Setup of the C-6200 is almost entirely done using a web browser. The first step required during setup
is to assign the Ethernet and Mask addresses to the C-6200. This is done through the front panel. To
enter the front panel setup mode, press and hold MUTE-F16-GRP.
Setting the System Clock
Pressing PROG1 from the top-level setup menu will open the screen to set the internal Real Time
Clock. PROG1 selects the Edit option that allows setting of the actual minutes and hours. PROG2
sets AM or PM., PROG3 selects 12 or 24-hour mode, PROG4 returns to the previous setup screen.
The clock can also be directly setup by pressing MUTE-F16-C1. This key sequence bypasses the
PIN number and the main setup screen.
Setting the PIN number
The Pin number is used to prevent unauthorized modification of operation parameters. When a PIN
number is set, the C-6200 will prompt for it before allowing entry into the setup mode. The webbased setup for the C-6200 also has provision for a user password; it is the same four-digit value as
the PIN number entered from this menu option. Selecting PROG3 from the main menu will cause
the C-6200 to prompt for the new PIN number twice. If both are entered identically, the new PIN
number will take affect.
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
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11/5/2010 Page 1 of 18
Care and Feeding of Telex Radio Dispatch Systems
C-6200 Setup
Setting the basic IP information
As was mentioned before, all other parameters are setup by using a browser such as Netscape or
Internet Explorer. Before connecting to the console with the browser, an IP address and Mask that is
compatible with the users existing network must be set. Figure 7 shows the screen selected when
PROG2 is pressed from the main setup screen. See your network administrator to determine the
proper values. The following keys are used to enter the IP dotted quad once PROG1 or PROG2 is
DTMF 0-9: The DTMF digits allow entry of the specific
numbers .
DTMF A: DTMF digit A is the decimal point used in
dotted quad PROG4: The “back” key is pressed when the
dotted quad has been entered.
PROG1: The “Clr” function clears the current entered
value and starts over.
PROG2: The “Del” function deletes the last entered
Once these values have been set, the unit must be
reset for them to take affect. It is now possible to
connect to the C-6200 with a computer and web browser.
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
Dave Grant /
11/5/2010 Page 2 of 18
Care and Feeding of Telex Radio Dispatch Systems
C-6200 Backplane connections
C-6200 Setup
Battery backup:
The Auxiliary power input (3-Pin terminal block) is a diode-protected +12V input used for battery
backup. Pin (E) is also connected to the chassis allowing for positive grounding of the unit.
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
Dave Grant /
11/5/2010 Page 3 of 18
Care and Feeding of Telex Radio Dispatch Systems
C-6200 Setup
Auxiliary Speaker:
The DB9 SPKR/FS connector has Selected, Unselected and Crosspatch audio outputs for driving
external 8-ohm speakers.
The DB9 SPKR/FS connector provides footswitch and ground connections. This input acts as a
console PTT when it is shorted to ground.
Auxiliary Audio Input:
The DB25 AUX connector provides AUX Audio Input and PTT. Pulling PTT to ground activates the
Audio Input line for transmitting. This input is a high impedance capacitance coupled input.
Record Output
The DB25 AUX connector has Selected, Unselected and Crosspatch audio via 600ohm transformer
output for connection to a voice-logging recorder.
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
Dave Grant /
11/5/2010 Page 4 of 18
Care and Feeding of Telex Radio Dispatch Systems
C-6200 Setup
Auxiliary Relay Output:
The DB25 AUX connector provides connection to the AUX relays, depending on the setting of the
AUX button in the tech mode, this output is a relay closure that can be used for whatever purpose is
Auxiliary DB25 Connector:
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
Dave Grant /
11/5/2010 Page 5 of 18
Care and Feeding of Telex Radio Dispatch Systems
C-6200 Setup
6200TCRD - Line Ports 1-9:
The C-6200 can accommodate up to 18-lines, in multiples of two. The nine-line connectors are on
the rear of the unit and are standard DB25 connectors for TCRD and RJ-12 for PCRD. The pin-outs
of the connectors appear below.
Phase 4 Design, Inc.
Dave Grant /
11/5/2010 Page 6 of 18
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