Teracue DEC-, DEC-300 User Manual

DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
User Guide V1.3
Teracue AG
Schlossstr. 18 85235 Odelzhausen Germany
Tel: +49 (0)8134-555-10 Fax: +49 (0)8134-555-199
info@teracue.com www.teracue.com
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
This document may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior permission of Teracue. Copyright © 2013 by Teracue, all rights reserved.
This publication supersedes all previous publications. Information and specification in this documentation is subject to change
without notice. Please make sure you have the latest document version. User guides are located at: www.teracue.com/support
If you find some points in this document unclear then please let us know, so we can improve this documentation. Thank you! Mail to: documentation@teracue.com
All information within this document is confidential to Teracue costumers and should not be copied or distributed to non Teracue customers.
DEC-300™ and all of its components are registered trademarks licensed to Teracue.
All other logos and trademarks both marked and not, may be trademarks or registered trademarks and therefore property of their respective owners.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
I. Information about the manual
This document is designed to help users setup, configure and work with the H.264/ MPEG-2 SD/HD decoders.
If you received this publication as a PDF, then it's a good idea to print it out for future reference. It is best to use this user guide directly in front of your computer, by doing so you try out everything at
.!. Important features are marked by this sign.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
II. Release Notes
Following are the Features listed which are supported from the firmware versions: Version 2.06_w18 (2013-12-04)
BUGFIX: DEC-300 freezes after several hours when caching buffer is set  to middle or high  allow hostnames with NTP server setting
Version 2.05_w18 (2013-10-14)
BUGFIX(?): removed potential deadlock for UDP networking  Busybox NTP support (static/dhcp)  Save system clock to realtime clock once a day
Version 2.04_w18 (2013-10-09)
BUGFIX: avoid/minimize audio output lockups  BUGFIX: Make 1st network authentication packet come through  Removed additional restart on TCP resyncs  Don't disable DNS resolver when changing form DHCP to static IP.
Version 2.03_w18
BUGFIX: Support for "intel accelerated" transcoded streams
Version 2.02_w18
Fix problem: Loading different presets crashes decsrv  Fix problem: System freezes when sine is played after video  Ieee802.1x support  Hostname lookup
Version 1.31_w18
Fix problem: Swap audio channels when recovering from error  In UDP unicast mode use to accept any source
Version 1.30_w14
SNMP support
Version 1.20_w14
SYSTEM/PASSWORD: change fixed  DECODER/AUDIO: Talkback rate option 16000 added  Info icons added  Show OSD on startup and when factory reset hw button is pressed shortly  DECODER/SOURCE: New protocol added RTP, RTP/FEC (See Rights in
SYSTEM/SETTINGS); When 'RTP/FEC' is selected: 'FEC Dimension' option added
SYSTEM/SETTINGS: Right show added, about FEC
Rights: If FEC Permission = enabled, DECODER/SOURCE: Protocol 'RTP/FEC' is available
FIX: Equal end-to-end delay for VES and TS low delay  Improve overall system stability  Tuning of TCP connection parameters  Hold two buffers less in low latency mode  Don’t look for stream errors and let DSP codecs arrange error cases
Version 1.15_w12 1.20_w13
Internal Versions
Version 1.14_w12
DECODER/AUDIO: 'Talkback Stereo' check box added
Version 1.14_w11
Fix problem: color bar and blank screen did not show up every time.  Broadcast "minimal" SAP  Support for audio options: input mute, output mute and input gain, output gain
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
Stereo talkback  Display of aspect ratio  NTSC is working now  Eliminated "spike" artefacts  Add talkback sample rates 22.05kHz, 12kHz and 6kHz for better ENC-300 support  DHCP support  CVBS support  Add framerate conversion (double and half)  DECODER/XPLAYER: XPLAYER link works in other browsers with XPlayer_v.  DECODER/SETTINGS: OSD Active disabled , StreamLoss Display options HOLD->FREEZE,
BWTEXT->TEXT renamed
DECODER/TRANSPORT: Receive Buffer enabled  DECODER/AUDIO: Talkback IP info added, Info Text = “Enter in Talkback IP to
disable talkback”
DECODER/VIDEO: Aspect ratio: Removed
Format: AUTO = AUTO (YPbPr) 1080i60 1080i50 720p60 720p50 PAL = 576i50 NTSC = 480i60 AUTO_CVBS = AUTO (CVBS) PAL_CVBS = PAL NTSC_CVBS = NTSC
DECODER/SOURCE: Fix invisible field problem: IP address when in TCP/Server mode  Blue-Info-Box: 'Video Continuity Errors' added (video pids only)
IE9 align fix
Version 1.10_w06 – 1.13_w10
Internal Versions
Version 1.09_w06
Decoder/Settings: OSD Active added  Decoder/Transport: Program Number, Video PID, Audio PID adjustable  Decoder/Video: Aspect Ratio added  Decoder/Audio: Talkback IP, Talkback Port, Talkback Rate, Audio Input, Linein Gain, Micin
Gain, LineOut Gain, Output Mute added
Decoder/Source: Transport Protocol (TCP/Server, TCP/Client) added  Comport/Settings: Mode, Destination, Bitrate Databits Parity Stopbits added
Version 1.04_w05 1.09_w05
Internal Versions
Version 1.03_w05
Decoder/Video: Format, Output options added (note: output only COMPONENTS)  Decoder/GPIO: Mode, GPO-Value, Destination, GPI-Value added (for testing)
Version 0.98_w04 1.02_w05
Internal Versions
Version 0.97_w04
Decoder/Settings: LowLatency, StreamLoss added  Decoder/XPlayer: XPlayer link updated
Version 0.93_w02 0.96_w04
Internal Versions
Version 0.92_w02
Fix 'Save' button problem  Network set fixed  Blue-Info-Box: labels modify (Codec, Video bitrate, Encoder Status, Video resolution, Uptime,
Video framerate, Stream Locked, Source, Transport Rate, Recieved Bytes, Stream mode)
Version 0.92_w01
Internal Version
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
III. Content
1. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 UNPACKING THE DECODER ......................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 DEC-300™ blade-based units ............................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 DEC-300™ chassis-based devices ..................................................................................... 9
2.2 SETTING UP THE DECODER AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................ 10
2.3 CONNECTING THE DECODER (CHASSIS-BASED) ......................................................................... 11
2.4 ASSIGNMENT OF THE SUB-D 26-PIN CONNECTOR ...................................................................... 12
2.5 BREAKOUT CABLE ‘S’ ............................................................................................................... 13
2.6 BREAKOUT CABLE ‘P’ ............................................................................................................... 14
3. DEC-300™ USER GUIDE ............................................................................................................. 15
3.1 ACCESSING AND CONFIGURING DECODERS ............................................................................... 15
3.2 LOGIN ..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE OF THE DEC-300™ .................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Navigational Menus ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 ‘APPLY’ and ‘SAVE’ Buttons ............................................................................................. 18
3.3.3 Blue Info-Box ..................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 DECODER CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Menu: Decoder / Settings .................................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Menu: Decoder / Transport ................................................................................................ 20
3.4.3 Menu: Decoder / Video ...................................................................................................... 21
3.4.4 Menu: Decoder / Audio ...................................................................................................... 22
3.4.5 Menu: Decoder / Source .................................................................................................... 23
3.4.6 Menu: Decoder / GPIO ...................................................................................................... 25
3.4.7 Menu: Decoder / XPlayer .................................................................................................. 27
3.4.8 Menu: Network / Settings .................................................................................................. 28
3.4.9 Menu: Comport / Settings .................................................................................................. 30
3.4.10 Menu: System / Settings ................................................................................................ 31
3.4.11 Menu: System / Date/Time ............................................................................................ 32
3.4.12 Menu: System / Update (Upgrading firmware version) ................................................. 33
3.4.13 Menu: System / Password ............................................................................................. 34
3.4.14 Menu: System / Remote ................................................................................................ 35
3.5 HELP ....................................................................................................................................... 36
3.6 LOGOUT .................................................................................................................................. 37
4. EXTENDED FUNCTION ................................................................................................................ 38
4.1 REMOTE CONTROL .................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 AUDIO TALKBACK ..................................................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 Talkback Session between DEC-300™ and ENC-300™ .................................................. 42
4.2.2 Talkback Session between DEC-300™ and ENC-200™ .................................................. 44
4.2.3 Talkback Session between DEC-300™ and ENC-100™ .................................................. 45
4.3 TCP STREAMING ..................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.1 TCP configuration: ENC-200™ is the Server .................................................................... 48
4.3.2 TCP configuration: ENC-300™ is the Server .................................................................... 49
4.3.3 TCP configuration: ENC-200™ is the Client ..................................................................... 50
4.3.4 TCP configuration: ENC-300™ is the Client ..................................................................... 51
4.4 RESETTING TO FACTORY DEFAULT ........................................................................................... 52
4.5 RESTARTING THE DEC-300™ .................................................................................................. 53
5. CE, FCC CONFORMANCE ........................................................................................................... 54
6. RESTRICTION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DIRECTIVE (ROHS) ..................................... 54
8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 56
9. KNOWN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 59
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
1. Overview
The DEC-300 is a professional compact H.264 SD/HD and MPEG-2 SD/HD video/audio stream receiver and IPTV decoder. It is designed for network IP video system integration. As an output decoder device for streaming media it provides easy access to DVB IP and IPTV streams on HD-SDI and analog video outputs.
