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Radio Dispatch Products
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Features ....................................................................................................................................................6
C-2000HS Features ............................................................................................................................................. 6
C-2000 Features .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Display Character Description ............................................................................................................................ 6
Line Interface ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................................7
Front Panel ...............................................................................................................................................7
Common Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................8
Volume Control ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Panel PTT Push button ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Function Buttons Up-Down ................................................................................................................................ 8
Transmit LED ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Power Jack ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Line Port ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Data Port ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Supervisor Function ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Relay Contact Closure For Local Control ...................................................................................................... 13
RX Side Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 13
TX Side Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Transmit Side Adjustments ............................................................................................................................14
The C-2000 is a full featured single-channel, multi-format, and self-contained desktop radio control console. Its sleek and
modern look compliments any surrounding.
The C-2000 is a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) based design, allowing easy field programmability using the
DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) keypad on the front of the console. Unlike other manufacturers’ equipment, no
additional software is required to program the C-2000 console. Modifications and enhancements can generally be made
through software changes only. If the user determines they require a special feature enhancement, please contact the Radio
Dispatch Sales Department for cost and feasibility.
Initial line level adjustments are made via potentiometers allowing for ease of installation. Should additional adjustments be
required, they can be made in the programming mode. AGC (Automatic Gain Control) on the receive and microphone audio
paths help stabilize line level adjustments.
The C-2000’s modular design offers control of one (1) base station, along with selection of 99 frequencies. The line interface
offers crossmute capability and squelch control feature eliminating the unwanted noise that is generally associated when
monitoring a line.
The C-2000 accommodates a desk microphone along with a handset (or headset) as indicated on the side of the C-2000
console. In addition to the external microphone options, a built in panel microphone is available by pressing the
PTT (Push-To-Talk) on the front of the panel. When a PTT occurs from any of the three (3) microphones, the others will mute
so as not to pick-up unnecessary ambient noise during transmission. When the handset is enabled and taken off hook, the
receive audio is transferred to the earpiece.
The console is normally used in conjunction with a matching Radio Dispatch 223 Series (or equivalent) tone-remote panel
located at the base station. The console is compatible with Motorola
control systems employing the industry-standard sequential tone-control format.
The console is connected to the mating panels by means of shielded voice-grade or better leased or private lines (including
microwave circuits). Metallic or DC continuity is not required.
C-2000 and C-2000HS Technical ManualIntroduction 7
Hardware Overview
The C-2000 is a single-line, multi-mode console designed specifically for small- to medium-level systems. All functions are
housed in a single small modern looking console.
C-2000 Console
The C-2000 console consists of two (2) sub-assemblies; the main processing board and keypad/display board that are enclosed
in a single case.
Line Interface
The Line interface is an 8-pin RJ-45 connector, using either the standard tone control format compatible with
Motorola and M/A ComNet Ericsson/GE or Local Control relay closure. The line interface may be hardware configured for
either a 2-wire or 4-wire operation and may be factory modified to accommodate non-industry standard tone control formats,
if desired. This is usually a software only change.
Controls and Indicators
FIGURE 1. Front Panel
Front Panel
The Front Panel, shown in Figure 1, contains the user I/O. It features volume and function tone selection, intercom and
monitor functions, DTMF keypad, panel PTT and microphone, as well as the dual seven-segment display.
8 IntroductionC-2000 and C-2000HS Technical Manual
Common Controls and Indicators
Vol u me Co n tro l
The Volume Control is used to adjust the receive audio speaker and handset level of the audio present on the receive inputs of
the line interface. A minimum volume level can be configured in the setup mode so the console operator can not turn the
volume to zero (0). When adjusting the level up or down, the display shows the selected level on a relative scale with zero (0)
being off and 25 being full volume.
Panel PTT Push button
The Panel PTT Push button when pressed, audio from the panel microphone, or desk microphone if enabled, is sent on the
TX line interface.
DTMF Keypad
The DTMF keypad is used for transmitting DTMF. The DTMF keypad is also used in the setup mode. It can also be disabled
in user mode.
Dual Seven-Segment Display
The Dual Seven-Segment display is used to select a frequency and updates with parallel frequency selection, if active.
Function Buttons Up-Down
The Up and Down arrows are used to select the desired function tone. Pressing the arrows changes the value in the desired
direction. Once the desired function tone is selected, the unit pauses, blinks and then sends the function tone shown on the
display. The pause and blink rate are programmable in setup mode. Only enabled function tones are displayed and transmitted.
No hold tone is associated with the changing of the function tone. A function tone remains selected until the operator changes
the setting.
Transm i t LED
The Tra nsmitLED lights when any PTT source is depressed keying up the console. It also blinks if a hold tone is detected on
the TX audio line. This indicates to the operator that another console is currently transmitting on the channel.
