Telkonet SS6560 User Manual

EcoWave Featuring the EcoTouch
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... i
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1
Conventions Used in this G uide............................................................................................. 1
T he EcoSmart Energy Management System ............................................................................... 2
Regulat ory Compliance ...................................................................................................... 2
Overview: EcoWave Remote Thermostat/Controller Package.......................................................... 3
EcoSource ........................................................................................................................ 5
Wiring .......................................................................................................................... 5
High/Low Volta ge Options .................................................................................................. 6
High Voltage Installation .................................................................................................... 6
Low Voltage Installatio n ................................................................................................... 14
Instructions Common to All Three Low Voltage Opti ons .............................................................. 21
EcoTouch ....................................................................................................................... 24
EcoTouch Location Planning .............................................................................................. 24
Installation .................................................................................................................. 26
Eco Touch Guest Screen Controls & U ser Interface..................................................................... 29
Device Association ............................................................................................................ 31
Pair EcoTouch with EcoSource............................................................................................ 31
EcoTouch Configuration Changes ........................................................................................... 32
Change Channel ............................................................................................................ 32
Unpa ir Eco T ou ch ............................................................................................................ 32
Activate “Display Mode” Opt ion .......................................................................................... 32
S ystem Status Screen ...................................................................................................... 32
Regular Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 33
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 34
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 35
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 36
Index ......................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix A .................................................................................................................. 39
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
Table of Contents Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
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EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swen son Dr ive, Suite 175
Table of Contents Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
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elit dignissi m feugiat.


Conventions Used in this Guide

This is an informational tip, used to convey relevant but not necessaril y urgent information.
This is a warning, used to convey im porta nt information.
This is a strong warn ing, used to convey urgent and often safety -rel ated inform ation.
Chapt er Names
Main chapters in this manual wil l have headings in l arge green font as shown ab ove. Main chapter nam es al so appe ar in the footer.
Sub-Chapter Names
Within the m ain chapters wil l be rel evant sub-chapter s, which are presented with bold, bl ack headings as shown above.
Footers conta in the docum ent name, chapter nam e, docum ent version numb er and page numb er, as show n here:
Procedure: Steps Described Here
Procedura l S teps are indicated as such in the heading, which begins with the word, “Procedure:” a s show n a bove . T he step s are outl ined as shown in the foll owing exam pl e:
Step 1 Navigate to the Config Menu > Al ert Setup. Step 2 Click the Add New Alert Trigger button in
the top l eft corner of the Al ert Setup Screen.
Step 3 Enter a descriptive A lert Name.
Int roducing a N ew Scr een
When a screen is introdu ced, a screen print is provided. Bel ow the screen print will be its l ocation and an expl anation of the screen’s inten ded purpose as shown in this exam pl e:
Screen and Tab Nam es
Screen and Tab names are underl ined, as shown in this exam pl e:
The Th ermosta t Sta t us Screen shows al l rooms and their status i nform atio n at a glan ce.
F iel d N am es
Field names appear in bol d font; field explanations appear next to the fiel d name as shown i n this exam pl e:
Device Sel ect the device type. Position The order in which attached devices are
MAC Address MAC address of the attached device.
Field Selection Choices
Field selection choices are in ital ics as shown in this exam pl e:
Select the Alerting Dev ice Type from the dropdown m enu. Choices are: All Thermostats, All Pipe Sensors, Sin gle Devi ce and Outdoor Temperature.
The “>” Symbol
The ">" symbol is used to describe a m enu choice and com m and selection. For exampl e:
Configuration Menu > Al ert Setup m eans cl ick on the Configuration Menu, then cl ick on Al ert Setup.
Tables provide visual presentations of related data such as hardw are components and expl anations as shown in this example:
Pin Label on Backplat e Function
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Uisque laoreet augue eu
Assistance with troubl eshooting begins with the red header as shown above.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
Introduction Waukes ha , WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 1
EcoWave Package Overview

The EcoSmar t Ener gy Manag ement Sys tem

The EcoSma rt Energy M anag ement S ystem reduces H VAC energy consumption without i nterfering with occupant comfort.
EcoSmart thermostats such as the EcoTouch automatically learn and adapt to the heating and cooling patterns of each room. For example, a room on the eas t side of a building will receive direct sunlight in the morning and will either need less HVAC heating or more H VAC cooling. However, as the day progres s es, the room will need more HVAC heating or less HVAC cooling as it moves into the s hade. An EcoS ma rt thermos tat will continu ally monito r the room, learn its patterns, a nd adjus t its heati ng and cooling prof iles according ly.
EcoSm art thermos tats also learn and a dapt to occupant s chedules . W hen a room is unoccupied, the EcoTouch will enter an energ y s av i ng m ode, allowing the r oom to drift a way from the desir ed set point. D uring this drift period, the thermos tat will operate the HVAC unit less often, reducing energ y costs . When the room becomes occupied again, the RecoveryTime™ technology built into each EcoTouch will retu rn the room to the s et point without occupant interaction.
The EcoWave is available i n several configurations to address specific requirements of multiple appli cations including hotel, classroom, office, university dormitory, military resi dence hall, reta il, public a rea, convention center, and a wide v ariety of commercial and industrial spaces.
The firmware of standalone EcoWa ve thermostats is identical to the firmware of netwo rked versions. Sta ndalone T hermos tats can be networked by adding a network module to the base units at any time.
Progra mming features us ed during installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting are available in the on­screen M ai ntenance Menu.

