TELELIFT 3713 Elite (from serial n. 11376 to serial n. 14856)
TELELIFT 4017 (up to serial n. 14866)
TELELIFT 4514 (up to serial n. 15124)
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
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Document 57.4400.7200 - 1
Edition 03/2005
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Code 57.4400.7200 - 1
Number: ....................................
Consigned to: ................................................................................................................................
Edition 03/2005
I, the undersigned..............................................................................................................................
declare that I have received the Workshop manual for TEREXLIFT lifts series Telelift 3713
Elite - 4017 - 4514.
Copies consigned:n° ......on paper
n° ......on CD-Rom
The undersigned is obliged to use the manual in their workshop, without disclosing the information
in the same in any way, to unauthorised workshops and third parties in general, and not to
photocopy or reproduce this manual or parts of the same in any way without the prior written
authorisation of TEREXLIFT to do so.
If business relations between the undersigned and TEREXLIFT should come to an end, the
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Yours sincerely
Date ............................
For acceptance
The consigneeCompany stamp
and signature of the Legal representative
Copy to return stamped and signed for acceptance by the
Legal representative of the company receiving the copies of the manual.
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Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Code 57.4400.7200 - 1
Number: ....................................
Consigned to: ................................................................................................................................
Edition 03/2005
I, the undersigned..............................................................................................................................
declare that I have received the Workshop manual for TEREXLIFT lifts series Telelift 3713
Elite - 4017 - 4514.
Copies consigned:n° ......on paper
n° ......on CD-Rom
The undersigned is obliged to use the manual in their workshop, without disclosing the information
in the same in any way, to unauthorised workshops and third parties in general, and not to
photocopy or reproduce this manual or parts of the same in any way without the prior written
authorisation of TEREXLIFT to do so.
If business relations between the undersigned and TEREXLIFT should come to an end, the
undersigned is obliged to return the copies received without charges for TEREXLIFT.
Yours sincerely
Date ............................
For acceptance
The consigneeCompany stamp
and signature of the Legal representative
Document 57.4400.7200 - 1
Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Document 57.4400.7200 - 1
Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Document 57.4400.7200 - 1
Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Machine denominationLiterature valid up to serial number
TELELIFT 3713 Elitefrom serial n. 11376 to serial n. 14856
TELELIFT 4017up to serial n. 14866
TELELIFT 4514up to serial n. 15124
Document 57.4400.7200 - 1
Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Read, understand and obey the safety rules and operatinginstructions in the Telelift 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514Operator's Handbook before attempting anymaintenance or repair procedure.This manual provides the machine owner and user withdetailed information on the scheduled maintenance. Italso provided qualified service technicians withinfromation on troubleshooting and repair procedures.Basic mechanical, hydraulic and electrical skills arerequired to perform most procedures. However, severalprocedures require specialized skills, as well as specifictools and equipment.In these instances, we strongly recommend letting serviceand repair the machine at an authorized TEREXLIFTservice center.
Technical Publications
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by anymeans without prior written permission from TEREXLIFTsrl.In pursuing a policy of constant quality improvement,TEREXLIFT srl reserves the right to make changes atany time and without undertaking to give prior notice;therefore, also this publication may be subject tomodifications.
The source of mechanical energy of this machine is aPerkins turbo-compressed diesel engine (pos. 1), model1104C-44T, which supplies 74.5 kW at 2300 rev/minand with a max torque of 412 Nm at 1400 rev/min.On the flywheel side of the engine, and connected tothis engine by a Technodrive coupler with elastic jointand with a 1-to-1 ratio, there is Bosch-Rexroth closed-loop pump for hydrostatic drives, model A4VG71 (pos.
