Single C onv erter Techn o logy is a r egistered trademark of
The 71M6513 is a highly integrated system-on-chip SoC with an MPU core,
real-time clock (RTC), flash, and LCD driver. Our Single Converter
Technology® with a 21-bit delta-sigma ADC, six anal og inputs, digital temperature com pensation, precision volt age reference, and 32-bi t computation
engine (CE) supports a wide range of poly-phase metering applications with
very few lo w-cost external components. A 32kHz cr ystal time ba se for the
entire system and internal battery-backup support for RAM and RTC further
reduce system cost.
Maximum design flexibility is supported with multiple UARTs, I
fail comparator, a 5V LCD charge pump, up to 22 DIO pins, and an insystem programmable flash. The device is offered in high (0.1%) and
standard (0.5%) accuracy versions for multifunction residential/commercial
meter applications requiring multiple voltage/current inputs and complex
LCD or DIO configurations.
A complete array of ICE and development tools, programming libraries and
reference designs enable rapid development and certification of meters that
meet most demanding worldwide electricity metering standards.
C, a power-
Wh Accuracy < 0.1% Over 2,000:1
Current Range
Exceeds IEC 62053/ANSIC 12.20
Voltage Reference
< 10ppm/°C (71M6513H)
< 40ppm/°C (71M6513)
Six Sensor Inputs—V
Auxiliary Analog Input for Neutral
Low Jitter Wh/VARh Pulse Outputs
Pulse Count For Pul se Outputs
Four-Quadrant M etering
Phase Sequencing
Line Frequency Count for RTC
Digital Temper ature Compensation
Sag Detection
Independent 32-Bit Compute Engine
40-70Hz Line Frequenc y Range with
Same Calibration
Phase Compensation (±7°)
Battery Backup f or RAM and RTC
22mW at 3.3V , 7. 2µW Backup
Flash Memory Option with Security
8-Bit MPU (80515)—One Clock
Cycle per Instruction
LCD Driver (≤ 168 Pixels)
High-Speed SSI Serial Output
RTC for Time-of-Use Functions
Hardware Watchdog Timer
Up to 22 General-Purpose I/O Pins
64KB Flash, 7KB RAM
Two UARTs for IR and AMR
100-Pin LQFP Package
ORDERING INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 103
Figure 1: IC Functional Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: General Topology of a Chopped Amplifier ..................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10: LCD Voltage Boost Circuitry ....................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 11: Voltage Range for V1 ................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 12: Voltage. Current, Momentary and Accumulated Energy................................................................................ 49
Figure 13: Timing Relationship between ADC MUX, CE, and Serial Transfers ................................................................ 50
Figure 14: RTM Output Format .................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 31: Crystal Frequency over Temperature .......................................................................................................... 80
Figure 36: Interfacing RX to a 0-5V Signal .................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 37: Connection for Optical Components ........................................................................................................... 87
Figure 38: Voltage Divider for V1 ............................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 39: External Components for RESETZ .............................................................................................................. 88
Tab le 1: In puts Selected in Reg ular and Alternate Multiplexer Cyc les.......................................................... 9
Table 2: CE DRAM Locations for ADC Results ......................................................................................... 12
Table 3: Standard Meter Equations (inputs shown gray are scanned but not used for calculation) .............. 13
Tab le 4: St retch Memory Cycle Width ...................................................................................................... 17
Table 5: Internal Data Memory Map ......................................................................................................... 18
Table 6: Special Function Registers Locations ......................................................................................... 18
Table 7: Special Function Registers Reset Values .................................................................................... 20
Tab le 8: PSW Regi ster Fl ags ................................................................................................................... 20
Table 9: PSW bit functions ...................................................................................................................... 21
Tab le 10: Port Reg isters .......................................................................................................................... 22
Table 11: Specia l Funct ion Regist ers ....................................................................................................... 23
Tab le 50: I nterr upt Vec tors ...................................................................................................................... 37
Tab le 51: Data Regist ers, Direction Register s and Internal Reso urces for DIO Pin Groups ........................ 39
Table 52: DIO_DIR Control Bit ................................................................................................................. 40
Tab le 53: Selectable C ontrols using th e DIO_DIR Bits .............................................................................. 40
Table 54: MPU Data Memory Map ........................................................................................................... 41
Tab le 55: Liqui d Crystal Display Segment Tabl e (Typical) ......................................................................... 43
Table 56: EECTRL Status Bits .................................................................................................................. 46
Tabl e 57: TMUX[3:0] Selections .............................................................................................................. 47
Tab le 58: SSI Pin A ssignment ................................................................................................................. 48
Table 59: Power Saving Measures........................................................................................................... 54
The 71M6513 single-chip polyphase meter integrates all primary functional blocks required to implement a solid-state
electricity meter. Included on chip are an analog front end (AFE), an 8051-com pa ti ble mi cr opr oc ess or ( MPU ) whi ch exec ut es
one instruction per clock cycle (80515), an independent 32-bit digital computation engine (CE), a voltage reference, a
tem peratur e senso r, LCD driver s, RAM, flash memory, a real time clock (RTC), and a variety of I/O pins. Various current
sensor technologies are supported including Curre nt Transfo r mers (CT), Resistive Shunts, and Rogowski (di/dt) Coils.
