is a registered trademark of Telular Corporation. Products are protected
Many customers purchase the Telguard because they prefer its price and features, but do not intend to use it in an
application that requires UL Grade A Burglary or Fire Listings. If such UL Listings are not required, it is possible to
use model T100C001 that is UL Listed for Supplemental Use only. This means that the T100C001 will not enhance
the grade of service. Also, the T100C001 is not to be used as a main or secondary line for a fire or burglar alarm
This manual assumes that you have basic security system installation skills such as measuring
voltages, stripping wire, properly connecting wires together, connecting wires to terminals, and
checking phone lines. It also assumes that you have a familiarity with the proper installation and
programming tasks related to various Control/Communicator panels.
The material and instructions covered in this manual have been carefully checked for accuracy and
are presumed to be reliable. However, Telular assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies and
reserves the right to modify and revise this manual without notice.
It is our goal at Telular to always supply accurate and reliable documentation. If a discrepancy is
found in this documentation, please mail or fax a photocopy of the corrected material to:
FCC No t ices
In 1991, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and in 1992, the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), updated the 1982 ANSI Standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure
to RF energy. Over 120 scientists, engineers and physicians from universities, government health agencies
and industry, after reviewing the available body of research, developed this updated Standard. In March,
1993, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed the adoption of this updated Standard.
The design of your Telular
want to limit RF exposure even further than the updated ANSI Standard, you may choose to install the unit in
a manner that locates its antenna at an even greater distance from the general public than is recommended as a
minimum by the standard.
To insure compliance with the standard, when selecting a mounting location for your
not mount it (or its associated antenna) in an area where the general public could reasonably be within 8
inches (20 centimeters) of the antenna.
Telular Security Products
Technical Services Department
420 Thornton Road, Suite 109
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Fax: 678-945-1651
Do n ot operate y ou r Telular product when h olding th e an t en n a. Be su re to m ou n t th e u n it su ch t h at its an ten n a is a m inim u m of
eigh t (8) inch es (20 cen timeters) is m ain ta ined f rom the g en eral pu blic.
For the best service quality, keep the antenna free from obstructions and point the antenna straight up.
Do not use the unit with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor
burn may result. Have your antenna replaced by a qualified technician immediately. Use only a manufacturerapproved antenna. Non-approved antennas, modifications, or attachments could impair service quality,
damage the Telguard and violate FCC regulations.
Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF energy. However, RF energy from cellular devices
may affect inadequately shielded electronic equipment.
RF energy may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic equipment operating in homes
and businesses. Check with the manufacturer or its representative to determine if these systems are
adequately shielded from external RF energy.
Consult the manufacturer of any personal medical devices (such as pacemakers, hearing aids, etc.) to
determine if they are adequately shielded from external RF energy.
To avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn OFF your unit when in a “blasting area” or in areas
posted: “Turn off two-way radio.” Construction crews often use remote control RF devices to set off
Turn OFF your unit when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but your
resulting in bodily injury or even death.
Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. They include
fueling areas such as gas stations; below deck on boats; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; areas
where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders; and any other area
where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.
Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid or explosives in the area of your
Vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane) must comply with the National Fire
Protection Standard (FPA-58). For a copy of this standard, contact the National Fire Protection Association,
One Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, Attn: Publications Sales Division.
Th is equ ipm en t h as been t est ed an d f ou n d t o comply with th e limit s for a C lass B dig ital computin g dev ice, pu rsu an t to P art
15 of t h e F CC rules. T h ese lim its are desig n ed to p rovide reason able protect ion ag ain st h arm f u l in t erferen ce in a residen t ial
inst allation . Th is equ ipment g en erat es, u ses an d can radiate radio f requ en cy energy and, if not inst alled an d u sed in
accordance with t h e in st ru ction s, may cau se h arm f u l in terf eren ce t o radio com mun ication s. Ho wever, th ere is n o g u aran t ee
that in t erf e ren c e will n o t oc cu r in a partic u lar in st a llat ion. If t h is e quipme n t d oes cause harmfu l interfe rence to rad io o r
television recept ion , wh ich can be det erm in ed by t u rn in g t h e equ ipment OFF an d O N, t h e u ser is en cou rag ed t o try t o correct
th e in t erferen ce by one or m ore of t h e fo llowing m easu res:
or its accessories could generate sparks. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire
Telguard DataBurst
15 C
Reorient or relocate the radio/television antenna.
