Tenqa HP-109 User Manual

Wireless Stereo
Instruction Manual
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Oper ating I nstru ction s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
2 Charg ing 2 Powe r on/off 2 Pairin g 4 Answ ering/E nding phone c alls 4 Chang ing Tracks fro m the HP-109 4 Low- power prom pt
Safe ty Inf ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Bluetooth Com municatio n 6 Handlin g the HP-1 09 6 Avoid Wa ter and Wet Loc ations 6 Repair ing the HP-109 6 Charg ing the HP-109 7 Avoidin g Hearing Dam age 7 Driv ing Safely 8 Impor tant Hand ling Informa tion 8 Using C onnector s and Ports 8 Keepin g the HP-109 Wi thin Accep table Tempera tures 9 Keepin g the Outsid e of the HP-109 Cle an 9 Dispos al and Recy cling Inform ation
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Specifications .....................10
Limi ted War rant y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conf ormit y Decla ration ..............13
Than k you for your pu rchase of th e Tenqa™ HP -109 Bluetooth® Wireles s Stereo Headp hones. You are o n your way to liv ing a life free o f wires. But fir st, pleas e read t his user’s guide c arefully fo r importan t informat ion concer ning operat ion, perf ormance an d safety. If y ou are unfamil iar with some o f the terms in t his user’s guide, pl ease consul t the glossar y locate d in this manual.
You will find t he HP-109 to be co nvenient, c ompact and e asy to use. It ’s both a hands f ree headse t and a pair of wir eless stere o headphon es, perfe ct for all your fa vorite musi c files. Pleas e note that yo ur Bluetooth music source m ust be equip ped with Bluetooth A2DP s tereo transm itting capab ilities – if not , you may nee d a Bluetooth Wireles s Transmitt er.
Find t he latest pr oducts at w ww.tenqa. com.
Operating Instructions
Use th e included USB c able to conne ct the HP-109 w ith a USB por t on your compu ter or with a U SB wall adapte r. Charging will s tart auto matically w hen the HP -109 is co nnected an d the red indic ator light will t urn on. Onc e charging is compl ete, the light w ill turn off. M ake sure you ch arge the unit f or at least 3 hou rs befor e first use.
Pres s and hold the bu tton wit h the phone sy mbol for abou t 4 seconds t o turn on, and tw o seconds to t urn off.
Pleas e note that t he HP-109 needs t o be paired wi th another Blu etooth source befor e it can tran smit voice or mu sic.
Not e: Your audio de vice must sup port Bluetooth A2 DP compati bility to con nect with t he HP-109. Alt ernative ly, you may pair th e HP-109 with a Blueto oth transmit­ter con nected to y our audio devi ce. This guide d oes not prov ide steps for p airing your st ereo heads et with the se devices. P lease cons ult the user ma nual for the devic e with which y ou are atte mpting to pair f or operati ng instruc tions.
“Pair ing” means cre ating a trus ted relatio nship betw een two or mo re Bluetooth devic es. The dev ices must be p aired befor e they can com municate wi th each oth er. Pairin g identific ation is stor ed for later us e, and the dev ices will auto matically reco gnize each ot her the nex t time they are c onnected .
Aft er success fully pairin g for the first t ime, you simply n eed to follow t he direc­tions f or POWER ON /OFF abov e for your dev ice to be reco gnized by you r mobile phone.
Not e: Make sur e the HP-109 is “of f” before s tarting t he Pairing pr ocedure.
How to p air with mob ile phones, A ndroid, i Phone®, iPa d®, iPod touch ®
Place t he HP-109 with in 30 cm of the de vice with wh ich you are pair ing.1.
Hold do wn the “phone b utton” for a bout 6 secon ds and you will se e the indica-2. tor ligh t flash half red /half blue an d hear a tone. C ONTINUE H OLDING the but ton until you he ar another t one (about 9 se conds tota l) and the red an d blue light fla sh intermit tently. Th is indicates t he device is in p airing mode .
Volume C ontrol
Track Co ntrol
LED In dicator
Initia te the 3. Bluetooth sea rch funct ion in your mobil e phone. Plea se refer to th e user ’s manua l for your mobile p hone for mor e informat ion.
Selec t “HP-109” in th e device list o n the phone and f ollow the inst ruction s to 4. proceed.
Follow t he instru ction to ent er the pairing c ode “000 0”. The red LED i ndicator 5. will sto p flashing if pai ring is succe ssful. The H P-109’s device I D should be stor ed in the devic e list of the pho ne so that no p airing code will b e required for the n ext use.
Aft er pairing wit h your Bluetooth enable d device, st art your de vice’s media play er and the m usic will begin g playing on you r HP-109 headp hones. For in structi ons on using th e music contr ols on the HP-10 9, please con tinue readin g.
At any tim e during a phon e call, or while pla ying music, th e volume can be c hanged with t he Vol+ or Vol- ke ys. There will b e a tone from t he headphon es to indicat e that t he level has re ached maxi mum or minimum vol ume.
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