In addition to advanced m easurement functions, the real time clock function allows the 71M6513/6513H to record tim e of use
(TOU) metering information for multi-rate applications. Measurements can be displayed on either a 3V or a 5V LCD. Flexible
mapping of LCD display segments will facilitate integration with any LCD format. The design tr ade-off b et w een t h e n u m ber o f
LCD segments and DIO pins can be flexibly configured using memory-mapped I/O to accommodate various requirements.
The 71M6513 includes several I/O peripheral functions that improve the functionality of the device and reduce the component
count for most meter applications. The I/O peripherals include two UARTs, digital I/O, comparator inputs, LC D displ ay driver s ,
C int erface and an optic al/IR i nterf ace.
One of the two internal UARTs (UART1) is adapted to support an Infrared LED with internal drive output and sense input but it
can also function as a standard UART.
A block diagram of the chip is shown in Figure 1. A det ailed description of va r ious hardware blocks fol lows.
Analog Front End (AFE)
The AFE of the 71M6513 Power Meter IC is comprised of an input m ulti plexer, a del ta-sigma A/D converter with a voltage
ref erence, fol lowed by an FI R filter . A block diagram of t he AFE is shown i n Figure 3.
The input multiplexer support s eight input signals that are applied to the pins IA, VA, IB, VB, IC, VC, and V3 plus the output of
the inter nal tempera ture sensor. The multiplexer can be operated in tw o modes:
• Dur ing a nor mal mu l tiplexer cycle, t he signals from the six pi ns IA, VA , IB, VB, IC, and VC are s elect ed.
• During the alternate multiplexer cycle, the temperature signal (TEMP) and the additional monitor input, V3, are
selected, along with the other signal sources shown in Table 1: I nputs Selected in Regular and Alternate Multiplexer
Alt er nat e mul ti pl exer cy cles ar e us ual ly perf or m ed inf req uent l y (ev er y sec on d or so) . VA , VB , an d VC a re n ot r epl ac ed i n th e
alternate multiplexer cycles. In some equations, currents must be delayed in allpass networks and therefore cannot be
repl ac ed in th e al tern ate sel ect ion . Mis sin g sampl es du e to al tern ate m ulti plexer cyc les are a utomat ica lly i nter polated by the
Regular multiplexer sequence
Mux State:
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Table 1: Inputs Selected in Regular and Alternate Multiplexer Cycles
In a typical application, the IA, IB, and IC inputs are connected to current transformers that sense the current on each phase of
the line voltage. VA, VB, and VC are typically connected to voltage sensors through resistor dividers.
The Multiplexer Control Circuit handles the setting of the multiplexer. The function of the Multiplexer Control Circuit is
governed by the I/O RAM registers MUX_ALT (0x2005[2]), EQU (0x2000[7:5]), and MUX_DIV (0x2002[7:6]). MUX_DIV controls
the number of samples per cycle. It can requ est 2, 3, 4, or 6 multiplexer states per cycle.
The MUX_ALT bit requests an alternate multiplexer cycle. The bit may be asserted on any MPU cycle and may be subsequently de-asserted on any cycle including the next one. A rising edge on MUX_ALT will cause the Control Circuit to wait
until the next multiplexer cycl e and implement a sin gle alternate cycle.
Multiplexer Control Circuit also controls the FIR filt er initiation and the chopping of the ADC reference voltage, VREF. The
Mult iplexer Contro l Circuit is clocked by CK32, the 32768Hz clock from the PLL block, and launches each pass through the CE
A single 21/22 -bit delta-sigma A/D converter digitizes the power inputs to the AFE. The resolution of the ADC is programmable
usi ng t he I/O RAM r egist er FIR_LEN register (0x2005[4]). ADC resolution may be selected to be 21 bits (FIR_LEN=0), or 22
bits (FIR_LEN=1). Convers ion time is tw o cycles of CK 32 with FIR_LEN = 0 and three cyc les wit h FIR_LEN = 1.
Accuracy, timing and functional spec ificatio ns in this data sheet are based on FIR_LEN = 0 (two CK32 cyc les).
Initiation of each ADC conversion is controlled by the Multiplexer Control Circuit as described previously.
FIR Filter
The finite impulse response (FIR) filter is an integral part of the ADC and it is optimized for us e with th e m ultipl exer. The
purpose of the FIR is to decimate the ADC output to the desired resolution. At the end of each ADC conversion, the output
data of the FIR filter (raw data) is stored into the CE DRAM location determined by the multiplexer selec ti o n. T he l oc ati on o f
the raw data in the CE DRAM is specified in the CE Program and Environment Section.
Voltage Reference
The 71M6513/6513H includes an on-chip precision bandgap voltage reference that incorporates auto-zero techniques. The
reference of the 71M6513H is trimm ed in production to minimize errors caused by component mismatch and drift. The result is
a voltage output with a predictable temperature coefficient.
The voltage reference is chopper stabilized, i.e. the polarity can be switched by the MPU using the I/O RAM register CHOP_EN
(0x2002[5:4]). The two bits in the CHOP_EN register enable the MPU to operate the chopper circuit in regular or inverted
operation, or in “toggling” mode. When the chopper circuit is toggled in between multiplexer cycles, DC offsets on the
measured signals will automatically be averaged out.
The general t opology of a chopped amplifier is given in Figure 2.
