Telit Communications S p A WE865D Software Manual

WE865-DUAL SW User Guide
1vv0300788 Rev. 0 08/08/08
WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
1vv0300788 Rev. 0 08/08/08
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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WE865-DUAL 3990400528
1vv0300788 Rev. 0 08/08/08
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
1vv0300788 Rev. 0 08/08/08
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Audience .................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Contact Information, Support ............................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Open Source Licenses ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1Linux Wirele ss Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.2Wpa Supplicant .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3CSR Linux WiFi Driver ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Product Overview ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Document Organization ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Text Conventions .................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Related Documents ................................................................................................................................. 9
1.9 Document History ................................................................................................................................... 9
2 WE865-DUAL architecture ............................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Software ................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1Linux OS overview ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.2Linux WiFi so ftware framework........................................................................................................................ 12
3 Connecting WE865-DUAL to PRO3 .............................................................................................. 14
4 Configuring WE865-DUAL ........................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Typical IEEE 802.11 network scenario .............................................................................................. 15
4.2 WE865-DUAL Setup ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.2.1WiFi Package Downloading .............................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2Loading the WiFi Driver .................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3Configuring the WiFi Network Interface ........................................................................................................... 19
4.2.4Auto-Setup at system startup ............................................................................................................................. 22
5 Commands summary ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Wireless Tools examples ...................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 WiFi Security examples........................................................................................................................ 24
6 Wireless Tools ................................................................................................................................. 25
6.1 iwconfig .................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.2 iwlist ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
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6.3 ifrename ................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.4 iwevent ................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.5 iwgetid .................................................................................................................................................... 39
7 WPA/WPA2 Security ...................................................................................................................... 41
7.1 Configuring wpa_supplicant ............................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Running wpa_supplicant ..................................................................................................................... 43
7.3 wpa_cli ................................................................................................................................................... 43
8 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 45
8.1 WPA/WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i) ................................................................................................................ 45
8.1.1Personal Mode (PSK) ........................................................................................................................................ 45
8.1.2Enterprise Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 45
8.2 WPA Supplicant ................................................................................................................................... 45
8.2.1Supported features ............................................................................................................................................. 46
8.2.2Source code architecture .................................................................................................................................... 47
9 Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 48
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
This user guide serves the following purpose:
Describes WE865-DUAL software architecture Describes how software developers can use the functions of the WiFi software package to
configure and manage the WE865-DUAL wireless interface
1.2 Audience
This User Guide is intended for software developers who develop applications on the GE863-PRO³ module for configuring and managing WE865-DUAL wireless module.
1.3 Contact Information, Support
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements.
For general contact, technical support, report documentation errors and to order manuals, contact Telit’s Technical Support Center at: or
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
1.4 Open Source Licenses
WiFi software package is made up of different Open Source Software licensed as follows.
1.4.1 Linux Wireless Tools
Linux Wireless Extensions and Wireless Tools are Open Source projects released under GPL (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) v.2, sponsored by Hewlett Packard through Jean Tourrilhes’ contribution since 1996, and build with the contribution of many Linux users all over the world. For further information about GNU License please have a look at
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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Wireless Tools project site:
1.4.2 Wpa Supplicant
WPA Supplicant is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. For further information about GNU License please have a look at
Alternatively, this software may be distributed, used, and modified under the terms of BSD license. Jouni Malinen’s wpa_supplicant official project site:
1.4.3 CSR Linux WiFi Driver
CSR Linux WiFi driver is licensed as follows:
SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT FOR U NIFI LINUX DRIVER SOURCE CODE By receiving this software, the customer (YOU) accepts the terms and
conditions herein. GRANT OF LICENCE
Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited, hereafter referred to as CSR, grants YOU a worldwide royalty-free nonexclusive licence to use and distribute this software including source code under the following conditions:
1) The source will only be used in conjunction with projects that use CSR UniFi chips.
2) YOU will provide the source code of any bug fixes to the software back to CSR under the same terms as to which CSR provides the original software to YOU.
3) CSR does not accept liability for any bugs in the software. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
CSR makes no warranties as to the fitness for purpose, merchantability or function of this software. CSR accepts no responsibility for the use of the software. CSR accepts no liability for conseque ntial loss. CSR does not warrant or provide any indemnification with respect to intellectual property infringement claims for third party claims.
EXTENTS Where there are other agreements between YOU and CSR, the restrictions imposed by the other agreements shall be additive, and where there is conflict between agreements, any restrictions in agreements shall take precedence over grants made by this agreement, with the specific exception of other agreements granting distribution rights over this software.
GOVERNING LAW These Terms and the supply of the Products by CSR are governed by English law, and YOU agree to resolve all disputes exclusively in the English Courts, but without prejudice to our right to seek injunctive or other relief in any court of competent jurisdiction world-wide.
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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1.5 Product Overview
The WE865-DUAL is a dual-mode Wi-Fi short range wireless companion product to the GE863-PRO³ device family. Based on the processing power of dual 60MHz RISC processor cores, the WE865­DUAL is a versatile and powerful addition to any GE863-PRO³-based design instantly adding the power of Wi-Fi communications and the versatility of the SDIO interface.
1.6 Document Organization
This manual contains the following chapters:
“Chapter 1, Introduction” provides a scope for this manual, target audience, technical contact information, and text conventions.
“Chapter 2, WE865-DUAL architecture” describes the general hardware and software architecture for WE865-DUAL-GE863-PRO system.
“Chapter 3, Connecting WE865-DUAL to PRO3” describes how to connect WE865-DUAL interface board to GE863-PRO³.
