TeleWell TW-EA510v4 User Manual

ADSL2+ WLAN 802.11g
User’s Manual
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTI ON T O YOUR RO UTER ..........................................................................................................3
FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE ROUTER......................................................................................7
MPORTANT NO TE FO R USING THIS ROUT E R.............................................................................................7
PACKAGE CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................7
THE FRONT LEDS .................................................................................................................................8
THE REAR PORTS ..................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3: BASIC INSTALLATION.............................................................................................11
CONNECTI NG YO UR ROUT ER ................................................................................................................11
FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS .............................................................................................................16
Web Interface (Username and Password).......................................................................................16
LAN Device IP Settings...................................................................................................................16
ISP setting in WAN site...................................................................................................................16
DHCP server..................................................................................................................................16
LAN and WAN Port Addresses........................................................................................................ 16
INFORMATION FROM YOUR ISP............................................................................................................17
CONFIGURING WITH YOUR WEB BROWSER ........................................................................................... 18
V4 ADSL ROUTER APPLICATION.........................................................................................6
CHAPTER 4: CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................19
ARP Table......................................................................................................................................20
Wireless Association Table............................................................................................................. 20
Routing Table.................................................................................................................................21
DHCP Table................................................................................................................................... 21
PPTP Status ................................................................................................................................... 23
Email Status ...................................................................................................................................23
Event Log.......................................................................................................................................24
Error Log.......................................................................................................................................24
NAT Sessions..................................................................................................................................25
UPnP Port m a p............................................................................................................................... 26
QUICK START......................................................................................................................................27
CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................29
LAN (Local Area Network).............................................................................................................29
Bridge Interface ..........................................................................................................................29
Ethernet ......................................................................................................................................30
IP Alias .......................................................................................................................................30
Ethernet Client Filter...................................................................................................................31
Wireless Security........................................................................................................................34
Wireless Client Filter...................................................................................................................36
Port Setting.................................................................................................................................37
DHCP Server ..............................................................................................................................38
WAN (Wide Area Network)............................................................................................................. 39
ISP .............................................................................................................................................39
Table o f Co nt e nts i
System ............................................................................................................................................51
Time Zone..................................................................................................................................51
Remote Access ..........................................................................................................................52
Firmware Upgrade......................................................................................................................52
Backup / Restore........................................................................................................................53
Restart Router ............................................................................................................................53
User Management......................................................................................................................54
Firewall and Access Control...........................................................................................................55
General S et t ings.........................................................................................................................56
Packet Filter................................................................................................................................57
Intrusion Detection......................................................................................................................64
URL Filter...................................................................................................................................66
IM / P2P Blocking.......................................................................................................................68
Firewall L og ................................................................................................................................69
VPN (Virtual Private Networks)......................................................................................................70
PPTP (Point -to-Poi nt T unneling Protocol)...................................................................................70
QoS (Quality of Service).................................................................................................................78
Outbound IP Throttling (LAN to WAN) ........................................................................................80
Inbound I P T hrottling (W AN to LAN) ...........................................................................................81
Virtual Server (“Port Forwarding”)............................................................................................... 85
Add Virtual Server.......................................................................................................................86
Edit DMZ Host............................................................................................................................88
Edit One-to-One NAT (Network Address Translation).................................................................89
Time Schedule................................................................................................................................92
Configuration of Time Schedule ..................................................................................................93
Static Route................................................................................................................................94
Dynamic DNS.............................................................................................................................95
Check Email ...............................................................................................................................96
Device Management...................................................................................................................97
VLAN Bridge.............................................................................................................................101
Mail Alert for WAN IP................................................................................................................105
SAVE CONFIGURATION TO FLASH ......................................................................................................106
CHAPTER 5: TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................. 107
PROBLEMS S T ARTING UP THE RO UTER ................................................................................................107
PROBLEMS WIT H THE WAN INTERFACE ............................................................................................. 107
PROBLEMS WIT H THE LAN INTERFACE ..............................................................................................108
APPENDIX A: PRODUCT SUPPORT AND CONTACT INFORMATION..................................109
Table o f Co nt e nts iii
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction to your Router
Welcome to the TeleWell TW-EA510v4 Router. The router is an “all-in-one” unit, combining an ADSL modem, IEEE 802.11g wireless access point, ADSL router with four-port 10/100M auto-crossover Switch, a nd Fire wall, ena bling y ou to m aximiz e the pot ential of your existin g resourc es. The T W-EA5 10 version 4 can provide everything you need to get the machines on your network connected to the Internet ov er y our A DSL b roadb an d co nnec tio n. It supp orts t he lat es t A DSL 2/2 + tech nology en ab ling u p to and beyond ADSL2+ wire-speed. Its powerful QoS feature for traffic priority and bandwidth management makes the device a perfect mate to the office user. Access Po int in t his device, t he router brin gs up t he productiv it y and mobil it y t o of f ic e us ers .
