B 146101450775
B 196101450825
B 236401545905
B 327501545905
B 427901595960
B 5279015951005
1.1Technical Data Chart
Boiler type TOBY B141923324252
Total power13.1 KW18,5 KW22,1 KW31,1 KW41,1 KW51,2 KW
Power transmitted to the central heating system
Min power pellet consumption
Max power pellet consumption
Width (mm)610610640740790790
Height (mm)145014501545154515951595
Depth (mm)7758259059059601005
Flue gas height (mm)130130130130130130
Boiler total weight225 kg245 kg285 kg315 kg375 kg405 kg
Pellet magazine capacity80 kg90 kg100 kg125 kg145 kg160 kg
Flow/Return (inch)1"1"1"1"5/4"5/4"
Filling Tap (inch)1/2"1/2"1/2"1/2"1/2"1/2"
Flue gas diameter ((Φ ))80 mm80 mm80 mm80 mm80 mm80mm
Air inlet diameter ((Φ ))50 mm50 mm50 mm50 mm50 mm50mm
Exit flue gas temperature at
total power
Necessary draught10 Pa10 Pa10 Pa10 Pa11 Pa12 Pa
Water volume33 lit44 lit58 lit78 lit88 lit98 lit
Electrical network connection220 V 50Hz220 V 50Hz220 V 50Hz220 V 50Hz220 V 50Hz220 V 50
Electric energy consumption
during start-up
Energy consumption in operation
Efficiency90 %90 %90 %90 %90 %90 %
Boiler class555555
• Hereby we thank you for purchasing TOBY B boiler. TOBY represents one of the most sophisticated solutions for automatic combustion of wood pellets to be found on the market. It is completely
adapted to burn wood pellet as a primary fuel, achieving maximum efficiency level up to 92 % and
a very low exit temperature for flue gases (below 160◦C). Emission levels of this boiler fulfill the
most rigorous norms of European countries.
Main features include:
1. New burner (patented design!) with primary and secondary air-flow to ensure best combustion
results and highest efficiency
2. Self-cleaning bottom of the burner to automatically remove the ash residues from the burner
• Ignition, start-up and turning-off are fully automatized. Combustion control is optimized using
algorithms such as ‘modulation’ which automatically decreases pellet dose as the difference between
desired and reached temperature is decreasing.
• Boiler is easily connected to a room wi-fi thermostate.
• As required by the European norm EN 303-5 boiler chamber is made by welding 5mm thick steel
plates (all surfaces in touch with fire). Other parts are made of 4mm steel.
• Safety features:
Pellets are fed to boiler via internal transporter screw inside the storage tank. From there pellets
are fed over to heating chamber where they fall free to the designated combustion area (the ’actual’
embedded burner of the boiler). Storage and combustion area are physically divided. There is a
safety thermostat to prevent back-fire. There is also an anti-explosion safety device on the right
side of the heating chamber.
1.3Boiler parts
Delovi kotla: 1. Boiler door (external) 2. Inner boiler door (including visor and insulation) 3. Inner door
for cleaning 4. Ash cleaning area of the tubulators 5. Ash-tray of the burner 6. Pellet doser 7. Embedded
pellet burner 8. Upper external door with display 9. Tubulator handels 10. Cover of tubulators handles 11.
Boiler housing-upper part 12. Boiler housing -lateral part 13. Pellet magazine 14. Pellet magazine cover mobile part 15. Pellet magazine cover - fixed part 16. Covering hinges
Delovi kotla posmatrano sa zadnje strane: 17. Back housing-upper part 18. Back housing 19. Back
revision opening lid 20. Small pellet magazine 21. Start line 22. Return line 23. Water probe 24. Spiral
dispenser with motor 25. Fill/drain tap 26. Boiler fan 27. Fumes probe 28. Flue line element 29. Spisal
dispenser probe 30. Electrical cable lead 31. Boiler basement 32. Boiler legs (adjustable)