Increase the separation between the radio/television equipment and the Telguard terminal.
Connect the radio/television equipment to an outlet on a branch circuit different from that to which the
Telguard terminal is connected.
Consult your Authorized Telular Dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for additional suggestions.
The user or installer may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission
helpful, “Interference Handbook”. The booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402.
The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation and Operating
In stru ction s. U n au th oriz ed chan g es or m odification s could void th e u ser’s auth ority to operate t h e equ ipm en t.
This equ ipm en t complies with Part 68 of t h e FCC R u les. Located beh in d th e back -up bat tery of th e
T100C001 is a label th at con t ains, am on g ot h er inf orm ation , th e FC C Reg istration Nu mber and Rin g er Equ ivalence Nu m ber
(REN) for th is equ ipm en t. I f requ ested, t h is inform at ion must be provided to th e Telephon e Company.
Telguard Cellular Alarm Transmission System
network using an RJ38X or RJ31X jack.
The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be connected
to the telephone line. Excessive REN's on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response
to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the REN's should not exceed five (5.0). To be
certain of the number of devices that may be connected to the line, as determined by the total number of
REN's, contact the telephone company to determine the maximum of REN for the calling area.
is registered for connection to the public telephone
m odel
Telguard Cellular Alarm Transmission System
If the
Company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of the service may be required. But if
advance notice is not practical, the Telephone Company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also,
you will be advised of your rights to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in it's facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could
affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the Telephone Company will provide advance notice in
order for you to make the necessary modifications in order to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is
experienced with the
Service in the U.S.A. for repair and (or) warranty information.
Telular Security Products
420 Thornton Road, Suite 109
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Phone: (800) 229-2326
If t h e trou ble is causing h arm t o th e t elephon e n etwork, t h e Telephon e C om pan y may requ est th at y ou rem ove th e equ ipm en t
from t h e net work u n t il the problem is resolved.
The customer (user) should not attempt any repair to
Repair of this equipment should be referred to only qualified technical personnel.
Note that this equipment cannot be used on the public coin service provided by the Telephone Company.
Connection to Party Line Service is subject to state tariffs.
corporation commission for information).
Telguard Cellular Alarm Transmission System
caused harm to the telephone network, the Telephone
Telguard is part of an advanced design alarm-communication system. It does not offer guaranteed protection against
burglary and fire. Any alarm communication system is subject to compromise or failure.
The Telguard will not work without power. Devices powered by AC will not work if the AC power supply is off
for any reason, however briefly, and at the same time, the backup battery is missing, dead or not properly installed.
The cellular radio network, needed to transmit alarm signals from a protected premises to a central monitoring station,
may be inoperable or temporarily out of service. Cellular radio networks are also subject to compromise by
sophisticated methods of attack.
This equipment, like any other electrical device is subject to component failure. Although this equipment is designed
to be long lasting, the electrical components could fail at any time.
Due to these limitations, we recommend that if the automatic self-test feature is not enabled, other arrangements be
made with the user to test the system at least once every three months. Moreover, arrangements should also be made
for on site inspection/test by a licensed alarm installer at least once each year.