With featur es suc h as an A DSL Qu ick-St art wizar d and DHCP S erv er, you c an be onli ne in no ti me at all and with a minimum of fuss and configuration, catering for first-time users to the guru requiring advance d f eat ures and control over t heir Internet connec t ion and netw ork.
With integrated 54Mbps 802.11g
Express I nternet Access
The router complies with ADSL worldwide standards. It supports downstream rate up to 12/24
Mbps with ADSL2/2+, 8Mbps with ADSL. Users enjoy not only high-speed A DSL se rvic es but also
broadband multimedia applications such as interactive gaming, video streaming and real-time audio muc h easier and faster th an ever. It is compliant w ith Multi-Mode stan dard (ANSI T1.41 3,
Issue 2; G.d mt (ITU G.992.1); G.lite (ITU G.99 2.2); G.hs (ITU G9 94.1); G.dmt. bis (ITU G.992.3 ); G.dmt.bisplus (IT U G.992.5)).
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
It allows user t o make a t unnel with a re mote site directly to secu re the dat a transmiss ion amon g the connect ion. User can use e mbedde d PPTP client/serv er which is supporte d by this router to make a VP N connection or us ers can run the PPTP client in P C and the router alr eady provides PPTP pass t hrough f unction t o establis h a VPN c onnect ion if the us er likes to ru n the PP TP client in his local computer.
802.11g Wirel ess A P with WP A Support
With integrat ed 802.11g Wire less Access Poi nt in the router, the devic e offers a quick an d easy access among wired network, wireless network and broadband connection (ADSL) with single device sim plicity , an d as a res ult, mobil ity t o the users . In addit ion t o 54 M bps 8 02. 11g dat a rat e, it also interoperates backward with existing 802.11b equipment. The Wireless Protected Access (WPA) and W ireless Encrypt ion Protocol (W EP) supported f eatures enhanc e the security level of data protect ion and ac c es s c ont rol via Wireless LAN.
Fast Ethernet Switch
A 4-port 10/100Mbps fast Ethernet switch is built in with automatic switching between MDI and MDI-X for 10Base- T and 100Bas e-TX port s. An Ethe rnet straig ht or crossov er cable ca n be used directly for aut o detecti on.
Multi -Protocol t o Est abli s h A Connec t ion
It support s PPPoA (R F C 2364 - PPP over A T M A daptation Layer 5), RFC 148 3 encapsulation ove r ATM (bridged or routed) and PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516) to establish a connection with the ISP. The product als o s upports VC-based and LLC- based mult iplexing.
