an d heati ng will be switched on a nd domestic water conditi oning switched off when the temperature in domes tic water tank reaches 60°C, and when the programmed time of supplemental operation of domestic water circulation pump has passed.
If the time for domestic water conditioning is longer than 30 minutes, i.e. if the desired temperature of domestic water tank is not reached within 30 minutes, the process will be automatically interrupted and switched to the heating regime, which in this case lasts at least 30 minutes.
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
1.6. Frost protection
1.6.1. Availability
Frost protection, as bo iler’s function, is limited to Termo Ex tra boilers with opt ions E, C and W, Termo Blok boilers with option C and Termo PTV boilers. F or other vers io ns of boilers, frost protecti on c a n b e provided with the usage of an appropriate room therm ostat. Where frost protec tion is controlled by room thermostat, please consult room thermostat manuals for more details.
Following topics explain how frost protection is working when it is boiler controlled function (options C,W).
1.6.2. Domestic water
If the boiler is on for supply and only warm water conditioning is on or only heating or both, the protection from freezing the water in warm water container switches on automatically when the temperature sensor of warm water container reads the value below 7°C, signaling switching on by blinking display, as wel l as the LED diode of the heat er and warm water conditioning, reg ulating the warm water container temperature to 7°C.
1.6.3. Central heating
If the boiler is on f or supply and heating or both (heating and warm water con ditioning) are off, the protection from free zing the water in the central hea ting system switches automatica lly on if the water temperature sensor in th e boiler reads the val ue below 8°C. In this cas e the temperature of water in the boiler is maintained at 8°C, as long as the conditions of possible freezing do not disappear. Switching on is signaled by a blinking display as well as the LED diode of the heater and the boiler. In this case, domestic water conditioning has priority. In order for the freezing protection system of central heating to operate, the room thermostat should be in the position of freezing protection as well (other wise, the circulation pum p of central heating would not operate).
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
2. Using control panels
2.1. Working with standard control panel
Standard electromechanical control panel
The automatics consists of the following el ements:
1 – Indicator of temperature /pressure in boiler 2 – Working thermostat 3 – Switch for the 2
and 3rd operation stage
4 – Cutout thermostat with manual deactivation (switches off on ca 115
C) 5 – Indicator of air appearance in the boiler - air-indicator (also indicates low voltage protection) 6 - Switch for ON/OFF and the 1
heating stage 7 – Fuse 2,5A protecting the pump and switches 8 – Indication of heater operation 9 - Indicates low voltage protection - under 180V
Putting on central heating
By switching the switch (6) ON, the central heati ng system is switched on and the firs t power stage is active. With switch (3) it is possible to control manually the second or the third po wer stage of boiler. Boilers with 3 stages ha ve soft start for the second and the third stage and s witches (3) have only limiting function. If the boiler is heating, the light of heat er in operation (8) is on, if heaters are not working and boiler is in standby only ON/OFF light is on.
Adjustment of desired temperature of central heating
With the help of working thermost at (2) it is possible to select the fixed desire d temperature in boiler. Working thermostat has range from 20ºC to 80ºC. Recommended temperature is about 60ºC (12 o’clock position).
Air in the boiler (5), red light
If the air appears in the boil er, the signal ization of air in the boiler tur ns on (5) an d the boiler s tops the operation. In this way the boiler is protected against burning through due to presence of air. To continue th e operation the boiler should be vented. If the boiler is correctly vented, th e operation of boiler continues automatically.
Voltage drop (9), red light
If the voltage in the network line drops below 180V by phase, the signalization of under voltage protection (9) turns on, the boiler automatically switches off in order to protect electronics and
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
contactors inside the boiler. The boiler will automatically continue the operation when the network voltage reaches values above 180V.
Cutout thermostat - turning on
Cutout thermostat (safety thermostat) (4) protects the boiler against rapid increase of temperature above 115°C. The fuse turns the boiler off and ejects the RCCB (RCD)-switch. For boiler to continue working it is necessary to take off the protection cover from the cutout thermostat and press the red key, upon which the RCCB (RCD)-s witc h sh ould be s witc hed on aga in.
NOTE: If the room thermostat is on, make sure that it is set on the required room temperature and if supply batteries are in order, otherwise the boiler will not operate.
