Telex RadioCom FM-1, RadioCom QSB-1, SMP, RadioCom SMP Operating Instructions Manual

Op er at ing In struc tions
Ta ble of Con tent
Sec tion 1 In tro duc tion ...........................................................1-1
Over all De scrip tion ............................................................1-1
Sec tion 2 Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (SMP) Soft ware..................................2-1
Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (SMP) .................................................2-1
In stall ing the pro gram for the first time (Step 1) ...................................2-1
In stall ing Driver for QSB-1 Card Reader (Step 2) ..................................2-1
Launch ing the Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (Step 3) ..................................2-2
Us ing the Sys tem Man ager Pro gram ...............................................2-3
Con fig u ra tion But ton ...........................................................2-4
But ton Op tions ................................................................2-5
Down loading/Up loading ........................................................2-6
Down loading an Event .......................................................2-6
Up loading a Snap Shot........................................................2-6
Sec tion 3 QSB-1.................................................................3-1
QSB-1 ......................................................................3-1
QSB-1 Spec i fi ca tions...........................................................3-1
Sec tion 4 FM-1 Fre quency Man ager................................................4-1
Front Panel Con trol and Con nec tions ..............................................4-1
Rear Panel Con trols and Con nec tions ..............................................4-1
FM-1 Spec i fi ca tions............................................................4-2
Op er a tion ....................................................................4-2
Ba sic De scrip tion ...........................................................4-2
Con nect ing the FM-1 to the Base Sta tion .........................................4-2
Pow er ing the Unit ...........................................................4-2
Start-up Screen .............................................................4-2
Downloading a Card .........................................................4-3
Se lect ing an Event and Down loading to Sys tem ......................................4-3
Snap Shot ....................................................................4-3
Sec tion 5 FM-1 Menu Struc ture ...................................................5-1
FM-1 Menu Flow Chart .........................................................5-1
Sec tion 6 Soft ware Li cense........................................................6-1
End-User Li cense Agree ment for Telex® Soft ware ...................................6-1
Sec tion 7 DataFlash® Card Han dling and Stor age Pre cau tions .........................7-1
Sec tion 8 Fre quency Bands .......................................................8-1
Fre quency Bands ..............................................................8-1
Band Pair ing for Sys tems........................................................8-1
Ta ble 1 Avail able Band Pair ings ...............................................8-1
Ta ble 2 Band Names and TV Chan nels ..........................................8-1
Sec tion 9 Re place ment Parts and Ac ces so ries ........................................9-1
-ii- Blank
Over all De scrip tion
Sec tion
In tro duc tion
The SMP Soft ware along with the QSB-1 and FM-1 al low a user to eas ily man age large sys tems of BTR-1 base sta tions along with their beltpacks.
The SMP (Sys tem Man ager Pro gram ) soft ware en ables a user to set-up mul ti ple events on the com puter. An event is a par tic -- u lar sit u a tion where a pack of ten base sta tions need their pa -- ram e ter set a cer tain way. These pa ram e ters in clude trans mit and re ceive fre quen cies, in ter com lev els, aux il iary lev els, to name a few. The event could be a foot ball game or act one of a broad way show, the pos si ble ap pli ca tions are end less. A good ex am ple is a col lege foot ball team which uses a ten pack BTR-1 sys tem for its’ coaches on the field to talk to each other and the per sonal in the press box. If that team plays twelve games a year and six of them are away then the SMP could be used to set up 7 events. Event one would be the fre quen cies and pa ram e ters for a ten pack of base sta tions used at home. The other six events would be the ten pack’s fre quen cies and pa ram e ters for the away lo ca tions.
The QSB-1 (Qard Se rial Bus) pod in ter faces with the SMP via a USB con nec tion to the com puter. This en ables the user to
down load events into a small, con ve nient, DataFlash® card. FM-1 "Snap Shots" can also be up loaded to the SMP from the
DataFlash® card via the QSB-1.
The FM-1 (Fre quency Man ager) in ter faces with up to ten BTR-1 base sta tions. The FM-1 talks to the bases via a CAN bus sys tem. The CAN bus starts at the FM-1 and daisy chains through all the base sta tions and then back to the FM-1 to ter --
mi nate. The DataFlash® card is in serted in the card reader slot for the FM-1 to read events from the card. With the
DataFlash® card in the FM-1 the user can se lect an event on the card and down load the se lected event. Now the user can down load the event into the base sta tions. The FM-1 can also take “snap shots”of the ten pack of bases and down load those
pa ram e ters on the DataFlash ® card for even tu ally up loading into the SMP.
DataFlash®is a reg is tered trade mark of Atmel® Cor po ra tion
1-2 Blank
Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (SMP) Soft ware
Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (SMP)
In stall ing the Pro gram (Step 1)
In sert the Man ual/SMP Pro gram com pact disc into your
CD-ROM drive. The pro gram will au to mat i cally start.
2. Se lect the "Sys tem Man ager Pro gram" but ton. You will au ­to mat i cally go to the sys tem man ager page.
3. Click on the "In stall Soft ware" but ton. The Setup Wiz ard screen will ap pear. Fol low the Setup Wiz ard in struc tions on your screen.
Sec tion
In stall ing Driver for QSB-1 Card Reader (Step 2)
1. Con nect the sup plied USB ca ble to an avail able USB port on your com puter.
2. Con nect the QSB-1 to the USB ca ble.
3. The QSB-1 de vice driver should be loaded au to mat i cally to your com puter. If they were not loaded, fol low the in ­struc tions on your screen.