The Telguard is a cellular radio alarm transmission device, which is used to provide a backup transmission path
(cellular) for control communicators (C/Cs) in case the primary transmission path (telco) is not available. When
transmitting over cellular, Telguard obtains its data from the C/C by way of a telco interface. The device transmits a
Link Request to the Telular operated Communication Center and when a link acknowledgement is received, the
Telguard handshakes with the C/C and causes the C/C to transmit the alarm data. Telguard encodes the alarm data into
digital packet data protocol and transmits on one of twenty-one available control channels used by the local AMPS
cellular network provider. The signal is routed from the network provider through the Aeris virtual network system to
the decoding (message) center. The Communication Center performs like a central station receiver and issues the
transmission kiss-off when the last message in the transmission is received. After decoding and reformatting, the
alarm signal is routed over telco to the appropriate alarm company central station for action.
Telguard is compatible with most control/communicators and no special equipment is needed at the premises or in the
alarm monitoring station. All Telguard programming is done with a standard touch-tone telephone or lineman’s buttset
and Telguard can be installed wherever cellular service is available. Different dialing patterns between telco and
cellular, cellular area code changes and PBX access numbers are not a problem for installers. Fraud and cloning
problems are eliminated since all transmissions occur over the cellular control channels in packet-type data format
and never over any voice channels.
In a typical alarm installation, Telguard is installed in the same area as the host alarm system. The incoming telco line
is connected from the RJ31X to Telguard and then to the host control/communicator's digital dialer in the normal
fashion. A programmable supervisory trip (STC) output is available for connection to the host control/communicator's
trip zone input terminals in order to provide a Telguard trouble signal to the C/C. Additionally, automatic self-test and
status-on-demand report signals are transmitted exclusively over the cellular network to the Communication Center.
All models are capable of transmitting an automatic self-test signal to the central station on a daily, weekly, or monthly
schedule. Telguard has its own internal power supply/battery charger. All telco line and cellular monitoring,
switching and supervisory functions are built in--no extra modules are required.
All Telguard models come with a special Microburst™ compatible 3-watt cellular transceiver (without handset),
antenna, interface with integrated control and power module, connecting cable, and plug-in transformer. The installer
to provide backup times that range from twenty-four to seventy-two hours must supply a rechargeable 12V battery,
7.0AH or 14.0AH. Type of enclosure and type of antenna included are the only differences among the three models
available. Economy model T100C001, UL Listed for Supplemental Use only, comes in a flame-retardant plastic
enclosure (9½in.x4½in.x1¾in.) with whip antenna. Model T200C001, UL Listed for residential and commercial fire,
as well as residential burglary, comes in a standard metal enclosure (12in.x12in.x3½in.) with keylock and magnetic
mount antenna with 12ft. of cable. Model T300C001, UL Listed for all residential burglary and fire, commercial
burglary and fire, and bank applications comes in an attack-resistant enclosure with keylock, tamper switch, and
magnetic mount antenna.
The Listed equipment at the Telular operated Communication Center (TCC) plays a key role in the operation of every
Telguard. All Telguard units are required to use the Communication Center because of the C/C alarm signal format
encoding and decoding requirements used in packet-data transmissions over the cellular network control channels.
The Communication Center also manages the real-time databases for cellular activation, airtime, billing, installation
site location, and a complete history of every Telguard's operating conditions. These conditions include programming
setup information, cellular alarm transmission information, supervisory trouble information, status-on-demand
information, and automatic self-test information. This information is made available to authorized personnel through
Telular's Interactive Voice Response System (IVR), Telular's computer access Communication Center Intranet System,
or though Telular's Customer Service Center.
This section summarizes the key features of the Telguard. Actual installation instructions begin in Section 5.0.
2.1 O
The Telguard is a cellular radio packet transmission device that is installed at the protected premises to
provide alarm transmission integrity for security systems. It is used to provide a backup transmission path
(cellular) for control communicators (C/Cs) in case the primary transmission path (telco) is not available. If
the telco line is cut or the C/C is unable to communicate with the central station receiver due to busy
telephone line circuits then Telguard transmits the alarm message over the cellular network.
