Telit Wireless Solutions XE910 User Manual

xE910 Mini PCIe H ar dwar e User Guide
1vv0301006 Rev.10 – 2015-12-06
xE910 Mini PCIe Hardware User Guide
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HE910 Mini PCIe
HE910-D Mini PCIe
DE910 Mini PCIe
LE910-SVG Mini PCIe
LE910-NVG Mini PCIe
LE910-NAG Mini PCIe
LE910-EUG Mini PCIe
LE910-NA V2 Mini PCIe
LE910-SV V2 Mini PCIe
LE910-EU V2 Mini PCIe
LE910-AU V2 Mini PCIe
xE910 Mini PCIe Hardware User Guide
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1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. AUDIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3. CONTACT INFORMATION, SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.4. TEXT CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.5. RELATED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2. OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3. XE910 MINI PCI EXPRESS CARD CONNECTIONS............................................................................................. 10
3.1. PIN-OUT ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2. ANTENNA CONNECTORS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4. POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1. POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.2. POWER CONSUMPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 14
5. GSM/WCDMA/ LTE /CDMA RADIO SECTION ..................................................................................................... 15
5.1. XE910 MINI PCI PRODUCT VARIANTS .................................................................................................................... 15
5.2. TX AND RX CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................... 15
5.3. GSM/WCDMA/LTE/CDMA ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 16
5.3.1. GSM/WCDMA/LTE/CDMA Antenna - Installation Guidelines ..................................................................... 19
5.4. ANTENNA DIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 21
5.5. GNSS RECEIVER ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.5.1. GNSS Performances ...................................................................................................................................... 24
5.5.2. GNSS RF Front End Design .......................................................................................................................... 25
6. LOGIC LEVEL SP ECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 26
7. USB PORT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.1. USB 2.0 HS ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
8. SIM INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
9. CONTROL SIGNALS .................................................................................................................................................. 28
9.1. WAKE# .................................................................................................................................................................. 28
9.2. W_DISABLE# ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
9.3. LED_WWAN# ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
9.4. PERST# .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
10. AUDIO SECTION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 31
10.1. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................. 32
10.2. CODEC EXAMPLE .................................................................................................................................................. 32
11. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 33
11.1. WEIGHT ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
11.2. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 34
12. PACKING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 35
13. SAFETY RECOMMANDATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 36
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14. CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT ISSUES .............................................................................................................. 37
14.1. 1999/5/EC DIRECTIVE (HE910) .............................................................................................................................. 37
14.2. FCC/IC REGULATORY NOTICES (HE910) ............................................................................................................... 40
14.3. 1999/5/EC DIRECTIVE (LE910) .............................................................................................................................. 42
14.4. FCC/IC REGULATORY NOTICES (LE910) ................................................................................................................ 45
14.6. CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT ISSUES (LE910 V2) ......................................................................................... 50
14.6.1. FCC/IC Regulatory notices ........................................................................................................................... 50
14.7. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS (LE910 V2) .............................................................................................................. 54
14.8. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS (HE910) ................................................................................................................... 55
14.9. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS (DE910) ................................................................................................................... 55
15. DOCUMENT HISTO RY ......................................................................................................................................... 56
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1. Introduction
1.1. Scope
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the Telit xE910 Mini PCIe Adapter.
1.2. Audience
This document is intended for Telit customers, who are integrators, about to implement their applications using our xE910 Mini PCIe Adapter.
1.3. Contact Information, Support
For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals, contact Telit’s Technical Support Center (TTSC) at:
Alternatively, use:
For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit’s Technical Support Center (TTSC). Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements. Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
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1.4. Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
1.5. Related Documents
HE910/UE910 AT Commands Reference Guide 80378ST10091a
HE910 Hardware User Guide 1vv03700925
Event Monitor Application Note 80000nt10043a
Digital Voice Interface Application Note 80000NT10004a
LE910 AT Commands Reference Guide 80378ST10585a
LE910 Hardware User Guide 1vv03701089
LE910 Digital Voice Interface Application Note 80000NT11246a
DE910 Hardware User Guide 1vv03700951
LE910-V2 Modules AT Commands Reference Guide 80446ST10707A
LE910-V2 Hardware User Guide 1VV0301200
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2. Overview
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product that will host the Telit XE910 Mini PCIe Adapter. In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone will be taken into account; for each one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong solutions to be avoided shall be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware configurations shall not be considered mandatory, instead the information given shall be used as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit Mini PCIe module.