Chapte r 1 : In tr od uctio n
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Quick Installation Wizard
It support s a WEB GUI page t o install t his device quickly. With this wizard, end use rs c an enter the information easily w hich they g et f rom their ISP, t hen surf th e I nt ernet imme diately.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and UPnP NAT Traversal
This protoc ol is used t o enable si mple and rob ust connect ivity among s tand-alone devices an d PCs from many different vendors. It makes network simple and affordable for users. UPnP architect ure lev erag es T CP/I P and the Web to en abl e sea mless proxi mity network i ng in addit ion t o control and data transfer among networked devices. With this feature enabled, users can now connect t o N et m eet ing or MS N M es s enger sea m lessly.
Net work A ddres s Transl ati o n (NAT)
Allows multi-users to access outside resources such as the Internet simultaneously with one IP address/o ne Internet ac cess acc ount. Many ap plication lay er gateway ( ALG) are sup ported suc h as web browser, ICQ, FTP, Telnet, E-mail, News, Net2phone, Ping, NetMeeting, IP phone and others
SOH O Firewall Security with DoS a n d S PI
Along with the built-in NAT natural firewall feature, the router also provides advanced hacker pattern-filt ering protection. I t can automatically d etect and block Denial of Service (DoS) attack s. The router is built with Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) to determine if a data packet is allowed through th e f irewall to th e private LAN.
Domain Name System (DNS) relay
It provides an easy way to map the domain name (a friendly name for users such as
) and IP address. When local machine sets its DNS server with this router’s IP address, ev ery DNS conv ersion request packet from the P C to this router wi ll be forwarded t o the real DNS in the outside net work.
Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS)
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname. This dynamic I P address is t he WAN IP a ddress. For example, t o us e t he servic e, y ou must firs t apply f or an account from a DDNS service like
. More than 5 DDNS servers are
Quality of Service (Q oS )
QoS gives you full c ontrol ov er which types of o utgoing data traff ic should b e given p riority by t he router, ensuring important data like gaming packets, customer information, or management informatio n mov e thro ugh the router ay lightn ing speed, ev en un der heav y loa d. The Q oS feat ures are config urable by sou rce IP addr ess, destin ation IP addres s, protoco l, and port. Y ou can thrott le the spee d at which diff erent types of outgoing d ata pass thro ugh the rout er, to ensure P2P users don’t saturate upload bandwidth, or office browsing doesn’t brin g client web serving to a halt. In addition, or alter nativ ely, you can s im ply cha ng e the pri ority of differ ent t ypes of uplo ad d ata an d let the router sort out the act ual spee ds .
Virtu al Server (“ p ort forwar ding”)
Users ca n specify s ome s ervices t o be v isible fro m outsid e users . The ro uter c an detect inco ming service req uests an d forw ard eithe r a single p ort or a ra nge of po rts to the s pecific l ocal com puter to handle it . For example, a user can as sign a PC in th e LAN actin g as a WEB serv er inside an d expose it t o the outs ide net work. Outsi de users c an browse i nside we b servers directly while it is protected by NAT. A DM Z host setting is also provide d to a local com puter expos ed to the out side network, Internet.
Chapte r 1 : In tr od uctio n
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Rich Packet Filtering
Not only filters the packet based on IP address, but also based on Port numbers. It will filter packets from and to t he I nt ernet, and also provides a hig her level of security control.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client and server
In the WAN site, the DHCP client can get an IP address from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) automatically. In the LAN site, the DHCP server can allocat e a range of client IP a ddresses an d distribute t hem including IP ad dres s , s ubnet mas k as w ell as DNS IP ad dress to local comput ers . I t provides a n easy way t o manage the local IP network.
Static and RIP1/2 Routing
It has routin g c apability and supp ort s eas y s t at ic routing table or RIP1/ 2 routing p rot ocol.
Si m ple Ne tw or k Ma na ge m e nt Pr ot oc ol (S NM P)
It is an easy w ay t o remotely m anage the r out er v ia SNMP.
Web based GUI
It supports web based G UI for configurati on and manag ement. It is user-friendly and c omes with on-line help. It also supports remote management capability for remote users to configure and manage t his product.
