Telit Wireless Solutions ZE60-2.4 User Manual

ZE60-2.4 RF Module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
This document is related to the following product :
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Telit Communications S.p.A. and its affiliates (“TELIT”). The contents are confidential and any disclosure to persons other than the officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of the owner or licensee of this document, without the prior written consent of Telit, is strictly prohibited.
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© Copyright Telit RF Technologies 2010.
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 6
I.1. AIM OF THE DOCUMENT.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
I.2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
I.3. DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
I.4. GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II. REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 9
II.1. REGULATIONS REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
II.2. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
II.3. SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
II.4. TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER III. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................14
III.1. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
III.2. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
III.3. DC CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
III.4. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
III.5. DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
III.6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
III.7. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
CHAPTER IV. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 21
IV.1. PIN-OUT OF THE SMD MODULE.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
IV.2. PIN-OUT OF THE DIP MODULE...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
IV.3. CORRESPONDENCE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
IV.4. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGNALS..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER V. PROCESS INFORMATION ...............................................................................................26
V.1. DELIVERY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
V.2. STORAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
V.3. SOLDERING PAD PATTERN .............................................................................................................................................................................27
V.4. SOLDER PASTE COMPOSITION (ROHS PROCESS) ........................................................................................................................................... 29
V.5. PLACEMENT.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
V.6. SOLDERING PROFILE (ROHS PROCESS)......................................................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER VI. BOARD MOUNTING RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................32
VI.1. ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENT.......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
VI.2. POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING ON ZE60-2.4 MODULE .................................................................................................................................... 33
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
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VI.3. RF LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
VI.4. ANTENNA CONNECTION ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS............................................................................................................................. 35
VI.5. ZE60-2.4 INTERFACING : ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
CHAPTER VII. ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS....................................................................................... 39
VII.1. ANTENNA RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 39
VII.2. ANTENNA MATCHING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
VII.3. ANTENNA TYPES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
VII.4. EXTERNAL ANTENNA .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
VII.5. EMBEDDABLE ANTENNAS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 43
CHAPTER VIII. ANNEXES.......................................................................................................................45
VIII.1. EXAMPLES OF PROPAGATION ATTENUATION............................................................................................................................................... 45
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
I.1. Aim of the Document
The aim of this document is to present the features and the application of the ZE60-2.4 radio module. After the introduction, the characteristics of the ZE60-2.4 radio module will be described within the following distinct chapters:
- Requirements
- General Characteristics
- Technical description
- Process information
- Board Mounting Recommendations
- Antenna Considerations
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
I.2. Reference documents
[1] IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006
Wireless MAC and PHY Specifications for Low Rate - WPANs
[2] ERC Rec 70-03
ERC Recommendation for SRD, June 2009
[3] EN 300 328-1 V1.7.1 (Europe)
ETSI Standards for SRD , October 2006
[4] EN 300 440-1 V1.5.1 (Europe)
ETSI Standards for SRD , March 2009
[5] 2002/95/EC
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, 27 January
[6] CFR47 Part 15 (US)
FCC Standards for SRD
[7] ARIB STD-T66 (Japan)
ARIB Standards for SRD
[8] Z-One Protocol Stack User Guide
[9] 2006/771/EC
Harmonization of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices
[10] 2009/381/EC
Amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonization of the radio
spectrum for use by short-range devices
[11] ZigBee democase User Guide
[12] ZE Test Stack Application Note
[13] ZigBee democase Getting Started
I.3. Document change log
RReevviissiioonn DDaattee
ISSUE # 0 28/08/09 First Release ISSUE # 1 22/03/10 Updated chapter II.3 Software
Updated pin-out table
ISSUE # 2 24/08/10 Removed DemoKit reference
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
I.4. Glossary
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
Bit Error Rate
Bits per second (1000 bits/s = 1Kbps = 1Kbaud)
Character Error Rate
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
Code of Federal Regulations
Chip or chip sequence refers to a spreading-code used to transform the original data to DSSS
Power level in decibel milliwatt (10 log (P/1mW))
Electro Magnetic Compatibility
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Electrical Programmable Read Only Memory
European Radiocommunications Committee
Equivalent Series Resistance
ETSI Technical Report
European Telecommunication Standard Institute
Federal Communications Commission
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Industrial, Scientific and Medical
1024 bytes (1 byte = 8 bits)
Listen Before Talk
Low Noise Amplifier
Medium Access Control
Mega Hertz (1 MHz = 1000 kHz)
Mega chips per second (A measure of the speed with which chips are generated in DSSS)
Printed Circuit Board
Programmable Read Only Memory
Packet Error Rate
Physical Layer
Non return to Zero
Radio Frequency
Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Receive Strength Signal Indicator
Static Random Access Memory
Short Range Device
Surface Mounted Device
Metal Hole on a printed circuit board
Wireless Personal Area Networks
ZE60-2.4 RF module User Guide
1vv0300844 Rev.2 – 24/08/2010
II.1. Regulations requirements
The ZE60-2.4 module is a [1],[2],[6],[7] compliant multi channel radio modem in the 2.4GHz band (unlicensed
frequency band).