Regulatory Compliance

FCC ID: XV6SS6560 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. O perati on is s ubject to the following two conditions : (1)
this devi ce may not cause ha rmful i nterference, and (2 ) this dev ice mus t accept any interference receiv ed, including interfere nce that m ay cause undes ired opera tion.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B di gi tal device pursua nt to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gener ates , us es a nd can radiate ra dio frequency energy and i f not installed and us ed in accordance with the ins tructions , may cause har mful interference to radio comm unications . However, there is no guarantee that i nterference will not occur in a particular installation. If the equipm e nt does cause harmful interference to r adio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the i nterference by one or m ore of the following m easures:
Reori ent or relocate the receiv ing antenna.
Increas e the s eparation between the equipment and the receiv er.
Connect the equipment into a n outlet on a circuit differe nt f rom that to which the receiv er is
Cons ult the dealer or ex perienced radio/TV technician for help.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 2
EcoWave Package Overview
In order to maintain compliance with FCC regulations , shielded cables must be used with this equipment. Operati on with non-approved equipment is likely to result in interference to radi o and TV reception. T he us er is cautioned that chang es a nd modifi cations made to the equipment without the approv al of the m anufa cturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
To satisfy RF exposure r equirements, this device and its antennas must opera te with a separation distance of a t least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Overview: EcoWave Remote Thermostat/Controller Package

The EcoWave package is compris ed o f two hardware components as s hown below. T ogether they form a wireless progra mmable controllable thermostat. It can be easily installed on packaged terminal air conditioners, fan coils, heat pumps, split systems, and more. With software-bas ed relay control and fan s peed config uration, progra mmi ng s etup is s imple and fas t.
Dis play unit
Place in optimum location for tempera ture measurement and
ease of occupant use
HVAC Controller
Install in or on HVAC unit
Accepts a s so ciatio n with 15 total compatible wireless dev ices
Each compatible wireless devi ce can be ass ociated to
multiple EcoSources

Accomodates a Variety of Configurations

EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 3
EcoWave Package Overview
The EcoWav e Package can be config ured for many different H VAC scenarios. For example:
One EcoTouch can contr ol m ultiple H VAC s yste ms , e ach equi pped with an EcoSource, but all di rected by a s ing le EcoTouch display unit. T his type of ins tallation reduces the complexity of running multiple H VAC units in a sing le large s pace and eliminati ng the potential of oppos ing modes forcing equipment to compete against each other.
Multiple EcoTouches can control one HVAC system, equipped with one EcoSour ce.
The wiring interf ace conforms to industry s tandards . Telkonet can develop specific wiring diagrams, if a complete s pecification is provided for the HVAC unit(s) in use at the site.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 4
EcoSource Installation



The EcoSource controller connects to the HVAC s ys tem via s tanda rd wiring conv entions , us ing 12-277VAC voltages supplied by the HVAC equipment. T he EcoSource can accept three dif ferent power sources, which as si s t in s cenarios where di fferent components (heat, fan) are powered by different v oltages . T his simplifies installation on units such as fan coils.
The EcoSo urce a ccepts s tandard the rmos tat wiri ng, typically 14-22 AWG. Wiring conventions follow indus try standa rds; however, i t is importa nt to note that the rela y confi gura tion is dynami c and can be modi fied at the factory or in th e field.
Figure 1: Internal View EcoSourc e
If the EcoSource will be mounted inside a metal HBSC unit or in a room with a large amount of metallic equipment that may cause RF interference, an external antenna may be necessary.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 5
EcoSource Installation
High/Low Voltage Options High Vo l tage Install atio n Optio n (page 6)
High Voltage is defined as 48 volt o r greater.
There a re t wo i ns ta llatio n options:
1) JBOX with Vertical Mud Ring Mount: requi res ada pter plate a s sh own in Figure 2.
2) Factory HVAC Mount
Low Voltage Installation Options (page 14)
There are 3 optio ns; select based on code and des i red look :
1) Drywall mount: no conduit required; no JBOX a dapter plate requi red.
2) JBOX with Vertical Mud Ring Mount: requi res ada pter plate a s sh own in Figure 2.
3) JBOX with Horizontal M ud Ring Mount: requi res wing nut, hole mus t be dri lled in backplate ; no JBO X plate required.

High Voltage Installation

(Fo r Low Voltage Installation instruction s, se e page 14).