Figure 2: General Topology of a Chopped Amplifier
It is assumed that an offset voltage Voff appears at the positive amplifier input. With all switches, as controlled by CROSS in
the “A” position, the output voltage is:
Voutp – Voutn = G (Vinp + Voff – Vinn) = G (Vinp – Vinn) + G Voff
With all switches set to the “B” position by applying the inverted CROSS signal, the output voltage is:
Voutn – Voutp = G (Vinn – Vinp + Voff) = G (Vinn – Vin p) + G Voff, or
Voutp – Voutn = G ( Vinp – Vinn) - G Voff
Thu s, when C ROSS i s toggled, e.g. af ter each multiplex er cyc le, the offset wil l alternately appear on the o utput as positiv e and
nega tiv e, which results in the offset ef fectively b eing el iminated, r egardless of its po larity or magnitu de.
The Functional Description Sec tion c ontains a ch apter with a det ailed description on control lin g t he CHOP_EN register.
Temperature Senso r
The 71M6513/6513H includes an on-chip temperature sensor implemented as a bandgap r efer ence. It i s us ed to determine
the die temperature The MPU may request an alternate multiplexer cycle containing the temperature sensor output by
asserting MUX_ALT.
The primary use of the temperature data is to determine the magnitude of compensation required to offset the thermal drift in
the system (see sec tio n t i tled “ Temperature Compensation”).
The z ero reference for the tem perature sen sor i s VBIAS.
V3 is an additional analog monitor input that can be used for analog measurements, such as neutral current. It is sampled
when the multiplexer p erforms an alternate multiplexer cycle. The z ero reference for the V3 input is V BIAS.
V3 is also routed into the comparator block where it is compared to VBIAS. Comparator interrupts should be disabled when
the V3 input is used for analog measurements.
Functional Description
The AFE functions as a data acquisition system, controlled by the MPU. The main signals (IA, VA, IB, VB, IC, VC) are
sampled and the ADC counts obtained are stored in CE RAM where they can be accessed by the CE and, if necessary, by the
MPU. Alternate multiplexer cycles are initiated less frequently by the MPU to gather access to the slow signals, temperature
and V3.
The CE, a dedicated 32-bit RISC processor, performs the precision computations necessary to acc urately m easure energy.
The CE calculations and processes include:
•Multiplication of each current sample with its associated voltage sample to obtain the energy per sample (when
multiplied with the constant sample time).
•Frequency-insensitive delay cancellation on all six channels (to compensate for the delay between samples caused
by the multiplexing scheme).
• 90° phase shifter (for VAR calculati ons).
• Pulse generation.
• Monitoring of the input signal frequency (for frequency and phase information).
• Monitoring of the input signal amplitude (for sag detection).
• Scaling of the processed samples based on chip temperature (temperature compensation) and calibration
The CE program RAM (CE PRAM) is loaded at boot time by the MPU and then executed by the CE. Each CE instruction word
is 2 bytes long. The CE program counter begins a pass through the CE code each time multiplexer state 0 begins. The code
pass ends when a HALT instruction is executed. For proper operation, the code pass must be completed before the
mul tiplexer cycle ends (see System Timing Summary in the Fun ctio nal Des cription Sec tion) .
The CE data RAM (CE DRAM) can be accessed by the FIR filter block, the RTM circuit, the CE, and the MPU. Assign ed time
sl ots are reserved for FIR, R TM, and MPU, respectively, such that m emory access es to CE_RAM do not collide. Holdi ng registers are used to convert 8-bit wide MPU data to/ from 32-bit wide CE DRAM data, and wait states are inserted as needed,
depending on the frequency of CKMPU.
Table 2 shows the CE DRAM addresses allocated to analog inputs from the AFE.
Address Name
0x01 VA V3P3 Phase A voltage
0x03 VB V3P3 Phase B voltage
0x04 IC V3P3 Phase C current
0x05 VC V3P3 Phase C voltage
0x06 TEMP VBIAS Temperature
0x07 V3 VBIAS V3 monitor
Table 2: CE DRAM Locations for ADC Results
Meter Equations
The Compute Engine (CE) program for industrial m eter configurations implements the equations in Table 3. The I/O RAM
register EQU specifies the equation to be used based on the number and arrangement of phases used for metering. In case of
single and two-phase metering, the unconnected inputs should be tied to V3P3A, the analog supply voltage. The EQU
selection enables the 71M6513 to calculate polyphase power measurement based on the type of service used. Table 3 also
states t he sequence of t he multipl exer in t he AFE.
Table 3: Standard Meter Equations (inputs shown gray are scanned but not used for calculation)
Inputs used from MUX sequence
Mux State:
Inputs used from alternate MUX
Mux State:
Pulse Generator
The CE contains two pul se generato rs which cr eate low jitter pulses at a rate set by the CE D RAM reg isters APULSEW*WRATE
and APULSER*WRATE if EXT_PULSE (a CE input variable in CE DRAM) is 15. This mode puts the MPU in control of pulse
generation by placing values into the APULSEW and APULSER register s (“external puls e genera tio n”).
If EXT_PULSE is 0, APULSEW i s replaced with WSUM_X and APULSER is repla ced wit h VARSUM_X. In t his m ode, the CE
generates pulse based on its internal computation of WSUM_X and VARSUM_X, the signed sums of energy from all three
elements (“internal pulse generation”).