When the Monitor button is pressed a monitor tone burst is sent out. The monitor tone burst consists of a guard tone and
function tone of 2050Hz (default value). The MON LED lights for the duration of the tone burst.
Intercom (IC)
When the Intercom button is pressed and held down the C-2000 transmits audio without activating the tone generator or local
relay. Intercom is considered a PTT operation with the tone generator and local control relay disabled. The selected
microphone is based on setup and/or hookswitch status.
C-2000 and C-2000HS Technical ManualIntroduction 9
Rear Panel Connections
Rear Panel Ports
The Rear Panel connections are shown in Figure 2, drawing of the rear panel of the C-2000.
Power Jack
The left most jack on the C-2000 is the Power Jack. The power supply included with the unit plugs in to this location. It is a
standard 2.5mm center positive plug and requires at least 12V to operate correctly.
FIGURE 2. Rear Panel
Line Port
The C-2000 is equipped with a single Line Port. the connector is a standard 8-pin RJ-45; the pinout is shown in Figure 3. In
addition to the standard RX and TX pin pairs, the unit can be supervised and supports crossmute functions. Pins 7 and 8 of the
line connector can be used as a form C closure relay for local control. Pins 7 and 8 form the closure during any PTT operation.
An internal resistor makes an external connection to ground unnecessary, and can be removed to remove ground from the
closure path.
Auxiliary Audio Input
The external 6-pin terminal block provides an audio input (1), PTT (2), and GND (6) line. Pulling PTT to ground activates the
audio input line for transmitting audio from an external source. This input is a high impedance capacitance coupled input.
Auxiliary Speaker
Pin 1 of the AUX Port is a capacitance coupled low impedance output used to drive an external speaker amplifier. Output level
is controlled by the front panel volume control.
10 IntroductionC-2000 and C-2000HS Technical Manual
Battery Backup
The +12V power input on the AUX Port is used for Battery Backup and is a diode-protected input.
Earth Ground
The EarthGround connection on the AUX Port must be connected for proper operation. It provides a path for any external
noise to be shunted to.
Data Port
The DataPort is a 0 V to 10V asynchronous port used for cloning one (1) C-2000 to another. The cable is not supplied but the
connector is. To connect two (2) units, RX on one (1) console should be connected to TX of the other console. Ground is
connected straight through. This is a non-standard serial port used only for the C-2000 cloning function.
Sequential Tone Line Input and Output Impedance:
Line Input Level: -40dBm to +10dBm adjustable.
Line Output Level: -20dBm to +10dBm into a 600 Ohm line, adjustable (high-level guard
Distortion: 3% maximum at full output.
Hum and Noise: 50dB below operating levels.
Speaker (one): 3in 8 Ohm, heavy-duty.
Amplifier Power: 2W maximum at 3% THD into an 8 Ohm load or equivalent.
The Line interface for the C-2000 console provides communication with any standard tone remote system. The pinout of the
line interface connector is shown in Figure 4, which is on the rear panel.
12 InstallationC-2000 and C-2000HS Technical Manual
Feature Description
When a parallel console operator keys a microphone in the same room, the Crossmute function mutes the receive audio path
of the other parallel consoles. This prevents any unwanted audio loops that could occur, causing a loud squeal on the parallel
FIGURE 5. Crossmute Function Example
Feedback may be avoided by muting the receive audio of the other consoles which are in parallel with a transmitting console.
This can be accomplished by connecting pins 1 and 8 of each of the consoles to be crossmuted. as shown in Figure 5. Pin 8
must be connected to provide a common ground. Figure 5 illustrates the connections between consoles 1 through 3 that are in
the same room and when one (1) transmits, the receive audio on the other consoles is muted. Console 4 is off-site with no
possibility of feedback, therefore, it is not connected and is not muted.
NOTE:The intercom function does not work between crossmuted consoles.
Supervisor Function
FIGURE 6. Supervisor Function Example
The Supervisor function enables a console, such as the C-1616 which has the capability to drive this line, to disable all units
on a particular line. This includes both PTT and RX audio. Its connection is similar to the crossmute function. By wiring
alone, it is possible to set up only specific consoles with this feature. The connection scheme required to utilize this function is
shown in Figure 6. Pin 2 of all consoles are connected together. Pin 8 is a common ground for all consoles and is connected
together on all consoles.
Assuming console 1 has supervisory capability, when activated, Line 1 on parallel consoles 2 and 3 would then be inhibited
from both transmit and receive. In addition, the C-2000 displays SU on the seven (7) segment display if a master console, such
as the C-1616, activates the supervisor function.