2)with adjustment valve of DA type. The maxdisplacement of this swashplate pump is 71 cm3andthe max calibration pressure is 420 bar. This pump isused to supply hydraulic power under form of pressureand flow rate which is then used for moving the machine.On the through-shaft of such drive pump there is aCasappa open-loop gear pump (with fixeddisplacement) (pos. 3)with priority valve integrated inthe housing. The displacement of this pump is 43 cm3.Its function is to provide hydraulic power, under form ofpressure and flow rate, to the steering cylinder of themachine (priority side) and to the telescopic boommovement cylinder (secondary side).The assembly of the two pumps involves they have arotation velocity equal to the speed of the diesel engine.A third Casappa open-loop gear pump (with fixeddisplacement) (pos. 4)with a displacement of 25 cm3,is installed on the PTO of the engine located to thedistribution side. This pump feeds the servo-assistedbraking system (pos. 24), the control block operatingthe outriggers and the sway function (pos. 28)and thecooling fan (pos. 34)of the heat exchanger (pos. 33)used to cool down the diesel engine and the hydrauliccircuit.The suction lines of the open-loop pumps (pos. 3)and(pos. 4)are protected by an immersed filter (pos. 9),placed inside the hydraulic fluid tank (pos. 10)whosecapacity is 120 litres.The drive pump (pos. 2)is protected by anothercartridge-filter (pos. 8), located on the suction line ofthe boost pump, such pump being integral part of thedrive pump.The one-way valve (pos. 11)set at 2.5 bar protects thepump housing against high pressures and guaranteesa certain circulation of the drain oil to the hydrostaticmotor reducing, in this way, the temperature.From port “G” of the drive pump (pos. 2)low-pressureoil is taken (25-30 bar) and used for the anti-cavitationcircuit of the automatic levelling system of the forks andfor feeding the control circuit of the electro-proportionaldistributor (pos. 16)which controls the movements ofthe telescopic boom.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
The hydraulic energy produced by the drive pump (pos.
2)is converted into mechanical power by a closed-loophydrostatic motor, model Bosch-Rexroth A6VM80 (pos.
5)equipped with adjustment valve of DA1 type and with
flush valve for reducing the max temperatures insidethe drive circuit.The motor is flanged to a two-speed mechanicalgearbox, model 357 (pos. 6)manufactured by Dana.Speeds are engaged by a special oil-dynamic cylinderlocated inside the gearbox, while the selection of thefirst and second speed is controlled by a 4-way/3-position solenoid valve (pos. 7) of the on/off type.The mechanical torque at the gearbox output istransmitted to the front axle (pos. 26)and the rear axle(pos. 25), both model 212 manufactured by Dana,through Cardan shafts.The hydraulic drive (pos. 12)of “load sensing” type witha displacement of 315 cm3, receives oil from the priorityline of the pump (pos. 3)in relation to the “load sensing”signal sent by the hydraulic drive and connected to suchpump with function of pilot signal. In this way, the inputflow to the hydraulic drive will be exactly the one neededfor the instantaneous steering functions; any excess flowof the pump will be available for the functions of thetelescopic boom.The steering circuit is protected against inputoverpressures by a pressure reducing valve set at 140bar. On the two delivery lines, there are other tworeducing valves with anti-shock function set at 200 bar.The scope of these two valves is limiting possible shockson the steering wheel due to overstress on the steeringcylinders. The three pressure reducing valves areinstalled in the hydraulic drive (pos. 12)and cannot beregulated from the outside.The steering circuit is completed by the front steeringcylinder (pos. 14), the rear steering cylinder (pos.