2.2. Working with electronic control panels (option E)
Electronic control panel without external temperature compensation
1. Multipurpose – temperature indicator (temperature of boiler,
adjustment of temperature)
2. Signalization of operation degree of heaters (1, 2, 3)
3. Signalization of the presence of air in the boiler (red light)
4. Signalization of under voltage protection (red light)
5. Signalization of boiler operation (green light)
6. Adjustment of temperature in boiler
7. Switch for central heating switching on and off
8. Thermal fuse
Switching on of central heating
By switching the switch (7) to the p os ition 1, t he c entra l heat in g system is switched on. Upon s witc h ing on the desired water tem perature in boiler is displa yed for 5 seconds, si gnalization of boiler oper ation is twinkling (5). After 5 seconds the real temperature in the boiler is displayed (1); if the current temperature in the boiler meets the desired on e, the signalization lamp of the boiler operation (5) is switched off.
Adjustment of desired temperature of centra l heating
By pressing the key for te mperature adjus tment (6) the desir ed temperature in the boiler app ears, the signalization lamp of the boiler operation (5) is twink ling. B y repeated pressing u pw ards or do wnwar ds it is possible to increase or decreas e the des ired sa nitar y water tem per ature. W hen the tem peratur e is
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
adjusted it is suffic ient to wait for 5 seconds (signalization lam p of the boiler operation ( 5) does not twinkle) in order for the boiler to memorize new temperature.
Air in the boiler (3), red light
If air appears in the boiler, the signalization of air in t he boiler turns on (3) and the boiler stops the operation. In this wa y the boil er is protec ted ag ains t burnin g through because of appearance of air. T o continue the oper ation, the boiler should be vented. If the boiler is c orrectly vented, the opera tion of boiler continues automatically.
Voltage drop (4), red light
If the voltage in the network line drops below 180V by phase, the signalization of under voltage protection (4) turns on, the boiler automatically switches off in order to protect electronics and contactors inside the boiler. The boiler will automatically continue the operation when the network voltage reaches values above 180V.
Cutout thermostat - turning on
Cutout thermostat (safety thermostat) (8) protects the boiler against rapid increase of temperature above 115°C. The fuse turns off the boiler and ejects the RCCB (RCD)-switch. To continue the operation it is necessary to t ake off the protection cover f rom the cutout thermostat and press the red key, after which the RCCB (RCD)-switch should be switched on again.
2.3. Working with electronic control panels
(option C and W and Termo Blok PTV)
2.3.1. General
Regardless of the selected regulation c urve, the m axim um water temperatur e in the boiler is limited to 90°C for radiator heating and 50°C for floor heating.
Factory setting of the curve is 1,5 for radiator heating. Factory setting of the curve is 0,6 for under floor heating.
Refer to chapter 1.4. for detailed description of heating curves. Refer to chapter 1.5. for detailed description of DHW functions. Refer to chapter 1.6. for detailed description of frost protection. Refer to chapter 4.8 for detailed description of selecting desired set of heating curves.
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
4 0
12 1 2
Type 1 – Outdoor temperature compensation
4 0
12 1 2 3
Type 2 – Outdoor temperature compensation and sanitary water on Termo Extra or Termo Blok PTV
1. Display
Display of temperatures values reading from KTY probes from + 99
C (above +99oC display is blinking)
up to -19oC (below -19oC the display shows - -). Display of desired temperature or curve during setup. Following warning signals can be displayed:
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
P1 – frost protection for sanitary water is active  P2 – frost protection for central heating is active  o1 or c1 – thermal sensor for boiler temperat ur e is not connected or is short-circuited  o2 or c2 – thermal sensor for external temperature is not connected or is short-circuited  o3 or c3 – thermal sensor for DHW temperature is not connected or is short-circuited
2. Led diodes of heaters stages
The number of lighted diodes corresponds to the number of momentarily active heater operations stages.
3. Led diode OK/air in boiler
If there is no air in the boiler, the diode becomes green. If the air appears in the boiler, the diode becomes red and at the same time the operation of the device is stopped. After venting, the diode automatically changes the color to green and operation of the boiler is continued.
4. Led diode too low supply voltage
If the net voltage falls below 170 V red light appears and at the same time the operation of the device is stopped.