The DIO_PV and DIO_PW bit s as described in the Digital I/O section can be programmed to route W PULSE and VARPULSE
to the output pins DIO6 and DIO7 respectively. DIO6 and DIO7 can be configured to generate int errupts, which can be useful
for pulse counting by the MPU (see On-Chip Res ourc es, DIO Po rts sectio n).
Real-Time Monit or
The CE contains a Real Time Monitor (RTM), which can be programmed to monitor four selectable CE RAM l o cati on s at f ul l
sam ple rat e. The fo ur moni tored l ocatio ns are ser iall y output to the TM UXOUT pi n via t he digit al outp ut multi plexer at the
beginning of each CE code pass (see the Tes t Port s Section for details)
CE Functional Overview
The ADC processes on e sample p er c h an n el p er mul t i pl exer cy cl e. Figure 4 shows the timing of the six samples taken during
one multiplexer cycle.
The number of samples processed during one accumulation cycle is controlled by the I/O RAM registers PRE_SAMPS
(0x2001[7:6]) and SUM_CYCLES (0x2001[5:0]). The integration time for each energy output is
PRE_SAMPS * SUM_CYCLES / 2520.6, w here 25 20.6 i s the sample rate [Hz]
For examp le, PRE_SAMPS = 42 and SUM_CYCLES = 50 wil l establish 2100 samples per accumulati on cycle. PRE_SAMPS = 100
and SUM_CYCLES = 21 will res ult i n the exa ct s ame acc umulat ion c ycle of 2100 s amples or 833m s. Aft er an accumul ation
cycle is c omplet ed, th e X FER_B U SY interrupt sig nals to the MPU that accumulated da ta are avail able.
The en d of ea ch mul tiplex er cy cle is si gnal ed to t he MPU by the CE_ BUSY i nterr upt. At the end o f each m ultip lexer c ycl e,
status i nformation, such as sag data and the digitized input signal, is available to the MPU.
Figure 5 shows the accumulation interval resulting from PRE_SAMPS = 42 and SUM_CYCLES = 50, consisting of 2100 samples
of 397µs each (only one phase is shown) followed by the XFER_BUSY interrupt. The sampling in this example is applied to a
50Hz signal.
Ther e is no c orr el ati on bet ween t he l i ne si gn al fr equ enc y a nd t he ch oi ce of PRE_SAMPS or SUM_CYCLES (even though when
SUM_CYCLES = 42 one set of SUM_CYCLES happens to sample a period of 16.6ms). Furtherm or e, s am pl i ng d oes n ot h ave t o
start when the line voltage crosses the zero line.
Delay Compensation
When measuring the energy of a phase (i.e., Wh and VARh) in a service, the voltage and current for that phase must be
sampled at the same instant. Other w ise, the phase difference, Ф, introduces errors.
Where f is the frequency of the input signal and t
In traditional meter ICs, sampling is accomplished by using two A/D converters per phase (one for voltage and the other one
for current) controlled to sample simultaneously. Our Single-Converter Technology, however, exploits the 32-bit signal
processing capability of its CE to implement “constant delay” all-pass filters. These all-pass filters correct for the conversion
time difference between the voltage and the corresponding current samples that are obtained with a single multiplexed A/D
The “constant delay” all-pass filters provide a broad-band delay β that is precisely matched to the difference in sam ple t im e
between the voltage and the current of a given phase. This digital filter does not affect the amplitude of the signal, but
pro vi des a prec i sel y co ntr oll ed p ha se r esp ons e. T he del a y com pen sat ion imp lem ent ed i n th e CE al i gns the v ol ta ge s ampl es
with their corresponding current samples by routing the voltage samples through the all-pass filter, thus delaying the voltage
samples by β, resulting in the residual phase error β – Ф. The residual phase error is negligible, and is typically less than ±1.5
milli-degrees at 100Hz, thus it does not contribute to errors in the energy measurements.
is th e sampling delay between voltage and current .
The 71M6513/6513H includes an 80515 MPU (8-bit , 8051 -compatible) that processes most instructions in one clock cycle.
Using a 5MHz clock results in a processing throughput of 5 MIPS. The 80515 architecture eliminates redundant bus s ta tes and
implements parallel execution of fetch and execution phases. Normally a machine cycle is aligned with a memory fetch, therefore, most of the 1-byte instructions are performed in a single cycle. This leads to an 8x performance (in average)
improvement (in terms of MIPS) over t he Intel 8051 device running at t he sam e clock frequency.
Actual processor clocking speed can be adjusted to the total processing demand of the application (metering calculations,
AMR management, memory management, LCD driver management and I/O management) using the I/O RAM register
Typical measurement and metering functions based on the results provided by the internal 32-bit com pute eng ine ( CE) are
available for the MPU as part of Teridian’s standard library. A standard ANSI “C” 80515-application programming interface
library is avai labl e to help reduce desi gn cycle.
Memory Organization
The 80515 MPU core incorporates the Harvard architecture with separate code and data spaces.
Memory organization in the 80515 is similar to that of the industry standard 8051. There are three memory areas: Program
memo ry (flash), external data memory (XRAM), physically consisting of XRAM, CE DRAM, CE PRAM and I/O RAM, and
internal data memory (Internal RAM). Figure 6 shows the memory map (see also Table 54).
