Telstra Basic Telephone Service Section User Manual

Our Customer Terms Page 1 of 44
Basic Telephone Service Section
Part A – General
Part A – General was last changed on 18 January 2021
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Our Customer Terms Page 2 of 44
Basic Telephone Service Section
Part A – General
Part A – General was last changed on 18 January 2021
Certain words are used with the specific meanings set out in this Part or in the General Terms of Our Customer Terms.
1 About the Basic Telephone Service Section
Our Customer Terms
1.1 This is the Basic Telephone Service section of Our Customer Terms.
1.2 The General Terms of Our Customer Terms also apply (to see these terms – home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here).
1.3 If we supply your Basic Telephone Service using the NBN, the Services on the NBN Section and the Consumer Services on the NBN Section of Our Customer Terms also apply to you.
1.4 For customers who took up a Home Phone plan on or after 25 September 2020, Parts A, K and the Telstra Mobile Satellite section of the Telstra Mobile section of Our Customer Terms apply to you if your home phone service is provided over the Telstra Mobile Network.
1.5 If the General Terms of Our Customer Terms are inconsistent with something in the Basic Telephone Service section, then the Basic Telephone Service section applies instead of the General Terms to the extent of the inconsistency.
1.6 If a provision of the Basic Telephone Service section gives us the right to suspend or terminate your service, that right is in addition to our rights to suspend or terminate your service under the General Terms of Our Customer Terms.
Parts of the Basic Telephone Service Section
1.7 The Basic Telephone Service section is divided into separate documents: (a) Part A – General (b) Part B – Plans (c) Part C – Home Phone Discounts (d) Part D – Business Phone Services (e) Part E – Business Phone Discounts (f) Part F – Other Call Types (g) Part G – Operator Assisted Calls (h) Part H – Managing Calls (i) Part J – Charging Zones
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2 The Basic Telephone Service
What is the Basic Telephone Service?
2.1 The Basic Telephone Service comprises: (a) if you took up a home broadband or home phone plan on or before 24
September 2020, connection to our public switched telephone network;
(b) if you took up a home broadband or home phone plan on or after 25
September 2020, a Standard Telephone Service as defined in the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999;
(c) the ability to make and receive certain types of calls (subject to any
conditions that might apply to particular types of calls); (d) a telephone number; and (e) a free listing of the telephone number in a telephone directory under a
name you propose (and that we agree with).
2.2 Enhanced service assurance options for the Basic Telephone Service are set out in the Service Assurance section of Our Customer Terms.
3 We can change the technology used to provide your
3.1 This clause 3 applies to you if you took up a home phone plan on or after 25 September 2020.
3.2 We provide the Basic Telephone Service using different technologies such as NBN and PSTN. We determine the technology used to provide your service. We can change the technology used to provide your Basic Telephone Service and move you to a different technology during your minimum contract term. Although this will not involve a change to Our Customer Terms, we will still comply with the requirements of the provisions of the General Terms of Our Customer Terms for changes to Our Customer Terms. The amount of notice (if any) that we will give you and your rights (if any) to cancel your service will depend on the impact that the change in technology has on you, as described in those provisions.
3.3 You must give us all reasonable assistance to implement a technology change. This includes providing us (or our contractors) with safe and timely access to the premises and equipment, and you (or your authorised representative who is over 18 years of age) being present at the premises as reasonably requested.
3.4 Unless otherwise agreed with you, where we change the technology pursuant to this clause, we will not charge you for any equipment we supply to you to use with the changed technology, or for installation of that equipment.
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4 Connecting a Basic Telephone Service
4.1 After we accept your application for a Basic Telephone Service, we try to connect it on the date you request. However, that may not always be possible. In some circumstances we may not be able to make firm arrangements immediately or we may have to change a previous firm arrangement. We will tell you beforehand if we cannot connect you on the requested date.
4.2 Where you request a Basic Telephone Service after 5:00 pm, we treat this as if you had requested it the following working day.
4.3 Particular timeframes for connecting your Basic Telephone Service may be set out in our Universal Service Policy, in the Customer Service Guarantee Standard or under our Priority Assistance policy. These do not apply to all customers or services. Where two timeframes apply, we aim to comply with the shorter timeframe.
