Note: the features described by the present document are provided by the products equipped
with the software versions equal or greater than the version shown in the table.
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While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Telit assumes
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The Telit and 3rd Party suppli ed Software (SW) produ cts described in th is instruction manual may
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Usage and Disclosure Restrictions
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The software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished
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Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT faulttolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, o r inten ded for use as on-line control equipment in
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disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for such High Risk Activities.
1.4. TEXT CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 16
1.5. RELATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 16
2.1. ABOUT THE DOCUMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 17
AT COMMANDS .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1. Factory Profile And User Profiles ................................................................................................................. 26
AT COMMANDS REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 30
4.1. COMMAND LINE GENERAL FORMAT ....................................................................................................................... 30
4.1.1. Command Line Prefixes ................................................................................................................................ 30
Starting A Command Line - AT ............................................................................................................................ 30
Last Command Automatic Repetition - A/ ............................................................................................................ 30
Repeat Last Command - AT#/ ............................................................................................................................... 30
4.1.2. General Configuration Commands................................................................................................................ 31
4.1.3. Hayes Compliant AT Commands ................................................................................................................... 32 Generic Modem Control ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Set To Factory-Defined Configuration - &F.......................................................................................................... 32
Soft Reset - Z ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Select Active Service Class - +FCLASS ............................................................................................................... 33
Default Reset Full Profile Designation - &P ......................................................................................................... 33
Store Current Configuration - &W ........................................................................................................................ 34
Store Telephone Number - &Z .............................................................................................................................. 34
Capabilities List - +GCAP ................................................................................................................................... 35
Serial Number - +GSN ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Display Configuration And Profile - &V ............................................................................................................ 36
Display Configuration And Profile - &V0 .......................................................................................................... 36
S Registers Display - &V1 .................................................................................................................................. 36
Extended S Registers Display - &V3................................................................................................................... 37
Display Last Connection Statistics - &V2 ........................................................................................................... 37
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Single Line Connect Message - \V ...................................................................................................................... 37
Country Of Installation - +GCI ............................................................................................................................ 38 DTE - Modem Interface Control ................................................................................................................................. 39
Command Echo - E ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Quiet Result Codes - Q .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Control - &C .............................................................................................................. 39
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control - &D ........................................................................................................... 40
Flow Control - &K ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Data Set Ready (DSR) Control - &S ..................................................................................................................... 41
Response Format - V ................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Extended Result Codes - X .................................................................................................................................... 43
Identification Information - I ................................................................................................................................. 43
DTE-Modem Local Flow Control - +IFC ............................................................................................................ 45
DTE-Modem Character Framing - +ICF ............................................................................................................. 45
Call Control ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Dial - D ................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Tone Dial - T ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
Pulse Dial - P ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
Answer - A .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Disconnect - H ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Return To On Line Mode - O .............................................................................................................................. 51 Modulation Control .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Line Quality And Auto Retrain - %E .................................................................................................................... 51 S Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 52
Number Of Rings To Auto Answer - S0 ............................................................................................................... 52
Ring Counter - S1 .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Escape Character - S2 ........................................................................................................................................... 53
Command Line Termination Character - S3 .......................................................................................................... 53
Response Formatting Ch ar acter - S4 ..................................................................................................................... 54
Command Line Editin g C haracter - S5 .................................................................................................................. 55
– Carrier Off With Firm Time - S10 ...................................................................................................................... 55
Delay To DTR Off - S25 ..................................................................................................................................... 56
4.1.4. 3GPP TS 27.007 AT Commands .................................................................................................................... 57 General ....................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Request Product Serial Number Identification - +CGSN ...................................................................................... 57
Select TE Character Set - +CSCS .......................................................................................................................... 58
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) - +CIMI ..................................................................................... 58
EPS network registration status - +CEREG ........................................................................................................... 59