5. Led diode of central heating
It indicates the operation of circulation pump of heating, provided that the room thermostat is on.
6. Push button for adjustment of heating characteristics
7. Switch – heating on/off
8. Push-button for adjusting characteristics of sanitary water conditioning
9. Sanitary water conditioning on/off
10. Led diode in course of sanitary water conditioning,
Indicates the circulation pump operation for sanitary warm water conditioning.
11. Indicator of water pressure in heating syste m.
12. Safety thermostat
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TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
2.3.2. Central heating functions
>5 sec
>5 sec
>10 sec
>5 sec
>5 sec
<5 sec
>15 sec
>5 sec
>20 sec
60 32
>5 sec
Display of desired temperature inside the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can see the desired temperature inside the boiler.(calculated from the selected correction curve)
The Display shows the desired temperature of water in the boiler. The value is displayed for 5 s, after which display normally shows the real temperature of water in the boiler.
Correction curve selection
By pressing the key (6) user can enter curve selection menu. The number of set curve is blinking, according to which the correction of
water temperature in the boiler is corrected in relation to external
temperature. Values are between 1 and 3 or 0,2 and 0,9. Curves between 1 and 3 are for radiators’ central heating and curves 0,2 to 0,9 are for under floor heating.
By pressing the key, numbers of curves are changing with the step of 0, 1 within the set, according to the diagram on t he front plate. If t he key is hel d pressed less than 5 s the display value becomes valid regulation curve.
Limiting maximum boiler power
By pressing the key (6) user can limit the power level. By pressing the key it is possible to select 1 2 or 3 as number of avai labl e
power levels. If the key is held pressed less than 5 s the selected power level mode will become active.
Boilers from 6 to 16 kW have only two power levels.
Limiting maximum temperature inside the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can limit maximum temperature inside the boiler.
Factory defined maximum temperature starts to blink. By pressing up or down user can set new maximum temperature. If the key (6) is held pressed less than 5 s the selected maximum temperature will become active.
This temperature represents maximum
temperature that can be
achieved regardless of selected curve.
Manual selection of desired t emper atur e inside the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can set temperature in the boiler, regardless of previously selected curve.
Desired temperature starts t o blink. By pressing the key up or down user can select fixed temperature in the boiler. If the key is held pressed less than 5 s the fixed temperature becomes active.
When boiler is in fixed temperature mode, the LED display blinks while displaying current temperature in the boiler. Us er can just press the key (6) up or down for next change of fixed temperature.
When boiler is in fixed temperature mode, all correction curves are disregarded. To return to the correction curve mode, the boiler must be switched off and back on using ON/OFF switch.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
>5 sec
>5 sec
>10 s ec
>5 sec
>5 sec
<5 sec
>15 s ec
Display of external temperature
By pressing the key (6) user can see external temperature. The Display shows the external temperature. The value is displayed for 5 s, after
which the display normally shows the real temperature of water in the boiler.
Offset of currently selected correction curve
By pressing the key (6) user can enter the curve selection menu. The LED display will show current offset in ˚C. Offset does not affec t maxim al o r
minimal temperature, they are set in absolute values By pressing the key (6) it is possible to change offset in steps of 1˚C.
Factory setting is 0˚C. Offset range is from –9 to +20˚C.
If the key is held pressed less than 5 s t he displayed value becom es valid offset
in ˚C.
Setting the minimal temperature inside the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can select minimal temperature inside the boiler. Minimal temperature starts blinking.
Factory setting is 27°C for radiator heating. Factory setting is 20°C for under floor heating.
By pressing the key user can select the des ired temperature in range from 10 to 50°C. Temperature changes in steps of 1°C. If the key is held pressed less t han 5 s the value from the display becomes the desired minimal boiler temperature.
Displaying software version and factory reset
By pressing the key (6) longer than 15 seconds, the LED will show the software version and the factory reset of central heating parameters will occ ur.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
2.3.3. Domestic water functions (control panel type 2)
>5 sec
>5 sec
>10 s ec
>5 sec
<5 sec
Display of desired temperature of domestic water
If the key is held pressed less than 5 s the LE D display will show the desired temperature in domestic water storage. The value is dis played for 5 seconds, after which the display normally shows the real temperature of water in the boiler.