Europe Regulation:
The “ERC recommendation 70-03” [2] describes the limits band in the 2.4GHz license free band, in terms of bandwidth, maximum power, duty cycle, channel spacing and type of application. It gives the following limitations:
Class Frequency
Maximum radiated power Channel
Duty cycle Notes
Annex 1h
Short range
2400 – 2483.5
10 mW e.i.r.p.
No channel
Annex 3a
(Wideband Data
2400 – 2483.5
100 mW e.i.r.p. and 100
mW/100 kHz e.i.r.p. density
applies when frequency
hopping modulation is used,
10 mW/MHz e.i.r.p. density
applies when other types of
modulation are used.*
No channel
For wide band modulations other than FHSS, the maximum e.i.r.p. density is limited to 10 mW/MHz
*Compliant to the EU Commission Decision [9], [10]. Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that
provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonized standards adopted under Directive 1999/5/EC must be used.
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Restrictions for non specific SR devices Annex 1h 2400-2483.5MHz:
Country Restriction Reason/Remark
Norway Implemented
This subsection does not apply for the
geographical area within a radius of 20 km
from the centre of Ny-Ålesund
Restrictions for Wideband Data Transmission systems Annex 3a 2400-2483.5MHz:
Country Restriction Reason/Remark
Outdoor use limited to 10 mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5 MHz
Military Radiolocation use. Reforming of the 2.4 GHz band has been ongoing in recent years to allow current relaxed regulation. Full implementation planned 2012
For private use, a general authorization is required if WAS/RLAN’s are used outside own premises. For public use, a general authorization is required
Luxemburg Implemented
General authorization required for network
and service supply
Norway Implemented
This subsection does not apply for the
geographical area within a radius of 20 km
from the centre of Ny-Ålesund
Only for indoor applications
For the complete document please refer to [2
] and EU Commission Decision [9], [10].
The 2.4 Ghz band is a harmonized band in most of Europe. So the product must be declared in compliance with the harmonized ETSI standards EN 300 440 (Class 1h) or EN 300 228 (Class 3a).
Finally, the module complies with the new European Directive 2002/95/EC concerning the Restrictive Usage of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
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USA Regulation:
In the United States the FCC is responsible for the regulation of all RF devices. Our module intended for unlicensed operation is regulated by CFR 47, Part 15 [6]. The 2.4 Ghz band used for unlicensed radio equipment is regulated by section 15.247 and 15.249.
Japan regulation
In Japan the unlicensed use of short range devices in the 2.4Ghz ISM band is regulated by the ARIB standard STD-T66 [7].
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II.2. Functional Requirements
The ZE60-2.4 module is a complete solution from serial interface to RF interface. The ZE60-2.4 module has a digital part and a RF part.
The digital part has the following functionalities:
- Communication interface
- I/O management
- Micro controller with embedded software
The RF part has the following functionalities:
- 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver
- RF power amplification
- Low noise Rx amplification
- Half Duplex bi-directional link
II.3. Software
¾ The ZE60-2.4 module is provided pre-flashed with Telit in-house ZigBee 2007 stack (Z-One) in END
POINT version. Please refer to Z-One Protocol Stack user guide [8] for detail information.
The Z-One stack supplies the different libraries, allowing the customer to develop its own application software.
¾ In case, the customer needs to develop his own software, different tools are available:
8051 compiler from IAR :
Z-One ZigBee 2007 stack from Telit RF Technologies (upon request) : Z-One Protocol Stack User Guide
Microchip 24AA16 EEPROM Datasheet available at :
The technical support for these tools will be done by the providing company.
A complete correspondence table of the connections between the CC2430 and the pin out of the module, as well as the connections to the included Microchip EEPROM can be found in chapter IV.3.
¾ In case, the customer wants to test the performances of the module, Telit can provide his own proprietary
test software. Functionalities are described into the latest Telit_ZE Test Stack Application Note [12].
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II.4. Temperature Requirements
Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Temperature - 40 25 + 85 °C
Relative humidity @ 25°C 20 75 %
Temperature - 40 25 + 85 °C
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III.1. Mechanical Characteristics
Size :
Rectangular 26 x 15 mm
Height :
3 mm
Weight :
1,7 g
PCB thickness:
0.8 mm
Cover :
Dimensions : 21 x 14 x 2.2mm
Thickness : 200µm
Components :
All SMD components, on one side of the PCB.
Connectors :
The terminals allowing conveying I/O signals are half-moons located around.
Mounting :
Half moons on the 4 external sides
Number of pins :
+ 31 hidden pages