DEC-300 decoders incorporate low-latency compression technology and professional signal processing, creating full resolution video output in HD resolution. To access the intuitive graphical user interface use your standard web browser from any PC on the network. Remote network configuration is also supported over SNMP*, by Telnet and by control over the local COM port.
Multiple DEC-300 blades are operated inside the FR frame series. The decoder is also available as a chassis-based compact device (‘PORTABLE’). High-density requirements are solved by operating the DEC blades in the FR-2000-24 (4 RU rack mount) or FR-610 (1 RU rack mount) multi-channel racks. Different types of DEC decoder blades, ENC encoder blades and DVB/IP videogateways can be “mixed and matched” inside the FR-frame series.
DEC-300™ combines high-performance with unparalleled simplicity in a compact Ethernet video decoding appliance designed for commercial, institutional, and industrial applications such as:
Broadcast & CDN IP contribution  Wireless & mobile streaming  Digital signage streaming  IPTV/OTT streaming  Medical & campus TV  Telemedicine  Security monitoring  Stadium & event TV  Training & research  Video monitoring  Control rooms & command centres
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2. General Information
DEC-300 can be ordered as blade-based units or as chassis-based devices. Please specify at your order which DEC-300 type (blade-based or chassis-based) do you exactly want.
DEC-300 blade-based units can be used in the FR-610 multi-channel chassis, which can hold up to max. 6 Teracue blades. Inside the FR-610 chassis different types of ENC encoder blades, DEC decoder blades can be ‘mixed and matched’.
DEC-300 chassis-based devices are fixed implemented in a chassis. The chassis-based devices are called DEC-300 PORTABLE. So you do not need purchase a chassis separately.
All equipment (like the FR-610 chassis) and DEC-300 accessories are handled as model options and need to be purchased separately.
2.1 Unpacking the Decoder
When you unpack the ordered equipment, please make sure that all the equipment is complete.
2.1.1 DEC-300™ blade-based units
Normally the DEC-300™ blades are pre-fit into the according chassis that the decoders have been ordered with. If DEC-300™ blades are ordered and shipped separately, please be careful when handling the blades. Be sure to avoid electrostatic influence when touching the blades.
After unpacking, your DEC-300™ should include the following:
1 x Teracue DVD which includes this user guide  1 x DEC-300™ MPEG-2/H.264 HD Decoder blade  1 x Breakout cable ‘S’
2.1.2 DEC-300™ chassis-based devices
After unpacking, your DEC-300™ should include the following:
1 x Teracue DVD which includes this user guide  1 x DEC-300™ MPEG-2/H.264 HD Decoder (chassis-based)  1 x Breakout cable ‘S’
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2.2 Setting up the Decoder and Safety Instructions
Always read the instructions carefully and keep this user guide for future reference. Please choose a suitable location for operating the decoder(s). The DEC-300™ should not be exposed to the following:
Moist and dusty environments.  Air humidity above 80%.  Avoid extreme vibrations or shocks.  Direct sunlight and extreme heat.  Temperatures below 0°C and above +65°C.  Avoid quick and dramatic temperature changes.
.!. Please set up the decoder on a reliable and flat surface when using the chassis-based device or mount in a rack, when using the FR-610 chassis.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2.3 Connecting the Decoder (chassis-based)
Please pay attention about the cabling order between the power supply and the FR-chassis. Connect at first always the connector of the power supply to the FR-chassis.
The cable connector can be locked to the socket of the decoder, so the cable cannot accidentally be pulled out.
After you have connected the connector of the power supply to the chassis, please connect the power cable to the power supply.