Firmware Upgradeable
Device ca n be upgrade d to the latest firmwar e t hrough the W EB based G UI.
Rich management interfaces
It supports f lexi ble m anag e ment int erf aces with lo cal cons ole p ort, LAN port, an d WAN port . Users can use terminal applications through the console port to configure and manage the device, or Telnet, W EB GUI, and SNMP thro ugh LAN or W AN ports to c onf igure and manage the device.
Chapte r 1 : In tr od uctio n
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
TW-EA510v4 ADSL Router Application
Figure 1.1 Application Diagra m of TW-EA510v4
Thank you for your purchase, and welc ome t o the world of broadba nd Int e rne t
Chapte r 1 : In tr od uctio n
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Import a nt no te for us i n g thi s ro ut er
Do n ot use this rout e r in high humidity or high t e mperatures. Do not use the same power source for this router as other
Do not open or repair the case yourself. If this router is too hot,
turn off the power imme diat ely and hav e it repaire d at a qualified service c enter.
Avoid using this product and all accessories outdoors.
Place this router o n a s table surface.
Only use the power adapter t ha t comes with the pac kage. Usin g
a differen t voltage rating pow er adaptor may dama ge t his router.
Package Contents
802.11g AD SL2+ Fire wall Ro uter
Chapter 2: Installing the Router
RJ-11 ADSL/telephone Cable Ethernet (CAT-5 LAN) Cable RJ-45 to RS-232 Console Kit AC-D C p ower adapter (12VD C, 1A) A detachable antenna Manual
Chapter 2: Installing the router
The Front LE D s
LED Meaning
1 Internet
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Lit green w hen IP connected.
Flashes green when IP connected and IP traffic is passing thru the device.
Lit red whe n dev ice atte m pt ed t o become I P c onnected and faile d.
Ethernet Port
5 Mail Lit and flashed periodically wh en t here is e mai l in the Inbox .
6 Power
1X — 4X
(RJ-45 connector)
Lit green when successfully connected to an ADSL DSLAM (“linesync”).
Lit when the LAN link is c onnected t o an Ethernet device. Green for 100Mbps; Orange for 10Mbps. Blinking w hen data is T ransmitted / R ec eived.
Lit green w hen the wireles s c onnection is estab lished. Flashes w hen sendi ng/ receiving data. Flashes at 1Hz when WP S is ac t iv e.
Lit green w hen power o n. Lit red when POST(Power On Self Test) failure (not bootable) or
device malfu nctio n.
Chapter 2: Installing the router
The Rear Ports
1 3 4
The Ethernet Port # 4 can be used as a console port. You need a special console tool that already includes in the package to connect with LAN port 4 and PC’s RS -232 port (9- pin serial p ort ).
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Port Meaning
Power Switch
Ethernet Port
1X — 4X
(RJ-45 connector)
WPS Push Butt on
Power ON/OFF switch
Connect t he s upplied power ada pt er t o t his jack.
To be sure the device is being turn ed on press RESET button for:
1-3 seconds: quick reset the dev ice. 6 seconds above, and power off, power on the device: restore to
factory default settings. (Cannot login to the router or forgot your Userna me/Passw ord. Press the b ut t on f or more than 6 seconds ).
Caution: After pressing the RESET button for more than 6 seconds, to be sure you power cycle the device again.
Connect a UTP Ethernet cable (Cat-5 or Cat-5e) to one of the four LAN ports when connecting to a PC or an office/home network of 10Mbps o r 100Mbps.
Caution: Port 4 can be either a LAN or Console port at a time but not both.
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is designed to ease set up of security­enabled Wi -Fi networks in t he home a nd small office environment.
Note: This feature is suppted later by software update. Press WPS Push Button to acti v ate W PS featu r e .
Connect the supplied RJ-11 (“telephone”) cable to this port when connecting to the AD SL/ t elephone network .
