Wireless Range Extender
Wireless N300 High Power Universal Range Extenda
Copyright Statement
is the registered trademark of Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. All the products and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright of the whole product as integration, including its accessories and software, belongs to Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. No part of this publication can be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. If you would like to know more about our product information, please visit our website at
Wireless N300 High Power Universal Range Extenda

Disclaimer of Warranties

Pictures, images and product specifications herein are for references only. To improve internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Tenda reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Tenda does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of, the product or circuit layout(s) described herein. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Wireless N300 High Power Universal Range Extenda


Thank you for purchasing Tenda wireless range extender. Before configuring it, please read this user guide carefully.
Note: Information you need to pay attention to.
Tip: Additional information to help you save time or resources.
Technical Support
Website: http://www.tendacn.com Email: support02@tenda.com.cn Skype: tendasz
YouTube: Tendasz1999 Hotline: 1-800-570-5892 (USA) (061) 1300787922 (Australia)
(044)197-780-6119 (UK) (0852)36120883 (HongKong)
(064) 800787922 (New Zealand)
Wireless N300 High Power Universal Range Extenda


Chapter 1 Pr od u c t O v e r v i e w ............................................................................... 1
1 Package Content s ............................................................................................. 1
2 Getting to Kno w Yo u r W i r e l e s s R a n ge E x t ender .................................................. 1
LED .................................................................................................................. 1
Interfaces and B u t t o n s ..................................................................................... 2
Label ............................................................................................................... 3
3 Position Your W i r e l e s s R a n g e Extender .............................................................. 3
Chapter 2 In t er n e t C o n n e c t i o n Setup ................................................................... 4
1 Preparation ...................................................................................................... 4
2 Hardware Insta l l a t i o n ....................................................................................... 4
3 Setup by Butt o n ................................................................................................ 5
4 Internet Conn e c t i o n S e t u p ................................................................................ 6
Configure IP ..................................................................................................... 6
Configure the wir ele s s r a n g e e x t ender Login ..................................................... 6
5 Verify Intern e t C o n n e c t i o n .............................................................................. 11
6 Join Your Wirele ss Co n n e c t i o n ........................................................................ 14
Win7 OS ......................................................................................................... 14
Windows XP OS .............................................................................................. 16
Chapter 3 Ad va n c e d S e t t i n g s ............................................................................. 18
1 Wizard ........................................................................................................... 18
2 System Statu s ................................................................................................. 18
3 Wireless ......................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Wireless Basic S e t t i n g s ............................................................................. 18
3.2 Wireless Secur i t y ...................................................................................... 20
3.3 Access Contr o l .......................................................................................... 21
3.4 Wireless Conn e c t i o n S t a t u s ....................................................................... 22
4 Tools .............................................................................................................. 23
4.1 Time Setting s ........................................................................................... 23
4.2 Upgrade ................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Backup/Restore ........................................................................................ 24
4.4 Restore to Fa c t o r y D e f a u l t ........................................................................ 25
4.5 Change Pa ssword ...................................................................................... 26
4.6 Syslog ...................................................................................................... 26
4.7 Reboot ..................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4 Ap p e n d i x .......................................................................................... 28
Appendix 1 Con f i g u r e I P ..................................................................................... 28
Win7 OS ......................................................................................................... 28
Windows XP OS .............................................................................................. 30
Appendix 2 Defau l t S e t t i n g s ............................................................................... 32
Appendix 3 FAQs ............................................................................................... 33
Appendix 4 Remov e W i r e l e s s N e t w o rk from Your P C ........................................... 34
Appendix 5 Safety a n d E m i s s i o n S t atement ......................................................... 36
Wireless N300 High Power Universal Range Extenda

Chapter 1 Product Overview

Solid: Proper connection is established on the LAN port.
Blinking: Transferring data on the LAN port.
Off: No connection is established on the LAN port.
Weak signal strength (-80dBm~-61dBm).
Chapter 1 Product Overview

1 Package Contents

Unpack the package carefully and verify the following items are included:
If any of the above items are incorrect, missing, or damaged, please contact your Tenda reseller for immediate replacement.