Setting the desired temperature in domestic water storage
By pressing the key (8) user can enter the domestic water temperature menu. The desired water temperature in domestic water storage is blinking. By pressing the key (8) the value of desired domestic water temperature in
domestic water storage is changing in steps of 1°C. I f the key is held pressed less than 5 s the value from the display becomes the desired dom estic water temperature.
Possible adjustment is from 10°C up to 65°C. Factory adjustment is 50°C.
Displaying software version and factory reset
By pressing the key (8) longer than 15 seconds, the LED will show the software version and the factory reset of the central heating parameters will occur.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
>5 sec
>5 sec
>10 s ec
>5 sec
>5 sec
<5 sec
>15 s ec
Display of current temperature in domestic water storage
By pressing the key (8) user can s elect the display of current tem perature in the domestic water storage. The value is dis played for 5 s, after which the display normally shows the real temperature of water in the boiler.
Setting additional working time of domestic water pump
By pressing the key (8) user can set up addi tional working time of domestic water pump.
The time of s upplemental operation of circulation pump operation for domestic water conditioning is blinking.
By pressing the key the time is changing from 0,1 min up to 19 min. with the step of 1 digit. If the key is held pressed less than 5 s, the value from a display becomes valid time of supplemental operation of circulation pump for domestic warm water conditioning.
Factory setting is 1 min.
Setting stand by temperature inside boiler
By pressing the key (8) user can setup stand by temperature inside the boiler. The LED will show current standby temperature inside the boiler. Pressing the key (8) will change standby temperature in range from 10°C to
50°C by 1°C. If t he key is held pressed less than 5 s the value from the display becomes the valid standby temperature inside the boiler.
Displaying software version and factory reset
By pressing the k ey (8) longer than 15 seconds, the LED will show the software version and the factory reset of central heating parameters will occ ur.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
2.3.4. Central heating functions with heating curves disabled
>5 sec
4 1
4 1
>5 sec
>10 sec
>5 sec
>5 sec
<5 sec
Display of desired temperature in boiler
If the key (6) is held pressed less than 5 s the LED display will show the desired temperature in the boiler. The value is displayed for 5 seconds, after which the display normally shows the real temperature of water in the boiler.
Setting of the desired temperature in the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can enter the boiler temperature menu. The desired boiler temperature is blinking. By pressing the key (6) UP or DOW N, the desi red boiler temperat ure can be set
in steps of 1°C. If the key is held pressed less than 5 s the value from the display becomes the
desired boiler temperature.
Possible adjustment is from 20°C up to 90°C for radiator heating. Possible adjustment is from 15°C up to 45°C for under floor heating.
Limiting maximum power of the boiler
By pressing the key (6) user can limit the power level. By pressing the key it is possible to select 1 2 or 3 as number of the available
power levels. If the key (6) is hel d pressed less than 5 s the s el ected power level mode will become active.
Boilers from 6 to 16 kW have only two power levels.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
3. Maintenance
3.1. Periodic checkin g
We recommend the inspection of the d evice once a year by the auth orized service provider (before heating season). This s ervice is not included in the warr anty. During the inspection all electric and
water connections should be tightened, the system should be vented and – if necessary – filled up, valves and general functionality of the device should be checked.
RCCD switch - pressing the TEST button must disconnect the RCCD switch. This testing procedure insures that switch is functioning properly. We recommend this test once or twice in heating season.
Safety thermostat – we r ecommended to check safety thermostat before every heating season by heating up the sensor with heating fan or lighter over 100°C
must actuate overheating
protection by switching off the RCCD switch.
Safety valve should be checked once a year (before the beginning of heating season) to ensure proper functioning and avoiding appearance of water calculus.
If the boiler is not conn ected to the room ther mostat or if the boiler is out of function duri ng the winter time, there is a danger of installation freezing. In this case the system should be filled with antifreeze liquid for central heating, and if this is not possible water should be drained out.
3.2. Cleaning
It is not permitted to use aggressive media (e.g. gasoline, kerosene or solvent) for cleaning the product. Media for cleaning plastics or dishwashing media can be used for the external shell and decorative cover. Control panel should be cleaned with dry or moist cloth (not wet).