2.2 C/C C
The Telguard reads the C/C’s alarm messages and converts the C/C’s digital data format into Microburst
packet data protocol for transmission over the cellular radio network. In order for the C/C to be compatible
with the Telguard, the C/C must be programmed to transmit alarm messages to the central station using one of
the following non-extended formats:
Hexadecimal account numbers (001-FFF or 0001-FFFF) can be used with 3+1 or 4+2 formats, but Contact
ID and Radionics modem IIE or 3A2 requires a four digit account number using digits 0-9 (0001-9999).
2.3 C
The Telguard continuously supervises both the primary (telco) and the secondary (cellular) communication
paths. If either path becomes inoperative, the Telguard generates a relay trip output that can be connected to
a zone input of the host control communicator and/or used to activate remote sounding devices.
The Telguard monitors voltage on the incoming telco line. If an inoperative telco line is identified,
a telco line fault condition (LFC) is declared and Telguard switches to the cellular path. Once the
telco line restores to normal, Telguard checks the radio link and switches back to the telco path after
any communications on the radio link are completed.
LFC is programmable to trip the supervisory relay output (STC) after a 30 or 60 second delay.
When the STC trips, the STC LED indicates 3 flashes at a time and the C/C zone trip message is
transmitted to the alarm company central station indicating system trouble. Upon telco restoral, the
STC relay and LFC LED are returned to normal and a STC restoral message is transmitted if the
C/C is programmed to transmit restorals.
2.3.1. 1 PBX I nstallations
PBX’s and other proprietary phone systems sometimes operate at lower voltages than the
standard telco line. Telguard works equally well on PBX lines or telco lines.
: PBX connections are not allowed in any UL Listed installations.
Telco communications failure condition (CFC) is declared when the C/C fails to deliver the alarm
message to the central station receiver after a selected number (1-5) of attempts over an operative
telco line. Immediately upon CFC, Telguard switches to cellular mode and allows the C/C to
attempt five transmissions over the cellular network. If the call is not acknowledged after the fifth
attempt, Telguard switches the C/C back to telco and “disarms” the CFC detection. The CFC
detection is re-armed when the C/C has been on-hook continuously for ten-minutes.
2.3.3 No Service Condition (NSC)
Telguard declares a no service condition (NSC) when the measured “receive” cellular radio signal
strength at the protected premises drops to -114 dBm or less.
NSC is programmable to trip the supervisory relay output (STC) after a 30 or 60 second delay.
When the STC trips, the STC LED indicates 4 flashes at a time and the C/C zone trip message is
transmitted to the central station indicating system trouble. Restoral of this condition occurs when a
measurable signal strength greater than –114 dBm is maintained for the trip period of 30 or 60
2.3.4 Radio Communications Failure Condition (RFC)
Radio communications failure condition (RFC) is declared when Telguard is unable to transmit
over the cellular network even with acceptable signal strength. Two conditions can cause an RFC
to occur, Link Request failure (RFC1) or Link Termination failure (RFC2). RFC1 (Link Request Failure)
When a LFC or CFC has been declared and there is an alarm signal to communicate, the
Telguard attempts to transmit its message via radio. When the C/C goes off-hook, the
Telguard transmits a Link Request to the TCC and waits for a Link Request ACK. If the
Telguard does not receive an ACK for the transmission before the C/C hangs up, it will
retransmit the Link Request again when the C/C goes off-hook for a redial attempt. If the
Telguard does not receive an ACK after three attempts, then an RFC will be declared
which trips the STC relay, causes the STC LED to flash five times and switches the
Telguard to Telco. Restoral of RFC occurs when the communication cycle is completed. RFC2 (Link Termination Failure)
After the Telguard receives a Link Request ACK from the TCC, the Telguard
communicates with the C/C to acquire the alarm message and transmits the message via
radio. If the Telguard does not receive a link termination ACK (where the TCC
acknowledges receiving the transmission) within 150 seconds, it will retry sending the
entire transmission. Upon failing two attempts, the Telguard switches to Telco and allows
the C/C to communicate directly with the Central Station. An RFC is declared causing the
STC relay to trip and the STC LED to flash five times. Restoral of RFC occurs when the
communication cycle is completed.