2 Getting to Know Your Wireless Range Extender

Chapter 1 Product Overview
Medium signal strength (-60dBm~-41dBm).
Strong signal strength (within -40dBm).
Blinking: Negotiating key.
Solid: Bridged successfully.
Off: Not bridged.
Solid: Proper connection to power supply.
Blinking: The system is functioning properly.
Off: Improper connection to power supply.
This icon is for decoration only.

Interfaces and Buttons

1 PWR: Port for connecting to power supply. 2 LAN1/2/3/4): Ports for connecting to PCs, switches or routers. 3 EXTENDERPress the WPS or QSS button for about 1~3 seconds and
then press this button within 2 minutes for network connection. When the EXTENDER LED displays a solid light, bridged successfully.
4 RESET: Press it for about 10 seconds until the Power/SYS LED is no
longer blinking to restore default factory settings. For default settings, please refer to Appendix 2.
Chapter 1 Product Overview


You can acquire the following information from Label:
1. Model: Displays the product model.
2. Default Access: The default web login is http://re.tendacn.com.
3. Password: The default password is admin.
4. Power: The power specification is 9V 1A.
5. MAC: Displays the device's default MAC address.
6. Default SSID: Displays the device's default SSID name.

3 Position Your Wireless Range Extender

For best performance, please place your wireless range extender:
1. Near the center of the area where your computers and other devices
operate, and preferably within line of sight to your wireless devices.
2. Accessible to an AC power outlet and near Ethernet cables for wired
3. In an elevated location such as a high shelf, keeping the number of walls
and ceilings between the range extender and your other devices to a minimum.
4. Away from electrical devices that are potential sources of interference,
such as ceiling fans, home security systems, microwaves, PCs, the base of a cordless phone, or a 2.4GHz cordless phone.
5. Away from any large metal surfaces, such as a solid metal door or
aluminum studs. Large expanses of other materials such as glass, insulated walls, fish tanks, mirrors, brick, and concrete can also affect your wireless signal.

Chapter 2 Internet Connection Setup

Wireless Range Extender
Inculded in the package Wireless Router
Purchased by yourself
Installed with IE8 or other better web browsers.
Ethernet Cables
Used for connecting PC to the wireless range extender
Chapter 2 Internet Connection Setup

1 Preparation

Before connecting Ethernet cables, please verify the following items:

2 Hardware Installation

1. Connect the wireless range extender to your PC wirelessly or with an Ethernet cable;
2. Connect to power supply with the provided power adapter. For better
performance, place the device near the center of the area where your computers and other devices operate.
Please use the provided power adapter, otherwise the device may be damaged.
Chapter 2 Internet Connection Setup

3 Setup by Button

By pressing the EXTENDER button, you can achieve wireless bridging for extending wireless network without complicated procedures. This feature will only be effective in range extender mode. Configuration procedures:
1. Press the WPS or QSS button on your wireless router for 1~3 seconds;
2. Press the EXTENDER button on the wireless range extender for 1~3
seconds within 2 minutes;
3. When the Range Extender LED is solid light, the wireless range extender
will be connected to your desired router successfully. You can also login to the web management interface to check bridge status.
Chapter 2 Internet Connection Setup
Tip---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Ensure the wireless range extender is placed near the wireless router for better performance.

4 Internet Connection Setup

Configure IP

Configure your PC obtain IP address automatically. If you are not clear about this, please refer to Appendix 1 Configure IP.

Configure the wireless range extender Login

1. Launch a browser, and usually it will login automatically. If not, input http://re.tendacn.com in the address bar and press Enter.
2. Enter the default password admin and click OK.
3. Then the following page will appear.
Chapter 2 Internet Connection Setup
Internet Connection Setup
Two working modes are available here: range extender mode and AP mode. The default is range extender mode.
Range Extender Mode
Wireless bridging allows a wireless network to be expanded using multiple access points. The network topology is shown below:
In this mode, you just need to configure the wireless range extender unilaterally as below: Range Extender Mode Setup: Bridging the remote device for wireless extension.
Before configuring it by web-based management page, make sure you have the following information:
1. Remote router's SSID, security mode, cipher type and security key.
2. Remote router's LAN IP address.
Range extender application example:
Assuming the remote wireless router has the following information: SSID: Tenda_130518
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