Terasic ALTERA HSMC-DVI User Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction of the HSMC-DVI ................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 About the KIT .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Assemble the HSMC-DVI Board ................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 HSMC-DVI Card Architecture .................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Layout and Components .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Block Diagram of the DVI Board ................................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Board Components ............................................................................................................. 10
3.1 HSMC Expansion Connector .................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4 Demonstrations ................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 System Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 18
4.3 Hardware Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Configure FPGA ........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.5 Demo Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 19
4.6 Design Concept ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 5 Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Always Visit HSMC-DVI Webpage for New Main board ......................................................................... 22
Introduction of the HSMC-DVI
The Terasic HSMC-DVI is a DVI transmitter/receiver board with a High Speed Mezzanine Connector (HSMC) interface. It is designed to allow developers to access high quality and high resolution video signals in their FPGA. It gives the flexibility required in high resolution image processing systems by combining both the DVI transmitter and receiver onto the same card. Lastly, the HSMC-DVI daughter board can be connected to any HSMC interface host boards.
Figure 1-1 shows the photo of the HSMC-DVI board. The important features are listed below:
DDiiggiittaall TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
One DVI transmitter with single transmitting port Digital Visual Interface (DVI) Compliant Supports resolutions from VGA to UXGA (25 MHz – 165 MHz Pixel Rates) Universal Graphics Controller Interface
12-Bit, Dual-Edge and 24-Bit, Single-Edge Input Modes Standard 3.3 V CMOS Input Signal Levels Fully Differential and Single-Ended Input Clocking Modes Standard Intel 12-Bit Digital Video Port Compatible as on Intel™ 81x Chipsets
Enhanced PLL Noise Immunity
On-Chip Regulators and Bypass Capacitors for Reducing System Costs
Enhanced Jitter Performance
No HSYNC Jitter Anomaly Negligible Data-Dependent Jitter
Programmable Using I²C Serial Interface Single 3.3-V Supply Operation
DDiiggiittaall RReecceeiivveerr
One DVI receiver with single receiving port Supports UXGA Resolution (Output Pixel Rates Up to 165 MHz) Digital Visual Interface (DVI) Specification Compliant True-Color, 24 Bit/Pixel, 16.7M Colors at 1 or 2-Pixels Per Clock Laser Trimmed Internal termination Resistors for Optimum Fixed Impedance Matching 4x Over-Sampling Reduced Ground Bounce Using Time Staggered Pixel Outputs
Lowest Noise and Best Power Dissipation Using TI PowerPAD™ Packaging.
Figure 1-1 Layout of the DVI-HSMC card
AAbboouutt tthhee KKIITT
This section describes the package content:
HSMC-DVI board x 1 System CD-ROM x 1
The CD contains technical documents of the HSMC-DVI, and one reference design along with the source code. The source code of reference design are available for the following FPGA main board:
A5SK: Arria V Starter Kit
S5GFP: Stratix V GX FPGA Programmable BoardC5EFP: Cyclone V E FPGA Programmable BoardC5GFP: Cylone V GX FPGA Programmable Board
AAsssseemmbbllee tthhee HHSSMMCC--DDVVII BBooaarrdd
The Figure 1-1, Figure 1-1, Figure 1-1, and Figure 1-1 show how to connect the HSMC-DVI daughter board to main boards.
Figure 1-2 The HSMC-DVI board connects with A5SK
Figure 1-3 The HSMC-DVI board connects with S5GFP
Figure 1-4 The HSMC-DVI board connects with C5EFP
Figure 1-2 The HSMC-DVI board connects with C5GFP
Note. Do not attempt to connect/remove the HSMC-DVI daughter board to/from the main the main board when the power is on, or else the hardware could be damaged.
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Here are some places to get help if you encounter any problem:
Email to support@terasic.com
Taiwan & China: +886-3-575-0880
Korea : +82-2-512-7661
Japan: +81-428-77-700
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