Set Mode of operation for EPS - +CEMODE ...................................................................................................... 61
Extended Signal Quality - +CESQ ...................................................................................................................... 61 Call Control ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Hang Up Call - +CHUP ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Radio Link Protocol - +CRLP ............................................................................................................................... 65
Service Reporting Control - +CR .......................................................................................................................... 65
Cellular Result Codes - +CRC ............................................................................................................................... 66
Voice Hung Up Control - +CVHU ........................................................................................................................ 67
Select type of address - +CSTA ............................................................................................................................. 67 Network Service Handling .......................................................................................................................................... 68
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Subscriber Number - +CNUM ............................................................................................................................... 68
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data - +CUSD .......................................................................................... 85
Advice Of Charge - +CAOC ............................................................................................................................... 86
List Current Calls - +CLCC ................................................................................................................................. 87
SS Notification - +CSSN ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Closed User Group - +CCUG ............................................................................................................................. 89
Preferred Operator List - +CPOL ........................................................................................................................ 89
Selection of preferred PLMN list - +CPLS .......................................................................................................... 90 Mobile Equipment Control ......................................................................................................................................... 91
Phone Activity Status - +CPAS ............................................................................................................................. 91
Set Phone functi ona li ty - +CFUN .......................................................................................................................... 92
Enter PIN - +CPIN ................................................................................................................................................ 93
Signal Quality - +CSQ ........................................................................................................................................... 95
Extended Signal Quality - +CESQ ........................................................................................................................ 96
Indicator Control - +CIND .................................................................................................................................... 97
Mobile Equipment Event Reporting - +CMER ..................................................................................................... 99
Find Phonebo ok Entri e s - +CPBF ..................................................................................................................... 103
Setting date format - +CSDF ............................................................................................................................. 111
Setting time format - +CSTF ............................................................................................................................. 112
Time Zone reporting - +CTZR .......................................................................................................................... 113
Automatic Time Zone update - +CTZU ............................................................................................................ 113
Accumulated Call Meter - +CACM ................................................................................................................... 121
Accumulated Call Meter M axi mum - +CAMM ................................................................................................ 122
Price per Unit and Currency Table - +CPUC .................................................................................................... 122
Call meter maximum event - +CCWE ............................................................................................................... 123
Set voice mail number - +CSVM ...................................................................................................................... 123
Available AT Commands - +CLAC .................................................................................................................. 124 Mobile Equipment Errors ......................................................................................................................................... 125
Report Mobile Equipment Error - +CMEE.......................................................................................................... 125
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80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03 Voice Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 126
Tone Duration - +VTD ........................................................................................................................................ 127 Commands For GPRS ............................................................................................................................................... 128
GPRS Mobile Station Class - +CGCLASS ......................................................................................................... 128
GPRS Attach Or Detach - +CGATT ................................................................................................................... 128
GPRS Event R e porting - +CGEREP ................................................................................................................... 129
Network Registration Status - +CGREG ............................................................................................................. 130
PDP Context Read Dynamic P arameters - +CGDCONTRDP ............................................................................. 133
Quality Of Service Profile - +CGQMIN .............................................................................................................. 136
Quality Of Service Profile - +CGQREQ ............................................................................................................. 137
3G Quality Of Service Pr ofile (Requested) - +CGEQREQ ................................................................................. 138
Printing IP Address Format - +CGPIAF .............................................................................................................. 150
Commands for Battery Charg er ........................................................................................................................... 152
4.1.5. 3GPP TS 27.005 AT Commands for SMS and CBS ..................................................................................... 153 General Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 153
Select Message Service - +CSMS ....................................................................................................................... 153
Service Center Address - +CSCA ........................................................................................................................ 155
Set Text Mode Parameters - +CSMP ................................................................................................................... 157
Show Text Mode Parameters - +CSDH ............................................................................................................... 159
More message to send - +CMMS ........................................................................................................................ 161 Message Receiving And R eading ............................................................................................................................. 163
New Message Indications - +CNMI .................................................................................................................... 163
