Telit Wireless Solutions UC864 User Manual

UC864 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300766a Rev.1 31/01/08
This document is relating to the following products:
UC864-E 3990250694
UC864-E Hardware User Guide
1vv0300766a Rev.1 - 31/01/08
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 6
2 Mechanical Dimensions ................................................................................................... 7
3 UC864-E module connections ......................................................................................... 8
3.1 PIN-OUT ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 UC864-E Antenna connector ..........................................................................................................11
4 Hardware Commands .................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Turning ON the UC864-E ...................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Turning OFF the UC864-E .................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Hardware shutdown ........................................................................................................................14
4.2.2 Hardware Unconditional Restart .....................................................................................................15
5 Power Supply ................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Power Supply Requirements ............................................................................................... 17
5.2 General Design Rules .......................................................................................................... 19
5.2.1 Electrical Design Guidelines ...........................................................................................................19 5V input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines .................................................................19 12V input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines ...............................................................20 Source Power Supply Design Guidelines ......................................................................22 Charge control Circuitry Design Guidelines ...................................................................22
5.2.2 Thermal Design Guidelines ............................................................................................................24
5.2.3 Power Supply PCB layout Guidelines ............................................................................................25
6 Antenna ........................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Antenna Requirements ........................................................................................................ 26
6.2 Antenna - Installation Guidelines ........................................................................................ 27
7 Logic level specifications .............................................................................................. 28
7.1 Reset signal .......................................................................................................................... 29
8 Serial Ports ..................................................................................................................... 30
8.1 MODEM SERIAL PORT ......................................................................................................... 30
8.2 RS232 level translation ........................................................................................................ 32
5V UART level translation ............................................................................................................... 35
9 USB Port ......................................................................................................................... 37
9.1 Communication ports combinations .................................................................................. 37
10Audio Section Overview ................................................................................................ 38
10.1Generality .............................................................................................................................. 38
10.2Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 38
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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10.3Selection ................................................................................................................................ 38
10.4Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 39
10.4.1 Input lines (microphone) .................................................................................................................39
10.4.2 Output lines (speaker) ....................................................................................................................40
11General Purpose I/O ....................................................................................................... 41
11.1Logic level specifications .................................................................................................... 42
11.2Using a GPIO Pad as INPUT ................................................................................................ 43
11.3Using a GPIO Pad as OUTPUT ............................................................................................ 43
11.4Using the Alarm Output GPIO6 ........................................................................................... 43
11.5Using the Buzzer Output GPIO7 .......................................................................................... 44
11.6Indication of network service availability ........................................................................... 45
11.7RTC Bypass out .................................................................................................................... 46
11.8VAUX1 power output ............................................................................................................ 46
11.9Mounting UC864-E on your board....................................................................................... 47
11.9.1 Debug of the UC864-E in production ..............................................................................................48
12Conformity Assessment Issues .................................................................................... 49
13SAFETY RECOMMANDATIONS..................................................................................... 50
14Document Change Log .................................................................................................. 51
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Telit Communications S.p.A. and its affiliates (“TELIT”). The contents are confidential and any disclosure to persons other than the officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of the owner or licensee of this document, without the prior written consent of Telit, is strictly prohibited.
Telit makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it makes available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Telit does not make any warranty as to the information contained herein, and does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage of any kind incurred by use of or reliance upon the information.
Telit disclaims any and all responsibility for the application of the devices characterized in this document, and notes that the application of the device must comply with the safety standards of the applicable country, and where applicable, with the relevant wiring rules.
Telit reserves the right to make modifications, additions and deletions to this document due to typographical errors, inaccurate information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment at any time and without notice. Such changes will, nevertheless be incorporated into new editions of this application note.
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© 2007 – 2008 Telit Communications S.p.A.
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
1vv0300766a Rev.1 - 31/01/08
1 Overview
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the
Telit UC864-E module.
In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone will be taken into account; for each one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong solutions to be avoided shall be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware configurations shall not be considered mandatory, instead the information given shall be
used as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit UC864-E module. For further
hardware details that may not be explained in this document refer to the Telit UC864-E Product Description
document where all the hardware information is reported.
(EN) The integration of the GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA UC864-E application shall be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
(IT) L’integrazione del modulo cellulare GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA UC864-E all’interno
dell’applicazione dell’utente dovrà rispettare le indicazioni progettuali descritte in questo manuale.
(DE) Die integration des UC864-E GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA Mobilfunk-Moduls in ein Gerät
muß gemäß der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Kunstruktionsregeln erfolgen
(SL) Integracija GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA UC864-E modula v uporabniški aplikaciji bo morala
upoštevati projektna navodila, opisana v tem piročniku.
(SP) La utilización del modulo GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA UC864-E debe ser conforme a los
usos para los cuales ha sido deseñado descritos en este manual del usuario.