15)[these cylinders being integral part of the front axle(pos. 26)and the rear axle (pos. 25) respectively] and
by a 4-way/3-position solenoid valve (pos. 13)for theselection of the three different steer modes (rear wheelsstraight, co-ordinate front/rear steering and independentfront/rear steering). When the solenoid valve (pos. 13)is not energised, the front steering cylinder is fed by thehydraulic drive and the rear cylinder is blocked. Whenone magnet or the other of the solenoid valve (pos. 13)is energised, the chambers of the cylinders areconnected in a different manner thus causing the desiredeffect on the steering mode.The Bucher/Tecnord electro-proportional distributor(pos. 16), with 4 modular sections, receives oil fromthe secondary line of the pump (pos. 3)and feeds all ofthe movements of the telescopic boom.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
This distributor consists of an input head with 3-waypressure compensator used as a flow regulator for theuser which works at max load (load sensing), and as adischarge valve when the pump flow is not used for theboom movements, and of 4 modules each one of themcontrolling a specific function of the telescopic boom,that is lifting/lowering, attachment holding plate rotation,boom extension/retraction, attachment locking/unlocking.In the head there is a pressure relief valve set at 280 barwhich, acting on the line of the “load sensing” signal,limits the maximum pressure at the inlet of the distributorthrough such 3-way compensator.On the main inlet head of the distributor, there is thepilot line head which includes an inlet safety filter, apressure relief valve acting on the pilot line, and a safetysolenoid valve which, when de-excited, discharges theinput pilot pressure, thus preventing the distributor fromworking. This solenoid valve is used as a “dead man”control and is activated by the relevant button on thejoystick in the driving cab. The pilot head delivers oil atpressure to the 4 control modules of the distributors,such modules operating the relevant main sliders inrelation to the command signal they receive from suchjoystick via the control unit.Module 1 of the distributor controls the telescopic boomlifting cylinder (pos. 17). This cylinder has one single-acting compensation valve with safety function. Thecontrol module of element 2 of the distributor is theelectro-proportional type with electrical feed-back andintegrated electronics. The 0.33-lt. accumulator prefilledat 50 bar (pos. 18)and located on the line of thedifferential chamber of the lifting cylinder (pos. 17),allows for damping the boom swings when the sameboom is moved down.Module 2 of the distributor controls the cylinderoperating the attachment holding plate of the telescopicboom (pos. 19). This cylinder is equipped with a double-acting compensation valve with safety function.Paralleled to this cylinder we find the fork levellingcylinder (pos. 20)(or balancing cylinder) equipped witha special double-acting compensation valve. Inside thisvalve, the one-way valves are installed in a reversemanner with respect to the normal position to avoid thepressurisation of the cylinder when the rotationcommand of the attachment holding plate is operated.Again inside this valve, there are other two one-wayvalves set at 5 bar with anti-cavitation function. Theseare used to deliver oil, sucked from the low pressureline coming from the drive pump (pos. 2), to thecompensation circuit of the fork levelling function, whensuch circuit cannot do it alone.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
The control module of element 2 of the distributor isthe electro-proportional type with electrical feed-backand integrated electronics. On the two control lines ofthe cylinder (pos. 19), and integral to module 2, thereare two pressure relief valves set at 295 bar whichprotect the automatic levelling system of the forks whenthe boom is moved up and down and in case of overloadon the attachment holding plate (ex. use of the bucket).Module 3 of the distributor controls the boom telescopesextension cylinder (pos. 21). This cylinder is equippedwith a double-acting compensation valve with safetyfunction. The control module of this element of thedistributor is the electro-proportional type with electricalfeed-back and integrated electronics.On the control line of the circular chamber of the cylinder(pos. 21)and integral to module 3, there is a pressurerelief valve set at 150 bar which limits the load whenthe boom is extended in those working zones wherethe electronic overturning control system cannot detectoverload conditions with respect to the load chart ofthe machine.Module 4 of the distributor controls the attachmentlocking cylinder (pos. 22). This cylinder has a doubleone-way valve with hydraulic release and safetyfunction. The control module of this element of thedistributor is the ON/OFF electrical type with integratedelectronics.On the feeding lines of this cylinder, there are two quick-fit connectors (pos. 23)for the connection of thehydraulic lines to the optional attachments which needhydraulic power for their operation (ex. hydraulic winchand maintenance jib, mixing bucket, etc.).The SAFIM S6 servo-assisted braking system with pedal(pos. 24)receives oil from the pump (pos. 4)and usesthis oil to pressurise 3 hydraulic accumulatorsconnected to the same system. The oil at pressurecontained in these accumulator is then used to operatethe service brakes of the two axles (pos. 25)and (pos.
26)and to release the parking brake located inside thefront axle (pos. 26).The fill valve inside the braking system takes the flowfrom the feeding line so the pressure on the line of theaccumulators reaches the calibration value of the cutoutvalve set at 150 bar. When this pressure is reached, thevalve gradually releases all the flow to line B for otheruses.The brake pedal located in the driving cab, which is anintegral part of the braking system S6, is connected totwo proportional sliders which control the two separatedlines of the service brake, one for each axle. In relationto the stroke of these sliders, a gradual communicationbetween the feeding line, connected to twoaccumulators which, at their turn, are connected to portsR1 and R2 (the accumulators have 0.5-lt. capacity and
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Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
50bar fill pressure), and the service brake lines isestablished so the flow is distributed to such lines andthe discharge line increasing, in this way, the pressure(and as a result the braking force) on the lines of theservice brakes. When the sliders are in the rest position,the lines of the service brakes are connected to thedischarge.The pressure switch set at 2-10 bar, paralleled to on ofthe two lines of the service brake, sends an electricalsignal when this brake is engaged.The pressure switch set at 70 bar and connected toport F, sends an electrical warning signal when thepressure inside the feeding circuit of the brake lines istoo low to guarantee the minimum braking efficiency.The accumulator with 1.5-lt. capacity and 35bar fillpressure is connected to port R of system S6 and isused to unlock the parking brake of the front axle (pos.
