TeraValue NEWGEN5 User Manual

CCooppyyrriigghhtt NNoottiiccee
TeraValue reserves all copyrights of this Users Guide. Copying and using partial or entire part of this Users Guide without permission of TeraValue is strictly prohibited.
- Disconnecting the USB cable while upgrading the firmware will cause a critical damage to the product.
- If the user formats a memory in PC Window, a critical damage may be caused in this device.
- For Win98 OS, install Win98 driver included in the provided CD before using the product. (refer to 10 page)
- Bit Rate / 31
- Sample Frequency / 31
󳣈 Encoding from External
Device /
- Sync Function / 32
- Sample Frequency / 32
- Silence Level / 33
- Line In Volume / 33
󳣈 Music Source / 34 󳣈 LCD Contrast level Control / 34 󳣈 Language Selection / 35 󳣈 Internal/External Memory
Capacity /
󳣈 Memory Format / 36 󳣈 Erase 1 File/Folder Erase / 37
- Select ERASE 1 FILE / 37
- Folder ERASE / 37
󳣈 Functions and Using Method of the
󳣈 Inserting the Battery / 38
4.Firmware Upgrade
󳣈 Firmware Upgrade / 39
- Installing the Driver / 39
- Firmware data downloding / 40
5.Self-troubleshooting / 42
6.Product Specifications / 43
1.Product Introduction
󳣈 Accessories Items / 3 󳣈 Products Safety precautions / 4 󳣈 Features of NewGen 5 Series
products / 6
󳣈 Simple Manual / 7 󳣈 Win 98 Driver Installation / 9 󳣈 USB Mass Storage / 10 󳣈 Removable Disk / 11 󳣈 Name of Each part / 13 󳣈 LCD display / 14
󳣈 Basic Operation Function / 15 󳣈 Listening to MP3 Files / 16 󳣈 Listening to the FM Radio / 18 󳣈 FM Preset Mode / 19 󳣈 Recording While Listening to FM
Radio / 21
󳣈 Voice Recording / 22 󳣈 Encoding from External
Devices / 24
󳣈 Navigation Mode / 26
3.Other Menu functions
󳣈 Playing Speed / Repetition / 28 󳣈 Section Repetition / 28 󳣈 Language Study / 29 󳣈 voice Recording / 30
- VAD / 30
- Silence Level / 30
PPrroodduucctt SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnssAAcccceessssoorriieess IItteemmss
Stereo Earphone (AXE) Necklace Installation CD
Accessory items may be added or changed according to functional improvement.
USB Cable Encoding Cable
Battery (1 AAA size)
Users Guide
11 22
44 55
Basic Contents
Do not put magnetic cards such as debit cards or gift cards near the product.
Connecting the USB port while the product is operating may damage the product. Before connecting the USB port, turn off the product.
Avoid direct sunrays, rainwater, sand, and other materials that can cause mechanical shock to the product.
Storing the product in a dusty, hot humid or soot-covered place may cause a product breakdown.
Do not repair, dissemble, or remodel the product at your own choice.
Protect the product from severe shock and vibration, and do not drop the product.
FFeeaattuurreess ooff NNeewwGGeenn55 SSeerriieess PPrroodduuccttss
External Memory SD/MMC Card
It is easy to extend the memory capacity.
Extensible to 1GB / TN-550 (512MB) + 512MB SD/MMC Card.
Excellent for Language Study
The user can select the playing speed., and useful functions for language study such as automatic
repetition, speed control, and repetition count setting are supported.
Removable Disk
When the product is connected to the PC, the product is automatically recognized as a removable disk.
With the memory card (SD/MMC) extention slot, the user can easily extend, the memory capacity.
This device can be used without any separate management S/W.
By connecting the device to the PC through the USB cable, it can be used as a portable disk without
any separate battery.
Robust Encoding
By connecting the product to an external stereo system or a telephone, the user can record data.
Robust MP3 direct encoding.
Sync Function - Various encoding options are supported for CD - recording.
Unlimited Folders
The user can unlimitedly create folders and store music files by category - artist, album, genre, etc.
Necklace Type
The device adopted a fine design to meet new generation’s taste, and it is super-light.
-It is supper-light(46g : including batteries) and easy to carry.
Firmware Upgrade
By upgrading the firmware, the user can upgrade product functions as well.
Check library in the website of TeraValue to add and upgrade product functions.
Maximum 7-line LCD
7Line Wide Graphic LCD adopted.
Sharpness and brightneess are controllable.
Voice function (VAD / Silence / Bit Rate Setting)
Record various sounds including voice.
Maximum recording time : about 72 hours (when extending the Memory to 1GB)
Macintosh Support
Supporting Over Mac OS Version 8.1
Linux Support
Supporting Over Kernel 2.4.18
PPrroodduucctt SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Do not cut, dissemble, or heat the battery, and do not put the battery in a fire.
(An electrolyte from the battery such as alkaline liquid may contact user's eyes or may result in heating and explosion.)
󳢮If not using the product for a long time, take out the battery from the body. 󳢮When an electrolyte leaked from the battery, clean inside the battery cover. 󳢮When smoke is found or heating is generated, resulting in deformation of the
product, promptly take out the battery
Cautions When Using the Battery
Do not insert foreign materials besides the SD/MMC card into the SD/MMC card slot.
When carrying this device in a pocket or wearing it around the neck, be careful not to get bruise or hurt other people.
Connecting the USB Port
When downloading the firmware, never disconnect the USB cable.