Chapter 2: Installing the router
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
One of the most common causes of problems is bad cabling or ADSL line(s). Make sure that all connected devic es are tur ned on. On t he front of the pr oduc t is a bank of LE Ds. V erify t hat the L A N Link and ADSL line LEDs are lit. If t hey are not, verify t hat y ou are usin g t he proper ca bles.
Ensure that al l other devices connect ed to the same t elephone line as your router (e. g. telepho nes, fax machines, analogue modems) have a line filter connected between them and the wall socket (unless you are using a Central Splitter or Central Filter installed by a qualified and licensed electrician), and ensure that a ll lin e filters are c orrec tly ins tall ed an d the rig ht w ay ar ound. Miss ing lin e filt ers o r line f ilters installed the wrong way around can cause problems with your ADSL connection, including causing frequent d is c onnections .
Chapter 2: Installing the router
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Chapter 3: Basic Installation
The router can be configured with your web browser. A web browser is included as a standard application in the following operating systems: Linux, Mac OS, Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Me, etc. The product pr ov ides a very eas y and user-friendly interface fo r c onf iguratio n.
Please ch eck your P C’s net work co mponents . The T CP/IP pr otocol stac k and Eth ernet net work a dapter must be installed. If not , please refer t o y our Wind ows-relate d or other op erat ing system manuals.
There are ways to connect with the router, either through an external repeater hub to the router or directly connecting with PCs. However, to be sure PCs have an Ethernet interface installed properly prior to connecting to the router device. You ought to configure your PCs to obtain an IP address through a DH CP serv er or a f ix ed IP a ddres s th at m ust be i n the s am e su bnet as the r oute r. The def ault IP address of the router is an d the subnet mask is (i.e. any att ached PC must be in the sa me sub net, an d have a n IP addr ess in the rang e of to The best and easiest way is to configure the PC to get an IP address automatically from the router using DHCP. If you encounter any problem accessing the router’s web interface it may also be advisable to
uninstall any kind of software firewall on your PCs, as they can cause problems accessing the IP address of the router. Users sh ould mak e their own d ecisions o n how to bes t protec t
their net work. Please foll ow the steps below for y our PC’s net w ork environment ins t allation.
Any TCP/IP capable workstation can be used to communicate with or through the router. To configure other types of workstations, please consult the manufacturer’s documentation.
Connecting your router
1. Connect t his router to a LAN (Local Area N et w ork ) and the A D SL/ t elephone (ADSL) network.
2. Power o n t he device.
3. Make sur e t he Power LED is lit green stea dily and that th e LAN LED is lit.
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Config uring PCs in Windows in Window XP
1. Go to Start / Contr ol Panel (in Classic Vi ew). In the C ontrol Panel, double-click Netw ork Connections.
2. Double-click Local Area Connection. (See Fi g ure 3.1)
3. In the LAN Area Connection Status window, click Properties. (See Figure 3.2)
4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. (See Figure 3.3)
5. Select the Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically radio buttons. (See Fig ure 3.4)
6. Click OK to finish the configuration.
Figure 3.1: LAN Area C onnection
Figure 3.2: LAN Connection St at us
Figure 3.3: TCP / IP
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
Figure 3.4: I P Address & DNS
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Configuring PCs in Windows 2000
1. Go to Start / Se ttings / Control Pan el. In the Control Panel,
double-click Network and Dial-up Connections.
2. Double-click Local Area (“LAN”) Connection. (See Figure
3. In the LAN Area Connection Status window, click
Properties. (See Figure 3.6)
4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
(See Figure 3.7)
5. Sel ect t he Obt ain an IP address a utomatically and Obtain
DNS server address automatically radio buttons. (See Fig ure 3.8)
6. Click OK to finish the c onf igurati on.
Figure 3.5: LAN Area C onnection
Figure 3.6: LAN Connection St at us
Figure 3.7: TCP / IP
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
Figure 3.8: I P Address & DNS
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Configuring PC in Windows 95/98/ME
1. Go to Star t / Settin gs / Control Pa nel. In the Control Panel, double-click Network and c hoose the Configuration tab.
