Telit Wireless Solutions GainSpan GS2K Series, GainSpan GS2100M, GainSpan GS2011M, GainSpan GS2101M, GainSpan GS2200M Hardware User's Manual

GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 – 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about Telit products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that Telit intends to announce such Telit products, programming, or services in your country.
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The Telit and 3rd Party supplied Software (SW) products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Telit and other 3rd Party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the Italy and other countries preserve for Telit and other 3rd Party supplied SW certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer pro­grams, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted com­puter program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW computer programs contained in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be cop­ied (reverse engineered) or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Telit or the 3rd Party SW supplier. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 2 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
I. License Agreements
The software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement.
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Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic Control, Life Support, or Weapons Systems (High Risk Activities"). Telit and its supplier(s) specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for such High Risk Activities.
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The software may include Third Party Right software. In this case you agree to comply with all terms and conditions imposed on you in respect of such separate software. In addition to Third Party Terms, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provisions in this License shall apply to the Third Party Right software.
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 3 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
GS2K based Modules
Board Revision
EVB1.1, EVB 2.0, EVB 3.0
and EVB 3.1
Note: The features described in the present document are provided by the products equipped
with the software versions equal or higher than the versions shown in the table. See also the Revision History section.
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Hardware Overview ........................................................................................................ 18
1.1 GainSpan GS2011M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module .................................................18
1.1.1 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 19
1.2 GainSpan GS2100M Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module .......................................................... 24
1.2.1 GS2100M Module Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 25
1.3 GainSpan GS2101M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module .................................................30
1.3.1 GS2101M Module Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 31
1.4 GainSpan GS2200M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module .................................................34
1.4.1 GS2200M Module Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 34
1.5 Evaluation Board Software .................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Evaluation Board .....................................................................................38
2.1 Preparing for Evaluation Board Setup ...................................................................................38
2.1.1 Site Preparation ........................................................................................................... 39
2.1.2 Safety Guidelines and Standards ................................................................................. 39
2.1.3 Environmental Requirements ....................................................................................... 39
2.1.4 Unpacking and Inspecting the GS2000 Based Module Evaluation Board ...................40
2.2 Setting Up the GS2000 Based Module Evaluation Board .....................................................41
2.2.1 Placing the GS2000 Based Module Evaluation Board on a Tabletop ..........................41
2.3 Power Guidelines, Requirements, and Safety Specifications ................................................ 42
2.3.1 Electrical Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 42
2.3.2 Connecting Power ........................................................................................................42
Chapter 3 Initial Board Connections and Configuration ................................................................... 43
3.1 Connecting the Board to a Communication Port ...................................................................43
3.2 Providing Power to the Evaluation Board ..............................................................................46
3.2.1 Connecting Power to the Board ................................................................................... 46
3.3 Configuring the Board for Wireless Network ......................................................................... 48
3.3.1 Connect to a Network ...................................................................................................48
Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board Specifications ..................................................................... 50
A.1 GS2011M Evaluation Board Specifications ..........................................................................50
A.2 GS2011M Evaluation Board LEDs ........................................................................................ 51
A.3 GS2011M Evaluation Board Sensors ...................................................................................53
A.4 GS2011M Evaluation Board Switches .................................................................................. 53
A.5 GS2011M Evaluation Board Jumper Settings ....................................................................... 54
A.6 GS2100M Evaluation Board Specifications ..........................................................................56
A.7 GS2100M Evaluation Board LEDs ........................................................................................ 57
A.8 GS2100M Evaluation Board Switches .................................................................................. 58
A.9 GS2100M Evaluation Board Jumper Settings ....................................................................... 59
A.10 GS2101M Evaluation Board Specifications ........................................................................60
A.11 GS2101M Evaluation Board LEDs ...................................................................................... 61
A.12 GS2101M Evaluation Board Switches ................................................................................ 62
A.13 GS2101M Evaluation Board Jumper Settings ..................................................................... 63
A.14 GS2200M Evaluation Board Specifications ........................................................................64
A.15 GS2200M Evaluation Board LEDs ...................................................................................... 65
A.16 GS2200M Evaluation Board Sensors ................................................................................. 66
A.17 GS2200M Evaluation Board Switches ................................................................................ 66
A.18 GS2200M Evaluation Board Jumper Settings ..................................................................... 67
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Appendix B Connector Pinouts ........................................................................................................ 68
B.1 GS2011M, GS2100M, GS2101M and GS2200M JTAG Cortex Debug Connector Pinouts .68
B.2 GS2011M, GS2100M, GS2101M and GS2200M SPI0 Connector Pinouts .......................... 69
B.3 GS2011M, GS2100M, GS2101M and GS2200M SDIO Test Connector Pinouts ................. 70
B.4 GS2011M Evaluation Board Pinouts .....................................................................................71
B.4.1 GS2011M Daughter Board Header Connector Pinouts ............................................... 71
B.4.2 GS2011M Test Point Header Connector Pinouts ........................................................75
B.5 GS2100M Evaluation Board Pinouts .....................................................................................77
B.5.1 GS2100M Daughter Board Header Connector Pinouts ............................................... 77
B.5.2 GS2100M Analog Digital Converter Terminal Connector ............................................80
B.6 GS2101M Evaluation Board Pinouts .....................................................................................81
B.6.1 GS2101M Daughter Board Header Connector Pinouts ............................................... 81
B.6.2 GS2101M Analog Digital Converter Terminal Connector ............................................82
B.6.3 GS2101M Analog Digital Converter Terminal and Header .......................................... 83
B.7 GS2200M Evaluation Board Pinouts .....................................................................................84
B.7.1 GS2200M Daughter Board Header Connector Pinouts ............................................... 84
B.7.2 GS2200M Analog Digital Converter Terminal Header ................................................. 86
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