Int er n al a nd Extern al D at a M em or y: Both internal and external data memory are physically located on the 71M6513 IC. External data memory is only external to the 80515 MPU core.
Flash memory
Progra m me mory External data memory Internal data memory
Progra m Memo ry: The 80515 can address up to 64KB of program memory space from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. Program memory
is read when the MPU fetches instructions or performs a MOVC operation.
After res et, th e M PU starts program execution from location 0x00 00. T he lower part of the p r ogram memor y incl udes reset an d
interru pt vectors. The int errupt vectors are spac ed at 8-byte intervals, starting from 0x0003.
Ext ernal Data Mem ory: W hile the 80515 can address up to 64KB of external data memory in the space from 0x0000 to
0xFFFF, only the memory ranges shown in Figure 6 contain physical memory. The 80515 writes into external data memory
when the MPU executes a MOVX @Ri,A or MOVX @DPTR,A i nstruction. The MPU reads external data memory by executing
a MOVX A,@Ri or M OVX A,@DPTR instruction (SFR USR2 provides the upper 8 bytes for the MOVX A,@Ri instruction).
Clock Stretching: MOVX instructions can access fast or slow external RAM and external peripherals. The three low ordered
bits of the CKCON register define the stretch memory cycles. Setting all the CKCON st retch bits to one allows access to very
sl ow extern al RA M or exter nal peripherals.
Table 4 shows how the signals of the Ex ternal Memory Interface change when stretch values are set from 0 to 7. The widths of
the signals are counted in MPU clock cycles. The post-reset state of the CKCON register, which is in bold in the table,
performs the MOVX instructions with a stretch value equal to 1.
CKCON register Stretch Value Read signals width Write signal width
There are two types of instructions, differing in whether they provide an eight-bit or s i xteen-bit indirect address to the external
data RAM.
In the first type (MOVX A,@Ri), the contents of R0 or R1, in t he current regist er bank, provide the eight l ower-ordered bits o f
address. The eight high-ordered bits of address are specified with the USR2 SFR. This method allows the user paged access
(256 pages of 256 bytes each) to the full 64KB of external data RAM. In the second type of MOVX instruction (MOVX
A,@DPTR), the dat a po i nt er g en er at es a s i xt een -bit address. This form is faster and more efficient when accessing very large
data arrays (up to 64 Kbytes), since no additional instructions are needed to set up the eight high ordered bits of address.
It is possible to m ix t he t wo MO VX t ypes . T his p rov id es t he us er wi th four s epar at e dat a p oint er s, t wo wi th d ir ect acc ess a nd
two with paged access to the entire 64KB of external memory range.
Dual Data Pointer: The Dual Data Pointer accelerates the block moves of data. The standard DPTR is a 16-bit register that i s
used to address external memory or peripherals. In the 80515 core, the standard data pointer is call ed DPTR, the second data
pointer is called DPTR1. The data pointer select bit chooses the active pointer. The dat a pointer select bit is locat ed at the LSB
of the DPS register (DPS.0). DPTR is selected when DPS.0 = 0 and DPTR1 is selected when DPS. 0 = 1.
The user switches between pointers by toggling the LSB of the DPS regi ster . A ll DPTR-related instructions use the currently
selected DPTR for any activity.
The second data pointer may not be supported by certain compilers.
Int ernal Data Mem ory: The Internal data memory provides 256 bytes (0x00 to 0xFF) of data memory. The internal data
memory address is always 1 byte wide and can be accessed by either dir ect or indirect addressing. The Special Function
Registers occupy the upper 128 bytes. This SFR area is available only by direct addressing. Indirect addressing accesses the upper 128 bytes of Internal RAM.
The lower 128 bytes contain working registers and bit-addressable memory. The lower 32 bytes form four banks of eight
registers (R0-R7). Two bits on the program memory status word (PSW) select which bank is in use. The next 16 bytes form a
blo ck of bit -addressa bl e memor y sp ace a t bi t add ress ees 0 x00-0x7F. All of the bytes in the lower 128 bytes are accessible
through direct or indirect addressing. Table 5 shows the internal data memory map.
Special Function Registers
Byte-addressable area
Bit-ad dressable area
Register banks R0…R7
Table 5: Internal Data Memory Map
Special Function Regi st ers ( SFRs)
A map of the Special Function Registers is shown in Table 6.
Table 6: Special Function Registers Locations
Only a few addresses are occupied, the others are not impl emented. SFRs specific to the 651X are shown in bold print. Any
read access to unimplemented addresses will return undefined data, while any w r i t e a cc es s wi l l h a ve n o ef f ec t . Th e r eg i s t er s
at 0x80, 0x88, 0x90, etc., are bit-addres sable, all others are byte-addressable.
Baud Rate C ontrol Register (only WD CON.7 b it used )
B Reg ister
Table 7: Special Function Registers Reset Values
Accumulator (ACC, A): ACC is the accumulator register. Most instructions use the accumulator to hold the operand. The
mnemonics for accumulator-sp ecific instructi ons refer to accumulator as “A”, not ACC.
B Register: The B register is used during multiply and divide instructions. It can also be used as a scratch-pad register to hold
Parity flag, affected by hardware to indicate odd / even number of “one” bits in the
Bit Symbol Function
Auxiliary Carry flag for BCD operations
PSW.5 F0 G eneral purp ose Flag 0 available for user. Not to be confused with the F0 flag
PSW.4 RS1 Register bank selec t control bits. The contents of RS1 and RS0 select the working
register bank:
PSW.2 OV Overflo w fla g
PSW.1 - User defined flag
Acc umulator, i .e. even pari ty.