Mounting Preparation

The back plate type must be defined as low or high voltage prior to shipment.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 6
EcoSource High Voltage Installation
Figure 2: Telkonet JBOX Adapter Plate
For all high voltage installations a s ingle gang mud ri ng mus t be mounted VERTICALLY on a JBOX. A Telkonet JBOX A dapter Plate (see Figure 2) i s re qui red f or a ll JBO X i ns ta llatio ns .
W eco t er min a l on -site wiring for high voltage installation is not allowed. You must use the pr e-
shipped 16-gu age wired backplate provided by Telkonet.
Hi gh voltag e i ns tal la tion s hou ld on ly be per for med by a qualified heating & air conditioning
contr actor or licensed electrician.
Failure to understand and follow all instructions carefully b efore installing or operating this
d evice could cause personal injury and/ o r property damage.
All wiring must c onf orm to loc al an d na tion al elec tr ic al ord i na nc es and cod es.
Prevent electr ical shock, personal injury, and equipment damage: prior to installation or
service, disconnect sys tems elect ric power at ma in fuse or circuit brea ker box.

EcoSource Hi gh V ol tage Requi r ed Equipm ent

EcoSource (P/N: SS6500)
EcoTouch (P/N: SS 6560)
High Voltage Backplate
Telkonet High Voltage JBOX Adapter
T wo # 6 -32 1” screws
Four #5 ½” coarse thread s crews
Phillips screwdriv er
UL rated insulating tape
Wire stripper
Wire cutter
Wire nuts
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 7
EcoSource High Voltage Installation

Installation Steps

Step 1 Ensure the JBOX has been installed with a vertical s ing le gang mud ring. See Figure 3.
Figure 3: Vertical Single Gang Mud Ring
Step 2 Turn off power at E coSource or mounting lo cation us ing a disconnect switch or brea ker
lockout/ tag out o n appro pria te bre ak er pane l. Step 3 Test that power is off by using a voltmeter. Step 4 Strip the LINE wire ba ck 0.25 inches . Step 5 Cap the LINE wire with a wire nut or electrical tape. Step 6 Cut the COMM O N wire s o the copper is flush with the ins ulation. Step 7 Stri p all wires ex cept for COM M ON back 0. 25 inches.
Reminder: For all high voltage installations, a single gang mud ring must be mounted VERTICALLY.
Step 8 Determine which end of the adapter plate s hould be ins talled a s the top, and which end s hould
be installed as the bottom. As shown i n Figure 4, the notch in the main display should be in the
upper left corner, and the smaller, vertical rectangle should be in the lower right corner.
Figure 4: Determine Top & Bot tom of Plate
Step 9 Lev el the high voltage Telkonet JBOX ada pter plate and mount to the m ud ring with two #6-32
1” s crews. See Figure 5.
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 8
Sa fety Screw
EcoSource High Voltage Installation
Figure 5: JBOX, Mud Ring, Adapter Plate
Step 10 Remo ve the safety screw from the left side of the thermos tat usi ng the hex wrench. See Figure
Figure 6: EcoSource Side View
Step 11 S epa rate the hi gh voltage back plate from the thermos ta t: Use a flathead screwdriv er to
GENT LY pres s the tab next to the screw hole to a llow the thermostat to pop open.
WARNING: Using too much force can brea k the tab.
Step 12 Place thermostat backplate against the JBOX adapter plate. The adapter plate and backplate
holes s hould align if both are correctly ori ented.
Therm ostat wiring cannot touch or be placed i n close pr ox imi ty to th e J7 pins! This can occur if the wiring enters the thermos tat from the J8 hole and i s placed diagonally, directly ov er the J7 pins.
Step 13 C onnect ea ch 16-gauge wire (pre-i nsta lled on the therm os tat’s high-vo lt a g e ba c k pla t e ) to the
matching functional wire within the JBOX, using appropriately size d wire nuts o r a NEC-
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
Page 9
EcoSource High Voltage Installation
approv ed electrical connection ins ide the junction box. If a site-specific wiring diagram was
provi ded, refer to this for wiring. If no di agram was provided, refer to Figure 7. . (If controlling proportional valve or ECM fan, see Appendix A.) Any unuse d wires mu st be capped a ccordin g
to NEC standa rds.
For v ariable output connections, see Appendix A on page 39.
Figure 7: Wiring
The High Vol tage backplate com es with R, Switched Power 1 and Switched Power 2 jum ped together with a Red Wire nut. These can be
connected to the same power source assum ing all controll ed Fans and Val ves will be controll ed at the sam e vol tage that wil l be powering the the rm os tat . If a different voltage wil l be used for any of the Control l ed elem ents of the HVAC then the appropriate power source should be connected to the Switched Power 1 (W1,Y1) and Switched Power 2 (G,O,W2) t ermina ls .
EcoWave Fea t ur i ng EcoTouch IO&M Guide Telkone t, Inc.
For Use with Firmware Version 2.x 20800 Swenson Drive, S uite 175
EcoSource Waukesha, WI 53186
Revision 2 (800) 380-9640
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