SSiimmppllee MMaannuuaall
SSiimmppllee MMaannuuaall
Menu Modes and Detailed Menu
Detaild Menu
( + / - Button)
Brightness is controlled
INT FLASH(internal memory) EXT CARD(external memory) MIC(voice recording)/ LINE IN(encording from external devices) 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz
Mone / Stereo / Joint Stereo 32kHz ~ 224kHz
Line input is controlled ON / OFF / 1 SYNC ON / OFF LOW / MIDDLE / HIGH LEVEL MONO/ STEREO Normal / Slow / Fast Repeat All / No Repeat / Repeat 1 son / Repeat RANDO / RANDO Counter = Repetition count setting ON / OFF MEMORY - INT REMAIN / TOTAL
(internal memory(available
capacity) (used capacity)
(internal memory(available
capacity) (used capacity)
KOREA / ENGLISH / JAPANESE / CHINESE (Simplified / Traditional) INT FLASH(internal memory) / EXT CARD(external memory) INT FLASH(internal memory) / EXT CARD(external memory) Select a file, then delete it Select a folder, then delete it Firmware upgrade
Menu Mode
(<< / >>)
LCD Contrast
Music Source
AUTO Repeat
F/W Upgrade
󳞛 Recording / Encording
Power On/Off
󳞙 Volume Control
Menu Selection Folder/File Search
󳞜 MENU Mode
Search Phrase
Auto Repetiton
Next Track
Up FM Freq Menu Selection Lower Folder
Previous Down
FM Freq
Menu Selection
Upper Folder
Play / FM Radio
( Insert the provided installation CD into the CD-ROM)
For Win 98 OS, install Win 98 driver included in the provided CD before using the product.
Installing Window 98 Driver
TIP - By using the install 98. bat, the user can install Window 98 driver and firmware upgrade driver.
- The removable disk is automatically recognized without installation of separate driver.
( Window 2000/ME/XP/Mac 8.1 )
WWiinn 9988 DDrriivveerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Step 1: Click the Win 98 Folder.
Step 3: Connect the USB cable to the product.
Step 2: Click the install98.bat file.
( Internal Removable Disk ) ( External Removable Disk )
(After connecting the USB cable,the removable disk is displayed in the PC as shown in the following figure.)
USB Mass Strorage
TTIIPP::CCOONNFFIIGG.. SSYYSS ffiillee iiss bbaassiiccaallllyy ccrreeaatteedd
Upon opening an internal memory portable disk, a config. sys file saves a value set by a user in the menu.
󳢮Upon deleting a config. sys file, the setting value is
󳢮Upon power off this device, the value saved in the menu
automatically saved.
When a user presses NAVI button,
config. sys is displayed on the LCD.
Note : Do not delete the config. sys file.
A user who uses Window 98/SE must have an additional installation program
( For the installation program, a user can use a CD contained in the product or download it from
Windows 2000/ME/XP/Over Mac 8.1
When this device is connected to a PC whose operating system is Windows, no additional installation driver is required)
TIP - For a user who uses Mac OS 8.6, download “ USB Mass Storage 1.3.5.smi” from the Apple website before using the product.
Advantages of Removable Disk
Suitable to moving mass storage files/folders in a PC and backing up important data.
A users can easily move data between the PC and the Mac, and between a house and office.
A users can easily and safely keep an authorized certificate for internet banking and various music
figure/presentation data.
Copying and Moving File / Folder
With Window Explorer,the user can select, copy and move files and folders
RReemmoovvaabbllee DDiisskk -- UUssaaggee
Automatic Recognition
When the user connects this device with the PC through the USB cable, The device is automaticaiiy recognized and the user can easily use it as a removable disk(Plug&Play)
NO - Power USB Connection
This device uses USB power, therefore it does not need internal power upon connecting with USB
(This device can be connected with the PC without consuming battery, it can safely transmit data)
RReemmoovvaabbllee DDiisskk -- BBaassiicc FFeeaattuurreess
TIP - 2 removable disk icons are created in the PC(MY Computer)
- INT MEMORY and EXT MEMORY are displayed as different removable disks.
TIP - This device can use music and other funtions with battery power and does not support
charge function upon connecting with USB
Easy - Data Move
No additional control program between the PC and this device is required.
- The user can easily read/write/delete/move various data(files and folders) using “Window Explore in the PC such as HDD, FDD.
- This device enables users to move data between 2 removable disks.
Portable Mass Storage SD/MMC Memory Card
- This user can easily extend mass capacity and memory by using SD/MMC memory card (EXT MEN) and easily user several SD or MMC memory card such as a CD or a floppy diskette.
Semi - permanent Storage Media
- This device a flash memory as a storage media, so it does not damage data unlikely a CD or a diskette and its lifetime is semi-permanent
Coping as music file saved in the PC Removable Disk
Internal Removable Disk External Removable Disk
Moving data between internal/external disks
The user can easily use data between 2 removable disks created newly
Creating a folder by music / language / lecture
󳦈󳦈 󳦈󳦈
Opening a removable disk
Click folder Creation a folder
Note - When the user plays this device after creating only a folder in the removable disk, No Files
displayed on the LCD.
- The device recognizes and plays only files.
TIP - The user can easily use copy, move and delete all data
- EXT MEMORY removable disk is created when inserting an external memory slot in the PC.
- When this device is separated from the PC, the corresponding removable disk icon disappears.
+ 16 hidden pages