About This Manual

This manual provides guidelines for setting up and using the GainSpan® GS2000 based module evaluation board that supports the GS2011M, GS2100M, GS2101M and GS2200M modules.
Refer to the following sections:
Revision History, page 8
Audience, page 8
Standards, page 8
Documentation Conventions, page 9
Documentation, page 12
References, page 14
Contact Information, Support, page 15
Returning Products to Telit, page 16
Accessing the Telit Wi-Fi Portal, page 17
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 7 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

Revision History

This version of the GS2000 Based Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide contains the following new information listed in Table 1, page 8.
Version Date Remarks
1.0 November 2013 Initial Release
1.1 February 2014
1.2 November 2014

Table 1 Revision History

Updated GS2011M and GS2100M specifications. See A.1 GS2011M Evaluation Board Specifications,
page 50 and A.6 GS2100M Evaluation Board Specifications, page 56.
Added supported information for GS2011M and GS2100M evaluation board Revision 3.0.
GS2011M Evaluation Board Components. See Tab le
7, page 22.
GS2100M Evaluation Board Components. See Table
9, page 28.
Added GS2011M and GS2100M Evaluation Board Specifications for EVB revision 3.0. See Appendix A
GS2000 Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50.
Added GS2011M and GS2100M Evaluation Board Connector Pinouts for EVB revision 3.0. See
Appendix B Connector Pinouts, page 68.
Added notation specifying the usage of dual UART
1.3 June 2015
1.4 January 2018 Added GS2101M and GS2200M detail.
1.5 December 2018 Updated Telit Contact Information.
This manual provides instructions on how to setup and use the GS2000 based module evaluation board along with component description, jumper settings, board specifications, and pinouts.
The standards that are supported by the GS2000 based modules are IEEE 802.11b/g/n.
for the GS2100M EVB. See GS2100M Module
Evaluation Board, page 25.
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Documentation Conventions
This manual uses the following text and syntax conventions:
Special text fonts represent particular commands, keywords, variables, or window
Color text indicates cross-reference hyper links to supplemental information
Command notation indicates commands, subcommands, or command elements
Table 2, page 9, describes the text conventions used in this manual for software procedures
that are explained using the AT command line interface.
Table 2 Document Text Conventions
Convention Type Description
This monospaced font represents command strings entered on a
command syntax
monospaced font
command line and sample source code.
Proportional font
Variable parameter
Keyword parameter
[ ]
Square brackets
Question mark
Escape sequence
Gives specific details about a parameter.
<Data> DATA
Indicates user input. Enter a value according to the descriptions that follow. Each uppercased token expands into one or more other token.
Indicates keywords. Enter values exactly as shown in the command description.
Enclose optional parameters. Choose none; or select one or more an unlimited number of times each. Do not enter brackets as part of any command.
Used with the square brackets to limit the immediately following token to one occurrence.
Each escape sequence <ESC> starts with the ASCII character 27 (0x1B). This is equivalent to the Escape key.
Carriage return
Each command is terminated by a carriage return.
Each command is terminated by a line feed.
Line feed
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 2 Document Text Conventions (Continued)
Convention Type Description
<CR> <LF>
Carriage return
Line feed
< >
Angle brackets
Equal sign
dot (period)
IP address
IPv6 IP address
Each response is started with a carriage return and line feed with some exceptions.
Enclose a numeric range, endpoints inclusive. Do not enter angle brackets as part of any command.
Separates the variable from explanatory text. Is entered as part of the command.
Allows the repetition of the element that immediately follows it multiple times. Do not enter as part of the command.
.AA:NN can be expanded to 1:01 1:02 1:03.
IPv4-style address.
IPv6-style address.
Where the : : represents all 0x for those address components not explicitly given.
End-to-line input token
Single token
Indicates user input of any string, including spaces. No other parameters may be entered after input for this token.
string of words
Indicates user input of any contiguous string (excluding spaces).
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 10 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 3, page 11, describes the symbol conventions used in this manual for notification and
important instructions