4. The de vice driver can be found at: C:\Pro gram Files\Telex Communications\FM-1 Sys tem Man ager on your com ­puter.
Launch ing the Sys tem Man ager Pro gram (Step 3)
1. Click on the com puter desk top icon, shown to the right, to launch the pro gram.
2. The fol low ing Screen will then ap pear:
The main screen of the sys tem man ager pro gram.
Fig ure 2-1
Us ing the Sys tem Man ager Pro gram
The main screen dis plays the 10 base sta tions.
Event Name.
Base Name – A 10 char ac ter name for the base is dis ­played here. The name is en tered in the con fig u ra tion screens.
The Band Des ig na tion – Base 1, shown here, is a F1 base sta tion. This in di cates its trans mit band is in the F band and it’s re ceive band is in the 1 band. See sec tion 8 for band definitions.
En able – If checked the user can en ter con fig u ra tion and change set tings, etc. If not checked the user can not re-con ­fig ure the base sta tion. The FM-1 will only down load to base stations that are en abled.
Con fig u ra tion But ton – Se lect ing this but ton al lows the con fig u ra tion of that BTR-1 base main set tings and the TR-1’s but tons A, B and C
Lock – Will lock all ten base sta tions so the con fig u ra tion can be viewed but not ac ci den tally changed. A base must have the en able check marked in or der to view the con fig ­u ra tion.
Down load Fre quen cies – If se lected, and set tings is not, then only fre quen cies will be down loaded to the
DataFlash® card for that event.
Down load Set tings - If se lected, and fre quency is not, then only set tings will be down loaded to the DataFlash®
card for that event.
The main menu bar def i ni tions are de fined be low:
New: Cre ates a new event.
Open: Opens a file with a .fm1 ex ten sion
Save: Saves file with cur rent name and a
<.fm1> file ex ten sion.
Save as: Saves file with a new name you cre ate
and a <.fm1> file ex ten sion.
Print: Prints a re port of the main set tings of the
ten base sta tions.
Print Pre view: On-screen pre view of print out put. Can
also print from this screen.
Down load: Down loads cur rent Event, or Events, to
the QSB-1 and DataFlash® mem ory card.
Up load: Uploads “Snap Shot” files taken at the
FM-1 Fre quency Man ager of the base sta tions.
Exit: Exit the Pro gram.
New Event: Cre ates New Event within the cur rent file.
De lete Event: De letes Event se lected.
Re name Event: Re names Event se lected.
Copy Event: Cop ies cur rently se lected event into
mem ory.
Paste Event: Pastes cur rent event in mem ory to SMP.
Adds the event to the end of the event folder tabs.
Paste Fre quen cies: Al low the user to paste fre quen cies only
into an event from a tab de lim ited text file. For ex am ple, Microsoft® Ex cel can be used as a source to trans fer fre quen ­cies to the SMP. The 1st col umn of 10 rows in Ex cel can be base TX fre quen ­cies and the 2nd col umn of 10 rows can be the RX fre quen cies. This 2 x 10 ar ray of num bers is then se lected and cop ied to the clip board. Now "Paste Fre quen cies" may be used to paste the 2 x 10 ar ray of fre quen cies to the SMP. The fre quen cies of the base sta tions read from the file must be within the bands set for the bases in the SMP.
Fig ure 2-2
The Main Screen Of The Sys tem Man ager Pro gram.
About: Pro vides cur rent soft ware ver sion in for -
ma tion.
Con fig u ra tion But ton
This but ton cre ates the con fig u ra tion of the se lected BTR-1 and TR-1. It al lows ac cess to the fol low ing items.
Base Main
But ton A
But ton B
But ton C
Four wire set tings
When the con fig u ra tion but ton is pressed the fol low ing screen will ap pear:
Name – If de sired the user can en ter up to a 10 character name for the base sta tion. This will be dis played at the top of the sta tus screen of the base.
Trans mit Band – Se lect the trans mit band of the base sta ­tion from the drop down menu. This will set the fre quen cies that will ap pear in the trans mit fre quency drop down menu.
Trans mit Fre quen cies – En ter di rectly or select the trans ­mit fre quency from the drop down menu. The range of fre ­quen cies to se lect from was set by the trans mit band list.
In ter com – This item al lows the se lect of the in ter com type that the base sta tion will be set to. The op tions are: Telex 2 Wire, RTS 2 Wire XLR, RTS 2 Wire DB15, ClearCom 2 Wire and Four Wire.
Re ceive Band – En ter di rectly or se lect the re ceive band
of the base sta tion from the drop down menu. This will set the fre quen cies that will ap pear in the re ceive fre quency drop down menu.
Re ceive Fre quen cies – Se lect the re ceive fre quency from the drop down menu. The range of fre quen cies to se lect from was set by the receive band list.
Aux il iary In put Se lect – The aux il iary in put of a base sta ­tion may be routed one of two ways:
Lo cal = Any au dio placed into the aux il iary in put port is routed only to the base’s lo cal head set and beltpack (Rec om mended)
Global = Any au dio placed into the aux il iary in put port is routed not only to the base’s lo cal head set and beltpack, but also to any wired sys tem con nected to the base sta tion.
Fig ure 2-3
The Base Main Screen
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