New message acknowledgement - +CNMA ........................................................................................................ 168
List Messages - +CMGL ..................................................................................................................................... 170
Send Message From storage - +CMSS ............................................................................................................... 184
Set Text Mode Parameters - +CSMP ................................................................................................................... 184
Save Settings - +CSAS ........................................................................................................................................ 185
4.1.6. Custom AT Commands ................................................................................................................................ 186 General Configuration AT Commands ..................................................................................................................... 186
Hang Up Call - #CHUP ....................................................................................................................................... 186
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USB configuration - #USBCFG .......................................................................................................................... 187
Connect physical ports to Service Access Points - #PORTCFG .......................................................................... 188
Data Link - #DLINK ........................................................................................................................................... 189
Network Selection Menu Availability - +PACSP ................................................................................................ 190
Product Serial Number Identification - #CGSN .................................................................................................. 191
Request International Mobile station Equipment Identity and Software Version - +IMEISV ........................... 191
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) - #CIMI ................................................................................. 192
Service Provider Name - #SPN ......................................................................................................................... 192
V24 Output Pins Control - #V24 ....................................................................................................................... 209
Battery and charger status - #CBC..................................................................................................................... 210
GPRS Au to-Attach Property - #AUTOATT ...................................................................................................... 210
Serving Cell Information - #SERVINFO........................................................................................................... 223
Read current network status - #RFSTS .............................................................................................................. 226
Query SIM Status - #QSS .................................................................................................................................. 230
Delete all phonebook entries - #CPBD .............................................................................................................. 231 AT Run Commands .................................................................................................................................................. 292
Enable SMS Run AT Service - #SMSATRUN.................................................................................................... 292
Set SMS Run AT Service para meters - #SMSATRUNCFG ............................................................................... 294
SMS AT Run White List - #SMSATWL ............................................................................................................. 295
Set TCP Run AT Service parameter - #TCPATRUNCFG .................................................................................. 296
TCP Run AT Service in listen (server) mode - #TCPATRUNL .......................................................................... 298
TCP AT Run Firewall List - #TCPATRUNFRWL ............................................................................................. 299
TCP AT Run Authenticati on Parameters List - #TCPATRUNAUTH................................................................. 300
TCP AT Run in dial (client) mode - #TCPATRUND .......................................................................................... 301
Closing TCP Run AT Socket - #TCPATRUNCLOSE ........................................................................................ 302
TCP AT Run Command Sequence - #TCPATCMDSEQ .................................................................................. 302
TCP Run AT service to a serial po rt - #TCPATCONSER................................................................................. 302
Run AT command execution - #ATRUNDELAY ............................................................................................. 304
FTP Put - #FTPPUT ............................................................................................................................................ 375
FTP Get - #FTPGET............................................................................................................................................ 377
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FTP GET in command mode - #FTPGETPKT ................................................................................................... 377
FTP Type - #FTPTYPE ....................................................................................................................................... 378
Set restart position - # FTPREST ...................................................................................................................... 381
Receive Data In Command Mode - #FTPRECV ............................................................................................... 382 Enhanced IP Easy Extension AT Commands ........................................................................................................... 387
Authentication User ID - #USERID .................................................................................................................... 387
Authenticat ion Pas s word - #PASSW ................................................................................................................... 387
SIM Tookit Get Information - #STGI ................................................................................................................ 435
Configure SIM Toolkit Appl i c a ti on pa r a meters - #STACFG ............................................................................ 442 Phonebook AT Commands Set ................................................................................................................................. 444
Read Group Entries - #CPBGR ......................................................................................................................... 444
Write Group Entries - #CPBGW ....................................................................................................................... 445
Digital Voice Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 466
Digital Voiceband In terface - #DVI ........................................................................................................... 466
Extended Digital Voiceband Interface - #DVIEXT ................................................................................... 467
DVI Clock Activation - #DVICLK.................................................................................................................... 468
Miscellaneous audio command s ........................................................................................................................ 469
PCM Play and Receive - #SPCM .............................................................................................................. 469
Open Audio Loop - #OAP ......................................................................................................................... 470 Jammed Detection & Repo rt AT Commands (this section is not yet supported by the first beta releases) .............. 471
OMA DM Send PIN or NSS - #OMASENDPIN .............................................................................................. 506
LIST OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................................. 507
5.1. DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................ 509
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1.1. Scope
This document is aimed in providing an detailed specification and a comprehensive listing as a
reference for the whole set of AT command for the LE910 V2 series (LTE cat.4 modules) and
their Cat1. derivatives
1.2. Audience
Readers of this document should be familiar with Telit modules and their ease of controlling by
means of AT Commands.