2. Select TCP / IP - > NE2000 Co mpatible, or the na me of any Network Int erface Ca rd (NIC) in your PC. (See Figure 3.9)
3. Click Properties.
4. Select the IP Address tab. I n this page, click t he Obtain an IP address automat ic ally radio but t on. (S ee Fi gur e 3.10)
5. Then select t he DNS Configuration tab. (See Figure 3. 11)
6. Select the Disable DNS radio button and click OK to finish
the configuration.
Figure 3.9: TCP / IP
Figure 3.1 0: I P Address
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
Figure 3.1 1: D N S Configurat ion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Configuring PC in Windows NT4.0
1. Go to Start / Settings / Control Panel. In the Control
Panel, double-click Netw ork and choose the Protocols tab.
2. Select TCP/IP Protocol and click Properties. (See Figure
3. Sel ec t t he O btai n an IP addr ess fro m a DHCP server radio
button and click OK. (See Figure 3.13)
Figure 3.12: TCP / IP
Figure 3.1 3: I P Address
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Factory Default Settings
Before co nf iguring yo ur, y ou need to know the foll owing default s et t ings.
Web Interface (Username and Password)
Username: admin Pas sword: a dmin
The defau lt us ername a nd passwor d are “admin” and “admin” respectively.
If you ever f orget the u sername/ p assword t o login to the router, you may press the RESET b ut ton up to 6 se conds to re store the fac tory default settings.
Caution: After pressing the R ESET button for more than 6 s econds, to be sure you power
cycle the device again.
LAN Device IP Settings
IP Address: 192. 168.0.254
Subnet M as k :
ISP setting in WAN site
R FC-14 83 Bri dged IP LL C
DHCP server
DHCP server is enabled. St art I P Address: 192.168.0. 100
IP pool counts: 100
LAN and WAN Port Addresses
The param et ers of LAN and WAN port s are pre-se t in t he f ac t ory . T he default v alues are shown bel ow.
LAN Port WAN Port
IP addres s Subnet Mask
DHCP server function Enabled IP addres ses for
distribution to PCs
100 IP addres ses continuing fr om
192.168. 0. 100 throu gh 192.16 8. 0. 199
The RFC-14 83 Bridged IP LL C function is enabled to automatically get the WAN IP address from the ISP.
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Information from your ISP
Before co nfiguring this devic e, you have to chec k with your ISP (Inter net Service Provid er) to find out what kind of serv ice is prov ided suc h as DHCP (Obtain an IP Address Automatically, Static IP (Fixed IP Address) an d PPPoE.
Gather th e inf ormation as illustrate d in t he follo win g t able and kee p it f or ref erence.
VPI/VCI, V C / LLC-based multiplexing, Username , Password, Se rvice Nam e,
PPPoE / PPPoE with Pass-through
and Domai n Na me Syst e m (DNS) IP a ddr ess (it ca be autom atica lly as sig ned by your ISP when you c onnect or be s et manually).
VPI/VCI, V C / LLC-based multiplexing, Username , Password, Se rvice Nam e, and Domai n Na me Syst e m (DNS) IP a ddr ess (it ca be autom atica lly as sig ned by your ISP when you connect or be set manually). In addition, additional WAN addr es s c an be assigned using PPPoE dialer.
VPI/VCI, VC / LLC-based multiplexing, Username, Password and Domain Name Sys te m ( DNS) I P ad dr ess (it c a be a uto ma tic ally ass ign ed by y our I SP when you connect or be set man ually).
RFC 1483 Bridge d
RFC 1483 Routed
VPI/VCI, VC / LLC-b as ed multiplex ing to use Bridged M ode.
VPI/VCI, VC / LLC-based multiplexing, IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway address, and Domain Name System (DNS) IP address (it is a fixed IP address).