(EN) The integration of the GSM/GPRS/WCDMA XE910 Mini PCIe cellular module within user application shall be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
(IT) L’integrazione del modulo cellulare GSM/GPRS/WCDMA XE910 Mini PCIe all’interno dell’applicazione dell’utente dovrà rispettare le indicazioni progettuali descritte in questo manuale.
(DE) Die Integration des XE910 Mini PCIe GSM/GPRS/WCDMA Mobilfunk-Moduls in ein Gerät muß gemäß der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Kunstruktionsregeln erfolgen.
(SL) Integracija GSM/GPRS/WCDMA XE910 Mini PCIe modula v uporabniški aplikaciji bo morala upoštevati projektna navodila, opisana v tem priročniku.
(SP) La utilización del modulo GSM/GPRS/WCDMA XE910 Mini PCIe debe ser conforme a los usos para los cuales ha sido deseñado descritos en este manual del usuario.
(FR) L’intégration du module cellulaire GSM/GPRS/WCDMA XE910 Mini PCIe dans l’application de l’utilisateur sera faite selon les règles de conception décrites dans ce manuel.
The information presented in this document is believed to b e ac cur at e a nd r e l iable . H o wev er, no responsibility is ass umed by Telit Communications S.p. A. for its use , nor any infringement of patents or other ri ghts of third parties whic h may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or other wise under any patent r ights of Telit Communicatio ns S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change without notice.
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3. xE910 M ini PCI express card connections
3.1. PIN-OUT
This product has a standard Mini PCI express connector, excepting the (4) audio signals which use normally reserved connectors.
Pin Signal I/O Function Type Power Supply 2
3V3_AUX O 3.3V supply Power
3V3 O 3.3V supply Power
3V3_AUX O 3.3V supply Power
3V3_AUX O 3.3V supply Power
3V3_AUX O 3.3V supply Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
SIM Card Interface 8
SIMVCC O External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM 1.8 / 3V
SIMIO I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O 1.8 / 3V
SIMCLK O External SIM signal – Clock 1.8 / 3V
SIMRST O External SIM signal – Reset 1.8 / 3V
USB 36
USB D- I/O USB differential Data (-) 0.3…2.8V
USB D+ I/O USB differential Data (+) 0.3…2.8V
Pi n
Signal I/O Function Type
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Miscellaneous Functions 1
WAKE# O Active low signal used to wake up the system from stand-by 3.3V
WDISABLE# I Active low signal for wireless disabling (Flight mode) 3.3V
PERST# I Active low functional reset to the card 3.3V
Active low, open drain signal for WWAN LED driving, used to provide module’s status indication
Digital Voice Interface (DVI) 45
PCM_CLK I/O Digital Audio Interface (CLK) CMOS 1.8V
PCM_RX I Digital Audio Interface (RX) CMOS 1.8V
PCM_TX O Digital Audio Interface (TX) CMOS 1.8V
PCM_SYNC I/O Digital Audio Interface (SYNC) CMOS 1.8V
N.C. 3
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3.2. Antenna Connectors
The xE910 Mini PCIe adapter is equipped with a set of 50 Ω RF U.FL. connectors from Hirose U.FL-R-SMT-1(10).
The available connectors are:
Main RF antenna (ANT)
RX Diversity Antenna (DIV)
GNSS Antenna (GPS)
See the picture on the right for their position on the interface.
The presence of all the connectors is depending on the product characteristics and supported functionalities.
For more information about mating connectors, visit the website
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4. Power Supply
The power supply circuitry and board layout are a very important part in the full product design and they strongly reflect on the product overall performances, hence read the requirements carefully and the guidelines that will follow for a proper design.
4.1. Power Supply Requirements
The external power supply must be connected to the pins 2, 39, 41, 52 and must fulfill the following requirements:
Nominal Supply Voltage
3.3 V
Normal Operating Voltage Range
3.00 V÷ 3.60 V
The Operating Voltage Range MUST never be exceeded; care must be taken when designing the application’s power supply section to avoid having an excessive voltage drop.
If the voltage drop is exceeding the limits it could cause a Power Off of the module.
Overshoot voltage (regarding MAX Operating Voltage) and drop in voltage (regarding MIN Operating Voltage) MUST never be exceeded;
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4.2. Power Consumption
Please refer to the Module’s Hardware User guide for the details The GSM system is made in a way that the RF transmission is not continuous, else it is
packed into bursts at a base frequency of about 216 Hz, and the relative current peaks can be as high as about 2.4A. Therefore the power supply has to be designed in order to withstand with these current peaks without big voltage drops; this means that both the electrical design and the board layout must be designed for this current flow. If the voltage drop during the peak current absorption is too much, then the device may even shutdown as a consequence of the supply voltage drop.