3.3. Central heating system
If the boiler is not connect ed to the room thermost at (Termo boilers without C or W option), or if the boiler is out of function during wintertime, there is a danger of installation freeze. In this case the system should be filled with antifree ze liquid for central h eating, if this is not possible w ater should be drained out of the system with the help of charge and discharge.
The recommended pressure of central heating installation is 0,15 mpa (1,5 bar), the maximum pressure is 0,25 mpa (2,5 bar).
3.4. Starting the pump manually
In order to access the pump, remove the front cover of the boiler as described below. In most cases steps 1 and 2 are sufficient.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
Grasp the front case by its sides, pull it towards the front and remove it by lifting it off the unit, push the top cover backwards and lift it of the unit.
To start the pum p it is nec essar y to turn off the prote ction pl ug on its f ront s ide (1) , below which ther e is an axis with the groove for screwdriver. Using the screwdriver, the pump (2) should be turned several times in the direction of the arrow on the pump head and the boiler should be put on again.
When the pump starts the operation the temperature of water in the boiler and the temperature of sanitary water should be selected. The optimal temperature for central heating is between 60 and 70°C.
If the room thermostat is connected to the boiler, the desired r oom temperature should be adjus ted according to the instructions of the producer of the room thermostat.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
4. Survey of possible malf unct ions and irregularities in opera t ion
- there is no voltage
on the control panel at switching on
- there is no power supply from the net
on one or more phases
- fuse 2,5A on the control panel is burned through
- RCCB switch is disconnected
- replace fuse 2,5A and check
the cause of burning
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the
- By switching on,
the switches on the control panel display the voltage, but the boiler does not heat
- check the adjustment of the room
- limiting thermostat is activated
- indicator of air presence in the boiler
blocked the operation,
- defective switch,
- operation thermostat is defective,
- heaters are burned through
- check the set temperature on
the room thermostat, replace batteries, or the room thermostat is faulty,
- deaerate the boiler in order to turn off the lamp “air in boiler”
- temperature in
boiler is on desired value, but radiators
do not heat
- circulation pump does not operate,
- air stopper on central heating
install ation prevents circulation
- start mechanical pump
- deaerate installation
- boiler does not
provide enough heat
- one phase is m is sing on supply
- in two-stage thermostats the second
stage is not functioning
- the second or the third stage is not manually turned on,
- one switcher is defective,
- a part of heater is burned through
- in a three-phase system the three
different phases are not brought to the
- check fuses on the main
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the problem
- the switcher can
be heard while operating (it buzzes)
radio and TV-
- poor voltage in the net
- defective switcher
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the problem
- when tur n ing on
or off the operation thermostat, radio and TV­interferences occur
- defective operation thermostat,
- defective blockade (RC – protection)
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the problem
- boiler in
operation “roars”
- the system is not well deaerated,
- defective heater
- deaerate the system
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve
- pressure in the
system varies
- defective expansion vessel,
- the vessel pressure is too low or too
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
- the actual
temperature in the boiler is higher than the desired temperature and the safety thermostat is activated
- defective contactors
- defective operation thermostat
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the exact source of the problem
- RCCB switch
- defective heater,
- humidity on conductors,
- safety thermostat is activated
- check leakage,
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the exact source of the problem
- RCCB switch
cannot be reset
- safety thermostat is activated
- pre-reset safety thermostat
and then the RCCB switch
- contact authorized service
personnel to resolve the exact source the of
‘Ulaganje u budućnost’ ‘Investing for the future’
Projekt sufinancira Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Project is co-founded by the European Union’s Regional Development Fond.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene uputa bez posebne najave
TRGOVINA TERMOSTROJ d.o.o. 10250 Lučko, F. Puškarića 1d
Tel/Fax +385 1 6531-008, 6531-015, 6531-016 Eurposka unija
e-mail: info@termostroj.com web: http://www.termostroj.com European Union
‘Ulaganje u budućnost’ ‘Investing for the future’
Projekt sufinancira Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Project is co-founded by the European Union’s Regional Development Fond.