(FR) L’intégration du module cellulaire GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA UC864-E dans l’application de l’utilisateur sera faite selon les règles de conception décrites dans ce manuel.
cellular module within user
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no respo nsibility is assumed by Telit Communications S.p.A. for its use, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communications S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change without notice.
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2 Mechanical Dimensions
The Telit UC864-E module overall dimensions are:
Length: 36.2 mm
Width: 30 mm
Thickness: 4.8mm
UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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3 UC864-E module connections
UC864-E uses an 80-pin Molex p.n. 53949-0878 male connector for the connections with the external
applications. This connector matches the 54150-0878 models
Pin Signal I/O Function
Power Supply 1 VBATT - Main power supply Power 2 VBATT - Main power supply Power 3 VBATT - Main power supply Power 4 VBATT - Main power supply Power 5 GND - Ground Power 6 GND - Ground Power 7 GND - Ground Power
Audio 8 AXE I Hands-free switching 9 EAR_HF+ AO Hands-free ear output, phase + Audio
10 EAR_HF- AO Hands-free ear output, phase - Audio 11 EAR_MT+ AO Handset earphone signal output, phase + Audio 12 EAR_MT- AO Handset earphone signal output, phase - Audio 13 MIC_HF+ AI Hands-free microphone input; phase + Audio 14 MIC_HF- AI Hands-free microphone input; phase - Audio 15 MIC_MT+ AI Handset microphone signal input; phase+ Audio 16 MIC_MT- AI Handset microphone signal input; phase- Audio
SIM Card Interface
181 SIMVCC - External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM 1.8 / 3V
19 SIMRST O External SIM signal – Reset 1.8 / 3V 20 SIMIO I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O 1.8 / 3V 21 SIMIN I External SIM signal - Presence (active low) 22 SIMCLK O External SIM signal – Clock 1.8 / 3V
Pull up
1.8 / 3V
On this line a maximum of 10nF bypass capacitor is allowed
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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Pin Signal I/O Function
23 RX_TRACE I RX Data for debug monitor CMOS 2.6V 24 TX_TRACE O TX Data for debug monitor CMOS 2.6V
Prog. / Data + Hw Flow Control 25 C103/TXD I Serial data input (TXD) from DTE CMOS 2.6V 26 C104/RXD O Serial data output to DTE CMOS 2.6V 27 C107/DSR O Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE CMOS 2.6V 28 C106/CTS O Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE CMOS 2.6V 29 C108/DTR I Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE CMOS 2.6V 30 C125/RING O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE CMOS 2.6V 31 C105/RTS I Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE CMOS 2.6V 32 C109/DCD O Output for Data carrier detect signal (DCD) to DTE CMOS 2.6V
Miscellaneous Functions
36 PCM_CLOCK I/O PCM clock out CMOS 2.6V
37 ADC_IN1 AI Analog/Digital converter input A/D 38 ADC_IN2 AI Analog/Digital converter input A/D 39 ADC_IN3 AI Analog/Digital converter input A/D 40 DAC_OUT AO Digital/Analog converter output D/A(PDM)
45 STAT_LED O Status indicator led CMOS 1.8V 46 GND - Ground Ground
49 PWRMON O Power ON Monitor CMOS 2.6V 50 VAUX1 - Power output for external accessories 2.85V 51 CHARGE AI Charger input Power 52 CHARGE AI Charger input Power
53 ON/OFF* I 54 RESET# I Reset input
55 VRTC AO VRTC Backup capacitor Power
56 TGPIO_19 I/O Telit GPIO19 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 57 TGPIO_11 I/O Telit GPIO11 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 58 TGPIO_20 I/O Telit GPIO20 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 59 TGPIO_04 I/O Telit GPIO4 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 60 TGPIO_14 I/O Telit GPIO14 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V
Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected, and determine the peripheral type, a host or a peripheral
Miscellaneous Functions
Power supply for the internal USB transceiver. This pin is
configured as an analog input or an analog output depending
upon the type of peripheral device connected.
Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command).