As next, please connect the network cable to the network interface and connect your display unit to the video output of the DEC-300™. Concerning of the video output you have the choice between different video signal types. The DEC-300™ supports SD/HD-SDI (with embedded audio), Composite, S-Video, YPbPr and RGB signals. If you need a Composite (CVBS), S-Video (YC), YPbPr or a RGB signal, please use the Sub-D 26-pin connector via the breakout cable. If you need a SD/HD-SDI signal, please use the BNC connector.
If you want use analogue audio, please use the Sub-D 26-pin connector via breakout cable.
Figure 1: DEC-300™ front side
Front panel connection:
LED status indicator. The LED indicates the status (operational state) of the DEC-300 decoder. The status is indicated by the LED colour and LED flashing (blinking) speed.
LED status:
Constant green:
OK, decoder in operation, decoding video.
Flashing green:
OK, but stream input signal is missing.
Flashing red:
Network error. Decoder cannot send data packets.
Constant red:
General error.
No LED light:
Check power and power supply.
Video Output for SD/HD-SDI (with embedded Audio) via BNC interface.
Video Audio Comport GPIO:
Audio-, Video- and Data Output/Input for Composite, S-Video, YPbPr, RGB, H- and V-Synchronisation, Audio-In, Audio-Out, GPIO, RS-232/422, via Sub-D 26 pin interface.
Standard 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet via RJ-45
Power in:
Power cable with connector for the power supply..
Table 1: Description of the connectors on the DEC-300™ front side
CVBS = FBAS = Composite Signal YC = S-Video Signal
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2.4 Assignment of the Sub-D 26-pin Connector
Table 2 describes the assignment of the Sub-D 26-pin connector which is on the front side of the DEC-300™.
Sub-D 26-pin Connector Assignment:
TxA 2 TxB (RS-232 TxD)
GPO-A (Relay A)
Audio In R
Audio Out R
NC 7 Video Out
Pb / Y 8 Video Out
/ Y 9
Video Out
/ Pr / C
GPO-B (Relay B)
RxA (RS-232 RxD)
Audio In L
Audio Out L
Table 2: Assignment of the Sub-D 26-pin Connector
CVBS = FBAS = Composite Signal YC = S-Video Signal NC = not connected * = is not supported at the moment
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2.5 Breakout Cable ‘S’
For the DEC-300™ it exists two different breakout cables which are called Breakout cable ‘S’ and Breakout cable ‘P’. The Breakout cable ‘S’ is the standard breakout cable and Table 3 describes the
provided signals.
Connector Type:
Audio In R + L
Mini Jack 3,5 mm
Audio Out R + L
2 x Cinch (RCA)
Video CVBS
Cinch (RCA)
Video YC
Mini-DIN 4-pin (Hosiden)
Table 3: Breakout cable 'S'
Figure 2: Breakout cable 'S'
CVBS = FBAS = Composite Signal YC = S-Video Signal
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
2.6 Breakout Cable ‘P’
For the DEC-300™ it exists two different breakout cables which are called Breakout cable ‘S’ and Breakout cable ‘P’. The Breakout cable ‘P’ is the professional breakout cable and Table 4 describes
the provided signals.
Connector Type:
Sub-D 9-pin
Sub-D 9-pin
Audio In R + L
2 x Cinch (RCA)
Audio Out R + L
2 x Cinch (RCA)
Video CVBS / YC / YPbPr
3 x BNC
Table 4: Breakout cable 'P'
Figure 3: Breakout cable 'P'
CVBS = FBAS = Composite Signal YC = S-Video Signal NC = not connected * = is not supported at the moment
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
3. DEC-300™ User Guide
This chapter gives you an overview over DEC-300™ and demonstrates the decoder's main functions.
.!. Before proceeding please be sure that the decoder is setup correctly and all necessary connections are established.
Working and configuring Teracue's decoders is very easy. You do not need to install an application or remote configuring software. If you know how to browse the internet, then you already know how to access and control the decoders, simply via web-browser.
3.1 Accessing and Configuring Decoders
Open your standard web-browser and type in the decoder's IP-address (e.g. in the address field and press the ‘Enter’ button.
.!. If you haven't changed the factory presets and if not specified elsewhere in the shipment the decoder's IP-address will by default be set to:
Default IP-address:
Login username:
Login password:
.!. The decoder is configured by factory default to automatically start the decoding process and displaying the stream of the multicast address, when a network link and a link to the display unit are established.
.!. To be able to login to the decoder's user interface, your computer has to be in the same IP-address range (subnet).