We reserve the right of alternations
We reserve the right of alternations
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Applicable documents ................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Retention of documents .............................................................................................. 1
1.3. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.4. Heating curves ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4.1. Availability of heating curves................................................................................. 1
1.4.2. About Heating curves ........................................................................................... 2
1.4.3. Why does the characteristic heating curve have to be set? .................................. 2
1.4.4. Corrections of the room temperature .................................................................... 2
1.4.5. Limiting the minimum and maximum temperature of water in the boiler ................ 4
1.5. Functionality of hot domestic water ............................................................................. 4
1.5.1. Availability ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2. Description ........................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Frost protection ........................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1. Avaliability ............................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2. Domestic water ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6.3. Central heating ..................................................................................................... 5
2. Boiler specifications ........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Expansion Vessel Characteristics (Termo Blok and Termo Blok TV Boilers) ...............10
2.3. Power supply characteristics 230V/400V ...................................................................10
2.4. Function elements of Termo boilers ...........................................................................11
3.0 General requirements .....................................................................................................14
3.1. Contents included in delivery .....................................................................................14
3.2 Preliminary remarks ....................................................................................................14
3.3. Recommendations for various installation types.........................................................15
3.4. Installation site ...........................................................................................................15
3.4.1. Position of a boiler ...............................................................................................15
3.4.2. Power supply .......................................................................................................16
3.5. System requirements ..............................................................................................16
3.5.1. Pipe work.............................................................................................................16
3.5.2. Cleansing and flushing the system ......................................................................16
3.5.3. Filling and preparing heating system ...................................................................17
3.5.4. Pressure relief valve ............................................................................................17
3.5.5. Pressure gauge ...................................................................................................17
3.5.6. Expansion vessel .................................................................................................17
3.5.7. Circulating pump..................................................................................................17
3.5.8. Venting ................................................................................................................17
4. Boiler installation sequence ..............................................................................................18
4.1. Transporting the appliance .........................................................................................18
4.2. Select position for boiler .............................................................................................18
4.3. Fitting the boiler hanging bracket ...............................................................................18
4.4. Removing/fixing the front and top case ......................................................................19
4.5. Pipe work connection .................................................................................................19
4.6. Power supply connection ...........................................................................................20
4.7. Connecting temperature sensors or external electrical controls .................................20
4.7.1. Accessing connection plate .................................................................................20
4.7.2. Connecting external temperature sensor .............................................................21
4.7.3. Connecting domestic hot water temperature sensor ............................................21
We reserve the right of alternations
4.7.4. Connecting room thermostat and time switch ......................................................23
4.7.5. Connecting external pump on Termo Extra boilers ..............................................23
4.8. Selecting set of heating curves ..................................................................................24
4.9 Filling the heating system ........................................................................................24
5. Commissioning .................................................................................................................25
5.1. Central heating system check ....................................................................................25
5.2. Preliminary electrical check ........................................................................................25
5.3. Changing the speed of pump for central heating ........................................................25
5.4. Working with standard control panel ..........................................................................26
5.5. Working with electronic control panels (option E) .......................................................27
5.6. Working with electronic control panels (option C and W and Termo Blok PTV) ..........28
5.6.1. General ...............................................................................................................28
5.6.2. Central heating functions .....................................................................................30
5.6.3. Domestic water functions (control panel type 2)...................................................32
5.6.4. Central heating functions with heating curves disabled ........................................34 Access to special service menu .........................................................................35
5.7. Starting the pump manually .......................................................................................36
6. Maintenance .................................................................................................................36
6.1. Periodic checking .......................................................................................................36
6.2. Cleaning.....................................................................................................................36
7. Survey of possible malfunctions and irregularities in operation .........................................37
We reserve the right of alternations
1. Introduction
Thank you for the confidence you have shown to us by purchasing our central heating boiler. In order to use the boiler to the utmost correctly and safely, and above all economically, read thoroughly these instructions before continuing with installation.
The appliances must be installed by a competent person, who is responsible for adhering to the existing regulations, rules and g u idelines.
1.1. Applicable documents
The following additional documents are provided with the appliance:
For the owner of the system:
Instructions for use
Warranty card
For the qualified technician:
Instructions for installation
Electrical drawing for the appliance
1.2. Retention of documents
Please pass on this installation manual to the owner of the system. The owner should retain the manuals so that they are available when required.
