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Copyright © Telit Communications S.p.A. 2013.
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing
a product with the Telit HE910-EU/EUG V2 HE910-NA/NAG V2 module. All the features
and solutions detailed are applicable to all HE910 V2, whereas “HE910 V2” is intended the
modules listed in the applicability table.
When a specific feature is applicable to a specific product, it will be clearly highlighted.
This document is intended for Telit customers who are about to implement their applications
using our HE910 V2 modules.
For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals,
contact Telit Technical Support Center (TTSC) at:
Alternatively, use:
For detailed information about where to buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on
accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit
Technical Support Center (TTSC).
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Please keep us informed of comments
and suggestions for improvements.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
This document contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: “Introduction” provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and
support information, and text conventions.
Chapter 2: “General Product Description” gives an overview of the features of the product.
Chapter 3: “HE910 V2 Module Connections” deals with the pin out configuration and layout.
Chapter 4: “Hardware Commands” How to operate the module via hardware.
Chapter 5: “Power supply” Power supply requirements and general design rules.
Chapter 6: “Antenna” The antenna connection and board layout design are the most important
parts in the full product design.
Chapter 7: “USB Port” The USB port on the Telit HE910 V2 is the core of the interface
between the module and OEM hardware.
Chapter 8: “Serial ports” Refers to the serial ports of the Telit HE910 V2.
Chapter 9: “Audio Section overview” Refers to the audio blocks of the Base Band Chip of the
HE910 V2 Telit Module.
Chapter 10: “General Purpose I/O” How the general purpose I/O pads can be configured.
Chapter 11: “DAC and ADC section” Deals with these two kinds of converters.
Chapter 12: “Mounting the Module on the application board” Mechanical dimensions and
recommendations on how to mount the module on the user’s board.
Chapter 13: “Packing System” Deals with packing system.
Chapter 14: “Application Design Guide” Deals with the application design of host system.
Chapter 15: “Conformity Assessment Issues” provides some fundamental hints about the
conformity assessment that the final application might need.
Chapter 16: “Safety Recommendation” provides some safety recommendations that must be
followed by the customer in the design of the application that makes use of the Telit HE910
Chapter 17: “Document History”
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module. If
these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when
integrating the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
HE910 V2 Product Description, 80418ST10602A
HE910 V2 Software User guide, 1vv0301071
HE910 V2 AT command reference guide, 80428ST10592A
HE910 V2 Digital Voice Interface Application Note, 80000NT10101A
Telit EVK2 User Guide, 1vv0300704
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing
a product with the Telit HE10 V2 module.
In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone will be taken into account; for each
one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions
and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot
embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong
solutions to be avoided must be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware
configurations must not be considered mandatory, instead the information given must be used
as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit HE10 V2
The integration of the GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSPA+ HE910 V2 cellular module
within user application must be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,
no responsibility is assumed by Telit Communication S.p.A. for its use, such as any
infringement of patents or other rights of third parties. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communication S.p.A. other than for circuitry
embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change without notice.
EMEA/APAC/Latin American markets
The Telit HE910 V2 module overall dimensions are:
• Length: 28.2 mm
• Width: 28.2 mm
• Thickness: 2.2 mm
The module weight of HE910 V2 is about 4.0 gram.
Operating Temperature Range
Storage and non-operating
Temperature Range
As a part of Telit’s corporate policy of environmental protection, the HE910 V2 complies
with the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive of the European Union (EU
directive 2011/65/EU).
The operating frequencies in GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, WCDMA modes are
conformed to the 3GPP specifications.
V2 only)
Tx: 4132 ~ 4233
Rx: 4357 ~ 4458
V2 only)
Tx: 2712 ~ 2863
Rx: 2937 ~ 3088
V2 only)
Tx: 9262 ~ 9538
Rx: 9662 ~ 9938
V2 only)
Tx: 9612 ~ 9888
Rx: 10562 ~ 10838
USB HS 2.0 Communication Port
Power sense for the internal USB transceiver
Asynchronous UART – Prog. / data +HW Flow Control
Serial data input from DTE
Serial data output to DTE
Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE
Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE
Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE
Output for Data carrier detect signal (DCD) to DTE
Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE
Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE
Asynchronous Auxiliary UART
Auxillary UART (TX Data to DTE)
Auxillary UART (RX Data from DTE)
External SIM signal - Power supply for the SIM
External SIM signal – Presence(active low)
External SIM signal – Data I/O
External SIM signal - Clock
External SIM signal - Reset
Digital Voice interface (DVI)
Digital Voice interface (WA0)
Digital Voice interface (RX)
Digital Voice interface (TX)
Digital Voice interface (CLK)
Analog/Digital converter input
Output enable for External LNA supply
Hardware unconditional shutdown
Input Command for Power ON/Software shutdown
Supply Output for external accessories / Power ON
Main Power Supply (Baseband)
Main Power Supply (Baseband)
Reserved pins must not be connected.
The following table is listing the main Pinout differences between the HE910 V2 variants.
DTR pin must be connected in order to enter HE910 V2’s power saving mode.
RI pin must be connected in order to wake up the host when a call is coming in sleep mode of
Almost all pins not in use must be left disconnected. The only exceptions are the following
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If the flow control is not used it
should be connected to GND
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
If not used should be connected to
a Test Point
ANT_GPS (If supported by
the product)
If the GPS is not used it could be
left unconnected
RTS must be connected to the GND (on the module side) if flow control is not used.
The above pins are also necessary to debug the application when the module is assembled on
it so we recommend connecting them also to dedicated test point.
The pin defined as RES must be considered RESERVED and not connected on any pin in the
application. The related area on the application has to be kept empty.
The pin defined as RES must be considered RESERVED and not connected on any pin in the
application. The related area on the application has to be kept empty.
To turn on the HE910 V2, the pad ON_OFF* must be tied low for at least 1 second and then
The maximum current that can be drained from the ON_OFF* pad is 0.1 mA.
A simple circuit to power on the module is illustrated below:
Upon turning on HE910 V2 module, the HE910 V2 module is not active yet because the boot
sequence of HE910 V2 is still executing internally. It takes about 10 seconds to complete the
initialization of the module internally.
For this reason, it would be useless to try to access HE910 V2 during the Initialization state as
below. The HE910 V2 module needs at least 10 seconds after the PWRMON goes High to
become operational by reaching the activation state.
During the Initialization state, any kind of AT-command is not available. DTE must wait for
the Activation state to communicate with HE910 V2.
To check if the HE910 V2 has powered on, the hardware line PWRMON must be monitored.
When PWRMON goes high, the module has powered on.
Do not use any pull up resistor on the ON_OFF* line. It is pulled up internally. Using a pull
up resistor may bring latch up problems on the HE910 V2 power regulator and improper
power on/off of the module. The line ON_OFF* must be connected only in open collector
In this document all the lines are inverted. Active low signals are labeled with a name that
ends with "*" or with a bar over the name.
In order to avoid a back powering effect it is recommended to avoid having any HIGH logic
level signal applied to the digital pins of the HE910 V2 module when the module is powered
OFF or during an ON/OFF transition.
For example:
1. To drive the ON_OFF* pad with a totem pole output of a +3/5 V microcontroller