Stack Pointer (SP): T he sta ck point er is a 1-byte regi ster ini tiali zed to 0x07 af ter r eset. This reg ister is inc remen ted befo re
PUSH and CALL instructions, causing the stack to begin at location 0x08.
Data Pointer: The data poi nter (DPTR) is 2 bytes wide. The lower part is DPL, and the highest is DPH. It can be loaded as a 2-
byt e r eg i st er ( MO V DPTR,# dat a 1 6) or as two r eg is t er s ( e. g . MOV DPL,#data8). It is generally used to access external code or
data space (e.g. MOVC A,@A+DPTR or MOVX A,@DPTR respectively).
Program Counter: The p rogram count er (PC) is 2 bytes wide initialized to 0x0000 after reset. This register is incremented
during the fetching operation code or when operating on data from program memory.
00 Bank 0 (0x00 – 0x07)
01 Bank 1 (0x08 – 0x0F)
10 Bank 2 (0x10 – 0x17)
11 Bank 3 (0x18 – 0x1F)
Register for port 0 read and write operations (pins DIO0…DIO7)
Data direction register for port 0. Setting a bit to 1 m eans that the corresponding pin is
an output.
Register for port 1 read and write operations (pins DIO8…DIO15)
Data direction register for port 1.
Register for port 2 read and write operations (pins DIO16…DIO21)
Data direction register for port 2.
(default =
Any other pattern written to FLSH_ERASE will hav e no effect.
Must be re-written for eac h new Pag e Eras e cycle.
I2C EEPRO M i nterf ace data register
I2C EEPRO M i nterf ace con t rol reg ist er . If th e M P U wish es to write a
Bit 0 (FLSH_PWE): Pro gram Wri te Enable:
Port Registers: The I/O ports are controlled by Special Function Registers P0, P1 , and P2. The contents of the SFR can be
observed on corresponding pins on the chip. Writing a ‘1’ to any of the ports (see Table 10) causes the corresponding pin t o
be at high level (V3P3), and writing a ‘0’ causes the corresponding pin to be held at low level (GND). The data direction
registers DIR0, DIR1, and DIR2 define individual pins as input or output pins (see section On-Chip Resou rces , DIO Ports for
Register SFR
All four ports on the chip are bi-directional. Each of them consists of a Latch (SFR ‘P0’ to ‘P3’), an output driver, and an input
buffer, therefore the MPU can output or read data through any of these ports. Even if a DIO pin is configured as an output, the
state of the pin can still be read by the MPU, for example when counting pulses issued via DIO pins that are under CE control.
R/W Description
Table 10: Port Registers
Special Function Regi st ers S pecific to the 71M6513
Table 11 shows the location and description of the 71M6513-specific SFRs.
Register Alternative
R/W Description
This register is used t o initiate either the Flash Mas s E rase cycle or
the Flash Page Er ase cycle. Specific patterns are expected for
FLSH_ERASE in or der to initiate the appr opriate Erase cycle
0x55 – Initiat e Flash P age Erase cycle. Mus t be proc eeded by a write
0xAA – Initiate Flas h M ass Er ase cycle. Mus t be proceeded by a
wri te to FLSH_MEEN @ SFR 0xB2 and the debug port must
be enabled.
Flash Page Erase Address register containing the flash memory
page address (page 0 thru 127) that will be erased during the Page
Erase cycle (default = 0x00).
byte of data to EEPROM, it plac es the d ata in EEDATA and then
writes the ‘Transm it’ code to EECTRL. The write to EECTRL initiates
the transmit sequence. See the section
a description of the command and status bits available for EECTRL.
0 – MOVX commands refer to XRAM Space, normal operation
I2C Interface (EEPROM) for
3-Phase Energy Meter IC
A Maxim Integrated Products Brand
1 – MOVX @DPTR,A moves A to Program Space (flash) @ DPTR.
WDI 0xE8
Only byte operations on the whole WDI register should be used
The W DT is reset wh en a 1 is wri tten t o this b it.
Interrupt inputs. The MPU may read these bits to see the input to
any memory and are primarily intended for debug use
Register Alternative
R/W Description
This bit is automatic ally reset after each byte written to flash. Writes
to this bit are inhibited when interrupts are enabled.
Bit 1 (FLSH_MEEN): Mass Eras e Enabl e:
0 – Mass Erase disabled (default).
1 – Mass Erase enabled.
Must be re-written for eac h new Mass Eras e c ycle.
Bit 6 (SECURE):
Enables security provisions that prevent external reading of flash
memory and CE program RAM. This bit is reset on chip reset and
may only be set. At tempt s to wri te zero are ig nored.
Bit 7 (PREBOOT):
Indicat es that the preboot s equence is act ive.
when writing. The b y te must have all bits set except the bits t hat are
to be cleared.