Timeframes: auto activated telephone line connection
4.4 If there has been a previous working Basic Telephone Service at your premises that has been cancelled and that we can automatically reconnect without having to visit your premises, the local exchange or any place in between, we aim to connect the Basic Telephone Service within two working days after your request, or on a later date that you request or agree to. We will advise you if we know we can automatically connect your service without having to visit your premises, the local exchange or any place in between.
Timeframes: other connections (ie other than auto activated telephone line connections)
4.5 We aim to connect other Basic Telephone Service connections within the time frames set out below. Additional charges may also apply. Where your premises are readily accessible to telephone network infrastructure that we can use and there is sufficient network capacity, we aim to connect your Basic Telephone Service at those premises within the following timeframes:
(a) where your premises are in an urban area – within 5 working days after
your request; or
(b) where your premises are in a major or minor rural area – within 10 working
days after your request; or
(c) where your premises are in a remote area – within 15 working days after
your request; or (d) a later date you request or agree to. Whether you live in an urban area, a major or minor rural area or a remote area is
based on the place’s population. For more detail, see our Universal Service Obligation Standard Marketing Plan or the Customer Service Guarantee Standard.
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4.6 Where your premises are not readily accessible to telephone network infrastructure that we can use or there is insufficient network capacity, we aim to connect your new Basic Telephone Service at those premises within 20 working days after your request. Additional charges as set out at clause 4.10 may also apply.
When we can refuse to connect
4.7 In addition to other grounds for refusing to accept your request, we do not have to accept your request for a new Basic Telephone Service where:
(a) you are requesting connection at an unusual location; For example: an underground mine, within a drain or access hole, on a mast or
tower, beside a road or on a property with no building. (b) you are requesting connection at a location or in circumstances that we
think is unsafe or unreasonable;
(c) there is no State/Territory or local government planning approval for work
we need to do or we cannot reasonably assume that there is;
(d) you fail to meet our eligibility criteria for a service, product or special offer;
(e) you have an outstanding debt with us.
Connection charges
4.8 Depending on the type of connection and the type of work required to connect the Basic Telephone Service and subject to clause 4.9, we will apply one of the connection charges set out in the table at clause 4.10.
4.9 If you are an existing Telstra customer moving premises the relevant moving home services for your Telstra consumer service is set out in the Telstra Platinum section of Our Customer Terms.
4.10 Our connection charges are as follows: (a) On and from 25 June 2019
Connection type Connection charges
GST excl.
GST incl.
Standard connection
New Service connection fee
(b) Before 25 June 2019
Connection type Connection charges
Criteria for charging GST excl.
GST incl.
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Part A – General
Part A – General was last changed on 18 January 2021
New connection
A telephone service has not previously been connected at your premises or if you need an additional line.
Existing connection
A working telephone socket exists from a previous connection.
Existing connection with a requested technician visit
A working telephone socket exists from a previous connection and our technician is not required to visit your premises, but you have requested a visit.
Temporary connection
If your service ends three months or less after its connection.
Not applicable to wholesale customers and their end users.
Additional connection
The additional connection is requested when connecting an existing connection where our technician is required or requested to visit your premises.
Additional connection
The additional connection is requested when connecting a new connection.
Basic Telephone Service conversion
4.11 If you have an existing ISDN Home, ISDN 2 or ISDN 2 Enhanced service, and you ask us to connect a BigPond Broadband ADSL service instead, you will need to connect a new Basic Telephone Service. We will tell you if a network extension charge is payable and obtain your approval before we start work.
4.12 We will not charge you the connection charge above to connect the new Basic Telephone Service if:
(a) you get your ISDN service directly from us; and (b) we professionally install your BigPond Broadband ADSL service.
4.13 When you connected your ISDN service you may have chosen to take advantage of a discounted connection price and committed to a fixed term for the ISDN connection. As you will be cancelling your ISDN service when you connect to the BigPond Broadband ADSL service, you must pay an early termination charge if you are within an existing ISDN fixed term contract. The amount of this early termination charge is disclosed to you when you entered into that contract. You can also find out the amount of this early termination charge by calling us on 132
4.14 We charge you installation charges for the BigPond Broadband ADSL service as set out in Part C - ADSL of the BigPond Services section of Our Customer Terms.