26).The command of the parking brake is controlled by aspecial valve with lever control (pos. 27)located in thedriving cab. In relation to the position of the lever, therelease line of the parking brake is connected to thepressure line (parking brake unlocked) or the dischargeline (parking brake locked).The two pressure switches set at 10-20 bar send anelectrical warning signal when the parking brake isactivated (brake locked).The Bucher electro-hydraulic modular distributor of theON/OFF type for open loops (pos. 28) drives themovements of the outriggers and the sway function ofthe machine. It receives oil from port B of the brakingsystem (pos. 24)and uses this to operate the cylinderof the left outrigger (pos. 29), the cylinder of the rightoutrigger (pos. 30) and the right and left sway cylinders(pos. 31)and (pos. 32). These two cylinders (pos. 31)and (pos. 32)are cross-connected, say the annularchamber of one cylinder is connected to the annularchamber of the other and vice versa. This connectionis consistent with the operation of the cylinder whichmove out and in an opposite way one respect to theother. All of these cylinders are equipped with double-acting compensation valves with safety function.On the inlet head of this control block there is a pressurerelief valve set at 220 bar. The oil flow which is not usedby the control block to operate the outriggers and themachine sway function, is sent to the Casappa 20 cmhydraulic gear motor (pos. 34)for the operation of thecooling fan of the heat exchanger (pos. 33). Inside themotor housing, there are an anti-cavitation valve and apressure relief valve with by-pass function set at 140bar.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
The heat exchanger (pos. 33)is divided in two sectors;one absorbs heat from the cooling circuit of the dieselengine and the other absorbs heat from the hydrauliccircuit of the machine. The flows of pumps (pos. 3)and(pos. 4)are conveyed in the latter. The oil cooled downby the heat exchanger is sent back to the tank (pos.
10).When the machine is equipped with man-platform, amotor-driven pump (pos. 36) powered by the battery,is installed to be used in an emergency when the maincircuit of the telescopic boom is faulty. To work correctly,this circuit uses one-way valves (pos. 37)with differentopening pressures.
1.4-2Precautions during work.............................................................................5
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
1.1-1Personal Safety
In this manual, any important information is preceded bya SPECIAL SYMBOL.All operators who work or service the machine mustknow the exact meaning of these safety symbols.
There are six special (or safety) symbols in this manual,always combined with keywords that class the situationsaccording to their danger degree.The symbols are always followed by a text explaining thesituation taken into account, the attention to be paid tosuch situation, the method and the behaviour to beadopted. When necessary, it stresses prohibitions orsupplies instructions to prevent dangers.Sometimes, it can be followed by illustrations.
We list below the special (or safety) symbols accordingto the relative seriousness of the hazard situation:
Draws the attention to important technicalinformation or practical advice that allows for a saferand more efficient use of the machine.
Draws the attention to important environment-relatedinformation.
Be sure to wear protective eye wear andother protective clothing if the situationwarrants it.
Be aware of potential crushing hazardssuch as moving parts, free swinging orunsecured components when lifting orplacing loads. Always wear approved steel-toed shoes.
Draws the attention to situations that involve yourown as well as the others’ safety and that can resultin serious or lethal injury.
Draws the attention to situations that involve yourown as well as the others’ safety and that can resultin serious or lethal injury.
Draws the attention either to situations that involveyour own as well as the others’ safety and that canresult in minor or moderate injury or to situationsthat involve the machine efficiency.
Draws the attention either to situations that involveyour own as well as the others’ safety and that canresult in minor or moderate injury or to situationsthat involve the machine efficiency.
