Telpar SP-327 User Manual

SP-327 Receipt Thermal Printer
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Telpar SP-327 Receipt Thermal Printer Summary
The TELPAR SP-327 Receipt Thermal Printer is a direct thermal printer designed as an
economical solution to the demands of unattended hardcopy devices and applications.
Applications include toll booth receipts, supermarket discount coupons, cash vouchers for
exchanged goods, automated collection machines, parking validation slips, gas station pump
receipts, and gaming machine receipts.
Printer Features:
Durable All Metal Construction
Automatic Paper Loading
Low paper Roll Detection
Error Status LED and Beeper
Single Multifunction Power & Paper Feed Switch
Serial Communication with Status Feedback Modes
8 Dots/mm (203 Dots/Inch) Thermal Print Head
56mm (2.2 inches) Total Printing Width
Speeds of up to 10 Character-lines per Second (Ten full lines consisting of 24 characters / line)
Durable Guillotine Cutter (400,000 Cut Operations Typically)
7K Character Buffer
Four Standard Character Sets
Raster Graphics
Bar Coding Capabilities (Barcode 3 of 9 and Interleaved 2 of 5).
Head-up Lever rotates up
to raise the thermal print
head off the paper to
assist in clearing paper
jams or quick paper
Four PositionPower Connector (right)
SeeSection 1 onPage1 for Power Cable
Nine position RS-232 DB Sub-Connector
SeeSection 16 onPage8 for Interface
Serial Label information willbe
used whenrequesting
Technicalor Return / Repair
Assistance from Telpar.
Thermal Paper unwinds from the
top of the roll with the thermal
coated side of the paper facing
down as shown.
To auto feed paperinto the printer,
guidetheleading edge of the paper into
the paper entry slot in thechassis until it
stops. Within asecond, the printer
platen willautomatically grab the paper
andfeed approx. 1.5 inches of paper
throughtheprinterandcutter sections.
Three position Toggle Switch:
Full left position = OFF
MiddlePosition = ON
Full right position = Paper Feed
Error Status LED
User Manual & Maintenance Manual Table of Contents
User Manual for the SP-327
Topic Description:
Power Requirements Input Voltage Options RS-232 Interface Environmental Control Codes & Escape Sequences Echo Back Printer Error Status Byte Echo Back Printer Mode Status Byte Paper Cutter Features Printer Mechanism Features Controller Features Self Test Mode Default RS-232 Settings
1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 5 11 5 12
Chassis / Mechanism Dimensions Printed Circuit Board Dimensions ERROR CODES (LED & Beeper Status) Character Sizes for Various Fonts Paper Roll Part Number for Reordering Serial RS-232 Cable Pinout Suggestion Sample Code in MS Visual Basic 6.0
Maintenance Manual for the SP-327
Introduction Cleaning Cutter Assembly Examples of Printing Problems Maintenance Chart
6 13 6 14 7 15 7 15 7 15 8 16
9, 10 17
The Table below shows both the peak and average amperages with their associated duty cycles for a typical SP-327 printer performing various printing operations. The SP-327 operation requires large peak current pulses at low duty cycles. Therefore, the average power requirement is typically low.
NOTE on GRAPHICS MODE CURRENT: The average current required in graphics modeis verylow since it is limited by the data transfer rate. The Graphics Command requires the transmission ofat least 5 characters to print 8 dots on a line. A baud rate set at 9600 (approx. 1 msec / char transmission time) produces a 0.1 amp peak or a 10 mAmp average at a 12% duty cycle. The Graphics Command requires a minimum of 60 characters to print all 448 dots on a line. In this situation, a 6 amp peak or 140 mAmp average is produced at a 2.3% dutycycle.
Font Type or
Operational Condition
24 Characters / Line
(Printing Full line ofthe letter ‘H’)
48 Characters / Line
(Printing Full line ofthe letter ‘H’)
MaximumPeak Current Typical
Duty Cycle
6.5 Amps 30% 2 Amps
5.5 Amps 42% 2.3 Amps
Average Current
Graphics (Fire ALL 448 dots) 6.0 Amps LOW Less Than 0.20 Amps Idle (on but doing nothing) 0.070 Amps Typical NA NA Paper Feeding (noprint) 0.150 AmpsTypical NA NA
Mating Connector andTerminal Socket Part Numbers: 1 MolexP/N 39-01-2045 or -2040 2x2 socket connector. 2 Terminals for aboveMolexP/N 44485-1211 or 1212 sockets.
Pin 1 = VAC or +24VDC
The diagrambelow shows the
FRONT FACE of thePower Supply
CABLE CONNECTOR which mates to
the SP-327 Power Connector:
Connector Key
Pin 2 = VAC or
DC Common
For most typical printing applications, the SP-327 standard input voltage rating is:
18 VAC rms power supply rated at least 20VA
24 VDC regulated power supply rated at least 2.1Amps (50Watts)
An optional 115 V.A.C. wall transformer & Cable assembly is available à Telpar Part # 780327-0010.
Note: All raw input voltage options listed aboveare provided with input transient suppression circuitry that will
protect the print/cut mechanism and electronics from momentary over voltage conditions commonly found in switching power supplies and vehicular power sources.