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Configuring with your Web Browser
Open your web bro wser, enter t he I P address of your router, which by default is, an d click “Go”, a user na me an d pass word windo w prompt will appear. The default username and password
are “admin” and “admin”. (See Figure 3.14).
Figure 3.1 4: User name & Passwor d Prompt Wi donw
Congratulation! You are now successfully logon to the Router!
Chapter 3: Basic Insta lla tion
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
At the conf iguratio n homep age, the lef t navigation pane w here bookmarks are prov ided links y ou direc t ly to the desired setup page, including:
- ARP Table
- Wireless As s oc iation
- Routing Ta ble
- DHCP Table
- PPTP Status
- Email Status
- Event Log
- Error Log
- NAT Sessions
- Diagnostic
- UPnP Po rtmap
Quick Start Configuration
- System
- Firewall
- QoS
- Virtual S erv er
- Time Sc hedule
- Advanced
Save Confi g to FLASH Language (provides use r int erface in Fi nnish and English lan guages) Logout
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
ARP Table
This section d isplays the ro uter’s ARP (Add ress Resolutio n Protocol) Tabl e, which shows t he mapping of Internet (IP) a ddr esses to Ethe rn et (MA C) addr ess es. Th is is us eful as a quick way of deter mini ng t he MAC addr ess of the network i nterface of your P Cs to us e with the router’s Firewall – MAC Address
Filter function. See the Firewall s ec t ion of this m anual for mo re informat ion on this fe at ure.
IP Address: A list of IP addres s es of devices o n y our LAN (Local Area N et w ork ). MAC Addres s: The M AC (Media Ac c es s Control) addresses f or each device on your LAN. Interface: The int erf ac e name (o n t he router) that this IP Ad dres s c onnects t o. Static: St at ic s t at us of t he ARP table entry:
no” for dynamically-gen erated A RP table entr ies
yes” for stat ic ARP table entries added by the user
Wireless Association Table
AP Index: you can selec t “ MAIN”,”Virtual AP 1” and “ Virtua l AP2” IP Address: It is IP address of wir eless client t hat joins this network.
MAC: The MAC a ddress of wireless clie nt .
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Routing Tab le
Routing Ta ble Valid: It indic at es a success f ul routing st at us . Destination: The IP address of the destinat ion net wo rk . Netmask: Th e destinat ion net mask addres s. Gateway/Interface: The IP a ddress of the gateway or existing interfac e t hat this route will use. Cost: The number of hops count ed as the cost of the route. RIP Ro uting Ta ble Destination: The IP address of the destinat ion net wo rk . Netmask: Th e destinat ion net mask addres s. Gateway: The IP ad dres s of t he gate way t hat this route will use. Cost: The number of hops count ed as the cost of the route.
DHCP Table
Leased: The DH CP assig ned IP addr esses infor matio n. IP Address: A list of IP addres s es of devices o n y our LAN (Local Area N et w ork ). Expired: The expired IP addresses informat ion. Permanent: The f ix ed host ma pping infor m at ion
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Leas e d Ta bl e
IP Address: The IP address t hat assig ned t o c lient. MAC Addres s: The MAC address of client. Client Host Name : The H os t N ame (Com put er Name) of c lient . Expiry: The curre nt lease time of c lient.
Expi re d Ta ble
Please ref er t he Leased Table.
Per ma n e nt Ta ble
Name: The name you assigned to the Permane nt c onf iguration. IP Address: The fixed IP address for the s pecify client . MAC Addres s: The MAC Address that y ou want t o as s ign the fixe d I P address
Maxim um Lease Tim e: The maxim um lease ti m e int erval you allow to clie nt s
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
PPTP Status
This shows details of y our c onfigure d PPTP VP N C onnections .