1.3. Contact Information, Support
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals,
contact Telit Technical Support Center (TTSC) at:
For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on
accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Teli t Technical
Support Center (TTSC).
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and
suggestions for improvements.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
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1.4. Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Aler ts the user to imp ortan t poin ts about integ rating the mo dule, if these
points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfun cti on .
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating
the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
2.1. About the document
This document is to describe all AT commands implemented on the Telit wireless modules listed
on the Applicabilty Table.
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The Telit wireless module family can be controlled via the seria l in t er fa c e u si n g t he st a n da r d AT
. The Telit wireless module family is compliant with:
1. Hayes standard AT com mand se t, in order to maintain the com patibility with existi ng SW
2. 3GPP TS 27.007 specific AT command and GPRS specific commands.
3. 3GPP TS 27.005 specific AT commands for SMS (Sho rt Messag e Service) and CBS (Cell
Broadcast Service)
Moreover Telit wireless module family supports also Telit proprietary AT commands for special
The following is a description of how to use the AT commands with the Telit wireless module
3.1. Definitions
The following syntactical definitions apply:
<CR>Carriage return character, is the command line and result code terminator character,
which value, in decimal ASCII be tween 0 and 255,is specified within parameter S3. The
default value is 13.
<LF>Linefeed character, is the character recognised as line feed character. Its value, in
decimal ASCII between 0 an d 255, is speci fi ed w ithin parameter S4. The default value is
10. The line feed ch ara ct er i s ou tput after carriage return character if v erbo se re sul t code s
are used (V1 option used ) otherwise, if numeric format result codes are used (V0 option
used) it will not appear in the result codes.
<...>Name enclosed in angle brackets is a syntactical element. They do not appear in the
command line.
[...]Optional subparameter of a command or an optional part of TA information response is
enclosed in square brackets. Brackets themselves do not appear in the command line.
When subparameter is not given in AT commands which have a Read command, new
value equals to its previous value. In AT commands which do not store the values of any
of their subparameters, and so have not a Read command, which are called action type
commands, action should be done on the basis of the recommended default setting of the
The AT is an ATTENTION command and is used as a prefix to other parameters in a string. The AT command combined
with other parameters can be set up in the communications package or typed in manually as a command line
instruction.combined with other parameters can be set up in the communications package or typed in manually as a
command line instruction.
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3.2. AT Command Syntax
The syntax rules followed by Telit implementation of either Hayes AT commands, GSM
commands are very similar to those of standard basic and extended AT commands
There are two types of extended command:
- Parame ter type commands. This type of commands may be “set” (to store a value or
values for later use), “read” (to determine the current value or values stored), or “tested”
(to determine ranges of values supported). Each of them has a test command (trailing =?)
to give information about the type of its subparameters; t hey also have a Read command
(trailing ?) to check the current values of subparameters.
- A ctio n ty pe c o mman d s. This type of command may be “executed” or “tested”.
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
• “executed“ to invoke a particular function of the equipment, which generally involves
more than the simple storage of a value for later use
• “tested” to determine:
if subparameters are associated with the action, the ranges of subparameters values that are
supported; if the command has no subparameters, issuing the correspondent Test command
(trailing =?) raises the result code “ERROR”.
Note: issuing the Read command (trailing ?) causes the command to be executed.
whether or not the equipment implements the Action Command (in this case issuing the
correspondent Test command - trailing =? - returns the OK result code), and, if
subparameters are associated with the action, the ranges of subparameters values that are
Action commands don’t store the values of any of their possible subparameters.