The multi-pur pose register WDI contains the fol lowing bits :
Bit 0 ( IE_XFER): XFER Interrupt Flag:
This flag monitors the XFER _BUSY in terru pt. It i s set by hardware
and must be cleared by the interrupt han dler
Bit 1 ( IE_RTC): RTC Interrupt Flag:
This flag monitors the RTC_1SEC interrupt. It is set by hardware and
must be cl eared by the interrupt handler
Bit 7 (WD_RST): W D Timer Reset:
Table 11: Special Function Registers
Instruction Set
All instructions of the generic 8051 microcontroller are supported. A complete li st of the instruction set and of the associated
op-codes is contained in the 651X Software User’s Guide (SUG).
The 71M6513 includes a UART (UART0) that can be programmed to communicate with a variety of AMR modul es . A s eco n d
UART (UART1) is connected to the optical port, as described in the optical port description.
The UART is a dedicated 2-wire serial interface, which can communicate with an external host processor at up to 38,400 bits/s
((with MPU clock = 1.2288MHz). The operation of each pin is as follows:
RX: Serial input data ar e applied at this pin. Conforming to RS-232 standard, the bytes are input LSB first. The voltage applied
at RX must not exceed 3.6V.
TX: Thi s pin is u sed to output t he serial data. The bytes a re output LS B first.
The 71M6513 has several U AR T-related registers for the control and buffering of serial data.. A si n gl e SF R r eg i st er s er ves a s
both the transmit buffer and receive buffer (S0BUF, SFR 0x99 for UART0 and S1BUF, SFR 0x9C for UART1). When written by
the MPU, SxBUF acts as the transmit buffer, and when read by the MPU, it acts as the receive buffer. Writing data to the
transmit buffer starts the transmission by the associated UART. Received data are available by reading from the receive
buffer. Both UARTs can simultaneously transmit and receive data.
external interrupts INT0, INT1, up to INT6. These bits do not have
3-Phase Energy Meter IC
A Maxim Integrated Products Brand
Using Timer 1
Using Internal Baud Rate Generato r
Serial Interface 0
Serial Interface 1
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit,
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit,
WDCON[7] selects whether timer 1 or the internal baud rate generator is used. All UART transfers are progr ammable for parity
enable, parity, 2 stop bits/1 stop bit and XON/XOFF options for variable communication baud rates from 300 to 38400 bps.
Table 12 shows how the baud rates are calculated. Table 13 shows the selectable UART operation modes.
* f
Note: S0REL and S1REL ar e 10-bi t val ues d eri ved b y comb ini ng bit s fr om th e resp ecti ve ti mer relo ad reg ist ers. SMOD is t he
SMOD bit in the S FR PCON. TH1 is the high byte of timer 1.
Mode 0 N/A
Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit,
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Not e: Pa r it y of s er i al da t a i s av a ilabl e t hr o ugh th e P fl a g o f the a c c um ulato r. Sev en -bit serial modes with parity, such as those
used by the FLAG protocol, can be simulated by setting and reading bit 7 of 8-bit output data. Seven-bit serial modes without
parity can be simulated by setting bit 7 to a constant 1. 8-bit serial modes with parity can be simulated by setting and reading
bi t, using the control bits TB80 (S0CON.3) and TB81 (S1CON.3) i n t h e S0CON and S1CON SFRs f or transmit and RB81
the 9
(S1CON.2) for receive operations. SM20 (S0CON.5) and SM21 (S1CON.5) can be used as handshake signal s for int er-processor
communication in multi-processor systems.
Serial Interface 0 Control Register (S0CON).
The function of the UART0 depends on the setting of the Serial Port Control Register S0CON.
variable baud rate (internal baud
rate generator or timer 1)
fixed baud rate 1/32 or 1/64 of
variable baud rate (internal baud
rate generator or timer 1)
/ (384 * (256-TH1)) 2
N/A f
Table 12: Baud Rate Generation
Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, variable
Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit, variable baud rate
Transmit interrupt f lag, s et by hardware after compl etion of a serial
S1CON.7 SM Sets the baud rate for UART1
0 A 9-bit UART variable
1 B 8-bit UART variable
S1CON.5 SM21 Enables the inter-processor communi catio n feature.
S1CON.4 REN1 I f set, en ables serial recep tion. Cleared by software to di sable reception.
S1CON.3 TB81 T he 9th transmitted d ata bit in Mode A . Set or cleared by the MPU ,
depending on the function it performs (parity check, multiprocessor
communicatio n etc.)
S1CON.2RB81 In Modes 2 and 3, it is the 9th dat a bit received . In Mod e B, if SM21 is 0,
RB81 is the sto p bi t. Must be cleared by software
tr ansfer. Must be clea red by softw are.
S1CON.0 RI1 Receiv e inter rupt f lag, s et by hardwar e after compl et ion of a seria l
reception. Must be cleared by software
Table 17: The S1CON Bit Functions
Timers and Counters
The 80515 has two 16-bit timer/counter registers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. These registers can be configured for counter or timer
In timer mode, the register is incremented every machine cycle meaning that it counts up after every 12 periods of the MPU
clock signal.
In counter mode, the register is incremented when the falling edge is observed at the corresponding input signal T0 or T1 (T0
and T1 are the timer gating inputs derived from certain DIO pins, see the DIO Ports chapter). Since it takes 2 machine cycles
to recognize a 1-to-0 event, the maximum input count rate is 1/2 of the oscillator frequency. There are no restrictions on the
duty cycle, however to ensu re proper recogni tion of 0 or 1 state, an i nput should be stable for at least 1 m achine cycle.