You briefly might have to change your computers IP-address to be in the same subnet as the decoder. Only then you will be able to access the decoder and change the decoder's IP-address, and of course afterwards change your computer's IP-address back.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
3.2 Login
After typing the IP-address of your DEC-300™ into the browser and hitting enter, a login screen should appear. See Figure 4.
Enter your username and password and click on ‘login’.
Figure 4: DEC-300™ web interface 'Login Page'
Default IP-address:
Login username:
Login password:
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
3.3 Graphical User Interface of the DEC-300™
3.3.1 Navigational Menus
After successful login you have access to the decoder's configuration. All of the settings can be adjusted via web-browser.
Main Menu:
The main menu contains the ‘DECODER’, ‘NETWORK’, ‘COMPORT’, ‘SYSTEM’, ‘HELP’ and
‘LOGOUT’ links from the top bar. See
Figure 5.
Secondary Menu:
After selecting the desired menu item from the main menu, choose an area for configuration from the secondary menu, which is resides on the left-hand side. See
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Settings of the DEC-300™
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
3.3.2 ‘APPLY’ and ‘SAVE’ Buttons
A change or multiple changes of the configuration settings will only take effect after the ‘> APPLY’ button is pressed. The decoder will then start working with the new parameters, but the parameters will not be saved to the decoder. Applied settings are not saved and will be lost after a reboot.
Good for quickly testing and applying different settings.
Same as the ‘> APPLY’ button, but the configuration parameters will be applied and saved to the decoders flash memory. Saved parameters will be used by the decoder even when the decoder is turned off & on or after a reboot has taken place.
Good for permanently saving the decoder configuration.
3.3.3 Blue Info-Box
The blue Info-Box shows read-only state information for the user, see Figure 6. Table 5 contains the description of the blue Info-Box.
Figure 6: Blue Info-Box of the DEC-300 webpages
Shows the video codec of the input stream.
Encoder Status:
Shows whether the decoder is decoding or not.
Shows how long the decoder runs.
Stream Locked:
Shows whether the input stream is locked or not.
Transport Rate:
Shows the transport rate of the input stream.
Stream mode:
Shows the stream mode of the input stream
Video bitrate:
Shows the video bitrate of the input stream.
Video resolution:
Shows the video resolution of the input stream.
Video framerate:
Shows the video frame rate of the input stream.
Shows the specified source IP-address and port number.
Received Bytes:
Shows the bytes which the decoder has received.
Video Continuity Errors:
Shows the values of occurred video continuity errors.
Audio Continuity Errors:
Shows the values of occurred audio continuity errors.
Table 5: Description of the blue Info-Box of DEC-300 webpages
You can minimize the blue Info-Box by clicking at the blue Info-Box. Furthermore, the blue Info-Box minimizes itself automatically after five minutes. To maximize the blue Info-Box, please click at the arrow which is shown at the minimized Info-Box. The arrow is shown at the left of this text break.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
3.4 Decoder Configuration
3.4.1 Menu: Decoder / Settings
Under the menu option ‘DECODER/SETTINGS’ you define the main operational state of the decoder.
Here you can set decoding process to ‘On’ or ‘Off’. See
Figure 7.
DEC-300™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder User Guide V1.3
Figure 7: 'Decoder / Settings' page of the DEC-300™ decoder
Decoder Start:
Stops or starts the decoding process.
NORMAL / LOW DELAY The low delay mode and improves the audio video offset, if the source of the encoder has not a compliant audio video offset.
.!. The ‘Low Latency’ should be always enabled, if it is well-known that the used encoder has also a ‘Low Delay’ Mode (e.g. the ENC-200) and the user wants the lowest delay.
OSD Active
If enabled, then the OSD is visible for 10 seconds when the DEC­300 is switched on.
DEC Buffer for input signal. Selectable ‘LOW / MIDDLE / HIGH’
StreamLoss Display:
If the video input stream is lost, you can choose here the screen which should be displayed instead of the video stream. If
‘FREEZE’ is chosen, the decoder displays the last video frame of the buffer as a frozen frame. If ‘COLORBAR’ is chosen, the decoder displays a colorbar. If ‘TEXT’ is chosen, the decoder
displays a black screen which contains the display status message ‘STREAM LOSS’.
Stream Loss Text
Free text field. Default: ‘DEC-300 - Teracue AG
Table 6: Description of the 'DECODER/SETTINGS' webpage of the DEC-300™
+ 47 hidden pages