1.3. Introduction
TERMO-Extra and TERMO-Blok are economical central heating boilers that may be used as an independent or additional source of heat. TERMO-Extra and TERMO-Blok boilers offer you a possibility to reduce the power of the heater if necessary. The power may be switched on automatically whe n necessary with built -in step regulator or manually with s witches on the contr ol board. In this way it is possible to adapt the boiler to the utmost to circumstances on the spot. The boiler operates on a principle of rapid heat in g s maller water quantities, s o th at exploiting energy is already 100%.
They are particularly suitable for heating smaller business premise, where you are short of space (small apartments, ef ficiency apartments, representation offices, smaller coffee-shop spaces etc .) or for heating larger spaces in early season when the main boiler is over dimensioned. TERMO-Extra boilers are manufactured only with upper connecti ons. Temperature operation area is from 20
C to 90 oC. TERMO-Extra and TERMO-Blok are designed in such a way that in apartment-contained central heating they can fit well with your furniture.
1.4. Heating curves
1.4.1. Availability of heating curves
Use of heating curves, temperature compensation, is limited to Termo Extra boilers with options C and W, Termo Blok boilers with option C and Termo PTV boilers.
Page 1
1.4.2. About Heating curves
The modern way of heat ing is based on energy savi ng and automatic adjustments to warm up the space. To achieve the required tem perature electric bo iler with electronic contro l panel heats the water in the boiler automaticall y depend ing on th e extern al tem per ature. T here is no need to look af ter the m inimal working temperature bec ause electric boiler s do not dew and t hat means that th e temperature of the water in the boiler is at the same time the temperature in the heating elements (for example in radiators, convectors etc.). To achieve the desired room temperature, the characteristic heating curve has to be chosen depending on the characteristics of the object and the heating system.
Factory defined curves
If the heating curve is set optimally for heating of your apartment or house, corrections will not be necessary.
1.4.3. Why does the characteristic heating curve have to be set?
After the first settings of the heating curve authorized person can adjust, correct that curve if necessary. Every heating room is bui lt up d if f er entl y. Dif f erent hea t ing el ements and heating syst ems can be used (radiators, under floor or combined heating) and every building has a different thermal insulation. For the maximum exploitation of the heating and maximum energy savings, characteristic heating curve has to be set using the parameter on the control panel, in a way that the chosen heating curve is suitable for the heating system and for the quality of the building.
1.4.4. Corrections of the room temperature
Based on the experie nce, fac tory settin gs of th e device are f or the average insulated object and room temperature of 22
C. If factory settings are not adeq uate for achieving the desired room temperat ure,
supplemental adjustments of the standard heating curves can be made.
Changing the inclination
When changing the heating curve, inclination is changing too, and in that way the temperature of water in the boiler is changing when the external temperature is low (below+ 5
Level changes - offset
By offsetting the he ating cu rve for th e chosen value the temperat ure of water in t he boiler is chang ing without changing the shape of the curve.
Page 2
Values in the table below are used for the orientation and the user can change them any tim e as he/she wishes to.
Experience has shown the following (for the average building quality): when the temperature of water for heating changes from 5 to 7
C that will change the room
temperature by approximately 2
Thermal (heating) pro cesses are slow, all corrections function after a period of time. It would be better if further corrections were made a day or two later.
To gain experience, we su ggest that you should write all corrections ( within a period of searchin g for the right parameters) in the protocol of the corrections.
In the table belo w you can find instructions how to correct the heat ing curve for the radiator heating depending on the achieved room temperature.
Inclination of the
Factory settings
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature is above + 5oC
Change with the first lower curve
Add with offset + 6oC
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature i s between + 5oC and - 5oC
Leave the curve 1,5
Add with offset + 3oC
Room temperature is too low if the external temperature is below - 5oC
Change with the first higher curve
Leave offset 0oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is above + 5oC
Change with the first higher curve
Lower with offset
- 6oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is between + 5oC - 5oC
Leave the curve 1,5
Lower with offset
- 3oC
Room temperature is too high if the external temperature is below - 5oC
Change with the first lower curve
Leave offset 0oC
Sample of modified curve
In a combined heating system, radiator and under floor heating, or other heating elements, the temperature of water in the boiler has to be chosen in a way to achieve the highest desired temperature. On the parts of heating where temperature of the primary flow has to be lower, one element has to be built in suc h as motorized three-way v alve that is controlled by room therm ostat, thermostat valve for limiting the temperature of the return flow or something similar.
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