Name: The name you assigned to the part icular P PTP connec t ion in your V PN configu rat ion. Type: The type of c onnection (dial-in/di al-out). Enable: Whether the connection is c urrently enabled. Active: Whether t he c onnection is current ly ac t iv e. Tunnel Connected: Whether the VPN Tunnel is currently con nec ted. Call Connected: If the Call for this VPN entry is c urrently con nec ted. Encryption: The encryption t y pe used for t his VPN connection.
Email Sta tus
Details and s t at us f or t he Email Ac c ount you hav e configured the router to check. Please see t he
Advanced section of this manual for details on t his function.
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Event Log
This pag e displays the rout er’s Event Log entri es . M ajor events are logged to this window, such as when the router’s ADSL connection is disconnected, as well as Firewall events when you have enabled Intrusion or Blocking Lo gging in the Configuration – Firewall sect ion of the interfac e. Please s ee the
Firewall sectio n of t his manual for more details on how to enable Fir ewall loggi ng.
Error Log
Any errors enc ountere d by t he router (e.g. invalid names giv en to entries ) are logged to this window.
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
NAT Sessions
This section lists all current NAT sessions between int erface of ty pes ex ternal ( W AN) and internal (LAN).
It tests the connection to computer(s) which is connected to LAN ports and also the WAN Internet connection. If PING PC’s DNS settings is set correctly.
is shown FAIL and th e rest is PASS, y ou ought to ch eck your
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
UPnP Portmap
The section lists all port-mapping established using UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). Please see the
Advanced section of this manual for more details on UPnP and the r out er’s UPnP c onfiguration opti ons .
Chapter 4:Configuration
Quick Start
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
For detail ed ins t ructions on c onfiguri ng y our WA N set t ings , please see t he WAN section of this ma nual. Your ISP will be able to supply all the details you need, alternatively, if you have deleted th e current
WAN Con nect ion i n the WAN – ISP sect ion of th e inte rface, y ou c an us e th e rout er’s PV C Sc an f eat ure to attempt t o determine t he Encapsulation ty pes off ered by your I SP.
Click Start to begin scannin g for encapsul ation types of fered by you r ISP. If the sc an is successf ul you will then be p resented with a list of supporte d opt ions:
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
Select the desired o ption fro m the list an d click Apply to ret urn to the Quick Sta rt interfac e to conti nue configuri ng yo ur IS P con nectio n. Pl eas e note t hat the cont ent s of t his list will vary , de pendi ng on wh at is supporte d by y our ISP.
Chapter 4:Configuration
TW-EA510 version 4 ADSL2+, WLAN 802.11g, VPN, Firewall Router
When you clic k t his it em, you g et f ollowing sub-items to configure t he ADSL r out er.
LAN, WAN, System, Firewall, VPN, QoS, Virtual Server, Time Schedule and Advanced
These func t ions are desc ribed below in the fol lowing sections.
LAN (Local Area Network)
There are s even items withi n the LAN sectio n: Bridge Interface, Ethernet, IP Alias, Ethernet Client
Filter, Wirele ss, Wir ele ss Securi ty, Wireles s Clien t Filter, Port Setti ng and D HCP Ser ver.
Bridge Interface
You can setup member ports f or each VLA N g roup under Bridge Int erf ace section. From the example, two VLA N gr oups need to be created.
Ethernet: P1 (Port 1) Ethernet1: P2, P3 a nd P4 (Port 2, 3, 4) Please u ncheck P2, P3, and P4 f rom Ethernet VLAN po rt f irs t .
Note: You should setup each VLAN group with caution. Each Bridge Interface is arranged in this order.
Bridge Interface VLAN Port (Always starts with)
Ethernet P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 Ethernet1 P2 / P3 / P4 Ethernet2 P3 / P4 Ethernet3 P4
Management Interface: To specify which VLAN group has possibility to do device management, like doing web mana gem ent.
Note: NAT/NAPT can be applied to management interface only.
Chapter 4:Configuration
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