“Chapter 4, Configuring WE865-DUAL” provides some basic concepts on IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks and describes how to configure WE865-DUAL.
“Chapter 5, Commands summary” provides a list and some examples on the most commonly used shell commands for configuring WE865-DUAL.
“Chapter 6, Wireless Tools” provides a reference to the commands used to configure and manage WE865-DUAL.
“Chapter 7, WPA/WPA2 Security” provides a reference to wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli tools used to configure and manage WPA/WPA2 security modes.
“Chapter 8, Appendix” provides an in depth view of IEEE 802.11i WPA/WPA2 and wpa_supplicant.
“Chapter 9, Acronyms and Abbreviations” provides definition for all the acronyms and abbreviations used in this guide.
How to Use
If you are new to this product, it is highly recommended to start by reading through TelitGE863PRO3Linux Development Environment User Guide and TelitGE863PRO3Linux SW User Guide manuals and this document in their entirety in order to understand the concepts and specific features provided by the built in software of the GE863-PRO
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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1.7 Text Conventions
This section lists the paragraph and font styles used for the various types of information presented in this user guide.
Format Content
Linux shell commands at command prompt.
1.8 Related Documents
The following documents are related to this user guide:
[1] TelitGE863-PRO³ Hardware User Guide 1vv0300773a [2] TelitGE863PRO [3] TelitGE863PRO [4] TelitGE863PRO3Linux Development Environment User Guide1VV0300780 [5] TelitWE865-DUAL Product Description [6] TelitWE865-DUAL Hardware User Guide
All documentation can be downloaded from Telit’s official web site if not otherwise indicated.
EVK User Guide 1VV0300776
Linux SW User Guide 1vv0300781
1.9 Document History
RReevviissiioonn DDaattee
ISSUE #0 08/08/08 First Release
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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2 WE865-DUAL architecture
2.1 Hardware
WE865-DUAL WiFi module is connected and communicates with GE863-PRO³ through an SDIO interface. For further hardware information please refer to [1] , [2] , [5] and [6]
2.2 Software
Studying Linux Operating System and Linux WiFi Software Framework is important to better understand how WE865-DUAL can be configured and controlled. Below you can find a high level description of Linux OS Architecture and the different software layers involved in WE865-DUAL control.
2.2.1 Linux OS overview
The kernel is the central part of the GNU/Linux operating system: its main task is to manage system’s resources in order to make the hardware and the software to communicate. A kernel usually deals with process management (including inter-process communication), memory management and device management.
The Linux kernel belongs to the family of Unix-like operating system kernel; created in 1991, it has been developed in the years by a huge number of contributors worldwide, becoming one of the most common and versatile kernel for embedded systems.
Below there is a picture representing, from a high level perspective, the architecture of a GNU/Linux operating system.
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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Two regions can be identified:
1) User space: where the user applications are executed.
2) Kernel space: where the kernel (with all its components such as device drivers) works.
These two regions are separated and have different memory address spaces; there are several methods for user/kernel interaction:
Using the System Call Interface that connects to the kernel and provides the mechanism to communicate between the user-space application and the kernel through the C library.
Using kernel calls directly from application code leaping over the C library.
Using the virtual filesystem /proc.
The ordinary C library in Linux system is the glibc. Uclibc is a C library mainly targeted for developing embedded Linux systems; despite being much smaller than the glibc it almost has all its features (including shared libraries and threading), making easy to port applications from glibc to uclibc. The Linux kernel architecture-independent code stays on the top of platform specific code for the GE863-PRO³ board: this code allows exploiting all the hardware features of the GE863-PRO³.
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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2.2.2 Linux WiFi software framework
WE865-DUAL Linux WiFi package is made up of different components:
WiFi Driver – WE865-DUAL Linux WiFi device driver Wireless Tools – Set of tools for configuring and managing WE865-DUAL Wpa Supplicant – Tool for configuring and managing WPA/WPA2 security
WE865-DUAL WiFi module is controlled, under Linux OS, by the means of a WiFi device driver loaded into Kernel Space. WE865-DUAL functionalities are made available to User Space applications through Linux Wireless Extensions (WE), kernel space generic APIs allowing a driver to expose to the user space configuration and statistics specific to common Wireless LANs. Customer applications can control/configure WE865-DUAL through simple system calls to shell commands such as Wireless Tools and Wpa Supplicant.
The image below shows the software framework used to configure and control WE865-DUAL.
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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3 Connecting WE865-DUAL to PRO3
Prior to any use WE865-DUAL interface board must be correctly connected to GE863-PRO3 as shown below.
Please Note: to disable WE865-DUAL internal voltage regulators PL101 and PL102 jumpers must be closed (see [6] for further information).
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WE865-DUAL Software User Guide
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4 Configuring WE865-DUAL
In order to better understand how to configure WE865-DUAL wifi module it is very important to read the introduction in typical wireless networks configurations and devices involved.
4.1 Typical IEEE 802.11 network scenario
A typical wireless network is mainly made up of clients and Access Points (AP). Clients (such as PCs, PDAs, laptops, VOIP phones, etc.) connect to an AP. The AP usually connects to a wired network and can relay data between wireless devices and wired devices. Connection between clients and the AP can be secured enabling different encryption modes like WEP, WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). Enterprise wireless LANs usually use RADIUS authentication servers along with encryption in order to have as strong as possible WiFi connections. When WPA/WPA2 encryption is used, we talk about WPA-Personal in non Enterprise environments, and WPA-Enterprise otherwise. For further information about WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i) see 8.1 paragraph.
Access Point
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