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1.1-2Workplace Safety
Be sure to keep sparks, flames and lightedtobacco away from flammable andcombustible materials like battery gasesand engine fuels. Always have an approvedfire extinguisher within easy reach.
Be sure that all tools and working areas areproperly maintained and ready for use. Keepwork surfaces clean and free of debris thatcould get into machine components andcause damage.
Be sure that your workshop or work area isproperly ventilated and well lit.
Be sure any forklift, overhead crane or otherlifting or supporting device is fully capableof supporting and stabilizing the weight tobe lifted. Use only chains or straps that arein good condition and of ample capacity.
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Be sure that fasteners intended for one timeuse (i.e., cotter pins and self-locking nuts)are not reused. These components may failif they are used a second time.
Be sure to properly dispose of old oil orother fluids. Use an approved container.Please be environmentally safe.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
Most accidents occurring while working, servicing ormaintaining operation machines, are caused by notcomplying with the basic safety precautions.Therefore, it is necessary to pay steady attention to thepotential hazards and the effects that may come ofoperations carried out on the machine.
If you recognise hazardous situations, you can preventaccidents!
For instance, this handbook makes use of special safetysymbols to highlight potentially hazardous situations.
The instructions given in this handbook are the onesestablished by TEREXLIFT. They do not excludeother safe and most convenient ways for the machinecommissioning, operation and maintenance that takeinto account the available spaces and means.
If you decide to follow instructions other than those givenin this manual, you must:
•be sure that the operations you are going to carryout are not explicitly forbidden;
•be sure that the methods are safe and in compliancewith the indications given in this section;
•be sure that the methods cannot damage themachine directly or indirectly or make it unsafe;
•contact TEREXLIFT Assistance Service for anysuggestion and the necessary written permission.
The operators who use the machine regularly oroccasionally (e.g. for maintenance or transport) shallhave the following requisites:
before and during any operation, operators shall nevertake alcoholic beverages, medicines or other substancesthat may alter their psycho-physical conditions and,consequently, their working abilities.
good eyesight, acute hearing, good co-ordination andability to carry out all required operations in a safe way,according to the instructions of this manual.
ability to understand and apply the rules, regulations andsafety precautions. They shall be careful and sensiblefor their own as well as for the others’ safety and shalldesire to carry out the work correctly and in a responsibleway.
they shall keep calm and always be able to evaluatetheir own physical and mental conditions.
they shall read and familiarise with this handbook, itsenclosed graphs and diagrams, the identification andhazard warning plates. They shall be skilled and trainedabout the machine use.
It is recommended to take part in at least one technicaltraining course organised by TEREXLIFT AssistanceOffice.
Do not hesitate to pose questions if you are in doubt!Contact TEREXLIFT: the assistance service is at yourdisposal. Addresses, phone and fax numbers aregiven in the cover and in the title-page of this manual.
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Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of themachineare quite complex from a technical point ofview and should be performed by an authoirsedservice centre.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
During work, but especially when maintaining or repairingthe machine, operators must wear suitable protectiveclothing and equipment:
•Overalls or any other comfortable garments.Operators should wear neither clothes with largesleeves nor objects that can get stuck in movingparts of the machine
•Protective helmet when working under or in thevicinity of suspended load
•Protective gloves
•Working shoes
•Breathing set (or dust mask)
•Ear-protectors or equivalent equipment
•Goggles or facial screen.
Use only type-approved protective equipmentin good condition.
Read and understand the following safetyinstructions before servicing the machine.The following list contains safety rules which mustabsolutely be obeyed to prevent accidents andinjuries.
•Make sure the area all around the machine is safe.Always be aware of potential risks.
•During work, keep the working area in order. Neverleave objects scattered: they could hinder themachine movements and represent a danger forpersonnel.
•Do not walk or stop under raised loads or machine
parts supported by hydraulic cylinders or ropes only.
•Keep the machine handholds and access stepsalways clean from oil, grease or dirt to prevent fallsor slips.
•When entering/leaving the cab or other raised parts,always face the machine; never turn the back.
•When carrying out operations at hazardous heights(over 3 meters from the ground), always use type-approved safety belts or fall preventing devices.