The electrical design for the Power supply should be made ensuring it will be capable of a peak current output of at least 2.4 A.
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5. GSM/WCDMA/LTE /CDMA Radio Secti on
5.1. xE910 Mini PCI Product Variants
The following table is listing the main differences between the xE910 variants:
2G Bands
3G Bands
LTE Bands
CDMA Bands
LE910-NA V2
B5, B2
B2, B4, B5,
B12/B17 (B13)
LE910-SV V2
Not supported B2, B4, B13 NO
LE910-EU V2
GSM 900, DCS1800
B1, B8
B3, B7, B20, B1,
LE910-AU V2
Not supported B3, B7, B28 NO
GSM 900,
B5(850), B8
(900), B1
B20 (800), B3
(1800), B7 (2600)
GSM 850, PCS 1900
B17(700), B5(850),
Not supported
GSM 850,
GSM 900, DCS1800,
PCS 1900
FDD B1, B2,
B4, B5, B8
Not supported NO YES
GSM 850,
GSM 900, DCS1800,
PCS 1900
FDD B1, B2,
B4, B5, B8
Not supported NO NO
Not supported Not supported BC0, BC1 YES
5.2. TX and RX characteristics
Please refer to the Module’s Hardware User guide for the details
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5.3. GSM/WCDMA/LTE/CDMA Antenna Requirements
The antenna connection is one of the most important aspect in the full product design as it strongly affects the product overall performances, hence read carefully and follow the requirements and the guidelines for a proper design.
The xE910 Mini PCIe adapter is provided with three RF connectors. The available connectors are:
Main RF antenna (ANT)
RX Diversity Antenna (DIV)
GNSS Antenna (GPS)
Connecting cables between the module and the antenna must have 50 impedance. If the impedance of the module is mismatched, RF performance is reduced significantly. If the host device is not designed to use the module’s diversity or GPS antenna, terminate the interface with a 50Ω load.
Frequency range
Depending by frequency band(s) provided by the network
operator, the customer shall use the most suitable antenna for
that/those band(s)
140 MHz in LTE/WCDMA Band 2
445 MHz in LTE Band 4 70 MHz in LTE/WCDMA Band 5 80 MHz in LTE Band 8 / GSM900 47 MHz in LTE Band 12 41 MHz in LTE Band 13
42 MHz in LTE band 17
50 ohm
Input power
> 24dBm Average power in WCDMA & LTE
VSWR absolute max
≤ 10:1 (limit to avoid permanent damage)
VSWR recommended
≤ 2:1 (limit to fulfil all regulatory requirements)
Frequency range
Depending by frequency band(s) provided by the network
operator, the customer shall use the most suitable antenna for
that/those band(s)
170 MHz in LTE Band 3
190 MHz in LTE Band 7
100 MHz in LTE Band 28
50 ohm
Input power
> 24dBm Average power in WCDMA & LTE
VSWR absolute max
≤ 10:1 (limit to avoid permanent damage)
VSWR recommended
≤ 2:1 (limit to fulfil all regulatory requirements)
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Frequency range
Depending by frequency band(s) provided by the network
operator, the customer shall use the most suitable antenna for
that/those band(s)
250 MHz in LTE/WCDMA Band 1
170 MHz in LTE/WCDMA Band 3 / DCS1800 190 MHz in LTE Band 7 80 MHz in LTE/WCDMA Band 8 / GSM900
71 MHz in LTE Band 20
50 ohm
Input power
> 24dBm Average power in WCDMA & LTE
VSWR absolute max
≤ 10:1 (limit to avoid permanent damage)
VSWR recommended
≤ 2:1 (limit to fulfil all regulatory requirements)
Frequency range
Depending by frequency band(s) provided by the network
operator, the customer shall use the most suitable antenna for
that/those band(s)
Bandwidth (GSM/EDGE)
GSM900 : 80 MHz GSM1800(DCS) : 170 MHz
Bandwidth (WCDMA)
WCDMA band I(2100) : 250 MHz
WCDMA band V(850) : 70 MHz
WCDMA band VIII(900) : 80 MHz
Bandwidth (LTE)
LTE band III(1800) : 170 MHz
LTE Band VII(2600) : 190 MHz
LTE Band XX(800) : 71 MHz
50 ohm
Input power
> 33dBm(2 W) peak power in GSM > 24dBm Average power in WCDMA & LTE
VSWR absolute max
≤ 10:1 (limit to avoid permanent damage)
VSWR recommended
≤ 2:1 (limit to fulfil all regulatory requirements)
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