Additional charges
4.15 We can charge you a network extension charge if the Basic Telephone Service will be supplied by cable and the property entry point to be used to connect your service is more than 500 metres from the nearest part of our existing network. The
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network extension charge will cover all work necessary to extend our existing network to the property entry point. We will tell you if such a network extension charge is payable and obtain your approval before any work is started.
Where we are supplying the Basic Telephone Service in fulfilment of our Universal Service Obligation, we will cap the network extension charge as set out below
Capped Network Extension Charge (cable) (applied where service supplied in fulfilment of Universal Service Obligation)
GST excl.
GST incl.
For each 500 metres of cable (or part thereof) beyond the first 500 metres
Capped Network Extension Charge
4.16 We can charge you a network extension charge where your new Basic Telephone Service will be supplied by radio and we have to install:
(a) a new network radio tower; (b) new network radio equipment on an existing network structure; (c) a repeater section; or (d) a non-standard supporting structure on your premises The network extension charge will cover all work necessary to install the network
radio tower, network radio equipment, repeater section or non-standard supporting structure. We will tell you if such a network extension charge is payable and obtain your approval before any work is started.
Where we are supplying the Basic Telephone Service in fulfilment of our Universal Service Obligation, we will cap the network extension charge as set out below.
Capped Network Extension Charge (radio) (applied where service supplied in fulfilment of Universal Service Obligation)
GST excl.
GST incl.
Capped Network Extension Charge
4.17 Where your Basic Telephone Service will be supplied to your building by a cable that enters the building, you have to:
(a) arrange and pay for suitable trenching to house underground cabling
between your Property Entry Point and your building entry point; or
(b) pay for the erection of our poles including clearing, digging and
reinstatement of land and pole holes at your property if we reasonably decide it is not feasible to have underground cables. We will supply the pole(s) and cable.
Where our plant (eg mast, antenna or dish) exists on your property, the property entry point is located at the base of our plant.
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4.18 If the network boundary point at your premises is more than 20 metres (radial distance) from the building entry point, we can charge you our fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here, for installing extra cabling beyond this distance. We will tell you if such a cable extension charge is payable and obtain your approval before we start work.
MDF buildings
4.19 Where you occupy premises in which our network boundary point is a main distribution frame, or in which a main distribution frame is required, your cabling (including the main distribution frame and the building cabling) is usually provided by the building owner and remains a building asset.
4.20 Where you request that we install cabling between the main distribution frame and the point where you have requested that we supply the Basic Telephone Service we will charge you the fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here, for any work undertaken beyond the main distribution frame
4.21 We may charge you our fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here, for installing alternative cabling where you occupy premises for which the network boundary point is a main distribution frame and your new Basic Telephone Service will be:
(a) a business service and there is no suitable spare capacity in the cabling
system at the premises to extend cabling from the main distribution frame to the location you request; or
(b) a business or home service and you do not want your Basic Telephone
Service to be connected through the main distribution frame.
What is not included
4.22 We do not have to supply any of the following when we connect your new Basic Telephone Service:
(a) cable from a fixed termination point to a moveable structure (such as a
mobile home, a caravan, a vessel or a lift);
(b) cabling across, through or under a body of water or tidal land to an isolated
mooring structure, a buoy, a bollard or a vessel;
(c) clearing, digging and reinstatement of land required to install or repair the
lead-in cable along the chosen or existing route on your property; or
(d) any additional cabling or equipment required to reduce, eliminate or avoid a
site hazard (such as a high-voltage substation, a hazardous area or explosive atmosphere).
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Reconnecting your Basic Telephone Service
4.23 Where your Basic Telephone Service is disconnected other than due to our error, you have to pay us the appropriate connection charge to reconnect it.
4.24 The amount of the reconnection charge is set out in the table below.
Reconnection Charge
GST excl.
GST incl.
Reconnection fee following final disconnection for non-payment (for all customers) on and from 25 June 2019
Reconnection fee following final disconnection for non-payment (for all customers) before 25 June 2019
Relocating your Basic Telephone Service
4.25 If you ask us to relocate the network boundary point for your Basic Telephone Service to another location at your premises, we will charge you our fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here, or we may arrange for a contractor to charge you directly to do this work.
4.26 If you ask us to relocate your Basic Telephone Service to other premises, we treat this as a disconnection and reconnection. We charge you a connection charge and other connection-related charges as appropriate to your premises.