Table 3 Symbol Conventions

Icon Type Description
Provides helpful suggestions needed in understanding a feature or references to material not available in the manual.
Warn ing
Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)
Alerts you of potential damage to a program, device, or system or the loss of data or service.
Cautions you about a situation that could result in minor or moderate bodily injury if not avoided.
Warns you of a potential situation that could result in death or serious bodily injury if not avoided.
Notifies you to take proper grounding precautions before handling a product.
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 11 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
The GainSpan documentation suite listed in Table 4, page 12 includes the part number, documentation name, and a description of the document. The documents are available on the Telit Wi-Fi Portal. Refer to Accessing the Telit Wi-Fi Portal, page 17 for details.
Table 4 Documentation List
Part Number Document Title Description
• 1VV0301415
• 1VV0301454
• 1VV0301416
• 1VV0301417
• 1VV0301422
• GS2011M Evaluation Board Quick Start Guide
• GS2100M Evaluation Board Quick Start Guide
• GS2101M Evaluation Board Quick Start Guide
• GS2200M Evaluation Board Quick Start Guide
• GS2200M SKB Quick Start Guide
Provides an easy to follow guide on how to unpack and setup GainSpan GS2000 based module kit for the GS2K modules.
1VV0301437 GS2K Module Programming User Guide
• 1VV0301463
• GS2011M S2W Adapter Command Reference Guide
• 1VV0301496
• GS2100M S2W Adapter Command Reference Guide
• 1VV0301498
• GS2101M S2W Adapter Command Reference Guide
• GS2200M S2W Adapter Command
• 1VV0301500
Reference Guide
GS2011M Low Power Wi-Fi Module Hardware user Guide
GS2011MxxS Low Power Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide
GS2101M Low Power Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide
Provides users steps to program the on-board Flash on the GainSpan GS2000 based modules using DOS or Graphical User Interface utility provided by GainSpan. The user guide uses the evaluation boards as a reference example board.
Provides a complete listing of AT serial commands, including configuration examples for initiating, maintaining, and evaluating GainSpan Wi-Fi GS2K series modules.
Provides information to help Wi-Fi system designers to build systems using GainSpan GS2011M module and develop wireless applications.
Provides information to help Wi-Fi system designers to build systems using GainSpan GS2011MxxS module and develop wireless applications.
Provides information to help Wi-Fi system designers to build systems using GainSpan GS2101M module and develop wireless applications.
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 4 Documentation List (Continued)
Part Number Document Title Description
GS2100M Low Power Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide
GS2200M Low Power Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide
Provides information to help Wi-Fi system designers to build systems using GainSpan GS2100M module and develop wireless applications.
Provides information to help Wi-Fi system designers to build systems using GainSpan GS2101M module and develop wireless applications.
Documentation Feedback
We encourage you to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions so that we can i mprove the documentation. You can send your comments by logging into the Telit Portal. If you are using email, please email the following information with your comments to Telit Technical Support
Document name
URL or page number
Hardware release version (if applicable)
Software release version (if applicable)
GS2011M IP2WiFi Adapter Command Reference Guide
GS2100M IP2WiFi Adapter Command Reference Guide
GS2101M IP2WiFi Adapter Command Reference Guide
GS2200M IP2WiFi Adapter Command Reference Guide
Provides a complete listing of AT serial commands, including configuration examples for initiating, maintaining, and evaluation IP-to-Wi-Fi GS2000 based modules.
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 13 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
The references listed in Table 5, page 14 are available on the Telit Wi-Fi Portal. Refer to
Accessing the Telit Wi-Fi Portal, page 17 for details.

Table 5 Other Documents and References

Title Description
Module Firmware and Programming Utilities
Smart Phone Applications
Software Utilities
GS2000 Based Module Evaluation Board schematics supporting:
• GS2011M Revision 2.0 and Revision 3.0
• GS2100M Revision 2.0 and Revision 3.0
• GS2101M Revision 3.0 and Revision 3.0
• GS2200M Revision 3.0 and Revision 1.1
• Serial-to-Wi-Fi (S2W) based firmware
• Temperature and Light Sensor (TLS) based firmware
For use with GS2011M EVB, GS2200M
EVB and GS2200M SKB only
• Firmware Release Notes
• GSFlashprogram utility for programming the modules
• Smart Phone applications for iOS and Android to evaluate and demonstrate the Temperature and Light Sensor (TLS) firmware.
For use with GS2011M EVB, GS2200M
EVB and GS2200M SKB only
Serial terminal program to evaluate and demonstrate Serial-to-Wi-Fi (S2W) applications
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 14 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Contact Information, Support
For general contact, technical support services, technical questions and report documentation errors contact Telit Technical Support at:
Alternatively, use:
For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
For Technical Support information or assistance, perform the following steps:
1. Visit, go to IoT Products & Solutions> Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, then scroll down the Telit Wi- Fi Portal.
2. Click Access the Portal Here icon which will direct you to the Telit Wi-Fi portal
3. Log in with your customer E-mail and Password.
4. Select the Location.
5. Select Q&A tab.
6. Select Ask a New Question.
7. Enter your technical support question, product information, and a brief description.
The following information is displayed:
Telephone number contact information by region
Links to customer profile, dashboard, and account information
Links to product technical documentation
Links to PDFs of support policies
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 15 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Returning Products to Telit
If a problem cannot be resolved by Telit technical support, a Return Material Authorization (RMA) is issued. This number is used to track the returned material at the factory and to return repaired or new components to the customer as needed.
NOTE: Do not return any components to Telit Corporation unless you have first obtained an RMA number. Telit reserves the right to refuse shipments that do not have an RMA. Refused shipments will be returned to the customer by collect freight.
To return a hardware component:
1. Determine the part number and serial number of the component.
2. Obtain an RMA number from Sales/Distributor Representative.
3. Provide the following information in an e-mail or during the telephone call:
Part number and serial number of component
Your name, organization name, telephone number, and fax number
Description of the failure
4. The support representative validates your request and issues an RMA number for return of the components.
5. Pack the component for shipment.
Guidelines for Packing Components for Shipment
To pack and ship individual components:
When you return components, make sure they are adequately protected with
packing materials and packed so that the pieces are prevented from moving around inside the carton.
Use the original shipping materials if they are available.
Place individual components in electrostatic bags.
Write the RMA number on the exterior of the box to ensure proper tracking.
CAUTION! Do not stack any of the components.
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 16 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Accessing the Telit Wi-Fi Portal
To find the latest version of documentation supporting the product release you are interested in, you can search the Telit Wi-Fi Portal by performing the following steps:
NOTE: You must first contact Telit Support to set up an account, and obtain a customer Email ID and password before you can access the Telit Wi-Fi Portal.
1. Visit, go to IoT Products & Solutions> Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, then scroll down the Telit Wi- Fi Portal.
2. Click Access the Portal Here icon which will direct you to the Telit Wi-Fi portal
3. Log in using your customer Email and Password.
4. Click the Getting Started tab to view a Quick Start tutorial on how to use various features within the Telit Wi- Fi Portal.
5. Click the Actions tab to buy, evaluate, or download our products.
6. Click on the Documents tab to search, download, and print product documentation.
7. Click the Software tab to search and download the latest software versions.
8. Click the Account History tab to view customer account history.
9. Click the Legal Documents tab to view GainSpan Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 17 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

Chapter 1 Hardware Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the GainSpan® GS2000 based module evaluation board features for the GS2011M, GS2100M, GS2101M and GS2200M modules.
GainSpan GS2011M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module, page 18
GainSpan GS2100M Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module, page 24
GainSpan GS2101M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module, page 30
GainSpan GS2200M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module, page 34
Evaluation Board Software, page 37

1.1 GainSpan GS2011M Ultra-Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module

The GS2011M module provides a quick, easy, and cost effective way for device and appliance manufacturers to add Wi-Fi connectivity to their products. The module provides UART/SPI/SDIO interface connection for an embedded design using a 8/16/32-bit micro controller. The GS2011M module supports ultra-low power mode enabling designs for both battery powered or line powered applications. Alternatively, it can be run self-contained without a host (to develop a hostless application an SDK is required).
The GS2011M is an ideal solution for organizations with limited Wi-Fi or RF expertise or for those seeking faster time to market, as it reduces RF design time and removes the burden of testing and certification.
The module runs the full Wi-Fi and TCP/IP networking stacks on module, completely offloading the host micro controller. The module supports a complete suite of security protocols, also without tasking the host micro controller, including WPA/WPA2-Enterprise and Personal security modes, legacy WEP encryption, and upper layer security protocols such as TLS/SSL and HTTPS. For ease of provisioning, the module can be set up simply and easily from a smart phone or laptop through the innovative Limited AP mode or with Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS 2.0). In addition, the module includes two analog to digital converter (ADC) pins for connecting sensors.
The GainSpan GS2011M module is designed to support the following features:
An on-board antenna or u.FL connector to add an external antenna for extended
Full Wireless LAN and Network services offload solution minimizes load on host
Ultra low power consumption through dynamic management modes: Standby,
Sleep, Deep Sleep
Easy provisioning with Limited AP or Wi-Fi protected set up (WPS 2.0)
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n connectivity
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
UART, SPI, SDIO interface to micro controller
Security: 802.11i, WPA/2-Personal and Enterprise, legacy WEP, TLS

1.1.1 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board

Figure 1, page 19 illustrates key components included on the GS2011M evaluation board.
The evaluation board supports GS2011M module and provides access to SDIO, SPI, UART, and GPIO interfaces. The evaluation board includes temperature and light sensors, USB interfaces, power jumpers for power measurement, a daughter board header, and buttons for various features. Table 6, page 20 lists the evaluation board components on the GS2011M EVB 2.0. Table 7, page 22 lists the evaluation board components on the GS2011M EVB 3.0.
Figure 1 GS2011M Evaluation Board Components
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 19 2018-12-11
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 6 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 2.0
No. Feature Description
1 RF Module GS2011M
2 Daughter Board Header (J1) Header to facilitate connection to a daughter board
Test Points (TP1, TP5, TP6, TP7, and TP17)
4 ANT2 Antenna used to communicate
Power Measurement Jumpers (J11, J14, J15, and J16)
6 I/O Port (J6) Mini USB Connector (USB0)
7 I/O Port (J10) Mini USB Connector (USB1)
Test Points (TP2, TP3, and TP16)
9 On/Off Switch (SW6) Power ON/OFF switch
10 Power Jumpers (J30, J31, J32)
11 SDIO Connector (J20) Secure Digital Input/Output connector
12 SPI Connector (J19) Serial connector
Test points for connecting VPP, Active, Deep Sleep, Standby, and Ground (see Appendix B Connector
Pinouts, page 68 for more information on test point and
Jumpers to facilitate measurement of current consumption of module, (see Appendix A GS2000
Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for more
information on jumper settings and description)
Test points for connecting external power supply (see
Appendix B Connector Pinouts, page 68 for more
information on test point and description)
See Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board
Specifications, page 50 for more information on jumper
settings and description
If installed (default), these jumpers enable LEDs (see
13 LED Select Jumper (J4)
Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for more information on jumper settings and
Status LEDs (see Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation
14 LEDs
Board Specifications, page 50 for more information on
jumper settings and description)
15 Alarm Switch (SW3, SW4) Push button switch for Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
16 WPS Switch (SW1) Push button switch to enter WPS mode (not used)
17 Restore Switch (SW2)
Push button switch to restore the board to factory default settings (not used)
18 Reset Switch (SW7) Push button switch to reset the GS2011M
19 Light Sensor (Q10)
20 Temperature Sensor (RT1)
Used to detect and read light sensor data when using the TLS mobile application
Used to detect and read temperature sensor data when using the TLS mobile application
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 6 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 2.0 (Continued)
No. Feature Description
21 Program Switch (SW5)
22 JTAG Connector (J21)
23 Test Point Header (J2)
NOTE: For GS2011M hardware specifications, refer to the GainSpan GS2011M Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide.
RUN: Normal Operation (default)
PROGRAM: For programming the module
Used for testing and debugging the GS2011M evaluation board
Additional module pins that don’t go to daughter board header
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 7 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 3.0
No. Feature Description
1RF Module GS2011M
2 Daughter Board Header (J1)
Test Points (TP1, TP5, TP6, TP7,and TP17)
4 ANT2 Antenna used to communicate
Power Measurement Jumpers (J14 and J15)
6 I/O Port (J6) Mini USB Connector (USB0)
7 I/O Port (J10) Mini USB Connector (USB1)
Header to facilitate connection to a daughter board
Test points for connecting VPP, Active, Deep Sleep, Standby, and Ground (see Appendix B
Connector Pinouts, page 68 for more information
on test point and description)
Jumpers to facilitate measurement of current consumption of module, (see Appendix A
GS2000 Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for more information on jumper settings
and description)
Test points for connecting external power supply
8 Test Points (TP3 and TP16)
(see Appendix B Connector Pinouts, page 68 for more information on test point and description)
9 On/Off Switch (SW6) Power ON/OFF switch
See Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board
10 Power Jumpers (J31, J32)
Specifications, page 50 for more information on
jumper settings and description
11 SDIO Connector (J20) Secure Digital Input/Output connector
12 SPI Connector (J19) Serial connector
If installed (default), these jumpers enable LEDs
13 LED Select Jumper (J4)
(see Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board
Specifications, page 50 for more information on
jumper settings and description)
Status LEDs (see Appendix A GS2000
14 LEDs
Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for
more information on jumper settings and description)
15 Alarm Switch (SW3, SW4) Push button switch for Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
16 WPS Switch (SW1) Push button switch to enter WPS mode (not used)
17 Restore Switch (SW2)
Push button switch to restore the board to factory default settings (not used)
18 Reset Switch (SW7) Push button switch to reset the GS2011M
19 Light Sensor (Q10)
1VV0301435 Rev. 1.5 22 2018-12-11
Used to detect and read light sensor data when using the TLS mobile application
GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 7 GS2011M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 3.0 (Continued)
No. Feature Description
20 Temperature Sensor (RT1)
21 Program Switch (SW8)
22 JTAG Connector (J21)
23 Test Point Header (J2)
Used to detect and read temperature sensor data when using the TLS mobile application
RUN: Normal Operation (default)
PROGRAM: For programming the module
Used for testing and debugging the GS2011M evaluation board
Additional module pins that don’t go to daughter board header
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

1.2 GainSpan GS2100M Low Power 802.11b/g/n Module

The GS2100M module provides a quick, easy, and cost effective way for device and appliance manufacturers to add Wi-Fi connectivity to their products. Intended for smart energy and sensor applications, the module runs the SEP 2.0 Smart Energy Profile stack and has 3 high bit-rate sigma-delta ADCs for high resolution sensor and measurement devices.
This module provides a UART/SPI/SDIO serial interface or Wi-Fi connectivity to embedded design with an 8/16/32-bit micro controller. Alternatively, it can be run self-contained without a host.
The GS2100M is an ideal solution for organizations with limited Wi-Fi or RF expertise or for those seeking faster time to market, as it reduces RF design time and removes the burden of testing and certification.
The module runs the full Wi-Fi and TCP/IP networking stacks, completely offloading the host micro controller. It supports a complete suite of security protocols, also without tasking the host micro controller, including WPA/WPA2-Enterprise and Personal security modes, legacy WEP encryption, and upper layer security protocols such as TLS/SSL and HTTPS. For ease of provisioning, the module can be set up simply and easily from a smart phone or laptop through the innovative Limited AP mode or with Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS 2.0).
The GainSpan GS2100M module is designed to support the following features:
An on-board antenna or u.FL connector to add an external antenna for extended
Full Wireless LAN and Network services offload solution minimizes load on host
Enables Smart Energy Profiles; Smart Thermostat and Load Control
High resolution sensing and energy measurements
Easy provisioning with Limited AP or Wi-Fi protected set up (WPS 2.0)
Low power consumption through dynamic management modes: Standby, Sleep,
Deep Sleep
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n connectivity
UART, SPI, SDIO interface to micro controller
Security: 802.11i, WPA/2-Personal and Enterprise, legacy WEP
The GainSpan module is easily designed into embedded systems, allowing customers to develop a broad array of devices and appliances that connect to other local devices or the Internet over Wi-Fi. Applications include smart energy, healthcare and fitness, industrial controls, commercial building automation, and consumer electronics.
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide

1.2.1 GS2100M Module Evaluation Board

Figure 2, page 25 illustrates key components included on the GS2100M evaluation board.
The evaluation board supports GS2100M module and provides access to SDIO, SPI, UART, and GPIO interfaces. The evaluation board includes USB interfaces, power jumpers for power measurement, a daughter board header, and buttons for various features. Tab le 8,
page 26 lists the evaluation board components on the GS2100M EVB 2.0. Table 9, page 28
lists the evaluation board components on the GS2100M EVB 3.0.
Figure 2 GS2100M Evaluation Board Components
NOTE: When using dual UART, connect GPIO30 to J9 for UART1RX to work properly.
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 8 GS2100M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 2.0
No. Feature Description
1 RF Module GS2100M
2 Daughter Board Header (J1) Header to facilitate connection to a daughter board
3 JTAG Connector (J19)
4 ANT1 Antenna used to communicate
Power Measurement Jumpers (J7, J10, J11, and J12)
6 I/O Port (J6) Mini USB Connector (USB0)
7 I/O Port (J10) Mini USB Connector (USB1)
8 Test Points (TP2, TP3, and TP4)
Used for testing and debugging the GS2100M evaluation board
Jumpers to facilitate measurement of current consumption of module, (see Appendix A GS2000
Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for more
information on jumper settings and description)
Test points for connecting external power supply (see Appendix B Connector Pinouts, page 68 for more information on test point and description)
9 On/Off Switch (SW1) Power ON/OFF switch
See Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board
10 Power Jumper (J2)
Specifications, page 50 for more information on
jumper settings and description
11 SDIO Connector (J18) Secure Digital Input/Output connector
12 SPI Connector (J16) Serial Peripheral Interface connector
If installed (default), these jumpers enable LEDs (see
13 LED Select Jumper (J4)
Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation Board Specifications, page 50 for more information on
jumper settings and description)
Status LEDs (see Appendix A GS2000 Evaluation
14 LEDs
Board Specifications, page 50 for more information
on jumper settings and description)
15 Alarm Switch (SW5) Push button switch for Alarm 2
16 Restore Switch (SW4)
Push button switch to restore the board to factory default settings (not used)
17 WPS Switch (SW3) Push button switch to enter WPS mode (not used)
18 Reset Switch (SW6) Push button switch to reset the GS2100M
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GS2K Module Evaluation Board Hardware User Guide
Table 8 GS2100M Module Evaluation Board Components - EVB 2.0 (Continued)
No. Feature Description
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Connector (J17)
20 Program Switch (SW2)
Test Points (TP1, TP5, TP6, TP7, and TP8)
NOTE: For GS2100M hardware specifications, refer to the GainSpan GS2100M Wi-Fi Module Hardware User Guide.
A 3 high bit-rate Sigma Delta ADC connector for high resolution sensor and measurement devices
RUN: Normal Operation (default)
PROGRAM: For programming the module
Test points for connecting VPP, Active, Deep Sleep, Standby, and Ground (see Appendix B Connector
Pinouts, page 68 for more information on test point
and description)
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+ 60 hidden pages