2.4 C
Telguard monitors its backup battery as well as its AC power source and reports low or missing power
conditions from either. Telguard’s integrated control and power module, protected by a 3 amp 3AG fuse,
incorporates battery charger circuitry that is jumper selectable for high or low battery capacities. The high
battery capacity selection is used for 12V 7Ah, or 12V 14Ah batteries.
2.4.1 Low/Missing Battery Condition (LBC)
The Telguard checks the backup battery voltage on initial power-up and every minute thereafter.
Additionally, a battery voltage test is performed by the Telguard every 24-hours while operating on
AC power in order to measure the loaded battery voltage. Battery charging voltage is lowered to
10.0 volts and the Telguard is forced to operate entirely from the battery supply. If the battery
voltage is less than 11.6 volts, a LBC is declared whereby the STC LED blinks twice (½ sec ON, ½
sec OFF, ½ sec ON, ½ OFF every 5 seconds) and the STC relay trips. When the battery voltage
increases to 12.1 volts, the STC LED and STC relay restore.
2.4.2 AC Failure Condition (ACFC)
AC failure condition (ACFC) occurs when AC power is lost or less than 102 VAC for 6 continuous
hours. The AC Power LED goes out immediately, the STC LED blinks once and the STC trip output
is activated after 6 hours. When AC power returns too normal (≥106 VAC for 60 seconds), the AC
Power LED turns on immediately and the STC trip output restores after 60 seconds.
2.4.3 Watchdog Monitor/Reset (WR)
A watchdog monitor/reset (WR) circuit continuously monitors the Telguard’s internal operating
microprocessor functions.
2.4.4 Catastrophic Failure (CF)
Catastrophic Failure (CF) is any condition that causes the Telguard to stop functioning at all levels.
Most commonly because of AC power failure followed by a complete discharge of the backup
battery. The STC trip output is activated and visible indication is loss of all LED activity. Total
loss of power to Telguard does not prevent transmission of alarm messages from the host C/C
“through” the Telguard and out over an operative phone line in the normal fashion.
The Telguard automatic self-test signal is originated by the Communication Center on a daily, weekly, or
monthly schedule. When the time for an automatic self-test occurs, the Communication Center transmits a
radio signal to the Telguard and the Telguard responds with a self-test radio signal that is received by the
Communication Center and processed on to the central station, just as normal alarm signals are processed.
The central station receives the automatic self-test report in the same format that the C/C normally uses for
communication over the telco line. The central station provides the Telguard self-test code along with the
time and frequency of transmission when the Telguard is initially activated. However, an automatic self-test
report can be initiated later, after the Telguard is installed, as well as modifying the time or frequency of
The Communication Center captures all current and historical data pertaining to the operation of the Telguard
when it processes the automatic self-test signal on to the central station. This data contains current
operational status (C.O.S.) of the Telguard such as "All OK", "AC fail condition", "low/missing battery
condition", "line fault condition", or any combination of these as well as the current signal strength and mode
of operation. In addition, the data also contains historical data for supervisory events that occurred since the
last self-test signal was transmitted. This data includes the number of occurrences of AC fail conditions, low
battery conditions, line fault conditions, communications failure conditions and no cellular service
conditions. This self-test data is available for review at any time by authorized personnel such as installers,
dealers, central station operators, or technical service personnel. Methods used to review this data include
Telular's Interactive Voice Response System (IVR), Telular's computer access Communication Center
Intranet System, or simply calling Telular Customer Service who can review the data using the "Back Office"
2.5.1 Telguard Remote Query Capability
Although Telguard has the capability for a daily, weekly, or monthly automatic self-test, a separate
feature is provided for determining the current operational status of every Telguard. This feature is
called Remote Query and is used to provide real-time operational status for Telguard on-demand. It
is useful in resolving STC events that are reported by the C/C to the central station. Authorized
personnel can initiate the Remote Query at any time by accessing the IVR, Intranet, or calling
Customer Service. The Remote Query causes Telguard to upload current operational status data and
historical data, just as the automatic self-test described above, except that the query signal is
controlled by the one who initiates it. The query signal is held in the Telguard database at the
Communication Center for review and is not forwarded on to the central station.