The response to the Test Command (trailing =?) may be changed in the future by Teli t to
allow the description of new values/functionalities.
If all the subparameters of a parameter type command +CMD are optional, issuing
AT+CMD=<CR> causes the OK result code to be returned and the previous values of the
omitted subparameters to beretained.
3.2.1. String Type Parameters
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A string, either enclosed between quotes or not, is considered to be a valid string type parameter
input. According to V25.ter space characters are ignored on the command line and may be used
freely for formatting purposes, unless they are embedded in numeric or quoted string constants;
therefore a string containing a space character has to be enclosed between quotes to be
considered a valid string type parameter (e.g. typing AT+COPS=1,0,”A1” is the same as typing
AT+COPS=1,0,A1; typing AT+COPS=1,0,”A BB” is different from typing AT+COPS=1,0,A
A string is always case sensitive.
A small set of commands requires always to write the input string parameters within quotes: this
is explicitly reported in the specific desc ripti ons.
3.2.2. Command Lines
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A command line is made up of three elements: the prefix, the body and the termination
The command line prefix consists of the characters “AT” or “at”, or, to repeat the execution of
the previous command line, the characters “A/” or “a/” or AT#/ or at#/.
The termination character may be selected by a user option (parameter S3), the default being
The basic structures of the command line are:
• ATCMD1<CR> where AT is the command line prefix, CMD1 is the body of a basic
command (nb: the name of the command never begins with the character “+”) and <CR> is
the command line terminator character
• ATCMD2=10<CR> where 10 is a subparameter
• AT+CMD1;+CMD2=, ,10<CR> These are two examples of extended commands (nb: the
name of the command always begins with the character “+”
). They are delimited with
semicolon. In the second command the subparameter is omitted.
• +CMD1?<CR> This is a Read command for checking current subparameter values
• +CMD1=?<CR> This is a test command for checking possible subparameter values
These commands might be performed in a single command line as shown below:
anyway it is always preferable to separate into different command lines the basic commands and
the extended commands; furthermore it is suggested to av oid pl ac ing sev era l a ct ion com m an ds in
The set of proprietary AT c o mmands differentiates from the standard one because the name of each of them begins with
either “@”, “#”, “$” or “*”. Proprietary AT commands follow the same syntax rules as extended commands
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
Numeric Format
Verbose Format
General Errors
phone failure
No connection to phone
phone-adaptor link reserved
operation not allowed
operation not supported
PH-SIM PIN required
SIM not inserted
SIM PIN required
SIM PUK required
SIM failure
SIM busy
SIM wrong
incorrect password
SIM PIN2 required
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
the same command line, because if one of them fails, then an error message is received but it is
not possible to argue which one of them has failed the execution.
If command V1 is enabled (verbose responses codes) and all commands in a command line has
been performed successfully, result code <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> is sent from the TA to the
TE, if subparameter v alues of a com mand are not acc epted by the TA or comm and itself is inv alid,
or command cannot be perform ed for som e rea son, res ult code <CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF>
is sent and no subsequent commands in the command line are processed.
If command V0 is enabled (numeric responses codes), and all commands in a command line has
been performed successfully, result code 0<CR> is sent from the TA to the TE, if sub-parameter
values of a command are no t accepted by the TA or comm and itself is invalid, or com mand cannot
be performed for some reason, result code 4<CR> and no subsequent commands in the com mand
line are processed.
In case of errors depending on ME operation, ERROR (or 4) response m ay be replaced b y +CME
ERROR: <err> or +CMS ERROR: <err>.
The command line buffer accepts a maximum of 400 characters. If this number is exceeded none
of the commands will be executed and TA returns ERROR. ME Error Result Code - +CME ERROR: <err>
This is NOT a command, it is the error response to +Cxxx 3GPP TS 27.007 commands.