4.27 If you are an existing Telstra customer moving premises the relevant moving home services for your Telstra consumer service is set out in the Telstra Platinum section of Our Customer Terms.
5 Telstra Velocity
5.1 If your Basic Telephone Service is provided over Telstra Velocity, this clause 5 also applies.
5.2 We provide you with the technology needed to connect to our network. This includes installing the following at your premises:
(a) a network termination device; and (b) a power supply unit.
5.3 We are not responsible for the operation of any equipment or applications connected to your services that you or someone other than us supplies.
5.4 Telstra Velocity and equipment that we install does not support extensions to buildings which are outside the premises in which we installed the equipment.
5.5 You have to ensure that:
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(a) we can access the equipment we install at your premises at any time we
reasonably ask to; and
(b) the equipment we install is not covered in any way that prevents air
circulating around the equipment.
Ownership of equipment
5.6 The network termination device and power supply unit (and the power cable between them) belong to us.
5.7 All cabling and your equipment beyond the network boundary point is your responsibility.
Back-up battery
5.8 The Basic Telephone Service and any other service provided over Telstra Velocity needs a 240-volt power supply for it to operate.
5.9 A back-up battery can be installed in the power supply unit to avoid interruption to your Basic Telephone Services that are provided over Telstra Velocity when there is a power failure.
5.10 If the back-up battery is not installed, or installed but flat or faulty, you will not be able to receive or make any telephone calls including calls to Emergency 000 service during a power failure.
5.11 If a back-up battery has been installed in the power supply unit, it is your responsibility to regularly check the battery indicators and replace the battery as recommended by the manufacturer.
5.12 Depending on the installation of your network termination device, the back-up battery installed in the power supply unit must comply with the following specifications:
(a) Four external network termination devices:
(i) 12V 7.0-7.2Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery (6 Cells); (ii) 150mm (W) x 94mm (H) x 64mm (D); and (iii) Quick Disconnect Tabs/F2/T2/Faston® Tab terminals, Type 250,
6.35mm (W), 0.81mm (T).
(b) For internal network termination devices:
(i) 12V 4.5Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery (6 Cells); (ii) 90mm (W) x 100mm (H) x 70mm (D); and (iii) Quick-Connect / Faston® F2 or T2 Tab terminals, Type 250, 6.3mm
(W), 0.8mm (T).
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5.13 We may ask you to pay for any damage caused to any equipment owned by us that is caused as a result of you using a non-complying back-up battery.
What services are not available?
5.14 The following plans, features and products are not available to you over Telstra Velocity:
(a) all ISDN services and plans; (b) pulse dialling; and (c) dedicated EFTPOS.
6 Temporary disconnections
6.1 Where you ask us to disconnect your Basic Telephone Service temporarily, we do not charge for the temporary disconnection.
6.2 We continue charging you the monthly access charges for the service while it is disconnected. You must also pay us the appropriate connection fee to reconnect it.
7 Faults
Fault reporting
7.1 You can report faults with your Basic Telephone Service to us 24 hours a day.
7.2 Where you report a fault with a Basic Telephone Service after 5:00 pm, we treat this as if you had reported it the following working day.
Fault repair timeframes
7.3 We repair faults in the service (up to the network boundary point) between 8 am and 5 pm on working days. If you ask us to repair a faulty Basic Telephone Service outside those hours, and we agree, we may charge you our fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here.
7.4 We aim generally to repair a Basic Telephone Service within the following timeframes after you tell us of the fault:
(a) where we can repair a Basic Telephone Service without external or internal
plant work or the need to attend your premises – within one working day;
(b) where the fault is that a Basic Telephone Service has been incorrectly
disconnected because of an administrative error – within one working day;
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(c) where the Basic Telephone Service is in an urban area – within one
working day;
(d) where the Basic Telephone Service is in a major or minor rural area –
within two working days; or
(e) where the Basic Telephone Service is in a remote area – within three
working days.
7.5 Particular timeframes for repairing faults in your Basic Telephone Service may be set out in our Universal Service Obligation Standard Marketing Plan, in the Customer Service Guarantee Standard or under our Priority Assistance policy (see the Priority Assist section of Our Customer Terms). These do not apply to all customers or services. Where two timeframes apply, we aim to comply with the shorter timeframe.