2.6 T
The conveniently located terminal strip provides wiring connections for the Telguard supervisory trip output
(STC-pins 1&2, N.O.), battery leads for connecting to a 12 volt 7.0Ah, or 14.0AH rechargeable battery
(BAT-pin 3 neg., pin 4 pos.), and AC power (16.5VAC 20VA, pins 6&7). The removable terminal strip can
accommodate solid or stranded wire sizes from 14 gauge to 30 gauge.
The Telguard has one supervisory relay trip output (STC), a single pole single throw (SPST, form
C) with contacts rated at 1.0A 30VDC, and is energized normally open (N.O.) in a powered up state
when no system troubles exist. It enables a supervisory trouble code (zone shorted) to be
transmitted to the central station when connected to a C/C’s 24-hour instant input zone. The STC
relay is programmable, using a standard touch-tone telephone or buttset, to meet virtually any
installation requirement.
The following supervisory features or combination of features are programmable to trip the STC
relay in order to meet a variety of installation requirements:
Always Off.
Trips on
Trips on
Trips on
Trips on
Trips on
AC fail condition
low or missing battery condition
line fault condition
no service condition
radio communication failure condition
The following system trouble features are embedded in the Telguard for tripping the STC relay and
cannot be changed:
Trips on c
Trips on
atastrophic failure
(CF) if all power is lost.
transmit-disable command
from the Communication Center. This
radio command disables only the Telguard transmitter and would be used, for
example, to shut down the Telguard due to a runaway dialer. The Telguard
receiver function stays active so that a
transmit-enable command
can be
received by radio to put the Telguard back into normal service.
2.7 D
Four LEDs are provided as a useful aid during installation and give installers an immediate visual indication
of system status. These LEDs include an
and off when AC power is low or missing. The red
AC Power LED
indicator that is green when AC power is normal
provides system trouble information for
low/missing AC power-ACFC (1 flash), low/missing battery-LBC (2 flashes), telco line fault-LFC (3
flashes), no cellular service-NSC (4 flashes), radio communication failure-RFC (5 flashes) and loss of dialtone voltage-DTF (6 flashes). An
or slow flash for C/C off-hook when communicating over cellular. A short (1 second) solid green
indicates it is in a Microburst communication cycle. Separately, these LED’s can be converted into a
Operating Mode LED
indicates solid yellow for normal operating mode
Radio TX
bar graph during installation to indicate radio signal strength by using a single jumper (J5) to select normal
LED mode (off) or signal strength mode (on).
2.7.1 LED Signal Strength Indication
The Telguard provides the installer with an easy to use LED radio signal strength indicator (RSSI)
for positioning the unit or remote antenna to obtain the strongest RF signal possible. A signal
strength reading can be obtained at any time there is power applied to the Telguard without affecting
and the
jumper J5 is “IN”, the Telguard displays the current
-116 dBm
-111 dBm
-110 dBm
-100 dBm
-90 dBm
strength required)
-80 dBm
-70 dBm
-60 dBm
(Minimum signal
the operation of the unit. When the
received signal strength within 5 seconds and should the jumper be inadvertently left “IN”; the
Telguard will revert to normal display operation after 10 minutes. The signal strength is read from
bottom to top using the four sequential LEDs located on the top right side of the printed circuit board
with the
*Note: LED 1 = Radio TX; LED 2 = Mode; LED 3 = STC; LED 4 = AC Power.
Radio TX LED = 1
RSSI ValueLED’s LightedRF dBm
NO SVCLED 1* = on, LED 2-4 = off
0LED 1 = on, LED 2-4 = off
1LED 1 = on, LED 2 = slow flash
LED 3-4 = off
2LED 1-2 = on, LED 3-4 = off
3LED 1-2 = on, LED 3 = slow flash
LED 4 = off
4LED 1-3 = on, LED 4 = off
5LED 1-3 = on , LED 4 = slow flash
6LED 1-4 = on
2.8 T
The Telguard will not operate until the unit is activated from the Communication Center
radio NAM programming requirements since the radios have been preprogrammed at the factory. However,
certain Telguard operating parameters may need to be changed from the factory default programming by the
installer during installation in order to have the Communication Center process alarm signals to the central
station. These are setup parameters and are used to tell the Communication Center how to encode alarm
messages to the appropriate alarm monitoring station. Included in the setup parameters are the C/C reporting
format and cellular operating system A or B. Also included are the STC supervisory trip input settings, CFC
settings, NFC/LFC trip delay time, and standby battery size. If operating parameters are not uploaded to the
Communication Center, a "missing parameters (MP) condition" exists and the Telguard will not operate.
When an MP condition exists, the Telguard causes the STC LED to light and the STC (System Trouble) trip
output to occur.
If default programming is correct or operating parameters are re-programmed into the Telguard, the installer
calls the Telular IVR and follows the activation procedure to request an activation "ping". The
Communication Center responds with a radio acknowledgement to the Telguard clearing the STC condition
and allowing the Telguard to operate over the cellular radio network. The programmed parameters are
transmitted automatically to the TCC when the Telguard is activated. The installer must perform any changes
to the Telguard programming data since the Communication Center cannot download data to the unit.
2.9 UL L
There is a Telguard model designed to meet UL requirements for virtually any residential and commercial
burglary/fire installation. All models contain the same circuitry and perform the same functions. The
difference between models is simply the type of enclosure and type of antenna that is shipped with the unit.
2.9.1 Model T100C001
Economy model T100C001 is UL Listed for Supplemental Use only and is not to be used as a main
or secondary line for a fire or burglar alarm system. This means that the T100C001 will not
enhance nor detract from the grade of service of the UL Listed alarm system being used. Model
T100C001 has a compact plastic enclosure and whip antenna.
2.9.2 Model T200C001
Model T200C001 meets the requirements for Household Burglary, Household Fire, and Commercial
Fire installations. T200C001 has a standard metal enclosure, keylock, and magnetic mount antenna
with 12ft.cable. T200C001 is UL Listed for the following:
UL Household Burglary
UL Household Fire
UL Household Burg/Fire Combination
UL Commercial Fire
2.9.3 Model T300C001
Model T300C001 meets the requirements for all Household Burglary, Commercial Burglary,
Household Fire, and Commercial Fire installations. T300C001 has an attack-resistant enclosure,
keylock, tamper switch, and a magnetic mount antenna with 12ft.cable. Model T300C001 is UL
Listed for the following and UL Listed for Grade A Burglary Certificate installations:
UL Household Burglary
UL Household Fire
UL Household Burg/Fire Combination
UL Central Station Burglary
Grade A
Grade B
UL Police Connect Burglary
Grade A
UL Commercial Fire
UL Commercial Fire and Central Station Burglary Grade A
UL Bank, Safe and Vault
Grade A
3.0Request Telguard Activation for Cellular Service from Telular
There are two ways that you may activate cellular service for a Telguard. Both methods require the activation
information to be completed and approved prior to installing the Telguard. The Telguard can only be activated when
all the necessary accounting information has been entered into the customer database located at the Telular
Communication Center. The database includes information about the customer account, unit location, and central
station information.
1. FAX Cellular Service Activation Form
each Telguard and fax it to Telular Customer Service, 678-945-1651. Within 24-hours, you will be notified
of service activation.
: Complete the Cellular Service Activation Form that is shipped with