RFID-Reader GX120
Von / From: RHE
Datum / Date: 03.08.07
Seite / Page: 1 / 6
Autor Name Tel. Fax E-Mail
Verteiler Organisation Name
Rainer Helberg +49-2261-8082-233 -833 rainer.helberg@teratron.de
Hilti GX 120
1.0 Erstelldatum : 03.08.2007
Strictly confidential
Von / From: RHE
RFID-Reader GX120
Datum / Date: 03.08.07
Seite / Page: 2 / 6
1. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................2
2. BLOCK DIAGRAM......................................................................................................4
3. GEOMETRY OF PCB..................................................................................................5
4. IMPORTANT REQUEST:............................................................................................5
5. LABEL:........................................................................................................................6
1. Technic al De scription
The reader is used in a gas can driven direct fastener tool for metal nail s.
It is mounted inside of the tool and communicate with special transponders which are fitted at the
gas cans.
It controls the use of the correct gas can for the tool and also it show the user the remaining gas
level inside the can by 5 LED’s. This is possible, by writing the actual needed gas consumption into
the transponder during working after each shot.
The reader is working together with a second electronic which controls the gas growd and generate
the ignition puls for the spark plug.
The communication to the tr ansponder is working with a 125kHz field.
Here you can see the the RFID reader fitted in it’s housing: