Telit Wireless Solutions G30 Hardware User's Manual

G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
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G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Telit assumes no liability resulting from any inaccuracies or omissions in this document, or from use of the information obtained herein. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or omissions. Telit reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein and reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in content hereof with no obligation to notify any person of revisions or changes. Telit does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product, software, or circuit described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of others.
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The Telit and 3rd Party supplied Software (SW) products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Telit and other 3rd Party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Telit and other 3rd Party supplied SW certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW computer programs contained in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be copied (reverse engineered) or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Telit or the 3rd Party SW supplier. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.
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G30 Hardware User Guide
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Usage and Disclosure Restrictions
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The software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement.
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High Risk Materials
Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic Control, Life Support, or Weapons Systems (High Risk Activities"). Telit and its supplier(s) specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for such High Risk Activities.
TELIT and the Stylized T Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
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G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 12
1.1. Scope .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.2. Audience ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.3. Contact Information, Support .................................................................................... 12
1.3.1. Required Query Information .......................................................................................... 13
1.4. Testing a Standalone Unit .......................................................................................... 14
1.4.1. Test Setup ...................................................................................................................... 14
1.4.2. Test Procedure............................................................................................................... 15
1.5. Document Organization ............................................................................................. 16
1.6. Text Conventions ........................................................................................................ 16
1.7. Related Documents ................................................................................................... 16
1.8. Regulatory Requirements .......................................................................................... 16
1.9. Regulatory Statement (Safety) ................................................................................... 17
1.10. FCC Notice to Users ............................................................................................... 17
1.11. Precautions ............................................................................................................. 18
1.12. Antenna and Transmission Safety Precautions ..................................................... 18
1.12.1. User Operation ............................................................................................................... 18
1.12.2. Antenna Installation ....................................................................................................... 18
1.12.3. Section 15.203 - Antenna Requirements ....................................................................... 19
1.13. Standards................................................................................................................ 19
1.14. General Safety ........................................................................................................ 20
1.14.1. Remember!. . . safety depends on you!......................................................................... 20
1.14.2. Ground the instrument .................................................................................................. 20
1.14.3. Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere .................................................................. 20
1.14.4. Do not service or adjust alone ....................................................................................... 20
1.14.5. Keep away from live circuits .......................................................................................... 21
1.14.6. Do not substitute parts or modify equipment ................................................................ 21
1.14.7. Dangerous procedure warnings .................................................................................... 21
1.15. Caring for the Environment .................................................................................... 21
1.15.1. Disposal of Telit equipment in EU countries ................................................................. 21
1.15.2. Disposal of Telit equipment in non-EU countries .......................................................... 21
1.15.3. Turkey ............................................................................................................................ 22
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G30 Hardware User Guide
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2. General Product Description ................................................................................ 23
2.1. Product Specifications ............................................................................................... 23
2.2. Regulatory and Approvals .......................................................................................... 27
2.2.1. European Union Directives Conformance Statement .................................................... 28
2.2.2. CFR 47 Part 15.19 specifies label requirements ........................................................... 28
2.2.3. CFR 47 Part 15.21 Information to user .......................................................................... 28
2.2.4. CFR 47 Part 15.105 Information to the user .................................................................. 28
3. Hardware Interface Description ........................................................................... 30
3.1. Architecture Overview ............................................................................................... 30
3.1.1. Baseband ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.2. RF Block ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.2. Operating Modes ........................................................................................................ 31
3.3. Power Supply ............................................................................................................. 33
3.3.1. Power Supply Design ..................................................................................................... 33
3.3.2. Power Consumption ....................................................................................................... 34
3.4. Power On/Off Operation ............................................................................................. 35
3.4.1. Turning the G30 On ........................................................................................................ 35
3.4.2. Power Supply Turn-on ................................................................................................... 36
3.4.3. Turning the G30 On Using PWR_ON .............................................................................. 36
3.4.4. Turning the G30 Off ........................................................................................................ 36
3.4.5. Turning the G30 Off Using PWR_ON .............................................................................. 37
3.4.6. Power Loss shut down ................................................................................................... 37
3.4.7. Turning the G30 Off Using AT+MRST ............................................................................. 37
3.5. Low Power Mode ........................................................................................................ 37
3.5.1. Activating Low Power Mode ........................................................................................... 37
3.5.2. Serial Interface During Low Power Mode ...................................................................... 38
3.5.3. Terminating Low Power Mode ....................................................................................... 39
3.6. Real Time Clock ......................................................................................................... 41
3.7. Serial Interfaces......................................................................................................... 41
3.7.1. UART .............................................................................................................................. 41
3.7.2. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) .................................................................................... 43
3.7.3. Flashing and Data Logging ............................................................................................ 44
3.7.4. I
C Bus Interface ............................................................................................................ 46
3.8. SIM Interface .............................................................................................................. 47
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3.8.1. External SIM Card .......................................................................................................... 48
3.8.2. Embedded SIM ............................................................................................................... 49
3.8.3. eSIM Connection ............................................................................................................ 49
3.9. Audio Interface ........................................................................................................... 50
3.9.1. Handset Microphone Port .............................................................................................. 50
3.9.2. Headset Microphone Port .............................................................................................. 51
3.9.3. Differential Speaker (Handset) Port .............................................................................. 53
3.9.4. Mono Speaker (Headset) Port ........................................................................................ 54
3.9.5. Headset Detection .......................................................................................................... 55
3.9.6. Digital Audio Interface ................................................................................................... 56
3.9.7. Voiceband Audio ............................................................................................................. 56
3.9.8. Operating Modes ............................................................................................................ 57
3.9.9. Audio Programming Interface ....................................................................................... 59
3.9.10. Audio Design .................................................................................................................. 60
3.10. A/D Interface ........................................................................................................... 61
3.10.1. Power Supply A/D .......................................................................................................... 62
3.10.2. General Purpose A/D ..................................................................................................... 62
3.11. Controls and Indicators Interface .......................................................................... 63
3.11.1. Reset .............................................................................................................................. 65
3.11.2. VREF Reference Regulator ............................................................................................ 65
3.11.3. VRTC ............................................................................................................................... 66
3.11.4. Wakeup Out .................................................................................................................... 66
3.11.5. Antenna Detection .......................................................................................................... 67
3.11.6. GPRS Detection .............................................................................................................. 68
3.11.7. General Purpose I/O ...................................................................................................... 68
3.12. Antenna Interface ................................................................................................... 68
4. Electrical and Environmental Specifications ........................................................ 71
4.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................... 71
4.2. Operating Parameters ............................................................................................... 72
4.2.1. Supply/power Pins ......................................................................................................... 72
4.2.2. Digital Pins ..................................................................................................................... 73
4.2.3. Audio Pins ...................................................................................................................... 77
4.2.4. ADC Pins ........................................................................................................................ 80
4.3. Environmental Specifications .................................................................................... 81
4.4. Application Interface Specifications .......................................................................... 82
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5. Mechanical Specifications .................................................................................... 92
5.1. Board Dimensions ..................................................................................................... 92
5.2. LGA Tape & Reel Specification .................................................................................. 94
5.3. Interface Connector Specifications ........................................................................... 95
5.3.1. Mating Connector ........................................................................................................... 96
5.4. U.FL Connector Specifications .................................................................................. 96
5.4.1. Mating Connector ........................................................................................................... 98
5.5. G30 Mounting ............................................................................................................. 98
5.6. Layout Recommendation ........................................................................................... 99
5.6.1. Soldering Footprint ...................................................................................................... 100
5.6.2. RF Recommendation ................................................................................................... 100
5.7. Soldering Re-flow .................................................................................................... 101
6. Acronyms and abbreviations .............................................................................. 103
6.1. Document history ..................................................................................................... 104
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G30 Hardware User Guide
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List of tables
Table 2-1: G30 Product Specifications .............................................................................................................. 27
Table 3-1: G30 Operating Modes ...................................................................................................................... 32
Table 3-2: Power supply Signals ....................................................................................................................... 33
Table 3-3: Recommended Power supply filtering ............................................................................................. 34
Table 3-4: G30 Current Ratings ......................................................................................................................... 35
Table 3-5: SPI Interface Connections ................................................................................................................ 44
Table 3-6: Data Logging and SW Upgrading Application Connector ............................................................... 46
Table 3-7: I2C Interface Connections ................................................................................................................ 47
Table 3-8: SIM Interface Signals ....................................................................................................................... 48
Table 3-9: Handset Microphone Port Specifications ......................................................................................... 51
Table 3-10: Headset Microphone Port Specifications ....................................................................................... 52
Table 3-11: Speaker Port Specifications ............................................................................................................ 54
Table 3-12: Mono Speaker Port Specifications ................................................................................................. 55
Table 3-13: Digital Audio Modes ...................................................................................................................... 56
Table 3-14: Basic Mode Audio Paths ................................................................................................................ 58
Table 3-15: Advanced Mode Commands .......................................................................................................... 59
Table 3-16: Speech Processing Features ............................................................................................................ 60
Table 3-17: Gain Control Features..................................................................................................................... 60
Table 3-18: Supply A/D Specifications ............................................................................................................. 62
Table 3-19: GPAD Specifications...................................................................................................................... 63
Table 3-20: Controls and indicators ................................................................................................................... 65
Table 3-21: VREF Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 66
Table 3-22: Antenna Interface Specifications .................................................................................................... 70
Table 4-1: Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................ 71
Table 4-2: Input Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 72
Table 4-3: Output Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 72
Table 4-4: Input Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 73
Table 4-5: Output Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 75
Table 4-6: Pad Pull-up and Pull-down Characteristics ...................................................................................... 76
Table 4-7: Audio Transmit Path Characteristics ................................................................................................ 78
Table 4-8: Microphone Supply Characteristics ................................................................................................. 78
Table 4-9: G30 Low Power Single-ended Audio Receive Path Characteristics ................................................ 79
Table 4-10: G30 High Power Differential Audio Receive Path Characteristics ................................................ 80
Table 4-11: Input Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 81
Table 4-12: Environmental Ratings ................................................................................................................... 82
Table 4-13: Interface Specifications .................................................................................................................. 91
Table 5-1: Interface Connector Specifications ................................................................................................... 95
Table 5-2: U.FL Connector Specifications ........................................................................................................ 98
Table 5-3: Soldering Re-flow Process ............................................................................................................. 101
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G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
List of figures
Figure 1-1: Test Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3-1: G30 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 3-2: Transmission Power Drops ............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 3-3: Power Supply Turn-on .................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-4: PWR_ON Power On Timing .......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-5: PWR_ON Power Off Timing .......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-6: ATS24 Operation ............................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 3-7: CTS Signal During Sleep Mode ...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-8: WKUPI Signal Operation ............................................................................................................... 39
Figure 3-9: Serial Interface Data ........................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 3-10: UART Interface Signals ................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 3-11: RI Behaviour When Receiving A Call .......................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-12: G30 External SIM Interface .......................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3-13: G30 eSIM Interface ....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 3-14: Audio Interface Topology ............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 3-15: Handset Microphone Circuit ......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3-16: Headset Microphone Circuit ......................................................................................................... 52
Figure 3-17: Differential Speaker Circuit .......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-18: Single-ended Speaker Circuit ........................................................................................................ 53
Figure 3-19: Mono Speaker (Headset) Circuit ................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-20: I2S BUS Format ............................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 3-21: Voiceband Mode PCM Bus Coding Format ................................................................................. 57
Figure 3-22: Audio Programming Interface ....................................................................................................... 59
Figure 3-23: WKUPO Operation ....................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-1: G30 - 70 Pin Connector Quick Integration Connections ................................................................ 83
Figure 4-2: G30 - 81 Pin LGA Interface Quick Integration Connections .......................................................... 84
Figure 5-1: G30 Mechanical Characteristics - 81 Pin LGA Interface................................................................ 92
Figure 5-2: G30 Mechanical Characteristics - B2B Connector (70 Pin) ........................................................... 93
Figure 5-3: LGA Tape & Reel Specification ..................................................................................................... 94
Figure 5-4: Mating Connector Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 96
Figure 5-5: U.FL Connector Dimensions .......................................................................................................... 97
Figure 5-6: U.FL Mating Connector .................................................................................................................. 98
Figure 5-7: G30 Mounting Area ........................................................................................................................ 99
Figure 5-8: G30 Soldering Footprint (Top View) ............................................................................................ 100
Figure 5-9: Soldering Re-flow Process ............................................................................................................ 101
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1. Introduction
1.1. Scope
This manual provides the electrical, mechanical and environmental requirements for properly integrating the G30 module in a host application. This manual gives a complete set of hardware features and functions that may be provided by G30. The availability of any feature or function, which is described in this manual, depends on the hardware revision and software version of a specific G30 model. The parameters and values provided in this manual are defined under typical conditions. These values may vary when subject to different conditions, such as SW version, network status, application settings and environmental conditions.
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1.2. Audience
This manual is intended for all members of the integration team who are responsible for integrating the G30 module into the host OEM device, including representatives from hardware, software and RF engineering disciplines.
1.3. Contact Information, Support
This section provides contact information for any possible queries that may arise, for example:
Have questions?
Having trouble getting the Developer Board set up?
Technical questions?
Configuration questions/problems?
Technical operating problems?
Need documentation?
For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals, contact Telit Technical Support Center (TTSC) at:
Alternatively, use:
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For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit Technical Support Center (TTSC).
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
1.3.1. Required Query Information
Every new call/problem report, directly from a Direct Customer or from a distributor, should be directed to the help desk email address noted previously. It is recommended to report each individual issue in a separate email. The following information is required when reporting a problem:
Customer name and address
Customer contact information for this request, including:
NameTelephone Fax number Mobile number Email address
Product name (G30)
Software version of the unit (ATI8 command) or model number
PCB version (located on the PCB near the RF connector)
Severity of the problem
Problem description, including:
Operator name Type of SIM card (for example, Test, Pre-paid, or 3v) Setup Configuration (such as Developer Board, handset, host, connections, and so on) Detailed scenario from startupLog of all the commands and the responses, beginning from startup
Answers to the following questions:
Was the same scenario tested on the Developer Board and the PC to reproduce the
How many units do you have, and how many of them have this problem? How often does the problem recur?
In addition to the information requested above, send the following AT commands and the HyperTerminal log with the responses:
AT+CMEE=2 // to get textual error message
• AT+CPIN? // to get SIM card status
• AT+CREG? // to see if the TXVR is registered to the network
• AT+CSQ // to get the signal strength (RX level)
AT+CGSN // to read the IMEI number of the unit
ATI8I9 // to get the software version of the TXVR
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AT+CMER=0,0,1,1 // to get messages and indicators from the handset
display to the DTE
1.4. Testing a Standalone Unit
This section describes how to perform a G30 functionality test, whose purpose is to:
Introduce the user to the G30
Explain how to work with the G30 unit
Describe how to evaluate basic G30 features
The test setup provides a wide platform through which a G30 unit can be evaluated. The specific test procedure described below covers only a few of the G30’s many features. Using this setup, you can perform several additional tests on the G30. The test is performed using two modems, one of which is the G30. The modems communicate with each other through a single computer, which also controls their operation. The test requires knowledge about the operation of the G30 Developer’s Kit, terminal applications and AT commands. Refer to relevant documentation for assistance. To perform the test, you need the following:
A G30 OEM cellular engine unit
A G30 Developer's Kit
A desktop or laptop computer, which includes:
A free serial communications port (RS232) A connected and active line modem (internal or external) A terminal application (such as HyperTerminal)
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1.4.1. Test Setup
To Setup the G30 Test
Follow this procedure (see following figure) to set up your equipment before performing the test:
1. Verify that the computer you intend to use for the test is equipped with a working
line modem
You can use a second G30 unit instead of the line modem. When doing so, you must repeat the setup procedure that follows for the additional G30.
2. Set up the G30 and the Developer Board as described in “Initial Setup” in
“ Developer Board and Interfaces Description” in the “G30 Developer’s Kit Guide”
3. Verify that the G30 has adequate reception from the local GSM network
4. Connect the Developer Board’s RS232 port to the computer’s serial port
5. Open a terminal application window (such as HyperTerminal) and configure it to operate
with the serial port occupied by the G30
6. Open a second terminal window and configure it to operate with the serial port occupied
by the line
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Developer Board
with G30 unit
Line Modem
(internal or external)
To telephone line
wall outlet
Serial Cable
1.4.2. Test Procedure
To Perform the G30 Test
Follow the procedure below to perform the G30 test:
1. Verify that the line modem is functioning and communicating with the computer by
entering the AT command at in the modem’s terminal window
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
Figure 1-1: Test Setup
This common AT command prompts a properly working modem to reply OK.
2. Verify that the G30 is functioning and communicating with the computer by performing
the following AT commands in the G30 terminal window:
ati7 prompts G30 identification
The G30 will reply G30 OEM Module.
ati8 prompts the G30 software version
3. Make a CSD call from the G30 to the line modem or the reverse using the atd and ata
commands in the appropriate window
4. Verify that a connection between the two modems is established
5. Select any file to transfer between the two modems
The file can be any existing file, or a new file created specifically for the test.
6. Send the file either from the G30, or to the G30, through the terminal application using
the terminal application’s send/receive file options
7. When the file transfer is complete, use the ath command in any of the terminal windows
to terminate the call
This step completes the test. You can now continue to perform additional tests using the same setup, or change the setup as required.
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1.5. Document Organization
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 — introduces the G30 unit and provides important safety instructions, support
and contact information.
Chapter 2 — provides a detailed hardware description of the blocks and components
comprising the G30.
Chapter 3 provides a hardware interface description for G30 connectors.
Chapter 4 provides electrical and environmental specifications.
Chapter 5 provides mechanical specifications for G30.
Chapter 6 — provides acronyms, abbreviations and the document’s revisions log.
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1.6. Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
1.7. Related Documents
G30 Developer’s Kit Guide
G30 AT Commands Reference Guide
1.8. Regulatory Requirements
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires application for certification of digital devices in accordance with CFR Title 47, Part 2 and Part 15. This includes MPE
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calculation. As the G30 modem is not a standalone transceiver but is an integrated module, the G30 cannot be tested by itself for EME certification. It is, however, the integrator’s responsibility to have the completed device tested for EME certification.
Unauthorized repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment and void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
1.9. Regulatory Statement (Safety)
The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating the G30 module. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating personnel, and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Telit assumes no liability for customer failure to comply with these precautions.
G30 module must be powered by a Limited Power Source (LPS - as defined by EN-
60950-1:2006 section 2.5)
G30 module should not be assembled when voltage is supplied (applicable for 70 pin
connector model only)
G30 module must be operated at the voltages described in the technical documentation
G30 module must not be mechanically nor electrically changed. Use of connectors
should follow the guidance of the technical documentation
G30 module is designed to meet the EMC requirements of EN 301 489-07
When integrating the G30 module into a system, Telit recommends testing the system to
EN 301 489-07
You must not remove any label from the G30 module
Systems using the G30 module are subject to mandatory EMC/RF/Safety (including
EME) testing under R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC (to:// Other directives, such, 2002/95/EC (RoHS), WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC should also apply to a system using the G30 module.
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1.10. FCC Notice to Users
Telit has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. See 47 CFR Sec.
15.21. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.19(3). If your mobile device or accessory has a USB connector, or is otherwise considered a computer peripheral device whereby it can be connected to a computer for purposes of transferring data, then it is considered a Class B device and the following statement applies: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates
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uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
connected. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
1.11. Precautions
Interface connector and some of the module circuits are not shielded. Be sure to take appropriate precautionary measures in order to avoid ESD while handling the module. ESD can damage the G30 modules. Integrators need to design ESD protection on all external interfaces.
1.12. Antenna and Transmission Safety Precautions
1.12.1. User Operation
Do not operate your unit when a person is within 8 inches (20 centimeters) of the antenna. A person or object within 8 inches (20 centimeters) of the antenna could impair call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than necessary.
The unit must be installed in a manner that provides a minimum separation distance of 20 cm or more between the antenna and persons and must not be co-located or operate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter to satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices.
To comply with the FCC RF exposure limits and satisfy the categorical exclusion requirements for mobile transmitters, the requirements described in the following section,
Antenna Installation, must be met.
1.12.2. Antenna Installation
The antenna installation must provide a minimum separation distance of 20 cm from
users and nearby persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Antenna installation should be done by a professional installer and should meet all FCC
requirements as given in FCC part 15.
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Combined cable loss and antenna gain
R&TTE requirements
900 MHz GSM band: The combined cable loss and antenna gain must not exceed
4.08 dBi
1800 MHz DCS band: The combined cable loss and antenna gain must not exceed
9.47 dBi
FCC requirements
800 MHz cellular band: The combined cable loss and antenna gain must not
2.85 dBi
1900 MHz PCS band: The combined cable loss and antenna gain must not exceed
2.5 dBi OEM installers must be provided with antenna installation instruction and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.
1.12.3. Section 15.203 - Antenna Requirements
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under the provisions of Sections 15.211, 15.213,
15.217, 15.219, or 15.221. Further, this requirement does not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter protection systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance with Section
15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for ensuring that the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this Part are not exceeded.
1.13. Standards
Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications by David A Weston, published by Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 USA. GSM 07.07 - prETS 300 916, Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); AT command set for GSM Mobile Equipment (ME), Version 5.2.0 or higher, Reference RE/SMG-040707QR1. GSM 07.05, Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Use of Data Terminal Equipment - Data Circuit terminating; Equipment (DTE-DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS), Version 5.3.0, August, 1997, Reference TS/SMG-040705QR2. GSM 03.40, Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP), Version 5.3.0, July 1996, Reference TS/SMG-040340QR2. GSM 04.11 Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Point-to-Point (PP) Short Message Service (SMS) support on mobile radio interface, Version 5.1.0, March 1996, Reference TS/SMG-030411QR. GSM 03.38, Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Alphabets and language­specific information, Version 5.3.0, July 1996, Reference TS/SMG-040338QR2.
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GSM 11.10-1, Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Mobile Station (MS) Conformance specification; Part 1: Conformance specification. Draft pr ETS 300 607-1, March 1998, Reference RE/SMG-071110PR6-1. GSM Specifications are orderable from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112-5704 USA 303-792-2181 800-624-3974. ETSI Standard PCS - 11.10-1.
GSM 02.30 Supplementary services. GSM 03.90 USSD stage 2. GSM 11.14 SIM toolkit.
ITU-T V.25ter G30 AT Command Reference Guide, ETSI standard SMG31. GSM 05.02. ETSI 07.60. ETSI 0.7.07 Ver. 7.5.0.
1.14. General Safety
1.14.1. Remember!. . . safety depends on you!
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of the equipment described in this manual. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the equipment. Telit assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements. The safety precautions listed below represent warnings of certain dangers of which we are aware. You, as the user of this product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
1.14.2. Ground the instrument
To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the equipment is supplied with a three-conductor AC power cable, the power cable must be either plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used with a three-contact to two-contact adapter. The three-contact to two-contact adapter must have the grounding wire (green) firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable must meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards.
1.14.3. Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
1.14.4. Do not service or adjust alone
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid is present.
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1.14.5. Keep away from live circuits
Operating personnel must:
not remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other
qualified maintenance personnel may remove equipment covers for internal subassembly, or component replacement, or any internal adjustment
not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous
voltages may exist even with the power cable removed
always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them
1.14.6. Do not substitute parts or modify equipment
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of equipment. Contact Telit for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
1.14.7. Dangerous procedure warnings
Warnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed. You should also employ all other safety precautions that you deem necessary for the operation of the equipment in your operating environment. Warning example:
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
1.15. Caring for the Environment
The following information is provided to enable regulatory compliance with the European Union (EU) Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) when using Telit equipment in EU countries.
1.15.1. Disposal of Telit equipment in EU countries
Please do not dispose of Telit equipment in landfill sites. In the EU, Telit in conjunction with a recycling partner will ensure that equipment is collected and recycled according to the requirements of EU environmental law. Please contact the Telit Technical Support Center (TTSC) for assistance.
1.15.2. Disposal of Telit equipment in non-EU countries
In non-EU countries, dispose of Telit equipment in accordance with national and regional
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1.15.3. Turkey Limitation of Liability
The Products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body; in other applications intended to support or sustain life; for the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility; for the flight, navigation, communication of aircraft or ground support equipment; or in any other application in which the failure of the Product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. If CUSTOMER should use any Product or provide any Product to a third party for any such use, CUSTOMER hereby agrees that TELIT is not liable, in whole or in part, for any claims or damages arising from such use, and further agrees to indemnify and hold TELIT harmless from any claim, loss, cost or damage arising from such use. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATED ABOVE, THE PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND TELIT MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE REGARDING THE PRODUCTS. TELIT SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. Under no circumstances shall TELIT be liable to CUSTOMER or any other party for any costs, lost revenue or profits or for any other special, incidental or consequential damages, even if TELIT has been informed of such potential loss or damage. And in no event shall TELIT's liability to CUSTOMER for damages of any nature exceed the total purchase price CUSTOMER paid for the Product at issue in the dispute, except direct damages resulting from patent and/or copyright infringement, which shall be governed by the "INDEMNITY" Section of this Agreement. The preceding states TELIT's entire liability for TELIT's breach or failure to perform under any provision of this Agreement.
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2. General Product Description
The G30 is the newest member of Telit's embedded cellular modules family. Designed with quad band GSM capabilities, which supports four GSM bands ­850/900/1800/1900 MHz, and with GPRS multislot class 10, G30 can operate on any GSM/GPRS network to provide voice and data communications. The G30 is similar to a condensed cellular phone core, which can be integrated into any system or product that needs to transfer voice or data information over a cellular network. Thus, it significantly enhances the system's capabilities, transforming it from a standalone, isolated product to a powerful high-performance system with global communications capabilities. The G30 is designed as a complete GSM communications solution with all the controls, interfaces and features to support a broad range of applications:
A powerful audio interface
A large set of indicators and control signals
Several advanced power-saving modes
A variety of serial communications solutions.
All these features and interfaces are easily controlled and configured using a versatile AT command interface that provides full control over the G30 operation. The G30 comes with several hardware configurations (models) that gives the development engineer the option to select the best cost effective solution for their application. The hardware configuration is the combination of the following factors:
User interface: 81 pin LGA interface for solder mounting, or 70 pin connector interface
with screw mounting
Memory: 64Mb/16Mb or 128Mb/32Mb Flash/PSRAM internal memory
RF Interface: U.FL connector or SMT pad (part of the LGA module)
SIM interface: External SIM card interface, or internal Embedded SIM (eSIM)
The G30 series was designed for Zero time, Zero effort integration, getting you to market faster than ever. The G30 features both an 81 pin LGA interface form factor and an optional 70-pin B2B connector for various design possibilities. The optional connectorized platform maintains the same mounting design as the award winning G24 module, so you can leverage the G30’s rich feature set but remain with your connectorized design. The G30 Series also shares a unified software interface with the G24 family, including compatible AT commands and TCP/IP stacks.
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1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
2.1. Product Specifications
For safety regulations and requirements, see “Regulatory Requirements”, “Regulatory Statement (Safety)” and “Antenna and Transmission Safety Precautions” in “
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Product Features
Operating systems:
GSM 850/GSM 900
Physical Characteristics
Size (with 3 mm connector):
SMT (LGA module) or two Ø2.4 mm holes (70 pin connector
<6 grams
Operational temperature:
-30°C to +85°C
Storage temperature:
-40°C to +85°C
Operating voltage:
3.3 - 4.2 V
Current consumption:
In AT mode: < 1.6 mA @ DRX9 (Sleep mode)
Maximum Tx output power:
GSM 850/GSM 900: Power class 4 (33 ± 2dBm)
81 pins LGA interface or via a single 70 pin connector
SIM Card:
External SIM connectivity
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
Telit reserves the right to change the specifications without prior notice.
DCS 1800/PCS 1900
interface model)
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DCS 1800/PCS 1900: Power class 1 (30 ± 2 dBm) GSM 850/GSM 900: GPRS 2 slot up (33 ± 2 dBm) DCS 1800/PCS 1900: GPRS 2 slot up (30 ± 2 dBm)
RF U.FL or via SMT pads
1.8 V / 3.0 V SIM Card support Embedded SIM
RTC supply:
RTC supply output/Backup voltage supply input
External Reset input
Data Features
Multislot Class 10
CS data calls (Transparent / Non-Transparent) up to 9.6 kbps
MO/MT Text and PDU modes
Voice Features
Digital/Analog audio
Headset Mode
Handset Mode
Hands Free Mode
Ringer Mode
Supporting Midi files
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
BR from 2400 bps to 230400 bps Auto BR up to 230400 bps I2C (Master, M2M Zone only): I2S or SPI (Master data logging only, AT command selection)
DL up to 85.6 Kbit/s UL up to 42.8 Kbit/s Mobile station class B CS1 to CS 4 supported Internal TCP/IP Embedded FTP
Modem type V.32, V.110
Cell broadcast (SMS CB) Reception of SMS during circuit-switched calls Reception of SMS via GSM or GPRS
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DTMF support
Audio control:
Echo canceller, noise reduction, side tone and gain control,
GSM Supplementary Service
Call Hold/Resume (CH)
Call Waiting (CW)
Multi-Party (MTPY)
Call Forwarding (CF)
Call Divert
Explicit Call Transfer (ECT)
Call Barring (CB)
Call Completion to Busy Subscriber Advice of Charge (AoC)
Calling Line Identification Presentation
Calling Line Identification Restriction
Connected Line Identification
Unstructured Supplementary Services Network Identify and Time Zone (NITZ)
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
Tx / Rx digital filter control
Presentation (COLP)
Data (USSD)
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Character Set
GSM default alphabet (GSM03.38)
Character strings consist only of hexadecimal numbers from
International Reference Alphabet (ITU-T T.50)
ISO 8859 Latin 1 character set
16-bit universal multiple-octet coded character set
AT Command Set
GSM 07.05
GSM 07.07
Legacy Motorola proprietary AT
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
00 to FF; e.g. "032FE6" equals three 8-bit characters with decimal values 3, 47 and 230; no conversions to the original ME character set shall be done
(USO/IEC10646); UCS2 character strings are converted to hexadecimal numbers from 0000 to FFFF. Only the strings found in quotation marks are UCS2 coded, the rest of commands or responses, remains in IRA alphabet
Table 2-1: G30 Product Specifications
2.2. Regulatory and Approvals
Anatel Brazil
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Hereby, Telit declares that this product is in compliance with
IM EI: 35 0034 /40 /39 4721 /9
Type: G30
G30 Hardware User Guide
1VV0300919 Rev.0 – 2011-05-04
2.2.1. European Union Directives Conformance Statement
The essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC
All other relevant EU Directives
The above gives an example of a typical Product Approval Number.
The following paragraphs must be addressed by the integrator to ensure their host is in compliance to the G30 FCC grant and/or the FCC grant of the host device.
2.2.2. CFR 47 Part 15.19 specifies label requirements
The following text may be on the product, user's manual, or container. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
2.2.3. CFR 47 Part 15.21 Information to user
The user's manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. In cases where the manual is provided only in a form other than paper, such as on a computer disk or over the Internet, the information required by this section may be included in the manual in that alternative form, provided the user can reasonably be expected to have the capability to access information in that form.
2.2.4. CFR 47 Part 15.105 Information to the user
(b) For a Class B digital device or peripheral, the instructions furnished the user shall include the following or similar statement, placed in a prominent location in the text of the manual:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
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turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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3. Hardware Interface Description
The following paragraphs describe in details the hardware requirements for properly interfacing and operating the G30 module.
3.1. Architecture Overview
The figure below illustrates the primary functional components of the G30.
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Figure 3-1: G30 Block Diagram
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