Syntax: +CME ERROR: <err>
Parameter: <err> - error code can be either numeric or verbose (see +CMEE).The
possible values of <err> are reported in the table:
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
Numeric Format
Verbose Format
SIM PUK2 required
memory full
invalid index
not found
memory fail ure
text string too long
invalid characters in text string
dial string too long
invalid characters in dial string
no network s ervice
network time-out
network not allowed - emergency ca lls only
network personalization PIN required
network personalization PUK required
network subset personalization PIN required
network subset personalization PUK required
service provider personalization PIN required
service provider personalization PUK required
corporate personalization PIN required
corporate personalization PUK required
General purpose error
GPRS related errors to a failure to perform an Attach
Illegal MS (#3)*
Illegal ME (#6)*
GPRS service not allowed (#7)*
PLMN not allowed (#11)*
Location area not allowed (#12)*
Roaming not allowed in this location area (#13)*
GPRS related errors to a failure to Activate a Context and others
service option not supported (#32)*
requested service option not subscribed (#33)*
service option temporarily out of order (#34)*
unspecified GPRS error
PDP authentication failure
invalid mobile class
IP Easy related errors
generic undocumented error
wrong state
wrong mode
context already activated
stack already active
activation failed
context not opened
cannot setup socket
cannot resolve DN
timeout in opening socket
cannot open s ocket
remote disconnected or time-out
connection failed
tx error
already listening
can not resume socket
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
Numeric Format
Verbose Format
wrong AP N
wrong PDP
service not supported
QOS not accepted
NSAPI already used
LLC or SNDCP failure
network reject
Custom SIM Lock related errors
MCL personalisation PIN required
FTP related errors
generic undocumented error
wrong state
Can not activate
Can not resol ve na me
Can not allocate control socket
Can not connect control socket
Bad or no response from server
Not connected
Already connected
Context down
No photo available
Can not send photo
Resource used by other instance
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*(values in parentheses are GSM 04.08 cause codes)
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Mod. 0808 2011-07 Rev.2
Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
Numeric Format
GSM 04.11 Annex E-2 values
3GPP TS 23.040 sub clause values
ME failure
SMS service of ME reserved
operation not allowed
operation not supported
invalid PDU mode parameter
invalid text mode parameter
SIM not inserted
SIM PIN required
PH-SIM PIN required
SIM failure
SIM busy
SIM wrong
SIM PUK required
SIM PIN2 required
SIM PUK2 required
memory fail ure
invalid memory index
memory full
SMSC address unknown
no network s ervice
network time-out
no +CNMA acknowledgement expected
unknown error
FDN not allowed number
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03 Message Servi ce Failu re R esult Cod e - +CMS ERROR: <err>
This is NOT a command, it is the error response to +Cxxx 3GPP TS 27.005 commands.
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Mod. 0808 2011-07 Rev.2
Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
Result Codes
Numeric form
Verbose form
CONNECT <text>3
CONNECT 144004
CONNECT 1200/754
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
3.2.3. Informati on Responses And Result Codes
The TA response, in case of verbose response form at enabled, for the prev ious examples comm and
line could be as shown below:
• information response to +CMD1?
• information response to +CMD1=?
• final result code <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
Moreover there are other two types of result codes:
• result codes that inform about progress of TA operation (e.g. connection establishment
• result codes that indicate occurrence of an event not directly associated with issuance of a
command from TE (e.g. ring indication RING).
Here the basic result codes according to ITU-T V25Ter recommendation
<text> can be”300”, “1200”, “2400”, “4800”, “9600”, “14400” or “1200/75”
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
3.2.4. Command R esponse Time-Out
Every command issued to the Telit modu les returns a resul t respo nse, if re spons e codes are
enabled (default). The time needed to process the given command and return the response varies,
depending on the command type. Commands that do not interact with the SIM or the network,
and only involve internal setups or readings, have an immediate response.Commands that
interact with the SIM or the network could take many seconds to send a response, depending on
SIM configuration (e.g., number of contacts stored in the phonebook, number of stored SMS), or
on the network the command may interact with.
3.2.5. Command Issuing Timing
The chain Command -> Response shall always be respected and a new command must not be
issued before the module has terminated all the sending of its response result code (whatever it
may be).
