CAUTION ............................................................................................................ 8
Mounting the central unit ..................................................................................... 8
Hardware installation steps................................................................................... 9
Sensor port pin out .............................................................................................11
Telmoss mobile...................................................................................................13
Running the application ...................................................................................13
Connection profiles ..........................................................................................14
Making the call ................................................................................................14
Live images.....................................................................................................17
Archive images................................................................................................19
Parameters .....................................................................................................22
Hanging up .....................................................................................................26
Telmoss PC ........................................................................................................27
Installing Telmoss PC application......................................................................27
Running the application ...................................................................................29
Profiles ...........................................................................................................30
On-line menu ..................................................................................................33
No power indication.........................................................................................38
GSM signal LEDs flash......................................................................................38
Connection fails ...............................................................................................38
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Thank you for choosing this product. Please read carefully this manual to make the best use of the entire system.
The system itself contains central hardware unit, Telmoss, which is actually GSM video transmitter. It works, completely automatically, on 2 frequency bands: 900 and 1800 MHz ensuring an excellent radio coverage.
In first sections hardware installation will be presented. Please, pay attention specially to the articles related to the SIM card installation.
Last sections describe client application and system’s parameter setup.
In accordance with on-going improvements, the specifications, design and other descriptions in this manual are subjects to modifications without prior notice.
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
TelMoss box contains following items:
TelMoss central unit (1)
Power supply adapter 230V-AC / 12V-DC (2)
Dual Band GSM antenna (3)
CD ROM with client applications and user manual
Figure 1
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
used as a stand alone device or an upgrade to installed video surveillance system
all parameter setup performed through client applications
built in GSM modem
connection for standard, external modem (RS232)
CSD data transfer
OS supported
Symbian Series 60 OS
Windows XP
4x analog video in,BNC
D-SUB 9-pin male RS-232 connector for external modem
D-SUB 9-pin female connector for alarm inputs
power supply
SMA connector for external GSM antenna
SIM card socket
PAL, SECAM i NTSC video formats
scan resolutions: 160x120, 320x240 i 640x480 pixels
5 predefined compression levels
color and C/B mode
digital zoom up to 4x
date/time stamp
image storing directly into client’s device memory
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
H: 52 mm
L: 196 mm
W: 174 mm
Power supply
external 12 V- DC, min. 500mA
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Here is the brief description of main Telmoss parts:
1. SMA connector for GSM antenna connection
2. SIM card (small format)
Figure 2 Upper panel
Figure 3 Down panel
3. DB9 female connector for alarm inputs (see Installation)
4. DB9 male RS 232 connector for external modem connection
3 4
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
5. 4 pin power supply connector (12 V - DC), 2 pins are used (+,-)
6. 4 BNC video inputs
Figure 4 Front panel
7 8 9
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
7. power supply presence indicator (lights if power supply is ok, but only after boot sequence which takes ca.55 seconds after switching on)
8. GSM signal strength indicator (3 levels)
9. traffic/communication indicator (blinks if there is rx/tx traffic)
10. video signal indicator (light red if video signals are presented)
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Telmoss device should not be used in an explosive environment (petrol stations, refineries, fuel depots, chemical plants etc.) unless it is housed in an approved explosion protection enclosure.
Telmoss device is to be positioned at least 20 cm from the human body during it's operation.
Mounting the central unit
Telmoss device must be installed at the proper position where GSM signal coverage is good enough. The unit can be mounted either on the wall or on the table. From the security reasons, like other video surveillance systems, the main unit should be hidden somewhere inside observed area in order not to be easily reachable nor visible.
Once the final position for central unit is defined, all cables (power adapter cable, coaxial from cameras and wires from sensors) must reach appropriate connectors at the unit (see Figure 3).
NOTE Camera and sensor mounting procedures are out of the scope of this manual.
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Hardware installation steps
Apply GSM antenna (Figure 1, pos 3) to the SMA connector (Figure 2, pos 1). Make sure that antenna is fasten enough (turning it few times to right till reach the end of the thread) in order to ensure good signal reception.
Insert the SIM card into the slot as shown on Figure 2, position 2.
PIN request must be disabled on applied SIM card. For this purpose use standard GSM mobile phone and disable this function. For details refer to mobile phone user’s guide.
applied SIM card must have so called Data/fax subscription number activated. This number is dedicated for incoming data calls. For more information refer to your network operator.
Plug-in coaxial cables (Figure 3, pos 6) from the cameras previously installed and connect the wires from sensors (see more details in chapter Sensor port )
Plug-in the power supply cable to the connector shown on Figure 3, position 5 and power supply adapter to the mains socket (220V).
If the power supply is connected properly, the boot sequences starts and after ca. 22 seconds Red Power Supply LED indicator (Figure 4, pos 7) will start to flash. This will last ca. 30-35 seconds. In the mean time all 3 green GSM signal indicators (Figure 4 pos 8) will blink on/off few times, indicating the presence of GSM module.
Approximately 55 seconds after switching on, Red Power Supply LED indicator stops flashing and must remain switched on permanently.
Those Camera LEDs are turned on, whose connectors are supplied with proper video signal.
About ten seconds afterwards, the unit should be properly connected to the network indicating the signal strength on 3 green LEDs. If those LEDs start to flash please wait for few seconds (10-20). If this continues, it indicates the permanent problem with the connection.
So, the device is properly installed if:
RED Power Supply LED indicator is switched on
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
at least 1 GREEN GSM signal indicator is switched on
at least 1 RED Camera indicator is switched on
Now, if all listed steps are performed successfully, parameter set-up has to be done using one of the client applications.
If SIM card has not been inserted before switching on Telmoss device, the system software will consider ONLY external devices connected to RS232 connector (Figure 3, pos 4) as the communication devices i.e. external modem, direct cable connection to PC etc. All three GSM signal LEDs will blink continuously. Communication will be possible only through this port and no notification SMS will be sent.
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Sensor port pin out
Four dry, relay sensor inputs can be connected to Telmoss sensor port. Connector pin-
-out is shown on the picture below.
D-sub 9 pins female connector (see Figure 3, poz.4)
PIN 4 & 9 – relay input 1
PIN 3 & 8 – relay input 2
PIN 2 & 7 – relay input 3
PIN 1 & 6 – relay input 4
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2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
The main purpose of client applications is the control over the system either in the sense of remote viewing or parameter set-up. There are two client applications:
Telmoss mobile
dedicated for the use on mobile phones running
SymbianOS Series60.
Telmoss PC
dedicated for the use on personal computers running on
Windows XP OS.
Telmoss CD directory tree:
Telmoss mobile installation
In each subfolder of
Telmoss mobile
directory there is a file
Telmoss mobileENG.sis.
Those are installation files (English versions) for Symbian OS which are dedicated for following mobile phones:
v.2.0.0/Nokia6_1 for Nokia7650, 3650,3660, NGage
v.2.0.0/SiemensSx1 for Siemens SX1
v.2.1.0/Nokia7_0 for Nokia 6600, 7610 and newer
For the details on application install procedure please refer to original mobile phone's manual.
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