The SP-327 comes standard with an RS-232C Bi-directional communication interface. Default RS-232 Settings (in Standard Firmware) are the following: Baud Rate = 9600 bps, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, and Hardware Handshaking. An RS-232 Cable Pinout diagram can be found in section 16 (page 8).
Normal operating temperature of the SP-327 is - 40°C to + 60° C (- 40°F to + 140°F). The SP-327 has a compensating circuit that maintains print intensity for the temperature range specified above.
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The TELPAR Model SP-327 uses the following Control Codes and Escape Sequences to control special features of the printer such as printing in landscape mode, condensed mode, printing barcodes (3 of 9 and I 2of 5 only), performing a paper cut, and many other features. The tables below describe these codes and sequences and what they do. For examples of using some of these codes and sequences, please see section 17 for sample
programming code written in MS Visual Basic 6.0.
HEX DEC Description
STX 02H 2 ETX 03H 3 RLF 08H 8 SLF 0AH 10
PT 0DH 13
SO 0EH 14
SI 0FH 15
DBLH 10H 16
NDBH 11H 17
Landscape Print, Start of Text (ie. Print rotated 90 degrees) Landscape Print, End of Text (ie. Print rotated 90 degrees) ReverseLine Feed (one line feed space – registration after may not be exact) Single Line Feed – feeds amount of paper as specified by ESC ”3” n (see table below) Print Command – allows information from host to be printed to the printer Enable DoubleWidth Print Enable Condensed Print Enable DoubleHeight Print Disable Double Height Print
DC2 12H 18 Disable Condensed Print
S_REQ 13H 19
DC4 14H 20
M_REQ 15H 21
CAN 18H 24 ESC 1BH 27
Ask for Printer Status (Error Status) SeeSection 6 Disable Double Width Print Ask for current Print Mode, See Section 7 Clears all data in the buffer Escape Bit
HEX DEC Description
ESC “@” 40H 64
ESC ”3” n 33H 51
ESC “c” 63H 99
ESC “C” n1 n2 Data CR 43H 67
ESC “i” n1 n2 Data CR 69H 105
ESC “h” n 68H 104
ESC “j” n 6AH 106
ESC “l” n Data 6CH 108
ESC “r” n 72H 114
Reset Printer (clears all data in the buffer) Set Line feed space to n * 0.0097 Inches (Default n = 4). See SLF in Tableabove. Initiate a paper cut Bar Code 3 of 9. n1 = Indent space from margin in mm,
Height of Barcode= n2 * 4mm (n2 must be > 0. Therefore, the smallest barcode height = 4mm). Bar Code Interleaved 2 of 5. n1 = Indent space from margin in mm, Height of Barcode= n2 * 4mm (n2 must be > 0. Therefore, the smallest barcode height = 4mm). NOTE: Use only an EVEN number of data bytes à the printer will generatean error message if either an odd number of data bytes or an illegal character is received. Fill n bytes of space (blank) in when using raster graphics. (Note: Print Density = 8 Dots / mm, Printing width = 56mm, or 448 Dots per Line) Perform n dot steps. (Note: Print Density = 8 Dots / mm, Printing width = 56mm, or 448 Dots per Line) N bytes of raster graphics. (Note: Print Density = 8 Dots / mm, Printing width = 56mm, or 448 Dots per Line)
n = 0 to set light print n = 1 to set dark print
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The user has the option of polling the printer for error status. This is accomplished bysending the printer the control code
S_REQ 13H. The printer will then transmit back to the host the following one byte status:
0 Paper Low = 1 1 Paper Out = 1 2 Cutter Jam = 1 3 4
Not used Not used
5 Buffer Full = 1 6 Buffer Empty = 1 7
Not used
The user has the option of polling the printer for mode status. This is accomplished by sending the printer the control code
M_REQ 15H. The printer will then transmit back to the host the following one byte status indicating the current print modes:
0 Landscape Print ON = 1 1 Double Wide ON = 1 2 Not used 3 Double High ON = 1 4 2 of 5 Bar-code ON = 1 5 Not used (always = 0) 6 Not used (always = 0) 7 Condensed Print ON = 1
The SP-327 is equipped with a long life guillotine paper cutter that is user activated via the escape code ESC c.
The printer controller board monitors the paper cutter's home switch. If the cutter blade is not on the home position
(example: due to tampering), then the controller card will energize the cutter and home the guillotine blade.
When the cutter is energized, an internal watch timer is set for 1 second. If the cutter blade does not reach the home
position within this allotted time the controller board will set bit 2 of the STATUS byte to a logic one indicating a cutter jam has occurred. The same condition will occur if the cutter blade overshoots the home position.
Also provided is a solid state thermal overload circuit for the cutter (this is to protect the cutter motor from a locked
rotor or micro processor malfunction).
The paper cutter's MTBF( mean time between failure) is 400,000 cuts .The MTBF may be severely shortened if
TELPAR paper is not used. Contact TELPAR for replacement paper (see section 15 on page 7 for the part number for replacement Telpar paper for the SP-327).
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