Four operating modes can be selected for Timer 0 and Timer 1. Two Special Function Registers (TMOD and TCON) ar e u s ed
to select the appropriate mode.
Timer/Counter Mode Control register (TMOD):
Timer 1 Timer 0
Table 18: The TMOD Register
Bits TR1 (TCON.6) and TR0 (TCON.4) in the TCON register (see Table 21 and Table 22) start their associated timers when set.
flag set by hardware when Timer 0 overflows. This flag can be
Interrupt 1 type control bit. Selects either the falling edge or low level on input
Interrupt 0 edge flag is set by hardware when the falling edge on external pin
Interrupt 0 type control bit. Selects either the falling edge or low level on input
Timer 0 - mode 0
Timer 0 - mode 2
The Timer 1 overflow flag is set by hardware when Timer 1 overflows. This flag
TCON.6 TR1 Tim er 1 Run control bit. If cleared, Timer 1 stops.
TCON.4 TR0 Tim er 0 Run control bit. If cleared, Timer 0 stops.
can be cleared by s oftware and is automati cally cleared when an interrupt is
Timer 0 overflow
cl eared b y software an d is automaticall y clear ed when a n interrupt is
Interrupt 1 edge flag is set by hardware when the falling edge on external pin
int1 is observed. Cleared when an interrupt is processed.
Table 23 specifies the combinations of operation modes allowed for ti mer 0 and tim er 1:
Timer 0 - mode 1 YESYES YES
Timer/Counter Mode Control Register ( PCON):
The SMOD bit in the PCON register doubles the b aud rate w hen set.
pin to cause an interrupt.
int0 is observed. Cleared when an interrupt is processed.
pin to cause interrupt.
Table 22: The TCON Register Bit Functions
Timer 1
Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2
Not allowed Not all o wed YES
Table 23: Timer Modes
Table 24: The PCON Register
WD Timer (Software Watchdog Timer)
The software watchdog timer is a 16-bit c ounter th at is in cremen ted onc e every 2 4 or 384 cl ock cy cles. Af ter a res et, th e
watchdog timer is disabled and all registers are set to zero. The watchdog consists of a 16-bit count er (WDT), a reload register
(WDTREL), prescalers (by 2 and by 16), and control logic. Once the watchdog is started, it cannot be stopped unless the
internal reset signal becomes active.
Note: It is recommended to use the hardware watchdog timer instead of the software watchdog timer.
WD Timer Start Procedure: The WD T is start ed b y settin g t h e SWDT flag. When t he WDT reg is ter ent er s th e st at e 0x7C FF ,
an asynchronous WDTS signal will become active. The signal WDTS sets bit 6 in the IP0 register and requests a reset state.
WDTS is cleared either by the reset si gnal or by chan ging the stat e of the WDT.
Refreshing the WD Timer: The watchdog timer must be refreshed regularly to prevent the reset request signal from
becoming active. This requirement imposes an obligation on the programmer to issue two instructions. The first instruction
sets WDT and t he second instruction sets SWDT. The maximum delay allowed between setting WDT and SWDT is 12 clock
cycles. If this period has expired and SWDT has not been set, WDT is automatically reset, otherwise the watchdog timer is
reloaded with the content of the WDTREL register and WDT is automatically reset. Since the W DT requires exact t iming,
firmware needs to be designed with special care in order to avoid unwanted WDT resets. Teridian strongly discourages the
use of the software WDT.
Special Function Registers for the WD Timer
Interrupt Enable 0 Register (IEN0):
Table 25: The IEN0 Register (see also Table 32)
IEN0.6 WDT Watchdog timer refresh flag.
Set to initiat e a refr esh of the watc hdog timer. Must be set direc tly before SWDT is
set to prevent an unintentional r efresh of the w atchdog timer. WDT is reset by
hardware 12 clock cycles after it has been set.
Table 26: The IEN0 Bit Functions (see also Table 32)
Note: The remaining bits in the IEN0 register are not used for watchdog control
Interrupt Enable 1 Register (IEN1):
Table 27: The IEN1 Register (see also Tables 30/31)
IEN1.6 SWDT Watchdo g t i mer start/ refr esh flag.
Set to acti vate/refresh th e watc hdog timer. When directl y set after setting WDT, a
watchdog timer refresh is performed. Bit SWDT is reset by the hardware 12 clock
cycles after it has been set.
Table 28: The IEN1 Bit Functions (see also Tables 30/31)
Note: The remaining bits in the IEN1 register are not used for watchdog control
Watchdog timer status flag. Set when the watchdog timer was started. Can be
Interrupt Priority 0 Register (IP0):
-- WDTSIP0.5 IP0.4 IP0.3 IP0.2 IP0.1 IP0.0
Table 29: The IP0 Register (see also Table 45)
read by softwar e.
Table 30: The IP0 bit Functions (see also Table 45)
Note: The remaining bits in the IP0 register are not used for watchdog control
Watchdog Timer Reload Register (WDTREL):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 31: The WDTREL Register
The WDTREL register can be loaded and read at any time.
Prescaler select bit. When set, the watchdog is clocked through an additional
divide-by-16 prescaler
Seven bit reload value for t he high -b yte of the watchdog t imer. This value is
loaded to the WDT when a refresh is triggered by a consecutive setting of bits