Telit GPIOs
Pull up
4.4V ~5.25V
Pull up to
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Pin Signal I/O Function
61 TGPIO_15 I/O Telit GPIO15 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 62 TGPIO_12 I/O Telit GPIO12 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V
64 TGPIO_22 I/O Telit GPIO22 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V
66 TGPIO_03 I/O Telit GPIO3 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 67 TGPIO_08 I/O Telit GPIO8 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 68 TGPIO_06 / ALARM I/O Telit GPIO6 Configurable GPIO / ALARM CMOS 2.6V 70 TGPIO_01 I/O Telit GPIO1 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V
72 TGPIO_21 I/O Telit GPIO21 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V
74 TGPIO_02 I/O Telit GPIO02 I/O pin CMOS 2.6V 75 TGPIO_16 I/O Telit GPIO16 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 76 TGPIO_09 I/O Telit GPIO9 Configurable GPIO CMOS 2.6V 77 TGPIO_13 I/O Telit GPIO13 Configurable CMOS 2.6V
79 USB_D+ I/O USB differential Data (+) 2.8V~3.6V 80 USB_D- I/O USB differential Data (-) 2.8V~3.6V
17 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 47 - 69 - 33 - 34 -
I/O Telit GPIO10 Configurable GPIO / PCM Data Output CMOS 2.6V
I/O Telit GPIO18 Configurable GPIO / PCM Data input CMOS 2.6V
I/O Telit GPIO17 Configurable GPIO / PCM Sync CMOS 2.6V
I/O Telit GPIO7 Configurable GPIO / Buzzer CMOS 2.6V
I/O Telit GPIO05 Configurable GPIO / Transmitter ON monitor CMOS 2.6V
USB Interface
Pull up
NOTE: RESERVED pins must not be connected
RTS should be connected to the GND (on the module side) if flow control is not used
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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NOTE: If not used, almost all pins should be left disconnected. The only exceptions are the following
Pin Signal Function
1 VBATT Main power supply 2 VBATT Main power supply 3 VBATT Main power supply 4 VBATT Main power supply 5 GND Ground 6 GND Ground 7 GND Ground
46 GND Ground 25 C103/TXD Serial data input (TXD) from DTE
26 C104/RXD Serial data output to DTE 31 C105/RTS Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE 53 ON/OFF* Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command). 54 RESET# Reset input
79 USB_D+ USB differential Data (+) 80 USB_D- USB differential Data (-)
Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected, and determine the peripheral type, a host or a peripheral Power supply for the internal USB transceiver. This pin is configured as an analog input or an analog output depending upon the type of peripheral device connected.
3.1.1 UC864-E Antenna connector
The UC864-E module is equipped with a RF connector from Murata, GSC type P/N MM9329-2700B. The counterpart suitable is Murata MXTK92 Type or MXTK88 Type.
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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4 Hardware Commands
4.1 Turning ON the UC864-E
To turn on UC864-E, the pad ON# must be tied low for at least 1 second and then released. The maximum current that can be drained from the ON# pad is 0,1 mA. A simple circuit to do it is:
Power ON impulse
NOTE: UC864-E turns fully on also by supplying power to the USB_VBUS pin (provided there's a battery on the VBATT pads). Care must be taken to avoid supplying power to the USB_VBUS pin before the module turns on. To check if the UC864-E has powered on, the hardware line PWRMON should be monitored. When PWRMON goes high, the module has powered on.
NOTE: don't use any pull up resistor on the ON# line, it is internally pulled up. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the UC864-E power regulator and improper power on/off of the module. The line ON# must be connected only in open collector configuration.
NOTE: In this document all the lines that are inverted, hence have active low signals are labeled with a name that ends with a "#" or with a bar over the name.
NOTE: UC864-E turns fully on also by supplying power to the Charge pad (provided there's a battery on the VBATT pads).
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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For example: 1- Let's assume you need to drive the ON# pad with a totem pole output of a 1.8/5 V microcontroller (uP_OUT1):
2- Let's assume you need to drive the ON# pad directly with an ON/OFF button:
1.8 / 5V
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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4.2 Turning OFF the UC864-E
The turning off of the device can be done in three ways:
By software command (see UC864-E Software User Guide)
By hardware shutdown
By Hardware Unconditional Restart
When the device is shut down by software command or by hardware shutdown, it issues to the network a detach request that informs the network that the device will not be reachable any more.
4.2.1 Hardware shutdown
To turn OFF UC864-E, first, you MUST cut off supplying power to the USB_VBUS pin, then the pad ON# must be tied low for at least 2 seconds and then released. The same circuitry and timing for the power on shall be used. The device shuts down after the release of the ON# pad.
NOTE: To turn OFF UC864-E, first of all, you MUST cut off supplying power to the USB_VBUS, or the module does not turn off
TIP: To check if the device has powered off, the hardware line PWRMON should be monitored. When PWRMON goes low, the device has powered off.
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UC864-E Hardware User Guide
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4.2.2 Hardware Unconditional Restart
To unconditionally restart UC864-E, the pad RESET# must be tied low for at least 200 milliseconds and then released. The maximum current that can be drained from the ON# pad is 0,15 mA. A simple circuit to do it is:
NOTE: Do not use any pull up resistor on the RESET# line or any totem pole digital output. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the UC864-E power regulator and improper functioning of the module. The line RESET# must be connected only in open collector configuration.
TIP: The unconditional hardware Restart should be always implemented on the boards and software should use it as an emergency exit procedure.
Unconditional Restart impulse
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For example:
1- Let's assume you need to drive the RESET# pad with a totem pole output of a +1.8/5 V micro
controller (uP_OUT2):
+1.8 / 5V
* This signal is internally pulled up so the pin can be left floating if not used.
NOTE: If UC864-E is connected as USB slave (considering also the presence of VBATT supply), when powered off it automatically switch on again.
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