Safe‐T‐Vue® 10 Ins
•Refrigerate Safe‐T‐Vue® for a minimum of 24 hours before activating.
•Use a refrigerated cold pack beneath blood products to keep them
cold during the dispensing process (recommended).
•Hold the Safe‐T‐Vue® indicator by the outer
•Do not hold or touch the temperature sensitive
indicator areas, as your hands can pre‐warm
the indicator and affect its accuracy.
1. Apply the Safe‐T‐Vue® indicator to the blood bag
•When the blood is requisitioned and dispensed
from the blood bank, OR
•When the blood is received into your blood
bank inventory
Color Change Temperature Indication
•The white dot will begin to gradually fill in
with red dots at approximately 9°C.
•The appearance of small red dots (typically
starting around 9°C) is an indication that the
blood should be cooled or re‐refrigerated
•The temperature‐sensitive dot on Safe‐T‐Vue®
10 will turn from white to completely red
when the blood product temperature reaches
•Extensive testing has shown that the color
change from white to completely red should
be clear and unambiguous if Safe‐T‐Vue has
been handled properly.
< 9° C
≈ 9.5° C
≥ 10° C
2. Remove the adhesive backing and apply
Safe‐T‐Vue® to the lower area of the blood bag,
where there is the largest blood volume.
3. Be careful not to touch the center indicator areas.
1. Pull back the foil to expose the indicator’s active
areas. Again, be careful not to touch the center
indicator areas.
2. Activate the indicator by folding the rounds
together and snap shut.
3. The blood is ready for transport to destination,
or can be placed back into the refrigerator until
A detailed Validation Protocol, is available for download in MSWord format at
. Many factors such as ambient temperature,
bag size, indicator handling, and air flow can influence the results of your
validation testing. To account for these variables, the validation protocol can
be edited and modified to meet the requirements of your facility. Once
validated, you may continue to use the indicators according to your validated
procedure. Contact customer service at 973‐630‐6050 for support.
Recommended equipment and processes:
•An electronic thermometer and thermister probes (±0.1°C stated accuracy)
placed inside simulated blood bags are recommended for valida
of Safe‐T‐
Vue® 10. Avoid surface measurement such as infrared thermometers (±1.5°C
typical stated accuracy) or glass thermometers with contact only on the
surface of the bag.
•Simulated blood products may be prepared using the appropriate volume of
water with glycerol‐ see
m for simulated blood product