7.6 Where we give you an estimate of the number of hours that may be needed to repair a Basic Telephone Service, the estimate only includes hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on a working day.
Temporary repairs
7.7 In some cases, we repair a Basic Telephone Service temporarily so you can use it until we repair it permanently.
Faults you cause
7.8 We can charge you our fee for-service charges for repairing a fault, if it is caused by something you or someone else using your Basic Telephone Service do (or do not do) wilfully, recklessly or negligently.
7.9 If you report a fault in your Basic Telephone Service and ask us to come to your premises to repair it, and once at your premises we determine on reasonable grounds that the fault is not in the Telstra network (for example, the fault may be in your equipment), we will charge you an incorrect callout charge. The incorrect callout charge is a fee-for service charge as set out in the Fee-for-Service (Other work we do for you) section of Our Customer Terms - for home and family customers click here; business and government customers click here. We will advise you of the charge before we attend your premises.
Emergency repairs
7.10 We will try to repair Basic Telephone Services used to provide essential community services or emergency services as soon as we can after we learn of the fault including where:
(a) there has been a major fault outage; or (b) there has been a natural disaster; or (c) there are other special circumstances (such as urgent medical cases).
7.11 We give priority to repairing major fault outages affecting a number of customers.
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Call diversion
7.12 Where your Basic Telephone Service is faulty, we may offer you a call diversion service. We may charge you for this.
8 Fast Fix
What is Fast Fix?
8.1 Fast Fix is an enhanced fault restoration service that is available to eligible Basic Telephone Service customers.
8.2 If you request Fast Fix for a fault and we agree to provide it, we will, subject to technician availability:
(a) try to repair your Basic Telephone Service within 24 hours of you notifying
us of the fault in accordance with clause 8.8 below; and
(b) provide you with a 2 hour appointment window if we need to attend your
premises to repair the fault.
8.3 If we do not repair your Basic Telephone Service within 24 hours of you notifying us of the fault in accordance with clause 8.8 below, and the fault is in our network or our equipment, then unless one of the exceptions in clause 8.9 apply we will waive the charge for that Fast Fix request.
8.4 Your Basic Telephone Service will be considered repaired on the earlier to occur of: (a) the Basic Telephone Service being returned to full working order; and (b) a temporary repair being implemented that allows the Basic Telephone
Service to be used.
8.5 You are only eligible to acquire Fast Fix for your Basic Telephone Service if you: (a) are a home and family customer (also known as a ‘consumer customer’) or
a small business customer; and
(b) live in an urban area.
8.6 You are not eligible to acquire Fast Fix if: (a) you are a Priority Assist customer (see the Priority Assist Section of Our
Customer Terms); or
(b) we notify you that the relevant fault is part of a volume hold queue, a mass
service disruption, a local service disruption or any other disruption that is affecting more than one customer.
For a list of mass service disruptions, see see
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How do you request Fast Fix?
8.7 You can request Fast Fix on a fault by fault basis.
8.8 To request Fast Fix for a fault, you must call us on 132200. You may call us on this number 24 hours a day.
Fast Fix exclusions
8.9 We will not waive the Fast Fix charge under clause 8.3 if our ability to repair the fault is affected by:
(a) a fault with your product or service that is caused by you; (b) the cutting of cable or fibre which is needed to provide your product or
service by you or someone on your behalf;
(c) interference or damage to our equipment or network by you or by a third
party on your behalf; or
(d) you not giving us sufficient and timely access to your premises and
equipment so that we can carry out the repair or restoration.
8.10 We will charge you the following fee for each Fast Fix request you make, unless we waive the charge in accordance with clause8.3.
GST excl.
GST incl.
Charge for each Fast Fix request
On and from 25 June 2019
Faults you cause
8.11 If clauses 7.8 or 7.9 apply to a fault for which you have requested Fast Fix, we may charge you the charges specified in those clauses in addition to the charge specified in clause 8.10.
9 Calculating charges
9.1 The monthly access charge for your Basic Telephone Service is payable pro-rata calculated on a daily basis.
9.2 When a charge for a call depends on the time of day, this is generally the local time where your service is located. Where we cannot use your local time to calculate charges, we use the local time at the exchange where the call or charge is recorded.
9.3 Where a charge for a call is worked out based on blocks of time, an incomplete block of time is charged as a full block.
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