This applies especially to applications that “sense” the OK text and therefore may send the next
command before the complete code <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> is sent by the module.
It is advisable anyway to wait for at least 20ms between the end of the reception of the response
and the issue of the next AT command.
If the response codes are disabled and therefore the module does not report any response to the
command, then at least the 20ms pause time shall be respected.
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
3.3. Storage
3.3.1. Factory Profile And User Profiles
The Telit wireless modules stores the values set by several commands in the internal non
volatile memory (NVM), allowing to remember this setting even after power off. In the NVM
these values are set either as factory profile or as user profiles: there are two customizable user profiles and one factory profile in the NVM of the device: by default the device will start
with user profile 0 equal to factory profile.
For backward compatibility each profile is divided into two sections, one base section which
was historically the one that was saved and restored in early releases of code, and the extended section which includes all the remaining values.
The &W command is used to save the actual values of both sections of profiles into the NVM
user profile.
Commands &Y and &P are both used to set the profile to be loaded at startup. &Y instructs the
device to load at startup only the base section . &P instructs the device to load at startup the full
profile: base + extended sections.
The &F command resets to factory profile values only the command of the base section of
profile, while the &F1 resets to factory profile values the full set of base + extended section
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
+CFUN (it does not depend on the specific AT
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
The values set by other commands are stored in NVM outside the profile: some of them are
stored always, without issuing any &W, some other are stored issuing specific commands
(+CSAS, #SLEDSAV, #SKTSAV, #ESAV); all of these values are read at power-up.
The values set by following commands are stored in the profile base section; they depend on the
specific AT instance:
The values set by following commands are stored in the profile extended section and they
depend on the specific AT instance (see +CMUX):
The values set by following commands are stored in the profile extended section and they don’t
depend on the specific AT instance (see +CMUX):
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
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The values set by following commands are automatically stored in NVM, without issuing any
storing command and independently from the profile (unique values), and are automatically
restored at startup:
The values set by following commands are stored in NVM on demand, issuing specific
commands and independently from the profile:
stored by +CSAS6 command and restored by +CRES7 command
stored by #SLEDSAV command
stored by #SKTSAV command and automatically restored at startup; factory default valutes are
restored by #SKTRST command
+CSCB is still stored in the profile extended section only for bac kward compatibility issues: its actual storing and restoring
are accomplished issuing +CSAS and +CRES
It is partially stored in NVM; see command description.
Both commands +CSAS and +CRES deal with non -volatile memory, intending for it e ither the NVM and the SIM
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Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
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stored by #ESAV command and automatically restored at startup; factory default valutes are
restored by #ERST command.
stored by $GPSSAV command and automatically restored at startup; factory default valutes are
restored by $GPSRST command
stored by #PSAV command and automatically restored at startup;
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Mod. 0808 2011-07 Rev.2
Telit LE910 V2 Series AT Commands
AT - Starting A Command Line
The prefix AT, or at, is a two-character abbreviation (ATtention), always used to
3GPP TS 27.007
A/ - Last Command Automatic Repetition
If the prefix A/ or a/ is issued, the MODULE immediately execute once again the
ed before any command line has been executed, the preceding command
executed again too; but it doesn’t need a fixed IPR.
AT#/ - Repeat Last Command
The prefix is used to execute again the last received command.
AT Commands References
4.1. Command Line General Format
4.1.1. Command Line Prefixes
Starting A Command Line - AT
start a command line to be sent from TE to TA, with the only exception of AT#/
80446ST10707A Rev. 0– 2015-11-03
Last Command Automatic Repetition - A/
body of the preceding command line. No editing is possible and no termination
character is necessary. A command line may be repeated multiple times through
this mechanism, if desired.
If A/ is issu
line is assumed to have been empty (that results in an OK result code).
Note: this command works only at fixed IPR.
Note: the custom prefix AT#/ has been defined: it causes the last command to be
Repeat Last Command - AT#/
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Mod. 0808 2011-07 Rev.2
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