•Do not enter/leave the machine when it is running.
•Before servicing the engine, let its parts cool down.
•Do not leave the driving place when the machine isrunning.
•Neither stop nor carry out interventions under orbetween the machine wheels when engine is running.When maintenance in this area is needed, stop theengine, engage the parking brake and chock thewheels to prevent accidental movements.
•Do not carry out maintenance or repair works withouta sufficient lighting.
•When using the machine lights, the beam should beoriented in order not to blind the personnel at work.
•Before applying voltage to electric cables orcomponents, ensure they are properly connectedand efficient.
•Do not carry out interventions on electriccomponents with voltage over 48V.
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TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
•Do not connect wet plugs or sockets.
•Signs and stickers shall never be removed, hiddenor become unreadable.
•Except for maintenance purposes, do not removesafety devices, covers, guards,. Should their removalbe necessary, stop the engine, remove them withthe greatest care and always remember to refit thembefore starting the engine and using the machineagain.
•Aleays stop the engine and disconnect the batteriesbefore maintenance or service.
•Do not lubricate, clean or adjust moving parts.
•Do not carry out operations manually when specifictools are provided for this purpose.
•Absolutely avoid to use tools in bad conditions or inan improper way.
•Before carrying out operations on hydraulic linesunder pressure (hydraulic oil, compressed air) and/or before disconnecting hydraulic components,ensure the relevant line has been previouslydepressurised and does not contain any hot fluid.
Treatment and disposal of used oils is subject tofederal, national and local laws and regulations.Collect and deliver these wastes to authorisedcentres.
•Use the assistance of a second person to handleloads weighing 30 to 50 kg.
•For loads over 50 kg, the use of special hoistingequipment in good condition and equipped asperenforced regulations is mandatory.
Any intervention on the hydraulic or pneumaticcircuit must be carried out by authorised personnel.Before any operation on lines under pressure, releaseany residual pressure from the circuit.Do not use your fingers to check for pressure leaks.Fine jets of air, oil or fuel can injure you.
•Neither smoke nor use open flames if there is a riskof fire or close to fuel, oil or batteries.
•Do not leave fuel cans or bottles in unsuitable places.
•Do not empty catalytic mufflers or other vesselscontaining burning materials without taking thenecessary precautions.
•Carefully handle all flammable or dangeroussubstances.
•After any maintenance or repair work, make sure thatno tool, cloth or other object has been left withincompartments with moving parts or in which suctionand cooling air circulates.
•Never give orders to several people at a ime.Instructions and signs must be given by one persononly.
•Always pay the due attention to the instructions givenby the foreman.
•Never distract the operator during working phasesor crucial manoeuvres.
•Do not call an operator suddenly, if unnecessary.
•Do not frighten an operator or throw objects by nomeans.
•After work, never leave the machine under potentiallydangerous conditions.
-Fork holding frame - classFEM IIIFEM IIIFEM IIIFEM III
TELELIFT3713Elite3713T Elite40174514
4 cylinders in line4 cylinders in line4 cylinders in line4 cylinders in line
4 strokes4 strokes4 strokes4 strokes
direct injectiondirect injectiondirect injectiondirect injection
-Bore x Strokemm103 x 127105 x 127105 x 127105 x 127ft
-Total displacementcc4232440044004400
-Power at 2300 giri/minkW6374,474,474,4
TELELIFT3713Elite3713T Elite40174514
-Starter (power)kW33--
TELELIFT3713Elite3713T Elite40174514
-Guaranteed sound power level
(in accordance with the Directive 2000/14/CE)dBLwa = 109Lwa = 109Lwa = …Lwa = …
-Measured sound pressure level
(in accordance with the Directive 98/37/CE)dBLpa = 78Lpa = 78Lpa = 84Lpa = 84
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Edition 03/2005
Courtesy of Crane.Market
TELELIFT 3713 Elite - 4017 - 4514
TELELIFT3713Elite3713T Elite40174514
-Mean assessed vibration leveltransmitted to armsm/s
-Mean assessed vibration leveltransmitted to bodym/s
Values calculated in accordance with standard prEN13059
This is a Class A device. In a residential environment,such device can cause radio disturbance. In suchcases, the operator is required to take suitablemeasures.